
[Bonus chapter] Slaves To A Master

Han commanded his Shadow Hunters to come back to him once they were done killing all of the idiot men there and then one Shadow Hunter dragged the one remaining member he wanted alive back to him. 

Han bent down and the man looked up with fear in his eyes. He tried to move back but the shadow Hunter stepped on his back and pinned him in place.

"W-What are you?"

From how accessed he looks, Han can see it won't be long before he pisses himself. Han wanted to make sure this man feels all of the pain the people here felt, but he has another plan for him.

"The Trinata guild. Make sure you remember that I am from the Trinata guild. Go back to your superiors and tell them exactly what happened here. Tell them that I and my guild are coming for them and their entire guild. I'll know if you don't do it and I'll find the most intense way to kill you, now run,"

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