
Tempest Kick vs Trees

Alyssia started giving orders to the captives to help clean up the castle and check over the contents left from the Flintlock Pirates.

There was a large stash of berries and treasure which had been gained from their schemes as they robbed and sold off their victims, often the ships that they arrived on were taken and sold along with them which let them gain even more wealth.

Alyssia heard a lot of information from the captives and she had guessed that the captain must have had the Devil Fruit for a couple of months at the most considering the captains use of his wealth and not showing his abilities before the times that he later chose to transform.

Devil Fruits are like a game of chance for most people and often people do not get what they wished for or what best suits their fighting style.

Leno used a cutlass and flintlock pistol before he ate the fruit so most of his experiences came from that and he was not very good at melee combat.

However the carnivorous nature of the fruit gave him greater instincts for combat and his claws could easily cut through solid stone without being damaged in the slightest so when he could not get an accurate shot of his pistol on Alyssia and realised the difference in strength, he had chosen to transform and rely on his new power that had only been with him for a short time over his previous style of combat.

It did help him to overcome many enemies if he chose to use that way but Alyssia was different.

Each time she disappeared and reappeared she would leave behind afterimages which would confuse him, even with his improved senses he could still not properly land a finger on her body as she puncture him several times with a simple finger pistol.

If she had chosen to use Electro with the attack then the battle would have been over a lot sooner but she wished to use him to test herself against a new type of Zoan power.

As the castle was tidied up and as everyone left the castle grounds, Alyssia took some of the stored food from the castles warehouse to feed them before gibing them additional orders to start working on the insides of the walls around the castle to prepare the land for building homes and setting up a garden or a place for growing crops.

She looked up at the sun above and wiped the sweat from her forehead as she watched everyone working diligently as the land was slowly being transformed. "Everyone please help draw up a map of the perimeter, look for any blind spots, holes in the walls or anything that could be exploited by an enemy attack that we need to fix right away. A couple of you should follow me."

She started heading outside the walls and was met with the sight of many trees blocking her path to her ship so a plan came to mind. "We need homes for some people and a path needs to be cleared for a safer route for the others. So it is win win."

She disappeared and reappeared in the air near the top of a group of trees and kicked out her leg before changing to a lower position and did the same. "A simple tempest kick should do the job."

Many wind blades passed through the many trees in her path and neatly cut them from the top and then perfectly made the tree split up creating many large logs that were the same size.

Some toppled down as the trees lost their stability and had been hit by the wind blades while some parts remained as they were.

She expertly moved among the falling divided trees as they topped down and the claws on her hands cut through the falling pieces accurately as they were further divided into different shapes of rectangular planks of wood suitable for building homes and other structures while some were cut into simple small wooden logs suitable for making fires.

Each of her claw attacks carried a little power of Tempest Kick so they easily slices through the falling pieces of the trees.

A combination of her improved Observation Haki, Beast Instinct, Moonwalk and Tempest Kick allowed her to pull off such a feat with ease as she avoided being hit by the falling trees as she cut them up to be used for building.

After she had finished cutting everything as it had all fallen to the ground, she checked it all and saw that even the pieces of wood closest to the top had not been damaged thanks to her reducing the falling speed and damage of the fall impact with her attacks before they hit the ground.

Many stacks of wood were messily laying around on the ground leaving behind an short open space that stretched forward leaving behind only the stumps of the trees underneath. "For now you can take turns to carry some wood back to the walls to help build yourself a small hut for yourselves or at least a temporary home that will keep you away from the cold and rain. Those with strength should help carry while those with building experience should plan some ways to use the wood."

She started piling up a large amount of it and started tying it all together as they were all secured together before carrying a large pile of it back on her own which showed how far she had grown in strength.

Alyssia did not always show it off but she had long reached the stage that was called superhuman which allowed her to perform feats that others could not.

Lifting heavy objects or structures was not too difficult for her, while others were busy picking up a couple of pieces of wood before carrying it insides the walls around the Sunken Castle, she was casually carrying a large amount over her head as she quickly moved it inside the walls before returning for more before many of the other weak workers that had been captives. 'It seems that I have to do most of the work for now until the others arrive so first I should clear a path and then work out the best place to setup a more permanent docking area so that I can start building a direct road between there and the castle.'

Ness had arrived at the edge of the island before dropping her off but it was not the perfect area closest to the castle and there did not seem to be a suitable docking area on the part of the island where her castle was so it was best to scout an inhabited area nearby to build one and set up a road in between.

Her biggest obstruction to that would be the beasts and the tribes in the area so she jumped up into the sky with Moonwalk and started surveying her surroundings before planning out a couple of potential spots as she continued to create a path towards the edge of the island.

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