
Chapter 12

"Ara, this is just what you need to do. Be happy, be proud, and be who you are" Jihye said looking at her member who seems like she doesn't care at all, Jihye sigh she needed to understand her especially since this is an Arranged Marriage.

It has been a week now and Ara has been going back and forth with the married couple sometimes Lauren's friends were there congratulating her but seems like Ara doesn't care at all for the moment, she's not happy. Lauren and Jihye are trying their best to convince her that everything will be alright, her parents wouldn't put her into trouble and match her with a bad person but it wasn't working.

Today is the wedding and Lauren was with her friends and Jihye's members already sitting on the chairs. Her baby bump is growing and tomorrow is her check-up with the doctor. Jihye and her members coming back will be in two months and they're ending their contract after that comeback.

They are planning to visit Los Angeles and stay there for a good three months and finally in Paris to stay there for about a year since Jihye wanted them there and their little one to grow in that place especially it was her wife's special place on earth. The auditions are already starting and Suzy is the one managing them, Lauren wants to do it but Jihye and Suzy don't want her to work that much especially since the baby is already growing in her tummy.

Jihye has been very protective with her wife in the past few weeks, she doesn't want her to work that much and think about work that needed to be done Lauren is trying to explain to her that everything will be alright she will be alright but Jihye's guts weren't conspiring, she's scared knowing that this was her very first child she doesn't want anything to happen with them. They have been walking around the park every morning and Jihye has been giving her the best food that her Wifey is finding. Lauren just found it extremely adorable and she's falling in love even more.

"Do you have any idea who will be her spouse?" Gabbie asked Lauren

"We don't know, even Ara doesn't know it," Lauren said in disbelief

"It's very odd, their company seems so serious. I remembered whenever this happens their parents will have dinner or at lunch to meet their spouse. This is the second time that I saw this kind of Arranged Marriage" Elle muttered, they know this part since Lauren is taking them to the wedding that she has been invited and the CEO is telling them how it works.

"Maybe this is kind of a surprised spouse for Ara. I mean it also happened to you right?" Lauren hummed

"But we don't know, let's just wait for this to start" her friends hummed and Jihye came instantly came with a mid forty man and a woman. Jihye smiled at her wife while Lauren smiled back at her, circling her right hand to the smaller back of her wife.

"Mr. And Mrs. Leando I want you to meet my wife. Lauren" Jihye said smiling while Lauren smiled and shake their hand for a handshake while Mrs. Leando hugged her

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Leando, how are you guys doing?"

"We're doing well sweetie, It's finally nice to meet you. We have been stoked when the news spread about your marriage with Jihye" Lauren smiled

"We're looking forward to having a partnership with you, Mrs. Jeung. I have been a big fan of your Dad and you of course" Mr. Leando announced

"Thank you so much, just email my company for sure some workers will be receiving that. I may not manage you both since you know I'm in the middle of pregnancy and my wife doesn't want me to work that much" Lauren said jokingly while Jihye pout at her causing the adult ones to laugh

"I understand that maybe we will wait after you gave birth and start working again. You seem comfortable and certainly in love" Mrs. Leondo said causing Lauren to blush

"What's the secret? Maybe I can give Ara advice" Jihye chuckled, Ara was close to her father.

"By any chance, have you met Ara's spouse? She's not telling it to us and she doesn't know who it is" Mr. Leondo and Mrs. Leondo looked at each other they knew Jihye will be surprised by it so they brushed it off and left. Lauren and Jihye were confused and looked at each other.

"Is it just me but everything gets weirder and weirder?" Lauren said causing her wife to nod and pulling out the chair for her

"Any news who Ara's spouse is?" Megan asked while she rested her head on Suzy's shoulder

"Mr. Leondo and Mrs. Leondo just brushed it off when she asked it. Jeez, I hope Ara will be in good hands. That's scary" Jihye said sipping her drink while her left hand was resting in her wife's thighs

"Do you have any clue what the gender is?" Gia asked

"Seems like it's a girl since Ara will be waiting at the altar" Lauren's friends nodded

"Babe, you think it's an idol? A lot of idols already have their own companies" Jihye hummed while thinking hard that maybe Ara's wife is an idol "Have any clue to some of the idols who certainly had a huge crush on Ara?"

Jihye thinks of it even her friends "There's two from Twice" Yujin said and Jihye nodded "One from Red Velvet" Megan added, "and one for -- wait for Jieun?" Jihye and her friend's jaw slacked when they saw the bride coming from in the church, Lauren gestured them to stand up today for esteem. Jihye's jaw was still slacked open so Lauren close them.

Laurene looked at Ara and seems like she was also surprised at first. For sure, she's happy, excited and couldn't believe that she's marrying her ex. There are still chances that Ara was uncomfortable by it knowing she was already moved on and expecting a new girl.

The wedding already started and Jihye and her members were so confused that Lauren is trying to talk to them but they were not replying. She just shook her head and talk to her friends instead Lauren explained everything about Jieun's company and her parents. She said that their company is really serious and it was all about business. There are chances that this marriage will just take months but it will depend on the wedded couple.

The wedding ended and they finally had the talk with Ara, the girl was so excited and can't understand what to feel. Ara explained everything to them most especially she hasn't moved on with the Korean. The girl really can't do anything since it was her parent's wants and decisions. There is no reception so the rest of the visitors decided to go home including Jihye and Lauren.

"Can we drop by at Mommy's house? She told me she hand me something" Lauren said looking at her phone.

"Sure thing baby, I also need to help Dowon with something. By the way, about your check up tomorrow what time is your appointment so I can adjust my time for the both of you" Jihye asked driving.

Lauren smiled, Jihye wanted to be by her side for the whole check-up. She wanted to be the best Mom but she doesn't know that she is already and she's already the best wife knowing Jihye is doing everything for her.

"Babe, I have a question," Lauren asked while Jihye hummed intertwining their hands together "By any chance if one of our kids wanted to become as you or wanted to become an idol will you let them?" Lauren inquired, she has been wanting to ask this ever since she got pregnant. She wanted to know her wife's opinion ever since she got pregnant.

Jihye was taken aback by the question, she was already thinking of these things ever since they talk about their future concurrently "You know it will be their choice but I also wanted your opinion. I want to decide everything with you because you're my other half and we are their parents but you know deep inside me I don't want them to be a celebrity" Lauren smiled while Jihye just kissed her hands.

It's not like Jihye will not support them if they ever become an idol, it's just that she doesn't want any of them to go through the hard things that she went through when she was a learner. Especially, she felt like Lauren was so gloomy and worried when she told about her life when she was a trainee. But whatever their children like for sure she will just support them.

The ride was silent since Lauren fell asleep, Jihye chuckled since Lauren was a heavy sleeper ever since she got pregnant, she was restless almost every day and mostly just sitting on the couch and eating her snacks.

After one hour of driving, they finally arrived Jihye softly wake up her wife and Lauren just told her to carry her which Jihye oblige.

"Is everything okay?" Leslie asked. She was surprised to see Lauren being carried by Jihye. She gestured to her wife to put her down which she obliged.

"I'm fine Mommy, I'm just restless" Leslie shakes her head and chuckled since she was also feeling that way when she got pregnant with Lauren

"Babe seems like Dowon is already working on it. I'll help him and be back in a minute" Jihye said

"Alright, we'll be here" Jihye hummed and peck her lips as she left. Lauren sat on the couch and her Mom put a pillow in her head.

"Good thing your baby is not being stubborn" Leslie muttered while getting some snacks in the jar and mangoes for her daughter.

"Well, it's still small. But my mood swings are already building up and I'm scared that I might shoo my wife away" Lauren sat up and took some cookies and ripe mangoes "By the way, what are you gonna hand me? We just went to Ara's wedding"

"It's just some things that I use whenever I'm stressed during pregnancy and some baby things that Dowon bought" Lauren widened her eyes

"Mommy, you know we don't know the gender yet but why did he buy a lot?" The CEO asked while her Mom is showing her everything

"I don't even know, these are all unisex clothes and colors so you don't have to worry. He even bought your baby a high chair. I tried to stop him but you know he wants to buy one for you" Lauren grinned she wants to spend her time with Dowon and her Mom but she doesn't have enough time since she just wanted to stay at home for the moment and is always restless besides she's also working sometimes even though she's trying to stop her.

"These are nice, Jihye has been planning to buy these things and high chair but I guess she will be the one buying the baby's toys and crib. I should thank Dowon" Lauren said looking out of the window wherein she could see her wife and Leslie's husband working on the shelves that they were re-building "Why is he rebuilding that shelf? Isn't that your shelf in your shared room"

"He's planning to rebuild it since we've planned to display all your pictures here including your photoshoots and baby pictures"

"Oh? Why don't you just keep it? I mean, I'm not fully a part of the family" Lauren said hesitantly, she still felt that way since she felt like she wasn't in the standard.

Leslie sighs, she still feels sad whenever Lauren is saying that stuff. She knew she was still thinking of her father and everything is new for her. She doesn't well her two half-siblings and Dowon and another thing that Lauren is thinking is she's not a full Korean but half.

"Sweetie, you know you're part of the family already. The kids love you and adore you and so is Dowon" Leslie said standing up the face her daughter

"I know but you know I know that they love me so as Dowon but Dowon's parents I don't know if they will love me or even accept me. I know Koreans have high standards particularly adult ones especially if you're non-Korean or half" Leslie could see the worried expression to her daughter. It's not like she doesn't see Dowon as a father material but she's worried about Dowon's side parents.

Leslie chuckled and rub her daughter's cheek "Sweetie, you certainly don't know how much they adore you. They are truly begging me to take you with them to Daegu" Lauren doesn't know if she should be pleased but the worry was still in her "you don't have to worry that much sweetie, a lot of people I know wanted to meet you and have a picture with you. You know you're the daughter of the CEO and actress so you truly are should be respected"

"Really?" Lauren asked looking straight at her Mom's eyes

"Yes. See even Jihye's fans completely love you. They adore you so much and they are asking if you are doing alright and how the baby is doing but Dowon's parents are like you Nana they are sweet and very caring. You don't have to worry, whatever you say or think you are part of the family now" Lauren just sighs and hugs her Mom. She doesn't know what would she ever do without her now that her Dad was gone she was still thankful that there were a lot of people surrounding her and supporting her.

On the other hand, Jihye and Dowon are done rebuilding the shelf. They are sitting in the grass while looking at Dowon playing soccer. He is a big help to the house. He always visits it and checks if everything is going well and updates her.

"Is Lauren doing fine?" Down asked while fanning himself. Jihye looked at him confusedly

"She is doing alright. She's always updating Mommy does she tell you about her whereabouts?" Jihye asked, Dowon sighs and breath out

"Well, she's telling me about Lauren's whereabouts but it hits different when it's coming from her" Dowon muttered

"I guess you're still not close to her?" Jihye inquired while Dowon sat beside her and looked at his Dad

"Well not yet. I want to be close to her and be there for her like Ben did. As a father and a husband and my wife have a daughter from another Man and her real father vanished. I want to take the responsibility of being her father or step-dad. Lauren has Leslie's blood and you know how much I love Leslie and I will accept all the things that she has specially Lauren" Jihye nodded

"It's exactly not hard being close with Lauren. She's a cheerful and cute girl that everyone wants to be friends with. She might look harsh but when you get close to her you'll see her cute and loving side. She's a caring girl"

"Lauren is a loving girl. I'm always their house since she wanted me to stay with her whenever Noona is at work" Yep, that's right. Lauren is always calling Dohyun to stay with her so she could keep him accompanied and that's the reason why he also got close with some of Lauren's friends.

"I know that. I know she's still finding the comfort of her Dad and I want to be there for her" Dowon said

"How about you spend time with her when I'm busy recording? Take her out and be there with her as of the moment. I feel like she also wanted to be close to you since she's also spending time with my Mom and Dad sometimes" Jihye requested

"I will count on that. Thank you so much, Jihye" Jihye smiled and Dowon pats her back. They talked about some random things while Dohyun talked about the house It went by for a few hours when Leslie and Lauren came out. Jihye stood up and kiss her wife's forehead.

"You tired? You should change your shirt" Lauren said wiping her sweat while Jihye is drinking some water.

"Nah, I'm not that tired. I'll just change inside the vehicle. Do you want to go home already?" Jihye inquired

"We can stay here for a span" Jihye hummed and kissed her forehead again as she sat beside Leslie. Lauren looked at Dowon who's currently looking at the flowers. She decided to walk and stay beside him "I like the flowers" She said

"Your Mom like these and we decided to remove all the unused and dead plants," Dowon said smiling "By the way, how are you doing? Is the baby healthy?" Lauren grinned and hold her tummy

"Well, I have a check-up tomorrow and I'm hoping that this little bean is healthy. I also want to thank you for purchasing the things for the baby. I truly appreciate it a lot" Lauren said sincerely, as much as she wants to call him Dad she still can't and it's too early. All she needs right now is to get to know him.

"Anything for that child, I hope you try to contact me someday," Dowon asked hesitantly while Lauren smiled

"I will," She said as she came back to Jennie. Dowon was smiling from ear to ear knowing this is also small progress from the CEO. All he wants is just to adopt him and stand as her father.

They spend their time together telling some stories, Jihye's new dance video, and Lauren's ongoing audition. Leslie said she can manage the company at the moment when Lauren and Jihye will be out of the country and promising visiting them when the baby is born.

Before they left, Jihye told Dohyun about the house. She will be checking it before they leave for Los Angeles. She's hoping that when they come back the house is already complete and she was ready to surprise her wife. Right after that, they left Leslie's house and went straight home then again Lauren is deeply sleeping.

It was now officially the check-up of the baby. Jihye will have another copy of the ultrasound that she can keep in her wallet and put it on her scrapbook that she was making secretly.

"Okay, the baby is healthy we couldn't tell the Gender yet since it's still small. But, are you expecting a certain gender?" The doctor asked the married couple

"Well, we don't care about the gender. As long as the baby is healthy and he or she comes out completely" Lauren said while her hands are intertwined with Jihye and the idol smiled kissing her cheeks.

"Well, that's a good one. You want a copy?" The doctor asked as Jihye and Lauren nodded.

Jihye helped to wipe the gel in her wife's tummy and helped her to sit up "Our baby is healthy" she said kissing her wife's on the lips.

"This little bean is healthy," Lauren said poking her tummy causing Jihye to laugh "Can we name it even though we don't know the gender? I like naming it already"

"What do you have in mind?" Lauren was about to speak when the doctor came and handed them the picture. Laurn paid for the appointment and left. As they went straight home. They decided to stay on their balcony and Lauren is snuggling into her while Jihye's arms are on her shoulder rubbing her wife's arm.

"You haven't told me the name yet," The dancer said while Lauren hummed

"Daddy and I talk about this when he was still alive. If it is a boy we will call him Jayden and if it is a girl we will call her Layla" Jihye smiled at the thought

"That's cute. But I have a question" Lauren hummed and played Jennie's buttons "Why do you talk about your future with your Dad?"

Lauren grinned and remembered the things that they said "I'm just really an open person when it comes to my relatives and close friends. I wanted them to know my whereabouts and my plans. Especially, I'm the only daughter and granddaughter of the Waltons. I don't want them to guess or assume everything. I said everything to my Dad because he deserves to know it since you know he has cancer" Jihye kissed Lauren's head.

"You are a good daughter" Jihye muttered

"Hmm unlike you," Lauren said teasingly

"Hey! I'm a good daughter" Jihye said tickling her sides causing Lauren to laugh

"If you say so" Jihye just shake her head and peck her lips "but you know what seems like Daddy is about something when he said those names"

"Really? What do you think it is?" Jihye inquired

"Jayden - Jihye, Layla - Lauren. The first letter of our boy's name should be J and L for our girl's. Maybe, it was certainly his decision and plans to let me marry you" Jihye smiled at the thought and intertwined their fingers together

"Do you think he knows that we're destined to each other?" The dancer asked causing Lauren to blush

"I think so? I mean if we don't we're certainly not in this state."

"What do you mean by that?" Jihye asked

"You know, we're not close, we're both not in love, we're both not comfortable and not talking to each other and the horrible thing sometimes is we hate each other" Lauren said sitting up to face her wife

"Is that what you're worried about when your Mom told you that you will have an Arranged Marriage?" Lauren hummed and lay her head on her wife's shoulder

"To be honest, yes. I don't like a one-sided love. I hate it, it feels like I'm alone and no one is supporting me especially when I knew that person doesn't want to get married and be with me. I truly like having my own family, life partner. I've been dreaming about that when I already started working as the CEO of my Dad's company and I've heard some stories that when you have an Arranged Marriage there are chances that your lover will be like you know doesn't care at all, will not love you back or will just hurt you" Jihye nodded and bit her lip "some people are lucky because they are like me" Jihye smiled

"Why like you?" She inquired curiously. Lauren chuckled and kissed her wife cheeks resting her chin on her shoulder

"Because I have the hottest wife, the understanding wife, the caring wife, the loving wife, my adorable wife, my bold wife, and my charming wife. You're so perfect for me and I couldn't even ask for more. I love you so much" Lauren said looking at her wife

Jihye blushed and looked at her wife "I love you so much more and you deserve all that kind of treatment. You deserve to be loved and taken care of like you are a princess because your Dad treats you that and now that I'm your spouse I will do that because you're not just my princess, you're my Gem, my life, and my everything. I love you so much and I promise whatever happens I will never hurt you and leave you and our baby because you're the person with who I want to spend my life and nothing's gonna change that" Lauren smiled and kissed her wife, she doesn't know how she gets so lucky but she was thanking her Dad and Mom everyday for bringing Jihye in her life. All she knows is Jihye is hers and no one else's. She will never disagree when it comes to her, all she wants is her and no more.

They stayed on the balcony for a good two hours. Just talking about some things, their baby, their future travel with baby, their work but mostly they make out. Lauren and Jihye just found it so romantic everything is so romantic with them whenever they do something together. I guess they are certainly in love with each other and no one will ever stop their feelings.

Jihye is currently in the recording studio, her wife is on the ground floor of their company since the model of the audition is already starting. She was worried because she might get stressed but Suzy was there whenever Lauren needs anything and feeling a bit bad. She wanted to do that for her but she needs to do something for their comeback.

"So, it's already settled that you both will stay in Los Angeles for months and move to Paris?" Tim the choreographer asked while Jihye hummed

"Yeah, I want them to be away from the media and I never want to show my baby to the fans yet since it's too early. I want to spend my time with my wife and my child for a good month or years. I certainly need a long rest" Jihye said leaning her back in the chair, she surely needed that knowing she also has a hard time in the entertainment and restless night like right now. Besides, she also wanted to see her baby grow.

"I see, but you and the girls promise" she pointed to the three girls who had just come into the studio with confused faces when Tim pointed them out "That you all will come back here or contact me if you need my help" The girls nodded and smiled

"You know we will," Megan said.

"You girls are already having their own families huh. Lisa is already married so is Jihye and she's having a child soon while Megan has a lover and Yujin will be having one soon but she's focusing on her dancing skill at the moment" The girls smiled they are certainly close with Tim since he was there ever since their debut "By the way, Jihye. Since you're having a baby when the time comes when they are already deciding on their own are you planning to accept that one of them will be an idol or like you? A Dancer?"

"Oh, I wanted to know that" Yujin muttered

"Well, I and Lauren talked about it since she also asked me about it. I told her that I just don't want to decide on my own, I also want her opinion especially she was the one who gave birth to them but I certainly don't want them to be since we had a lot of business going on but you know maybe soon some of them will be an idol" Tim smiled and so as the girls. They are proud of Jihye since she already knows how to handle things and thinks of the things that will be good in their future.

Meanwhile, Lauren was already starting to evaluate some contestants.

"So, What's your name, age, a place that you live in, the motto in life, and objectives in life," Lauren said while leaning her back in the chair

"I'm Hwang Jaeun, I'm twenty-one years old, I live in Daegu South Korea, and my motto in life is live and let live and my objective in life is to marry you" Lauren instantly choked on her saliva while the girl is grinning and Suzy is laughing her ass off. While YG, JYP, and Soo Man are chuckling "By any chance, are you single?"

Lauren shake her head while smiling "Well, too bad I am" Lauren showed her the ring

"Oh she is and she's mine," Jihye said entering the room while the three CEO are laughing. Lauren blushed and the girl explained that she was just joking around while Lauren just decided to accept her since it was very funny. They decided to have a break and Jihye was with Lauren in the dressing room.

"You're a jealous little squishy baby," Lauren said squishing her cheeks Jihye pout

"You're mine okay? No one else's"

"Oh I am Honey, all yours" Lauren winked and kissed her passionately.

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