
Germa 66

Weeks later within the North Blue, the homeland of many strong people but also the strongest of the blue seas.

Basil Hawkins, XDrake, Law, Borsalino, Sakazuki originally came from this place and there was also the Donquixote pirates that came from and started up with Doflamingo there.

It is also the place that Noland the liar and the Germa originated from.

After arriving on the first island, the crew began to take apart the Sea Kings after pulling them ashore.

The various parts were sold by Alfred and the crew earned a large amount of berries as a result of this but enough was kept from each of them to fill their bellies for a long time.

After staying on the island to gather information, they began chasing whispers and rumours from island to island about the location of the moving island of Germa.

Germa usually work as mercenaries and travels from place to place to accomplish their tasks, where ever they show up kingdoms are conquered and people die.

However no matter how much damage and death they cause, they are still members of the World Government so they are not hunted down like others for their crimes simply because they are of royal blood and have strong connections to those in power.

This is later shown by how they are able to manipulate the bounty system to try to capture Sanji and bring him back home to achieve their goals.

Upon tracking down the rumours, Alyssia finally found them and navigated her ship towards them.

Their island was full of its civilians or clone soldiers which represented their high military strength and power.

Upon arriving, everyone began to put the plan into motion.

To meet a royal but also not develop a hostile relationship with them required a reason or a means of trade that would attract them enough to meet someone.

A letter was sent to be passed on to one of the clone soldiers as the ship remained out of shooting range and remained to display no hostile intentions.

During that time of waiting Alyssia, Jester, Nica and Alfred got ready and dressed in slightly comical outfits.

Jester wore a white mask with markings similar to his own scars left behind on his face, he wore a jester hat and colourful clothing.

Alfred continued to wear his business like suit looking professional while walking with his cane and top hat but this time his outer coat was of a brighter colour.

Nica wore a large pair of clown pants and a bright top, large boots along with a large clown hat.

Meanwhile Alyssia wore dark pants with a buccaneer shirt with gathered sleeves and a yoke with a split neckline and simple collar, a dark vest was over the shirt and tie on a fringed waist sash along with a black mask with a golden eye marking on the forehead.

Jester was dressed as a Jester, Nica was dressed as a clown, Alfred as an announcer and finally Alyssia was dressed like a gypsy or fortune teller.

She also had a small glass ball within a small box that she had brought with her.

Upon being escorted around the moving island after being able to temporarily dock there, Nica and Alyssia were excited to arrive on board and see the scientific achievements that they had achieved and the creations that they had built.

While journeying the North Blue, Alyssia had searched hard for fate related skills but only came across a couple of people with low skills compared to Hawkins however it was more than enough for her plans.

She did not need the true skills to know the fate of a person since she had already seen it even if she may even accidentally cause some of that to be altered slightly.

All that she truly needed was to look professional enough to get entry and be able to meet and leave Germa without any accidents.

For them to be able to take on the sweet commanders in Big Mom's crew showed the power of the modified humans and their technological weapons.

Upon arriving in the room before Judge and his children, Alyssia couldn't help but look at them in awe.

A vast majority of them may have been given a rather bad role in the manga but they were still strong individuals who had their own strong bearing that fit their roles as royalty.

Alfred stepped forward and bowed while waiting for judge to speak.

Meanwhile Alyssia smiled beneath her mask as she closed her eyes. 'System purchase Vinsmoke Judges unique skills involving warfare technology to advanced and lineage factor science. With the remaining points, purchase Niji's electricity manipulation knowledge and finally collect anything missing from the skills that already have a high level.'

One was what allowed Judge to create the raid suits and many weapons that can be used during war including things like his own electromagnetic spear while the other was the key to the human biology that makes human modification and cloning possible.

There was also the experiences of Niji as he used his electricity powers during combat which would further help her to gain a better control and understanding of her own Electro abilities.

While Alfred was briefly introducing the crew, Alyssia had her eyes closed while trying to absorb much of the new knowledge that was available to herself.

Suddenly she heard a light cough from Alfred and opened her eyes slowly. "Sorry I was deep into meditation. Should I begin now?"

Judge had a suspicious look in his eyes. "I do not believe in such things like prophecies and fate but since you mentioned that that this concerns the future of the Germa, I will give you a chance.. if you try to cheat me then you will suffer terribly."

Alyssia sat down calmly without displaying any panic and removed the crystal ball from the box and placed it before her. "You may not believe in fate but it is indeed real and can be predicted by various means. The trickiest part is that it can always be changed to something new depending on choices made. Its a game of probability and choices that lead to success or failure for each person but that success or failure could mean a loss or win during a small bet or even a decision that would result in someone living or dying. I am merely here to assist you for when your most difficult time does come."

After some showy performances and showing of channelling fate through herself, she opened her eyes slowly once again. "Your fate is strong.. your life forces have no visible signs of death anytime soon but there will be a time years from now where you will have to make a big decision that will affect everything you do from now on."

Judges eyes turned gloomy and asked. "Speak.. what do you mean? Do not be so cryptic about it and just tell me straight."

Alyssia nodded. "Your fate is tied to one powerful entity but the choice to break away and join a new one will come up. You may make the decision to defect from one to the other but you should also never fully put your trust in them. Always have a backup plan in case you get caught in a troubling situation. Those can shaped things have a very important part to play in whether it would be so easy for others to put you to death. What you have accomplished may make you powerful and eligible enough to ally with others but do not forget that you can also be swallowed whole if the partner is too greedy. My advice is that you do not drop your guard upon entering an alliance with others and give them a chance to take what is yours."

Judges had a serious look on his face. "You may stay on the island for now until I have thought about whether to believe you or not. You may go."

Alyssia bowed respectfully to him and asked. "I wonder if I could make a bold request?"

Judge looked over to her again and spoke. "What is it?"

Alyssia replied. "I wonder if I could be gained permission to spar with your soldiers while I am here? Sitting inside does not suit me."

Judge calmly nodded to show he had agreed to her request.

Right afterwards the four of them were escorted to some housing areas where they could stay while being monitored for some time.

Alyssia went to her room to begin absorbing the new information.

Many clone soldiers and scientists lived within the island so it was very easy to run into someone that could help make up for anything that may of been missing from within her science, martial arts or weapon knowledge or skills.

Seeing that Alyssia had no other movements or motive that had been displayed besides training and sparring on the island, Judge had become a little less suspicious of her.

Within the royal dining room, the family elegantly ate their food that had been prepared for them by the royal chefs.

Judge was deep in thought but then turned to Reiju. "What do you think about what had been mentioned?"

Reiju calmly answered. "It is correct that we must remain vigilant against someone who we wish to establish a relationship with. It would be best not to let our guard down around anyone until we can fully understand their motives. We still have other options available to us even if that partnership is destined to fail."

She was keenly aware of her fathers goals but she was also aware that his ambitions drove him to the brink of madness and desperation that would make him take someones hand if they offered him the right price to achieve his goals.

The problem was whether those people truly had the intention of helping or not and if they they had more sinister intentions towards their Germa 66.

Right now their weaponry, raid suits and clone technology were highly sought after by many people and if the wrong alliance is made, they would all be killed and have everything they had built become someone else's possession.

Reiju continued. "First we must find out who is the most reliable partner not just by their influence and power but also their past relationships with others and how they treat those below them."

Judge was silent for a while and lost in his thoughts but answered. "Mm.."

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