
Best boyfriend in the world

Ning Quio got a call from Tang Ye.

"Hello Ning Quio"

"Tang Ye, why did you suddenly call? I thought you had forgotten about me?"

"Ning Quio let me explain"

"Explain what? you've gone missing for more than a month now without saying a word to me"

"It's not my fault, f*ck why wouldn't you listen to my explanation? I met this handsome guy and he wouldn't let me go"

"Why don't you stay there? Why the f*ck did you call me?" Ning Quio asked angrily

"Because I'll always care about you no matter what happens okay?"

"Tang Ye I really missed you" she sobbers up

"I'm sorry okay? Tell me how did you manage to clear the posts about you?"

"Clear the posts? which posts?"

"The post about you and CEO Xu"

"What? they have been cleared? how the f*ck didn't I find out?" she asked slowly and checked and indeed, all the posts and comments were gone as if they never existed, who could have done it? then a name came into her mind Lu Laoyang.

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