
Fifty Percent

Alyssia stayed on Zou for a long time as she and Anchie had got used to a carefree life.

Alyssia trained with Pedro, Dogstorm and Cat Viper so that she could improve herself a little more but also to push them to let them improve.

She was able to spend some of the time that she had missed along with her parents and they were able to celebrate her eighteenth birthday together.

While it was nice to not worry too much about the outside world, she still kept tabs what her crew were experiencing.

Baan, Cat Viper, Dogstorm all gathered on the MMA outside of a room which had been set up for experiments or surgeries.

The walls were made of special materials to suit the needs of the experiment and several dishes were set up within.

In the middle of the room was Pedro who had a look of determination in his eyes while the others were outside looking inside through the glass window.

Alyssia spoke so that Pedro could hear. "Are you certain that you wish to go through with this?

Pedro nodded. "I am ready. You have already told me everything I should expect so lets get started."

Alyssia rolled her eyes and sighed. 'Indeed he would be the self sacrificing fool that would jump up to undergo this process. I cannot complain though since he is helping me in the long run.'

If there was anyone that would be chosen or volunteered to become a sacrifice or a hero for the future of Zou then Pedro would always be the first to lay down his life.

While she had expected it a little when she brought up the serums and the technology, she was still unsure if the people of Zou would be accepting of such an unnatural serum that could alter their bodies.

It did take a long time to convince many others as many were against it but the combined efforts of Cat Viper, Dogstorm and Baan working together came up with a compromise that was using it on one Mink.

As a result of the compromise, Pedro had volunteered and he was the best candidate to choose from among the Minks that were still in the prime of their lives.

Since he did not have his lifespan taken by Big Mom thanks to the advice from Alyssia, he was in a very healthy state with no major injuries so he was more than healthy and strong enough to undergo the transformation.

Alyssia pressed a switch and the waves spread out and bounced off the walls as they each found their way towards Pedro.

He was injected with the first and second serum injections as he started to undergo his transformation and Alyssia explained. "The two serums used together will help to lessen the burden on his body and to deal with the loss of stamina and Electro. As you can see.. he is gradually completing his transformation."

The large amount of Electro was released from Pedro's body but he did not seem fatigued as he should be.

Cat Viper looked inside and his eyes sparkled. "So those energy serums do work."

Dogstorm smiled. "Now we just need to see how safe the other one is."

Baan nodded. "Yes.. this is the most important part. I must say that those machines you have built to help us transform are very good. We will definitely want some."

Alyssia smiled upon hearing their thoughts. "Since you brought it up.. I may need to borrow a couple of people in the future but we can leave that discussion for later."

Their eyes turned to Pedro who was experiencing the changes within his body and completed the next stage.

He then spoke calmly in his Sulong form as he had grown out a long white beard, moustache and longer white fur with many slightly darker spots while the rest of his body had become white and his eyes had turned red. "You can cancel it now."

Alyssia flicked off the switch and then smiled. "Excellent!"

Pedro reverted back to his original leopard Mink appearance and his hair became a long wavy blonde again but some strands had become slightly lighter and a part of his eyes had a tiny bit of red on it. "So strange."

Alyssia responded. "You will get used to it in no time and with practice, you should be able to break past the boundaries and access the hidden potential that has been unlocked. I will talk you through it later."

Baan studied Pedro and then said. "So the transformation is not immediate? Is this better for him this way?"

Alyssia nodded. "This way he can gradually undergo changes and he can adjust to those changes while gaining better control over his body and Electro. There is also the issue with each bodies aptitude for this serum, not everyone will be able to accept a full or half transformation right away as their bodies do not meet the requirements needed.

For it to be better acceptable for weaker bodies and those that have yet to reach the peak, it has been adjusted this way so that an individual cannot access the hidden potential within that their body cannot handle. If their body is at fifty percent then its limit stops there until it has undergone further training otherwise they would be putting their body at risk by going over the limit their body can handle."

Alyssia saw Pedro leaving the room and added. "I have been between twenty five percent and fifty for quite a while now and you must have noticed my gradual changes during this time. I will show you all the major barriers and what is required. I did put it off for a while so that I could show you all. Remember to flick that switch when I am ready."

As she was in the middle of the room, she sat down and adjusted her body and breathing to her best state. "You can begin."

Cat Viper flicker the switch before Dogstorm or Baan could do so. "Haha I got it first-nya~."

Baan rolled his eyes while Dogstorm revealed a look of ridicule upon seeing Cat Viper showing a triumphant look.

Once again Alyssia was faced with a major barrier in her bloodline where she needed to transform.

She injected herself with the energy serum on the same spot as the last time and sat as she began to transform.

As she completed her transformation, she sat and slowly pushed her body and Electro to its limits until she finally felt a big change within her body.

After a little time adjusting to her changes, she spoke. "You can turn it off now."

Just as she said so, the waves no longer spread around the room and she started reverting back to her previous state.

As she changed back, the growth of her body had partly remained and her hair and fur had become even lighter as she could no longer be considered as an ordinary Mink but instead she looked like a Mink and Sulong hybrid after she had completed fifty percent of her transformation.

None of her black hair remained as it had become a silvery grey with some lighter highlights and her grey fur had become closer to the pure white colour of the Sulong white fur, half of her eyes were black while the other half was red but even her darker features like her nose had become lighter.

Her new height was at 7'4" as she had grown by 1" after the transformation and she had grown one more during her time growing and breaking past the minor barrier in her bloodline.

Alyssia stretched her body and calmly said with a smile on her face. "So this is fifty percent. What do you think?"

She closed her eyes to check her status for a moment and confirmed that everything was in order without any errors. 'Hmm.. good!'

[Sulong Bloodline Limit Remover bonus (50%) - 2/4 Agility, 2.5/5 Strength 1.5/3 Endurance]

After checking the overall improvements to her stats and how her body had changed, she was very happy with how her agility, strength and endurance were at a level that had surpassed the limits of mortal humans and was in a realm of her own.

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