
A Serious Help

Liheng as a child was very quiet. In contrast to Yan Zheyun's feisty little sister, this baby brother of his was shy and reserved, but so sweet and earnest that it was impossible to not like him any less. Some of their inconsiderate relatives used to criticise him for it, saying that it would have been better if Liheng and Lixin had been born with each other's personalities. The girl was too forward and the boy was too meek, was the consensus, but Yan Zheyun and his parents had gone out of their way to defend the twins, to ensure that neither of them had ever felt like that was anything wrong with how they were. 

Especially since Yan Zheyun knew that Liheng wasn't meek. He might have been quiet and he might have been reluctant to speak up in front of crowds, but his unassuming demeanour and guileless big Bambi eyes were a stark contrast to his siblings' colder upward tilt that his siblings shared. 

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