
Alyssia’s irritation and changes

Two weeks later after settling down on Weatheria, Alyssia had been kept busy while she was learning one thing after another at a very fast pace.

The more that she learned, the new possibilities opened up within her skill combinations where science was involved.

Things that she thought were impossible had become possible and the more she learned, the greater the possibility of success towards that direction where she could create something that went far beyond what this world could create.

She had simple dreams of reaching the peak stats of the system and gaining much more with various exploitations of science and she wished to improve upon several weaknesses that she possessed.

After acquiring the combined knowledge of Mechanical, Pop Green and Weather Science, she could produce so much more than a weather wand or a weapon with similar abilities.

However somewhere in the world there was also more advanced techniques that could be tested and used together with them to produce more possibilities.

She still missed most of Vegapunk's current research, the Tontatta tribes growing of Devil Fruit or SMILE secrets but also Queens and Caesar Clowns own research.

Many would call her greedy for coveting all those things so soon but she really needed it all.

To make the things she needed or to provide her crew with more chances of survival or to save many Mink lives in the future attack on Zou and the war in Wano, she needed everything that she could use.

Odalf arrived in front of her and sighed as he saw her still deep into her studies and experimentations. "Hey hey hey. Come with me, we are heading out. You need a break."

Alyssia cleaned up her room and then left the house that she had been staying in and renting. "What is it?"

Odalf grinned as he pointed towards the weather balloon. "We have arrived near an over an island so we are going to offer our assistance in exchange for some supplies."

In exchange for some assistance with an islands difficulties, they would usually get enough to last them a long time but Alyssia had a bad feeling so she could not say no to them if she was invited along.

After descending down, they arrived at the island but Alyssia was greatly distressed for the old men as they happily walked through the lands.

All she could think of was. 'These old guys are going to suffer..'

The reason she thought so was that the place looked like a lawless zone that had suffered from a lack of rain and the land being worn down by constant wars resulting in further desperation and lawlessness within the island.

The kindhearted and naive old men were like sheep walking into the wolfs den.

The first thing they encountered was robbers which she prevented.

The second was attempts to scam the old men out of what berries they possessed.

The third was a random passer by who was drunk and aggressive who decided to try bully anyone who looked like an easy target.

The forth was them almost purchasing everything they needed with far more berries than it was worth which she had to take over and negotiate.

The fifth was their attempts to make some more berries or provide an exchange between their capabilities to produce rain on the land that could still be saved but the owner refused to pay them or trade anything for their hard work.

After dealing with many other problems caused, she wandered the streets looking for people with potential worth raising from the ground up.

Although she did have an affinity with weather science and could use it to make up for her missing area of effect attacks, another could also be raised to make use of the true potential of it all whether it be making use of one specific element or using many together to create different effects like Nami to become a true weather wizard while for herself it is just a secondary tool to he used in war situations when greatly outnumbered.

However as she continued to walk through the lawless island, she found nothin but trouble at every turn and had no luck in finding anyone with potential.

As she returned to board the weather balloon, she looked back on the land below. 'Maybe I was being a little greedy hoping to find a suitable candidate so soon. I may have already used up most of my luck with those that I have found and recruited so far. There is no need to rush things, if anything there may be someone among the crew that I have not noticed before to have some potential for it.'

Compared to recruiting someone unknown and raising them up since they have potential even with the possibility of suffering betrayal later, it was better to just look towards those who may be struggling to shine within her loyal followers who may even have the talent for it.

Even if it was a person that was a relative of a martial artist within White Storm, it was worth looking into raising them up with some of the things she had collected and make one person with supreme magical skills or many that could use it to a certain level together as a team.

The same was true for Yvie who had high talent for Pop Green and combat, other kids around her may not have as much talent as her but they can still learn enough to act as a team to provide support or form their own tactics to defeat stronger opponents.

Alyssia did not have to choose between one or the other even if she did find someone with enough potential one day.

As everyone arrived back on Weatheria, Alyssia headed back to her room with a bag full of things and dropped her bag before collapsing because of mental exhaustion. "Seriously… it feel like I am babysitting these old men. Sigh."

However this was only one of the many problems she would have to suffer as her fatigue and anger was constantly rising during her stay with them.

Luckily she was able to trade her berries and some other things for many things that she needed to grow her own weather garden and any tools required to do so and properly harvest it safely.

She spent a little over a month on Weatheria which allowed her to take her up to her desired goal and purchase everything she needed from those around her whether it be the skills, tools or other things.

Alyssia was sitting in meditation by a nearby cliff edge as she extended her senses around herself.

She could pick up the subtlest of changes in the temperature, how the wind felt on her body and the strength behind it, with the direction it came from along with the water in the surrounding atmosphere.

It was like she had opened up her whole bodies senses and discovered a whole new world that involved the slightest changes in the atmosphere which had integrated with her body, beast instinct and her Observation Haki.

Although it could be called Weather Sense or Instinct or something similar, it allowed her to gain a better grasp of not just the surroundings and how various things or people would move around herself, she was now able to add environmental and elemental factors into it which made it all the more advanced kind of Observation Haki.

If a change was brought by the weather or the environment then she would be able to pick up on it before others and prepare ahead of time to gain an advantage and even turn the tides of battle just like Roger who was chased by many ships but still won by using the seas and the changes in the weather and seas to his advantage.

Alyssia let out a yawn as she began to shift from her seated position and climber to her feet. "Is this what the sages refer to as enlightenment or something? If so then this is awesome."

After entering the Expert rank mastery of Navigation her senses had transformed in this direction and it only seemed to improve along with the growth of her Observation Haki, Navigation and her comprehension towards the world which included her physics and weather science skills.

In addition to that, she had gained the additional spirit and intelligence bonus stats as a result of her Navigation talent reaching that stage.

She stretched her body and looked below the cliff edge and picked up the bag from her back and secured it to herself. "I have gained everything that I possibly could from here so now it is time to depart. It should soon be time to see him again."

A smirk appeared on her face as she took one final look towards the home where she had been staying. "Farewell old geezers!"

She had left them a couple of presents along with a letter thanking them for their hospitality and her reasons for leaving.

Rather than sad farewells, she decided to use this method to avoid another headache.

In the next moment she stepped off the edge of the cliff and fell downwards from a great height.

Her eyes were closed as she became flooded with information as she fell at a high speed and could pick up every change around herself.

One small movement that made herself wider slowed her down an little while making herself thinner made it easier to fall much quicker and so on.

Gradually she was adjusting little by little to her movements during her fall from a great height but as she reached the halfway mark she made herself as wide as possible to slow herself down and gain further control of herself.

As she continued down, her legs began to kick and merge with the surroundings as they better controlled the direction of her body was heading towards until she had positioned herself so that her feet were below herself and had halted her fall. "Pfft Kaido can survive a Sky Island fall but so can I!"

Although Kaido survived with his freakish resilience while Alyssia survived with Moonwalk, they had both technically survived the same ordeal so Alyssia felt a little proud of herself for reaching a higher stage than what she was capable of before.

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