
A fleeting interest

( I really enjoyed writing the later part of this chapter gave me a lot of ''insight''into the great and wonderful world of the eldritch truth also merrry Christmas everyone )

Damien stood at the edge of the bridge looking at the memorial made for those lost on that day he understood why this was here there was of course no room for a graveyard like they had in the upper city he paid his respects then left back to the last drop

He found it packed as usual the patrons greeted him and he quickly went up to Vander and got behind the counter with him he had done this for awhile he got a little bit of cogs from helping out too he listened to the quant small talk that happened all around him for awhile then they came Vi Milo Powder and Claggor seemed they got some mild injuries and some score Damien then quickly nodded over to them and brought them to the living quarters where he began to treat them after starting up some classical music this was on a smaller more compact player that Damien himself made of course it wouldn't be as loud as the one upstairs but it was enough for Damien to get lost in his treatment

once done he asked " sooo who was the unlucky sucker who pissed you off today Vi" she snickered " no one important obviously just some random punks thinking they could take our loot" Damien then looked over and saw Milo and Claggor going through the loot while Powder was working on some random glitter bomb " seems like this might be a half decent haul " said Milo then Damien herd a whistle only his cat ears could hear " well now you all rest and stay low I'm heading to the upper city for some business " Powder looked up from her work " could I come along " Damien then said " sure could use a little extra help around the shop anyone else wants to come up " everyone else shook there head "very well then come one Powder just be on your best behaviour "

Damien grabbed a duffle bag quickly then they began the ascent to the top side they did have to wait for the bridge to come down after a boat passed under it then once they reached the other side of the bridge an enforcer stopped them " halt what is your business coming to the upper city " Powder shrunk under the enforcers cold and hateful gaze " me and my assistant are here to open up my shop sir " the enforcer huffed " yeah sure likely story kids " Damien with a calm tone continued " I do have the paper work sir to prove it " then another enforcer one more familiar with Damien came over " Toby this kid is telling the truth he runs the Jack of all trades let them through and don't bother them again " Toby grumbled and left in a huffy mood " thanks Oscar it's those kind of people that give enforcers a bad rap in the under city "said Damien he extended his hand " it's really not a problem just let me or anyone else know if the others start bugging you good luck today Damien " said Oscar shaking his hand before leaving and continuing his shift

Damien had made some acquaintances with the enforcers on his way to the shop which had been his mothers workshop most of it is still a workshop with a small area left to actually be the shop front he had found it and after learning some teachings from his mother opened a shop from the workshop using runes and medicines as well as hunting weapons for the average mans hunt they also had a few other wares in the shop like candles and dream catchers that would only give a person good dreams Damien quickly went through his stock and then flipped the sign that said closed into open then began to play opera music Powder helped bring out some of the more popular wares from the workshop

After a few average customers then came a very well dressed couple with a younger girl their daughter a striking trait they all held was there different shades of blue their hair were " are you the owner of this establishment " spoke the woman " why yes ma'am I am what would you like " then the woman looked over to their daughter " we would like to invite you to a shooting contest word is your a very very good shot better than most enforcers " Powder hearing this looked up in awe at Damien who faintly smiled " well then I only have a fleeting interest in shooting but I'll join this contest thought I may not be as good as you miss…" the woman the spoke up " kiramman " Damien the fully realized who he was talking with" ah I'm sorry I didn't recognized the kiramman family when I saw them I'm not very well versed when it comes to politics and council matters" the younger kirammen looked back at the mother but then handed Damien a letter of acceptance for the shooting contest " we are very excited to see you at the contest you may even use your own rifle that are talked up alot" Damien then said " no I'll use the same gun so if I win it'll be fair " they all then left Damien kept the shop open for a little while longer then closed up and gave Powder her share of the days work

Damien stood outside the last drop and pushed along Powder he felt an urge he dreaded even having to feel" I just remembered something I have to go and run to do quickly you can run along cya in a bit " he then ran into the many twisting and turning alleyways slowly he began to hear everything the hate anger sadness lust bloodlust and every other kind of emotion from the inhabitants of the undercity it was as though he was always getting hammered in the head with everything it didn't help that at this time he began to see ''things'' the monsters some small others large enough that they should crush the buildings they were laying on

The worst part was seeing himself in any reflective surface or just looking down at his hands one arm was very beastly and very bloodied long strands of hair growing uncontrollably out of it the other was mystical some of the symbols and runes were familiar others were completely alien he also herd something talking in a completely foreign yet familiar language he could barely understand

Finally after many turns he came to a dead end one that was quite dark yet it had enough light for anyone to see people who were taking drugs they worked for the chem barons and had gained ''exclusive'' access to a new product that no one could see them taking when they saw Damien turn into the alleyway as high as they were they still had enough clarity to get up and deal with him " Man this sucks " one of them spoke " I hate killing kids but guess we got to anyway " he continued they all began to charge at him with knifes drawn aiming to kill

With his heighten state of mind Damien quickly grabbed onto the first person and smashed there head into the wall once he kissed the wall a small worm like creature went inside the mans mouth it could be seen making its way down the mans throat until finally the man began to scream it pain " MAKE IT STOOOP MAK- RAAAGRH" the worm much larger than it was before burst out of the mans chest it aimed itself at another and leaped towards the throat of its target Damien then fully noticed that more and more creatures crawled out of hidden depths and began mutilating the group large wolf like creatures jumped from roof tops and began eating at one of the bigger druggies a swarm much like the one Damien imagined up came from a Sewer grate and charged at a female druggie consuming her alive

It was at this point where those currently not being mauled by the hidden creatures ran only for them to be picked off one by one running through each alleyway once the last reached a Main Street he turned and saw Damien pointing at him and once he blinked he saw them the hidden monsters where no longer hidden to his eyes he saw them all bloodied with his companions guts and innards he turned and saw it all the monsters slowly surrounding him and the massive monsters on the buildings the closest one of those massive building monsters reached out towards him and grabbed him the man struggled as best he could then saw the beast bring him closer to its ''face'' we here he felt everything being drain and crushed then he saw nothing but black

Damien then watched as the man slowly disappeared into nothingness Damien felt the headache gone and despite that he could still see the monsters he then began to laugh uncontrollably he didn't understand why but he did perhaps it was the feeling that he was being connected to something great without even knowing the creatures around him also began to ''laugh'' each in there own demented way once he stopped he began to make his way to the last drop he still had to talk with Vander about the competition

Anyone who names the monsters on the buildings gets brownies points

Hope you enjoyed Cya all next chap :)

TheDragonKing32creators' thoughts
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