
Carrot, Yvie and Archies Adventure

Carrot, Yvie and Archie flew through the sky and eventually arrived at another island which had a lot of grassland.

Green Bit is a seemingly uninhabited island within the New World north of Dressrosa, its underground is home to the Tontatta Kingdom.

Carrot, Yvie and Archie found themselves within the large forest surrounded by large plants.

Unlike other places where others had been sent, the dangers to their lives at the beginning were not large as they only ever encountered foxes, boars and various types of boars so surviving for them was not too difficult during their daily life but they soon found themselves in a difficult situation.

While they were provoking fighting fish into a battle, Archie was using his large armoured body to tank the hits of the fighting fish while Carrot continued to try to break past its touch defences and wound it.

Yvie provided ranged fire while also support from far away but without a Pop Green garden around herself, she had to use those ammunition sparingly even if she had brought a lot with her.

During their time they were able to collect samples of many types of creatures whether it be types of bugs, linear foxes or other rare beasts but while they had successfully defeated a fighting fish by dragging it onto the land and killing it, they collected the samples and began to feast upon it letting down their guard and falling into a deep sleep.

When they woke up they were restrained on the ground and many small creatures were standing on their bodies looking at them with gazes filled with caution.

A tiny dwarf raised their tiny sword towards Carrot and asked. "Intruder, where have you come from?"

Although she was restrained, Carrot did not seem too disturbed as if she could escape at any time and her friendly and naive nature began to work in their favour as she explained something Alyssia had passed onto her. "We are friends! Yes friends! We have come here as explorers to enhance our strength and meet the Tontatta Tribe that our ancestors once mentioned in the past! In the past there was a time when we were allies and I hope to form friendships with you."

The dwarf looked convinced. "Oh why didn't you say so sooner friend!"

Another dwarf looked convinced too but the next moment they revealed anger as they shouted. "Don't believe them, it must be a trick! They are with a human, they cannot be trusted!"

Archie yawned and explained. "We are from the Mink Tribe and our ally is this girl beside us but trust us, she is of no harm to you. In fact, she is quite fond of nature and plants just like you! I think you would have much in common."

The other dwarf tilted their head. "What you have said made sense."

Yvie timidly spoke. "N..nice to meet you! My name is Yvie! Look in my pouch, there are many types of different seeds but be careful since many are dangerous."

Very quickly they released themselves and showed that they were not hostile so the dwarves had no choice but to accept their words as truth and were quickly introduced to the Tontatta Kingdom.

The two young Tontatta Tribe members were a male and female who grew close to the three of them very quickly.

The male was named Ton and the female was named Ting and they quickly opened up to Yvie as they shared gardening knowledge with each other and stories of their adventures.

During their time on the island, they continued to hunt together and continued to lure the naive dwarves to follow them.

The fighting fish were perfect opponents for them to continue to improve their fighting power since they had powerful bodies with high durability that could slam into the bridge between Dressrosa and Green Bit and do heavy damage to it.

Each battle tested Archie's overall endurance, Yvie's use of her resources and the timing of her attacks which could assist in battle or cause damage to it then finally it tested Carrot's destructive power.

Meanwhile two dwarves of the Tontatta Tribe had cheered on as they continued to improve themselves but also kept a lookout for any other signs of any fighting fish approaching the island.

While Medea was tasked with collecting samples of many beasts and the dragon within the East Blue but also lead the life of a bounty hunter or mercenary until she returned to the Grand Line on her own, she eventually made some friends who began to follow her own her journey.

While Liushi, Clifford and Jester were tasked with improving their weapon skills and collecting samples of the humandrills, Liushi was able to unlock his Haki while Jester had improved his own along with the more efficient use of his Devil Fruit abilities.

Monera was tasked with collecting samples of various sea creatures of different types and had constantly pushed herself in combat which lead her to unlock her own Haki against the Yuda after many exchanges.

Finally Carrot, Yvie and Archie had improved their individual style of combat and techniques while collecting some samples from many types of animals and the fighting fish, they had also succeeded in recruiting two dwarves from the Tontatta Kingdom with the Tontatta Tribe's unique abilities and knowledge to grow various types of plants, trees and even nurture Devil Fruits or artificially created ones.

Much later, many of them would arrive back within the first half of the Grand Line without any help and Kuma would appear to send Carrot, Yvie, Carrot, Ton and Ting back towards Baldimore where Yvie, Ton and Ting would begin assisting with the growth of the Pop Green, Weather Garden and other gardens in development in the future.

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