
Ghost and Ness

Alyssia knew that staying within Baldimore was not a long term plan so she had to think of many ways to move everything to a new location or finish up with her current experiments so she had hurried back with the new Dial Science Division to get back to work.

She quickly told the new scientists to keep their mouths shut about the Ark Maxim and stopped over Baldimore on an abandoned and desolate sky island before carrying each of them down to Baldimore.

She then moved the Ark Maxim to a more secluded location and set up many traps while hiding it enough within one of the Sky Islands.

Upon arriving back in Baldimore, she carried a golden staff and Enel as she landed back on the ground and entered the laboratory when it became dark.

Enel was restrained, given sedatives and was weakened by Sea Prism cuffs so he could not put up any resistance to her.

She locked him up within her research room and went back to her research the next day with the assistance of Tristan.

Whenever she had enough points, she would purchase upgrades as she bought the thunder based skill from Enel to better learn how to manipulate her Electro but also use her larger amount of Electro to create powerful attacks.

With the incoming troubles to Water Seven, many within White Storm were moved elsewhere to avoid being caught up in the conflicts in the future and Monera was asked to visit Fishmen Island to get ahold of some of their their underwater technology along with recruiting some skilled and trustworthy martial artists from the Fishmen Karate Dojo along with some skilled workers who were familiar with the various sea technology and their uses.

While the Straw Hat Pirates were making their way towards Water Seven, Alyssia was increasing the training she was undergoing while improving her Electro control and mastery over her various martial arts techniques.

Slowly she was breaking through each of her limits and improving her stats while the rest of her crew were improving in their own way.

One night while she returned to the laboratory after a long and harsh training routine, she started to prepare food for herself but she soon found that her special ingredients were running low so she made use of the timing of the changes within two of the cultivation chambers as the growth of one of the artificial lifeforms would soon be reaching the limitations of the chamber itself while the snake was slightly more comfortable as it was very long but had a thin body allowing it to curl up and not be affected by the limitation of the growth within the chamber.

However Alyssia decided to take them both out as they had reached a satisfactory level of growth.

The cultivation chambers were both drained of the fluids late at night and opened up as each creature opened their eyes slowly.

One was the snake and millennium dragon mixture that had many similarities to Boa Hancock's snake weapon named Salome but as Alyssia had created it, it possessed great abilities far beyond an ordinary weapon snake.

It had the potential to grow as big and tough as the snake god of Shandora and the snake on Sky Island, it knew how to use its long body like a snake weapon, it had much stronger scales on its body and had a much more powerful bite and body strength than most other snakes since it had been influenced by not just a millennium dragon but also the Red World Serpent.

However Alyssia did not stop there as she did not wish for the snake to just end there in potential or abilities as she had built in the ability to produce an egg upon its death should it die of old age or from a serious injury, it was a very strong swimmer while capable of land combat, it also possessed strong tracking and navigation senses and a very strong poisonous bite which made its future potential even stronger as a pet.

The current length of the snake was a little shorter than Salome but compared to its future potential growth that it would experience, Alyssia expected it to surpass it very soon even without the help of the cultivation chamber.

Alyssia approached the newly born snake and placed her hand near it slowly as it slowly got closer to her. "Good girl, you recognise your master right away upon waking up."

The white serpent flicked its tongue near her hand which tickled her a little before approaching and curling its body around Alyssia as it kept flicking its tongue on different parts of her body and its triangular eyes kept inspecting her body as it slowly began to show a fawning look. "Hiss."

Alyssia burst out laughing as she was slightly ticklish and then spoke. "Ahaha, alright alright. That is enough! Good girl, so obedient. Hmm.. what should I name you my new companion. How about Ghost?"

The white serpent tilted its head as if it did not yet fully understand her since it had little time to learn anything or understand its master. "Hiss."

Alyssia looked at its clueless look and chuckled. "Haha good then just accept the name. It is something the Marines tried to put on me as a title or nickname when my bounty was released so I will pass it onto you now. The main problem is that this island may not be too suitable for you so we may not be able to remain here for long. I think we should prepare to leave soon and I will prepare you some things to keep you warm. Now lets go see your sister… well, kind of?"

A large creature that was much bigger than herself with a large neck and tail appeared before her eyes, it had a slightly wide and long rough back that was suitable for standing on or carry or pulling.

It also had body parts that were most suitable to swimming and capable of moving at a steady pace within the sea even with a much larger body and with a heavy load on its back.

Its head was the shape of a typical dinosaur with powerful jaws as it had inherited many traits from creatures on Green Bit but one of the main things that was most notable was the small layer of dirt of mud that produced on its back which had started to harden a little upon being released from its body.

It was purely an aquatic creature but could live above the water or spent some time out of the water and it had very tough and durable skin along with strong bones and high strength making it a strong swimmer and excellent sea beast which had the potential to become a future island once it grew big enough.

Its body was the colour of a swamp green which made it difficult to spot at first within the sea, Alyssia's overall inspiration for the creature came from her previous life from different types of mythical creatures or Pokémon inspirations like the Loch Ness Monster and the Pokémon Lugia but slightly fiercer looking and more suited towards the sea rather than land or the sky.

She slowly approached it and reached out her hand but the big creature seemed to be slightly more laid back than her excitable snake but she did not mind. "Nice to meet you Ness! Sorry about the environment but just bear it for now and I will get you out of here soon, then we can go hunting for some food for you guys and get you used to your current bodies and strengths."

Ness had been made to become a mount for her within the water but as it grew bigger, it would then carry so much more be it a ship, a village or even a town or city since it was made to grow into an island sized beast or at least one big enough to still be able to travel the Grand Line and other seas like Zunesha had been.

Unlike Ghost who possessed a long lifespan but upon dying she would leave behind an egg, Ness had very strong vitality and an unknown lifespan so it would live on for possibly an infinite time so long as it was not killed one day.

One was a project to create a moving artificial island that could defend itself from predators or other attacks and the other was to create a powerful pet that had excellent navigation and tracking abilities along with many other unique traits or strengths.

While one would be the transportation the other would be the one sitting on its back and helping lead the way in most cases.

Alyssia continued to gain familiarity with both of them as she slowly introduced them both to Xena and Yao. "These are my kids, remember this you two. You must protect these treasures with your lives and make sure they never suffer any harm. I will introduce the others to you all later but for now you can gain some familiarity with them both before meeting the others. You must learn who to protect and not to attack first before anything then we can establish some signs to let you know what or when you can do certain things like attack or be allowed to do something that you are unsure about."

She looked at the two artificial lifeforms in front of herself and sighed. "Alright, wait until night comes and then I will sneak you both out when nobody is looking. Make some noise if you think you understand what I mean."

Ghost excitedly curled her body and flicker her tongue "Hiss!"

Ness looked down at Alyssia and slowly let out a noise in response. "Growl.."

Alyssia then massaged the space between her brows as she responded. "I think that you have responded to my words and you understand so good…. Although it is highly unlikely you would since you are fresh from your chamber. Oh well, an interpreter would be handy about now. I think I must have gone mad at some point, here I am talking to two newly born animals sigh."

Ghost added. "Hiss! Hiss!"

Ness added. "Growwlll."

Xena added. "Ah."

Yao added. "Gu."

Alyssia sighed. "Okay, two newborn animals and two newborn babies of mine.. come here you little devils!"

Small giggles followed as she played with the two babies as the two beasts looked on curiously.

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