
Chapter Sixteen: The Rescue Mission

We cut to Jeff, Izuku, Roger, Kirishima, and Xero sitting in the common area of the dorms as Maddix walks in and sits down with them. "How many people did you see or smell, we need an accurate estimate to see how much man power we need," Jeff says as Maddix thinks back to when he found their scents. "Around a hundred plus people in total,from most of their scents they seem like grunts but there might be some tough ones in there from what I can tell" Maddix says to Jeff as Izuku sighs. "So no matter how we slice it we're going to be fighting blind, that's just great" Izuku says as he goes to make himself breakfast. "If there are a hundred plus people in the building then we should take around twenty pros and only the top students, maybe top ten at least," Xero said. "I have an idea, we should get some people with quirks that can help resist the bullets and some who can cause a lot of damage to cause a commotion at the front while the more agile ones sneak in while the goons are distracted. We would need about seven or more to sneak in just in case some of them didn't go outside. Our top priority should be saving Eri because if she is gone they can't make any more bullets and she has suffered a lot." Maddix said as he put his suit on. "In any case the people inside will have a less likely chance to have the bullets but just in case let me get hit with them. I don't have much left to lose" Maddix said as he sat down. "Okay. I'm going to my room so I can make a belt really quick," said Roger. "Okay. Me and Izuku will meet you there," said Jeff. "Ok," said Roger as he left. "Hold on, what is his quirk again?" asked Xero. "Kamen Rider Build. Why?" asked Izuku. "I keep forgetting he had a quirk. No offense, Jeff," said Xero. "It's fine," said Jeff. We then cut to Roger's room where he makes the Slash Driver for Jeff. "Okay. And to finish this off, I need to make a different type of the FullBottle," said Roger. Suddenly, there was a knock on Roger's door. "Come in," Roger said as he finished the Sclashjelly. Jeff and Izuku walked into Roger's room with full surprised faces. "What is all this?" asked Jeff. "I managed to sneak parts of my lab here. Here Jeff, take this and put it on your waist," said Roger as he gave the belt to Jeff. "What is this?" asked Jeff. "Another belt I made, named the SclashDriver. Hurry up, put it on your waist," said Roger as Jeff put the belt on his waist. "Okay. Now, take this. This is a Sclashjelly. It's like my FullBottles," said Roger. "Okay. So, what do I do?" asked Jeff. "Twist the cap on the Sclashjelly and put it in the belt," said Roger. "Robot Jelly!" said the SclashDriver. "Ok, now say Henshin and push down the wrench on your right," said Roger. "Henshin," said Jeff as he pushed down the Wrench. "TSUBURERU! NAGARERU! AFUREDERU! ROBOT IN GREASE! BRAAAAA!" said the SclashDriver. "Whoa. What is this?" asked Jeff in confused mode. "It's your new quirk until you get your other one back. And I got a good name for you too," said Roger. "What is it?" asked Jeff. "Kamen Rider Grease. Hope you like it," said Roger. "I like it very much. Thank You," said Jeff as he gave Roger a hug. "No prob. Now, to de-transform, take the Sclashjelly out the belt," said Roger. "Okay," said Jeff as he de-transforms. "Okay, That was cool. Hey, I was about to ask you if you can make me a belt too," said Izuku. "Yeah, Of course. I'll make the belt called the Seiken SwordDriver and I can make the Wonder Ride Books," said Roger. "Okay. Thanks," said Izuku. "No prob," said Roger as he started making the other SclashDriver. "I'll help. I'm tired of seeing you do this stuff for us man," said Jeff as he helps Roger make the Driver. "Yeah, me too," said Izuku. "Thanks guys. Man, Y'all are the best friends I got," said Roger as his phone interrupts him. "Who's that?" asked Jeff. "It's Hagakure. She texted me. Check y'all phones to see if y'all got a text too," said Roger as they checked their phones. "Dang. We all got a text," said Jeff. "From Jirou and Ochako?" asked Roger. "Yep," said Izuku. "Get to the Nigheye agency now!" The text said as they put on their hero gear and rushed to the agency. As Jeff was running with Izuku and Roger the Sclash driver started to crackle with electricity. "Uh Roger is it supposed to do this" Jeff says as they stop in front of the agency. "Not really, it's still a proto-type but it should work just fine, it's not a complete fix to you not having a quirk anymore since it's basically me lending you parts of my quirk,but try to manage for a while until i can complete it" Roger said as the three of them walked inside. "You three are late" Nighteye says as he glares at them. "Sorry sir,we didn;t know we were supposed to be meeting today" Jeff says as he looks directly at Jirou. "sorry" Jirou says under her breath "In any case i'll need you three along with Xero and the other two boys to help assist in the raid on Overhaul's hideout,the teams will be as such,along with a set of fifty heroes Jirou,Hagakure,Momo,and Ochako will be at the front causing a distraction. "Those who will infiltrate the back end of the base will be Nejire,Tamaki,and Roger along with twenty heroes. And our special forces that will infiltrate and have the task of retrieving Eri and if possible subduing Overhaul will be Izuku,Jeffery,Xero,Myself,Mirio,Fatgum,Kirishima,and Maddix" Nigheye said as he handed Jeff his swords. "Your significant other over there brought these incase you might need them,she told me you have a special hardening quirk, if you don't mind i'd like to see it so i can accurately send you with the right team" Nighteye said as Jeff immediately turned bright red. "S-sir,i'll need to talk with her for a second,please excuse me" Jeff said as he quickly walked over to Jirou "special hardening quirk,you can't be telling people stuff that happens there" Jeff whispered in her ear. "What do you mean, Oh,not that I meant your Haki,why did you think of the stuff that happens in private you pervert" Jirou whispers back and Jeff then realizes what she meant. "ah,sorry then," Jeff whispered as he went back to Nighteye "RIght away sir" Jeff said as he turned his arm completely black as it then became harder than steel "I call it armament" Jeff says as Nighteye takes a close look at it "Interesting,i'll study this later" Nighteye says as he walks away. Jeff then walks over to his group as the Sclash driver starts to spark more violently "I'm going to have to use this thing really carefully" Jeff thinks to himself as Xero teleports to him "hey there buddy,how's that new quirk doing ya" Xero says as Jeff looks at him confused "Oh haha,very funny Xero" Jeff says as the groups begin to move out "Everyone we're heading to the hideout now,prepare yourself for battle" Nighteye says as he calls for Xero "Teleport us out" Nigteye says as Xero teleports them to outside of the Hideout. "To your stations,and prepare for the worst" Nighteye says as everyone begins to get to their stations. Jeff then transforms into the Kamen Rider Grease. "Ahh," Jeff yells as he is shocked by electricity from the sclash driver as the form is completed. "Yikes,I oughta tell Roger about this because how can he withstand being shocked everytime he transforms?" Jeff thinks to himself as he looks at himself. "But damn do I look cool" Jeff says as he runs in the building with his group. We then cut to Izuku as he plows through grunts that get in his way as he sees Eri being taken away by Overhaul. "There she is!" Izuku thinks to himself as a grunt runs up to punch him from the side. "I should've seen that coming" Izuku thought to himself as Jeff sped up as he kicked the grunt into a wall "Woohoo!" Jeff yells as he speeds down into the hallway of the building "Holy crap this form is amazing!" Jeff thinks to himself as he looks at the wheels on the bottom of his feet in the form "He's finally feeling better," Izuku says as he smiles. "Sir they're coming this way! We need to cut them off and separate them"  One of Overhaul's subordinates as he turns around and takes off his glove "I'll handle it,thank you" Overhaul said to the subordinate as he patted him on the head then put his hand to the ground. Izuku,Fatgum,Aizawa,Kirishima and Jeff feel the ground shaking as holes opened up in the wall as Fatgum and Kirishima were pushed into a separate room from the group "What the hell" Kirishima yelled as they land in a room away from the group. As they settle themselves they see two people moving with crow masks moving towards them "Rappa you know what to do '' Hari says as the second person was a tall muscular man with a strength enhancing quirk. "Yeah" Rappa said as he started to run at Kirishima and Fatgum ``Watch out!" Fatgum said as he pushed Kirishima out of the way and took all the hits Rappa threw at him "Aghh'' Fatgum yelled as Rappa began to explain his quirk "My quirk isn't the regular strength quirk, it's called Combo Star, with each punch the strength of the next one is doubled,that's not all it also allows me to rotate my shoulders at extreme speeds'' Rappa said as Fatgum stumbled back "Hah,it's a good thing my quirk is built to take damage,it's called Fat Absorption,it allows me to take most attacks and store the kinetic energy from them,'' Fatgum said as his hero costume begins to rip as Rappa throws another flury of punches at him "wait a second, after every flury of attacks he takes a minute to recharge,maybe he can't keep it up" Kirishima thinks to himself as Rappa slows down "There!" Kirishima thinks to himself as he hardens his skin and tries to attack Rappa "I don't think so" Hari says as he lifts his hands and creates a barrier around Rappa to protect him from Kirishima's attack "Spear and shield formation, this is going to be tricky,i can't keep taking punches like this,soon I won't be able to hold this form anymore" Fatgum thinks to himself as he grabs Kirishima back as the shield comes down "Watch out!" Fatgum says as Rappa begins throwing punches even faster "Haaa,It's been a while since I was able to fight someone without killing them,do me a favor and don't die anytime soon!" Rappa says as Fatgum takes another flury of punches. "I have an idea Kirishima,i have a technique i can use but you'll need to take down the shield for me,make sure he's wide open unless this won't work" Fatgum says as he looks back at Kirishima ``Got it" Krishima said as he taunted Rappa. "Are you seriously letting that nobody stop you from enjoying this fight?,you shouldn't have some bozo shielding you from attacks,you should be enjoying this to the fullest" Kirishima said as Fatgum and him switched places "Yeah,Your right!,HARI DON'T YOU DARE GET IN MY WAY OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Rappa said as he looked back at Hari,"ah,alright Rappa" Hari said as he facepalmed "Now time to battle!" Rappa said excitedly as Kirishima hardened his skin "If I even want to think about surviving this I oughta put everything into this!" Kirishima thought as he yelled "UNBREAKABLE!" Kirishima shouted as his skin became even harder and more jagged.

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