
Chapter 21

Lauren and Leslie were running with the nurses pushing the emergency bed to the emergency room. Lauren was in tears and she couldn't contain her sadness.

"Dowon please be strong for me and us please," Leslie said gripping his hand, the emergency room is near and Lauren got the chance to kiss his forehead before saying that he needs to survive and wake up.

Once Dowon was in the emergency room, Lauren was sitting in the waiting area while comforting her Mom.

Well, shocking news Dowon was the one who got shot. He covered Jihye but the dancer got shot in the arms and she was also in the emergency room even before Dowon. The bodyguards instantly shot Liam and the police arrested him, he was currently in the hospital right now but with a handcuff. The CEO is praying to God hoping that he would survive so he could be in Jail.

Lauren was leaning her back against the chair, hoping Jihye is alright especially Dowon. She was so worried, she's scared... She's scared that she might lose a Man again, she's scared that she might lose someone who did everything for her as a father. Dowon and her became even more closely in the past few months.

He has been calling her from time to time asking if she was okay and doing the things that he need to as a father. She doesn't want to lie but she felt like she felt her father's love again and everything was going back to normal when he's around and with her Mom she felt complete and happy but still, it's different when Ben is around.

Lauren wanted him to call "Dad" she was planning to surprise him on his birthday by calling him the word that he wants to hear to her wife's first Unica Hija. He surely will treasure that forever and Lauren is praying to God that she was not too late.

Just then a sob fell from her lips, her Mom calmed down and she instantly went to her daughter's side and rub her back "Sweetie? What's wrong? You can tell me baby please"

"M-mom t-this is all my fault. I-I shouldn't h-have t-turned o-over their company. I-if I d-didn't do it t-this shouldn't be happening. I-I'm s-so sorry" Lauren said while her Mom hugged her tightly and shushed her, she felt her daughter's guilt and she's feeling sad about it.

"Baby, don't blame yourself. You did the right thing, you did. You saved the company, our company. He was just so mad so he decided to attack. His target was Jihye but Dowon saved her because he know he can't let anything happen to his family especially his Son. He did that for you because he loves you so much" Leslie was right, she remembered what she told his wife two days before they leave for Paris.


"Sweetheart, why in the world do you have a baseball bat in your luggage?"  Leslie asked getting out from their walk-in closet

"Darling, now that I'm seeing Lauren and her family I will protect them at all costs even though we're just staying there for a good three weeks. I need to protect them, especially her since I want to. It may risk my life but it's worth it when you just saved someone's life and that someone is the most important person in our family" Leslie sighs and smiled

"You love my daughter huh?" Dowon sat on the bed and zip his luggage.

"I know I need to do this because I like her to be with us, to be part of us officially. I'm not saying that she needs to forget Ben but I want her to call me the word that I need to hear from her, that I've been wanting. "Dad" it felt so good, I feel like I've earned another daughter" Leslie rubbed her cheeks knowing Lauren would call her that soon.

"She will Sweetheart, she will"

It was the cue for Lauren to call him that. She was sure already she is.

"But the guilt is still in me. I-I can't lose another Dad  I can't lose another man, I'm scared, It will be so lonely again if I did. I want Jayden to meet him and I want him to stand as his Grandpa"

"Oh, Honey" Leslie let out a tear again finally realizing that Lauren wants to call her Dad already "It's okay, you don't know how Dowon has been wanting to hear that from you, he has been waiting and praying to God that word would fall from your lips. He would be so happy" She rubbed her daughter's back and kiss his forehead.

"He deserves it... He protected me like Daddy, he protects my J. I don't know how to thank him. He risks his life just for the sake of my family"

"And that's a true family Lauren, he treats you like his daughter he loves you so much and he promised Ben that he will protect you at all costs. You don't have to think that you're not part of the family because you are, Your welcome with Down's family" Lauren smiler and rested her head on her Mom's shoulder.

"I know, I love him too" Leslie wiped her daughter's tear and smiled at her, she was so excited at everything now that Lauren is so comfortable towards him already. She's hoping that Dowon will survive he wouldn't want to miss this. She loves her so much.

Hours went by and Lauren fell asleep on her Mom's shoulder they were surrounded by bodyguards. Lauren woke up because her phone rang. She looked at the caller and it was Gabbie she excused herself to her Mom and she nodded as she went a bit far away answering the phone.

"Hello?" Lauren said

"Lauren! Thank God you answered. I went to your house and the maids told me what happened. Are you okay? How about Jihye? I'm with Elle by the way"

"I'm okay..yeah I am. Jihye is in the emergency room because she got shot in the arm while Dowon got shot in his chest. I-I need you all in here" Lauren's knees are like giving up whenever she mentions Dowon, flashbacks are flooding to her she just hopes that he will survive.

"Okay, you don't have to worry. We'll be there" Lauren heard the commotions going on in the background, they were already getting in the car and she sighed in relief.

"Alright, drive safe" she mumbled and hung up the call. Lauren came back to her Mom and she saw Jihye's doctor "How's my wife? Where is she? Is she okay?" The CEO asked worriedly.

When Jihye got shot in the arm, Lauren instantly rushed to her side and ask her if she was okay. Jayden was crying and it was the cue to the maids to go inside and calm him down. Jihye didn't even flinch when she got shot in the arms she was so shocked seeing Dowon unconscious and blood going out through his body.

"She's fine but your husband" The Doctor looked at Leslie as she lowered her head and her daughter instantly rubbed her back nervously "He will be able to survive if someone donates a blood his blood type is AB and that was rear we don't have any stock"

"I'm type B," Leslie said lowly while Lauren stepped closer to the doctor

"Take as much as you want. I'm type AB" Leslie looked at her in shocked

"Alright, then I'll see you at the Ward. Just go straight and turn left then find Doc. Adam" Lauren nodded and the doctor left.

"Are you sure Sweetie?" Leslie asked worriedly "We can find another donor and --" Lauren held her Mom's shoulder and rubbed it.

"Mommy, it's okay. The most important is I will be donating my blood to the person who loves you so much and the Man who protected my wife. He needs this and I still want him to live with us and you" Leslie hugged her daughter. She couldn't contain her happiness that someday soon her life will be complete again.

Honestly speaking, she was so lonely when Lauren was in the states with her Father. She didn't even have the chance to cheer on her when she was already being successful, she wasn't there to support her personally all she has was to talk to her for a short period because of her Daughter's busy schedule.

She's feeling guilty sometimes because she didn't even bother to visit her or even try to support her once whenever she has her runaway and winning. But now, her Unica Hija was in her arms again. Her first princess and baby. She felt complete, she felt like her family was complete when Lauren came back to her arms.

"Will it hurt?" Lauren asks Doctor Adam a bit scared "How will you do it?"

"It won't. You don't have to worry. You will be okay. I just need to inject it" Lauren nodded, she gets nervous whenever she sees needles because it was long and thin. She was always seeing his Dad being injected and probably she was scared seeing how he endured the pain.

Doctor Adam injects the needle and the blood instantly comes out and goes straight to the blood bag. Lauren was feeling so exhausted and her eyes is feeling heavy "I'm getting dizzy" she mumbled

"That's normal" Doctor Adam said looking at her, he was a big fan of Lauren and he was shocked seeing her and her wife and he has a huge crush on the CEO.

After a few hours, Dowon was already fine he was stable and in the ward. Jihye was already awake and making her way to her wife. She needs to know if she's doing alright hearing the news she instantly comes out in her bed and groans in pain because of her arms.

"Jihye, where are you going?" Ara asked following her from behind "we came here to visit you now your leaving and where's Lauren?"

"Mommy told me that Lauren was on the other floor. She donated her blood to Dowon and I need to see her" Jihye mumbled this isn't because she was also worried but because doctors here are flirty ones and trying to touch her. She wouldn't let that happen to her wife. Ara was following her from behind and went to the elevator.

"How's your arm?" She asked the Idol while she was tapping her foot

"It's fine, it just hurt. Where are the others?" The elevator opened and they instantly step out making their way to her wife.

"Jieun was in your house with Lester and Jisoo they are looking after Jayden and talking to the cops. Megan is with Suzy making their way in here" Jihye hummer going inside the ward seeing her wife fast asleep, there was a bandage in her arms and she sigh in relief when she was alone.

She instantly went to her side and kiss the top of her head, she was feeling guilty at everything. She wanted to say sorry to Leslie about Dowon, she knew it was her fault why Liam decided to follow them and target her it was all because they decided to turn the company down and remove Liam from the model agency that he was signed in.

Jihye was a protective person and very strict when someone tries to hurt the person she loves. She will turn everyone down if someone disrespects her, especially her wife and son. She can do anything that she wants. She's strong and respected.

"She seems like she was crying for long" Ara mumbled sitting at the edge of the bed

"Mommy told me that she was blaming herself because of what happened to Dowon. She didn't have to blame herself because it was my fault. If we didn't turn down their company this shouldn't be happening" Jihye took Lauren's hand and kissed it.

"Jihye, to be honest with you there's no one to blame. Jieun reviewed all their works in the company and how they took some money in the Waltons and Kims. Their performance is bad and they are freaking robbing just to make their sales go higher they wanted to be in the top 10 and what they did is inappropriate. Instead of working hard, they just take some in both of your company" Ara said she got some information from Megan.

The door opened revealing Leslie and the two younger siblings. Lauren's private Jet was a big help whenever they have an emergency.

"The important thing is Dowon is safe, so is you. Liam and his family were in Jail. Turns out, that they planned to target you and Lauren to just get back their company" Leslie said combing her daughter's hair and kissing her forehead while the two younger ones were holding her hand.

"Where did you get all of the information?" Jihye asked playing with her fingers. She wanted to say sorry, the guilt was still flooding over her and Dowon was Leslie's husband who just freaking save her from death.

"Sweetie, you don't have to be nervous. Everything is okay now. Don't blame yourself for this, you know how Dowon gets overprotective when it comes to the important people in his life. He saved you because he wanted to do it for Lauren. He knew what was happening to her for a while and he's helping. He's trying to help" Leslie said smiling at Jihye while the idol sigh in relief

"The information came from Marie and Suzy. Liam's family will be going to Jail except for his younger brother, who will be in the orphan. The poor child he needed to deal with all the things happening right now" Lauren's eyes are fluttering and Jihye was looking at her instantly finding water to give to her.

"Honey" Jihye muttered opening the water for her. Lauren was groaning and slowly opening her eyes.

"Is Dowon fine? He's okay right?" Lauren said in a scratchy voice while sitting up, she felt dizzy but she doesn't care all she wants to know is to see Dowon the person who just saved his wife.

"Baby slow down" Jihye is trying to calm her and cupped her cheeks. Lauren instantly familiarized the touch, Jihye was in pain right now because of her shoulder but all she needs is her wife, she needs to calm her down and tell her everything is okay.

"Jihye? J?" Laurene cupped her cheeks and looked at her straight in the eyes, the dancer nodded and kiss her hands "Oh, Thank God you're okay. You're okay" Lauren hugged her and Jihye groaned in pain because of her wound "I'm sorry, but why'd you get up? You should be resting right now"

"I don't care, I need to see you. I wanted to know if you're doing okay. When I woke up you weren't there I got so worried" Jihye rested her head on her wife's lap looking at her Mom and sibling while Ara was rubbing Daeun's back.

"I'm here, I just need to donate blood for Dowon so he could live again. We have the same blood type. I'm here, I'm safe. You don't have to worry" The CEO kissed the top of her wife's head.

"I know" Jihye mumbled, Lauren opened her arms to hug her siblings they kissed their cheek before hugging her tightly and telling her that everything will be okay while she also hugged Ara.

"Mommy, How's Dowon? Is he okay?" She inquired while playing with her wife's hair. Leslie smiled and kiss her daughter's head

"He's doing alright, he's sedated so he was waking from time to time. He was muttering Jihye's name and so is yours. He wanted to see you" Lauren smiled

"Can we check him?" The CEO asked while Jihye sat up and gestured for Ara to come with her to get a wheelchair. They went outside.

"Unnie slow down" Daeun affirmed helping her to stand up. The CEO was still busy and weak. Dohyun held her by the waist and Daeun held her shoulder. Leslie was checking all the important things that her daughter take with her while getting some blood from her.

Jihye and Leslie came in with the wheelchair, the younger ones helped Lauren to sit and Jihye pushed it going straight to Dowon's room. Once they were inside, Man's eyes were open the nurses were inside checking at him and the doctor checking his vital sign.

"Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Kim" The doctor bowed in respect

"How's he doing?" Lauren asked looking at the doctor

The doctor smiled "He's doing great. His vitals was good and he just needs to rest to gain back all his strength. I will be teaching how you will clean his wound and the material that he needed" Lauren nodded and looked at Dowon who's currently eyeing her and Jihye waved her hand and smiled.

"I will leave" The Doctor utter

"Thank you so much. I will just be going to your office for the tutorial and the medicines that he will be drinking the same procedures for Jihye will also be the same" Lauren and Leslie nodded while the doctor left. Leslie and the younger one went near and ask him if he's doing alright.

The Man was answering them in a low voice, he was telling them that he will be strong because he needs to look after his children and protect them. Leslie's heart melted even though he risk his life for her daughter he will do it again just to save them and protect them. Leslie could feel the love that Dowon was giving.

"Is Jihye okay?" Dowon muttered, "How about Lauren and Jayden?"

"They are doing okay. Jihye is awake and Lauren donated her blood for you, you both have the same blood type and she did that because she wanted to spend more time with you and doesn't want you to leave. Jihye and she had been blaming themselves why this happened but I tried to explain to them why you did that" Leslie rubbed his son's shoulder

"How are you, my kids?" Dowon asked holding both of their hands

"We're doing okay. You have to just rest Dad. You don't have to think about us in the meantime. You need to be strong so we can protect ourselves right?" Daeun uttered happily while Dowon smiled

"And you and I will travel around Los Angeles soon. You promised me that you will you have to be stronger. We will take care of you and help you with everything" Dohyun affirmed resting his head on his Dad's lap while playing with the blanket. Dowon managed to smile he was thankful that he has a kind and very caring kid. He loves his family.

Leslie was looking at them lovingly as she also looked at Lauren and Jennie who's currently bringing lovey-dovey. They were holding hands, and Jennie's hand was protectively in her wife's waist. Leslie gazed went back to her husband.

"But you know our family will be complete if Lauren is with us. I consider her as my daughter and I know you love them so much" Dowon proposed to his kids while they nodded smiling from ear to ear "I consider Jihye as my daughter-in-law and Jayden as my grandson. This family isn't complete without them"

Lauren and Jihye heard everything, they stopped their antics and gazed at them. Leslie looked at her and nodded telling her to come close and finally talk to him. Lauren gave her a slight nod and tried to stand up.

"Can you walk?" Jihye inquired helping her wife

"Yes, I'm feeling much better. Your kisses helped me" Lauren winked while Jihye kissed her cheeks again and again causing the CEO to giggle. She pecked her wife's lips and finally went close to Dowon. The younger ones stepped back and smiled at her, Jihye place the chair at the edge of the bed to let Lauren sit and she will just stand up behind her. She doesn't want to break this moment in the meantime.

"Hey..." Lauren mumbled resting her hands on Dowon's hands the man looked at him and smiled slightly "How are you?" The CEO asked looking at him

"I'm doing okay? Are you okay? Your okay right? Did you get hurt? How about Jihye?" Lauren can't help but giggle at the questions. A tear was escaping down to her cheeks while Dowon looked at her worriedly "why are you crying?"

Lauren laughed in her tears but ended up sobbing while Jihye was rubbing her back "It's just so confusing why in the world your asking me that. I wasn't the one who got shot I was supposed to ask that but to answer your question I'm okay, Jihye is here she's fine" Jihye waved her hands and send her a comforting smile.

"Thank God you both are fine," Dowon said in relief while wiping the CEO's tears "You look like Ben"

"I know but I'm always remembering Daddy whenever I'm with you. You both have the same exertion and are very protective. You took care of me so well and look after me like you were a CCTV" Dowon laughed and Lauren giggled "I want to say thank you so much for being very protective towards us, you saved my wife's life. I don't know how will I pay you but I promise I will take care of you like I took care of Daddy but I've been wanting to say something to you"

Jihye looked at Lauren so is her siblings and Leslie. They might have a feeling of what is it, Jihye remembered that this was her surprise at his birthday.

"What is it?" He asked while sitting up, Dohyun helped him and Daeun put the pillow on his back so it will be more relaxing.

"I know this is sudden but this was my surprise for your birthday well in" Lauren looked at her watch and the clock in the wall smiling from ear to ear "three minutes" Dowon nodded and smiled

"I know Daddy died for three years already and you've been my side ever since I got married to Jihye. I know Daddy told you to look after and you've been doing that for almost a year and I'm very thankful because you are so responsible and very thoughtful" Lauren looked at the time again and it was thirty seconds before Dowon's birthday

"I-I've thought about this a lot and now that I knew all your plans and the reason why you did that I know I need to say it already. It's not because I need to but because I want to, I want to say that" Lauren looked at her wife, Leslie and her two siblings "I love you, Dad"  Lauren looked at Dowon and he was shocked at first. She was playing with her fingers nervous about what will he say.

'Does he like calling me him that?'

'is it too early?'

'I just hope it's not because this is gonna be embarrassing

Dowon left a tear in his eyes and smiled she took Lauren's hand and kiss it "I've been waiting for this moment, Lauren. I like that word coming out of your mouth. Thank you, Thank you so much this was the best birthday gift that I ever received" Lauren smiled and hugged him while Dowon rubbed his back and sigh in relief

"I'm the one who needs to say Thank you because you were there for me even though you risk your life already. I will forever be thankful for you" Lauren mumbled resting her head in Down's shoulder.

Leslie and the two younger siblings joined the hug, Jihye smiled and looked at them boring Ara's phone for a photograph. She wanted to cherish this moment.

On the other hand, Lauren feels so complete. Her heart is happy. If this is the sign that her Dad was saying I hope he will be seeing him for the last time probably telling her that he will completely leave. All Lauren wants is to have peace with him and be happy at the hands of God.

She has her Wife and Jayden, her Mother, her two Dork siblings, and her Dad. This was all she wants to be complete.

"Happy Birthday!" They all said in unison and sang a happy birthday in the room. Of course, Dowon didn't forget to talk to Jihye. The idol thank her nonstop and told them that she was sorry but Dowon is not accepting all her sorry because he knew that everything was happening right now was all about madness and that people are just looking for more fame and Money. The good thing is Liam's family was in Jail and they will have peace.

In that night, Lauren and Jihye went back to the house and to her relief, he was asleep with Jieun and his son Lester while Suzy, Megan, and Yujin were asleep on the couch. Her friends texted her that she couldn't find her so they decided to go home but promising that they will visit tomorrow.

The next day, the married couple bought some cake and they even took Jayden with them. Lauren was the one holding Jayden since Jihye's arm was still hurting. As they went inside the room they were happily laughing with Jennie's family.

"We didn't miss the party yet right?" Lauren asked with a smile on her face

"You both didn't," Leslie said "Hi Big Boy!" Leslie took Jayden to Leslie's arms and kissed the side of his face.

Lauren smiled and gave a kiss to Jiyong and Chaerin while she hugged her siblings.

"Hi Dad" She kissed Dowon's cheek and handed him his gift

Dowon was happy hearing the words again. He loves it and he will cherish this forever.

"Come on, let me hold my Grandson" Leslie handed Jayden and Dowon instantly hugged him and asked if he was okay. Lauren shook her head and went to her wife to pull her outside the room instantly making their way to the empty room.

Jihye smirked and snaked her hands to her wife's waist "Don't tell me your H...." Laurene covered her wife's mouth "So you are? We just didn't do it yesterday. We can have a quickie"

Lauren rolled her eyes "stop it!" She blushed while Jihye chuckled "I came here because I miss you. I just hope this is the Warning that Daddy has been telling about, I don't want this thing to happen again. Especially, you got hurt"

"Yeah, I hope it is. But, I'm okay. I love you so much, Honey. I do, I'm so happy for you because you felt so complete again" Jihye mumbled to her wife while Lauren hummed they were swaying their bodies and she was kissing the idol's chest.

"I love you so much more. I hope we will already have a peaceful life with them and Jayden" Jihye kissed the top of her head and cupped her face kissing her wife passionately.

To their dismay

This was just the First Warning

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