
Karate Island #24

Just a moment before the announcers finished speaking and people began to enter the arena to congratulate Alyssia, she quickly ran to her bag and took out something before returning to the arena.

She went by Killer's body and placed that item over his face and secured it to him then continued to accept her champions belt.

Shortly after Tristan joined many doctors and nurses to assist with the treatment of the many injured and carried out many lifesaving operations while also carrying out her other orders.

She collected many blood and tissue samples of many living or dying strong bodied fighters and stored them away.

After completing her task, she left to prepare for her own battle that was coming while taking a bag full of samples with her that Alyssia had requested.

Meanwhile within the recovery room, Killer lay on his bed with several people surrounding him who looked very worried and angry.

Kid, Wire and Heat looked down at the mask on Killer's face and showed a look of irritation, Kid walked towards and removed the cute looking simply drawn cat mask from Killer's face. "How dare she mock my friend like this!"

While the top of the mask had pointed cat ears, it was just a simple flat mask with a cat emoji design on it that looked like.... (=°-°=)

When Kid removed the mask, Killer's broken mask underneath came into view along with Killer's face that could be seen through the broken parts.

Alyssia's knee strike had smashed his mask while knocking him out but the mask continued to fall apart and reveal a large part of his face, knowing that Killer was sensitive about his laugh and face, she put the paper mask over him while he was being removed from the arena.

Kid looked at his friend with a look of conflict in his eyes, he was torn between going to get revenge for the insult and for harming his friend but he was also slightly grateful that Killer had been protected.

However his impulsive and hot headed nature directed him towards the idea of taking revenge. "Good.. Alyssia Lucine... I will remember it."

As he was losing his temper, many metal objects nearby began to tremble as if being put under his influence.

Just as he was about to walked away, a strong hand grabbed onto his arm. "Captain.. it is fine."

Kid turned back and shouted. "But she has insulted you.. I cannot accept this."

Killer coughed as he sat himself up. "Captain, really there is nothing to worry about. It was a fair fight and I will be back on my feet soon enough. I was not set on winning anyways."

Killer had joined to gain more experience fighting many enemies at once before they plan to set out onto the seas so when he felt that he had gained enough, he was ready to step out of the arena and leave the championship to another.

He had gained from many of his battles one after another but Alyssia was in a league of her own according to his observations, she caught his interests as she played with many opponents and wished to fight her.

Unfortunately he could not even put a single scratch on her and lost hold of one of his weapons after receiving several kicks and could not follow up with an attack with his other weapon in time.

Since he was the most rational and the more tactical among the group, he knew what would happen should he lose so as soon as he woke up and heard the commotion from Kid, he held him back.

Kid grit his teeth and looked towards Killer. "Fine, rest up and recover quickly."

Killer lay back down comfortably. "I will get stronger so that I will not lose next time."

Him losing to a sixteen year old girl let him realise that there were many talents out in the world in all shapes and sizes, if there are many like her in the world who have already established their place and power then he and Kid need to be better prepared before they start their journey.

One day he believed that he would meet her and gain the chance to have his revenge match.

The problem was that he had greatly underestimated her capabilities and as he continued chasing her, the gap would only continue to grow much wider.

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