
Blue Box and Claw #2

In the sky, there was a person who had schemed the whole thing and she was cackling to herself as she had her arms stretched out towards the sky with her staff in one of her hands. "Wahahahaha! You have been beaten this time Teach!"

Ann looked over and facepalmed. "Are you sure that it is safe for us to do this?"

Alyssia shrugged. "We did not interfere or cause any problems so it will be partly overlooked and even if some take an interest, you can just go into hiding for a little while until it all blows over with the excuse that you are writing a new album."

The abilities displayed could be recognised by many but it did not mean it had to be Ann who was behind the illusion as other Devil Fruit powers could display similar effects.

She had only been seen turning small pictures into illusions of a certain size and had not ever shown an illusion to the scale that she had used during the battle so even if she was later suspected, it could be explained that what had been done was beyond her abilities.

Even if Ann and the White Storm became the suspects behind what had happened, the Marines would have their hands full in the future and would be much too busy to do a thorough investigation since it was low on their priority list.

Nearby was a tall and bulky figure which was Archie, his claws were covered with blood as he stood over the body of Whitebeard who had died and he started to sense the new power that had taken root within his body.

Just as he wished to test it out, Alyssia grabbed him by the arm and spoke. "Not yet, you need to find a secluded place to practice so that you can get used to it. Just remember that you cannot use it yet or be seen with the power otherwise you will be hunted down by others so that they can steal it from you. They will also target the White Storm if they find out who was behind this."

In order to allow her plan to work, she needed the Ark Maxim and Ann to pull it off but also someone to absorb the power after gaining the body of Whitebeard, the final element was the mechanical claw that somewhat resembled a claw from a claw machine but it had several modifications to secure the body in place after holding onto it and it started falling and stopping quickly and accurately then retracted quickly upon catching the intended target.

She had also mixed real with unreal elements in her plan to create further confusion so even while a large part of the cloud illusion was a fake, she had mixed her thunder clouds within and used them to attack those below when it was needed.

Several parts of the claw were reinforced and coated in Sea Prism to prevent any damage to it as it may even be attacked by ranged attacks like flying wind blades or other Devil Fruit powers so it was able to avoid damage from many of the Blackbeard Pirates who tried to get the body of Whitebeard back.

As the Ark Maxim rose to a greater height, even Sanjaun Wolf the mountain sized man had been unable to reach for the body in time before she had escaped.

Out of everyone that she had in mind for Whitebeard's Devil Fruit, she had chosen Archie because he was the most defensive and stationary fighter among the group.

Although he preferred to gain something more defensive, the Quake powers could be used in ways suited to his style allowing for his punches or palm strikes to incorporate many of Whitebeard's moves while he could also use his claws along with one of the more dangerous abilities that Whitebeard used during the war.

Archie nodded quietly before sitting down and Alyssia spoke. "Let's go home! Many changes will take place after this and many of you will need to be updated on your training plans. Now activate the burst!"

The Arc Maxim was then pushed through the air at a fast speed to gain a further distance away from the battlefield thanks to the additional modifications that had been done to it after she had claimed it for herself just so that she would have extra insurance to escape any kind of pursuits from people like Doflamingo or other Moonwalk users.

The Quake Devil Fruit was not her only gain as she was able to fly over the battlefield with the Ark Maxim disguised and mixing in with the clouds.

As she had gotten close to the battlefield, she was able to gain many skills from all around her as she updated her skills from the Marines, Blackbeard Pirates, Warlords and the Whitebeard Pirates that were on the battlefield.

Many different types of skills ranging from updates to her Six Powers, her martial arts, Elbaf Spear from the surrounding Giants, weapon based skills and many other types of skills of very high ranking fighters of the world.

Whether it be Garp, Sengoku, Whitebeard, Kizaru, Akainu, Kuzan, Boa Hancock, Doflamingo, Blackbeard, Jinbe, Mihawk or many others like Jozu or Marco, she was able to use their skills to update her own to further improve upon what she already had to improve her own training and style of combat while gaining more than enough to improve upon everyone else in her crew to a much higher grade.

In another location within Sabaody Archipelagos, there was another event that took place which was even less important but it did catch the attention of a certain person.

Many of the Worst Generation were watching the battle on the large screen and had seen the appearance of the strange blue box along with the misty smoke before the disappearance of Whitebeard.

Suddenly a filthy looking person who looked like a beggar walked towards Mad Monk Uruge and carried a box towards him before placing it on the ground. "I was paid to deliver this to you. Goodbye."

It looked like he had just been handed the box with instructions on who to deliver it to and he must have been paid already so he hurried towards his home not knowing what had happened behind him.

Uruge opened the box and looked inside to see the head that lay within. "Is this some kind of joke?"

He lifted it out and got a better look at it then he burst out into laughter. "Ahahahahaha! Enel! You are finally dead!"

His face looked a little more relieved as a small tear escaped the corner of his eye.

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