
Devil Ape Evolution Paths

The wounded Shiki and the Lawless King were each sent to be fixed back up by Tristan while they had the Sea Prism cuffs put back on before they were returned to their prison cells while they were occasionally brought back out to fight Alyssia again while she pondered on how to deal with them.

All of the projects were continuing and Ein was slowly learning how to use her own Foam abilities while she made some modifications to her exoskeleton suit.

Those that had left on their journey each had a devil ape to accompany them but they were also each trained to compliment the fighting style of the person they had been assigned to and they had each been given a SIQ Serum to help them evolve to suit that style.

The ape that was partnered up with Medea had been heavily influenced by her Rumble fruit powers so it built up an immunity to electrical attacks while it also had the ability to absorb electrical attacks and release them while it had been trained mostly for ranged attacks to compliment her style of melee combat and swordsmanship.

The combination of her electrical attacks and the apes ability to absorb and release it allowed for more strategic uses of her power and teamwork between them without her worrying about misfiring and hitting an ally.

The ape that was partnered up with Ashwin had been influenced by the sky environment so it grew wings on its back and learned how use many different types of guns to create a flying melee and ranged team.

The ape that was partnered up with Carrot had been influenced by a hot environment which gave it an immunity to fire or heat and it had learned to use all types of shields, armour and spear type weapons so that it could play the role of a tank while she was the assassin.

Meanwhile the other devil apes on the earth below had each developed their own fighting styles and had evolved to help out their new masters or partner while the remaining ones guarded the Sunken Castle and the back of Ness.

New types of plants were developed over a long time along with many types of smaller animals and bugs that were also transported to live on the island on Ness's back so it had been developing very quickly as a new civilisation and natural life cycle was beginning to form.

Water filtration and salt collection systems were set up one after another on the outer parts or the island while slowly other more modern things were beginning to be installed like a heating, water and electrical system.

Each of the SIQ Serums were still being researched to see their final outcome for different types of environments or forced situations that required the Serum to act in order to save them through evolution.

Tristan had developed a very potent and deadly poison which filled a room as one Devil Ape had been injected with it which caused it to become immune to poisons and be able to absorb and release it so it helped to work together with her to attack others or even clear away a poisonous area so she could treat those affected.

Aizah had her own evolve to gain wings but it much preferred to use a shield and mace to play the roles of a melee and ranged fighter to support each other while it was the same for Ann but her own ape had evolved in a very cold environment and Pascia's in a thunder environment but each of them had learned how to dance and perform while they had adapted to their roles as protectors.

Yvie's ape had took up swordsmanship while it had evolved in a jungle environment to make it much more agile and stronger than the others while many of the apes evolved in many other ways as the SIQ research had become more complete as time passed to allow a greater chance of acquiring a specific evolutionary path or a type of power.

Those that had a specific power or style that was more melee based got a supporter with a more ranged style and it was the opposite for the ranged type while some weaker people with less power got an ape with better defensive and melee combat capabilities.

There were a select few like Liushi who had chosen to keep a fellow swordsman type by his side while Monera had evolved hers in the direction to breathe and swim better underwater while it learned or mimicked Fishmen Karate from her.

The most unique case was Ein who had chosen for her devil ape to take a different path since it was already far superior to many strong warriors and did not need to improve all that much since it was fad ahead of her in many aspects.

She put the ape through all kinds of rigorous mental and learning tests to help improve the apes learning abilities and once it had hit a barrier, it was constantly put under the same tests as it was becoming more agitated at its failures and became more irritable but upon being injected with the serum, its intelligence rose sharply and it slowly started to learn new things quickly and it was not long before it could speak human language and was joining Ein by her side while it learned how to pilot different types of vehicles and even a mech.

Each of the crew members was already stepping towards their own individual path as they continued to improve themselves but upon receiving a partner, they had become even more formidable which would allow them to survive in the wide world without Alyssia watching over them all the time.

The deadline that Alyssia had given was slowly approaching and the closer that it was, the more each of them had made new breakthroughs and started perfecting some kind of combat style or worked on their own profession to improve their fame and fortune.

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