

(promotional chapter only)

"Come on, we don't have anything to eat this dinner,"

Her lips pouted while looking at the guy who's lifting a 2kg hand sized barbell in both hands.

He stopped, and his tongue clicked. "We just ate lunch and now you're asking for dinner already? What the hell are you? An eating monster?" He bent down and put down the barbell for a while, then pulled the 5 kg one up. 

"Just order some delivery food later," Aiden added.

Amy stood up and threw a towel at her cousin, who's exercising and sweating a lot. "You always like to eat delivery food because you have proper exercise like this!" she snorted. "I'm not like you! I need to eat healthy food!"

The guy sat down and gulped a bottle of water. "Stop ordering me. Why don't you call your boyfriend, huh?"

Amy immediately blushed. "Wha-What?! He's not yet my boyfriend, you dumbass!" she looked away. "And he has a part-time job today," she added.

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