
Chapter Thirteen: Noble Sacrifice

Alright boys lets see how far your progress has come in a week" Xero says as he pulls out two rubber chickens "You'll see how far we've come" Jeff says as he activates his Joker mode stage two "Time to break this form in" Roger says as he goes into his Evol form. The two boys then activate their haki as their swords begin to react with it "There we go,time to get to business" Jeff says as he and Roger blitz in front of Xero who blocks their attacks with the rubber chicken "Gravity Blade!" Jeff yells as both of his swords gain a purple glow to them. With the added strength of gravity blade they knock Xero back a bit, "Now Roger" Jeff says as he communicates with Roger through the mental link "Got it" Roger says back as he pursues Xero trying to pressure him with a barrage of attacks "Attacking me on your own isn't a good idea" Xero says as he's about to send Roger flying "Switch!" Roger says as Jeff dashes in between them and blocks the attack with his swords,Roger then swings his swords at Xero while Jeff Blocks the attack "Impressive" Xero says as he takes the attack "Not even a scratch" Xero  says as Jeff and Roger begin their attack. Jeff would slice at Xero as Roger would follow up with another "You two have got the basics down but you'll need to speed it up" Xero says as he knocks the both of them back "We can do Just that!" The two boys say as they seemingly disappear as a ring of dust begins to form around Xero "Lets see what you can do!" Xero says as he gets in a fighting stance for the first time in the entire week. Roger and Jeff then attack Xero at the same time, sending him flying back "Gravity Blade Blitz!" Jeff says as he chases after Xero,"Nice moves but still light years away from my skill level" Xero says as Jeff uses his Observation Haki to dodge Xero's attack "My turn!" Roger says as he comes flying in with a kick to Xero's neck "Nope" Xero says as he blocks it with his arm. Jeff then sweeps his leg as Xero falls back a bit "Now the real fight begins" The two boys say as they kick Xero in the chest sending him flying "take him up town Roger" Jeff says as Roger dashes behind Xero kicking him upward "Wheeeeeee!" said Xero as he let himself fly up in the air. "Watch out Roger!" Jeff says through the mental link as Roger runs behind Jeff. Jeff then sticks his hand out towards Xero who "Planetary Devastation!" Jeff yells as nearby rubble,debris,and pieces of robots crash into Xero forming a giant ball around Xero. "It's actually quite cozy in here!" said Xero as he suspended hundreds of feet in the air sealed by debris. "Now Let's Finish this!" Jeff says as He pushes his Armament Haki past it's limits making it grow to cover all over his arms and then his legs as Roger does the same. They both jump in the air as they slice the giant planetoid in the air in half "Gravity Blade: Gravity Sword Wave" Jeff says as he launches out a wave of purple and black gravity that coils around the planetoid and slices it to bits "Finish him!" Jeff yells as he falls back to the ground. "On it" Roger says as he pulls out revolvers from his waist "Spirit Gun" Roger said as he shot out two blasts of spirit energy at the debris turning it to ash. He then falls to the ground where he meets Xero standing there "I think you two are ready to face him now" Xero says "But mark my words,if anything and i mean absolutely anything goes south you call me, we can't have a casualty from the school unless people will start to spread rumors about U.A" Xero says as Jeff and Roger nod. Xero then teleports them back to the dorms. "Well that concludes your training so feel free to relax" Xero says as he walks  into the common area "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when your ready to find him" Jeff says as he walks into his room and goes to sleep leaving Roger by himself. "And then there was one" Roger thought to himself as Hagakure walked behind him. "Earth to Roger,Earth to Roger," Hagakure says, snapping Roger out of his trance. "If you aren't busy today then can we go somewhere?" Hagakure says as Roger notices her wearing the necklace he bought for her "Yeah,and is that the necklace I bought for you?" Roger asks as Hagakure shows it off. "Mhmm,it's very nice so I thought I'd wear it," Hagakure says as she pushes Roger into his room. "Go get changed,we're going somewhere nice,and it's a surprise so i can't tell you"  Hagakure says as Roger enters the room. "Alright,I'm done," Roger says as he comes out of the room. "Well don't you look dapper" Hagakure says as she grabs his hands and pulls him out of the campus. "It's going to be so much fun" Hagakure says as she calls an uber for the both of them. "Babe,you know that I can just run you wherever you want us to go, right?" Roger says as Hagakure looms at him "I know but i've been thinking about everything you've done and how much you've been through so instead of putting the burden on you i'll carry some of the burden for you,so don't ever be afraid to ever ask for help" Hagakure says while holding Roger's hands. "Babe" Roger says as his eyes begin to water. "Don't cry babe,I know things have been rough and I haven't been making things better. So I've chosen to be more useful so don't cry,everything is going to get better from here on out" Hagakure says as she wipes Roger's tears and hugs him tightly. "Thank you babe. Thank you," said Roger as he's wiping his tears. We then cut to Jeff as  he and Jirou went off campus as she volunteered them ata homeless shelter to help the unfortunate "Come on babe,this is what heroes do" Jirou said as she went inside with him "Yes,but right now i'm off the clock so i'm a civilian" Jeff said as he went inside as he saw someone from his past "Ain't no way" Jeff said as he went up to the counter "Ain't no way" A man said as he put down the crates of food he was carrying "Jeff,that you!" The man said as Jeff went over to give him a handshake. "Micah Lofton,it's been a minute since we last saw each other bro" Jeff said as Micah felt the same way. "It's good to finally see another brother out here in Japan man" Micah said as he went to dap Jeff up "Um,you guys know each other?" Jirou said as she walked over there. "This ya girl bro?" Micah said as he went to introduce himself. "Nice to meet you, as you clearly heard I'm Micah,me and Jeff go way back, i'm talking about before he became a hero" Micah said as Jirou looked at Jeff. "You never told me about him before," Jirou said as Jeff sighed. "In my defense you never asked, plus he likes to keep our business our business,so as a part of the bro code i gotta respect it" Jeff said as Jiro shook her head "You boys are so complicated"  She thought to herself as Micah asked Jeff a question. "So what brings you guys here?" Micah asks as Jiro speaks up. "We came here to volunteer," Jirou says as Micah walks them to the back and hands them aprons. "Well if you're volunteering i could use some extra hands with serving all the people who come in around this time" Micah said as we skip to a couple hours later when everyone is at the campus. "Alright you extras i'm going to bed" Bakugou said as he went to his dorm. "Yeah,we should probably head to bed too," Another person said as soon as the entire class went to their dorms except for Roger, Jeff and Xero. "Well everyone is asleep,time to go boys" Xero said as he teleported them to a rooftop. "You said that you could sense him right? Well time to put that to the test" Xero says as Roger and Jeff use their Observation Hak to try and sense All for One. "Found him!" Jeff says as he points over in the direction he's in. "Just about twenty miles east from this building" Jeff says as Xero teleports him and Roger to the location "Don't screw this up you two,have fun" Xero says as Jeff and Roger appear outside of All for One's hideout. "Remember,full power from the start,we don't want to give him any chance to read our moves or even breathe" Jeff says as he activates Joker Mode Stage Two,"I remember," Roger says as he goes into his NinNinComic form as they both activate their Haki and push it to it's limit and draw their swords. "3,2,1 Go!" Xero said as he connected all of their thoughts. They both rush into the building bursting through the wall and kicking All for One in the chest through the other side of the building. "What the!" all for one says as he gets sent flying. "Double time boys" Xero says as Jeff and Roger blitz towards All for One. "Gravity Blade Blitz!" Jeff yells as both of his swords glow purple as his body begins to flicker as he appears behind All for One and cuts both of his arms off and kicks him to Roger. "KATON NO JUTSU! KAEN GIRI!" (Translation: Fire Jutsu!!) said Ninpoutou as Roger threw the flame at All for One. "Interesting, i've never seen that kind of quirk before" All for One thinks to himself as he looks at the Build Driver. "Coming through," said Jeff as he dashed infront of All for One kicking him into the air.  "Let's do this!" Roger said as he and Jeff launch themselves into the air as they slice his arms off as they land. As they land Jeff sticks his arm out as he then yells "Planetary devastation!" As surrounding pieces of rubble and broken buildings begin to form a giant planet in the sky with All for One inside of it. "New form available,would you like to switch?" The Build Driver says as Roger looks down as he switches forms "New Kamen Rider Build Form Unlocked" The Build Driver says as Roger glows as his form changes into a gold and silver form with two sabers at his side. "That's new" Roger says as Jeff begins to yell at him "I can't hold him forever Roger,Might wanna hurry up" Jeff says as All for One regenerates his arms and uses his quirks to blow apart the planetoid just as Roger jumps up in the air towards it. Roger then gets flung back by the air pressure of the explosion. "Okay. I need to try this new form," said Roger. "Hazard On. Rabbit! Tank! SUPER BEST MATCH!!! Are You Ready?" said The Build Driver. "Henshin," said Roger. "UNCONTROLLABLE SWITCH!!! BLACK HAZARD! YABAIIII!!," said The Build Driver. "You know,I thought this was going to be the day someone would be able to challenge me and possibly kill me. But if all you're going to do is flail your arms and fling your toys angrily like children throwing a temper tantrum then I think it's about time we wrap this up."  All for One said as he regenerated all of the damage that was done to him. All for One then looks at Jeff. "I know you two may not have been a challenge but your quirks are quite powerful. I just might take one as a souvenir for this fight." said All for One. "Like hell you will!" yelled Jeff. Jeff and Roger then looked at each other and nodded. All for One then gathered all of his collected quirks into his one arm and pointed it at them. Jeff and Roger then moved out of the way as All for one dashed in front of Jeff and grabbed his face. "what did that one brat call it,right All for One full Cowling 100%" All for One said as he slammed Jeff into the ground. "The awakening pill gave me an ability specific to me. Quirk harvest" All for one says as he begins to steal Jeff's quirk. "Heh  ,you may have taken my quirk,but I know someone who's about to take you down" Jeff said as All for One railed back as he took Jeff's quirk and prepared to punch him. "Die!" All for One said as his arm is then stopped as he looks back to see Xero holding his arm while yawning. "You know what happens next right?" Xero said as he ripped his arm off. "Ha! You!I have enough power to stop you now!" All for one yells as he tries to use Jeff's quirk, but to his surprise his arm falls to the ground with the enhanced gravity "What!" All for One yelled as he couldn't pull his arm off of the ground "You know what the difference is between you and Jeff? Jeff has used and already awakened. Even though you can use awakened quirks efficiently there is no quirk like Jeff's who can make black holes. You won't be able to completely master it yet" Xero said. Just then Maddix appeared and shoved All for One through a portal. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" Xero said, almost punching Maddix. "He can't die now, he is needed" Maddix said while stopping Xero with time. "I have seen the future so I must enforce the timeline" Maddix said as Xero transformed him into a frog. "I wasn't going to kill him you doofus,I was going to teleport him to Tartarus" Xero said. "He must be free at this point in time, in a few months you are free to do whatever you want with him as he will no longer be essential to the timeline." Maddix said as his 5 minutes were up and released them. "No,if i give him that much time to use a quirk like that then i would literally be the only one who could stop him,you aren't going to get in my way Maddix, and that is a command from your father" Xero said as he was teleport to find All for One. "You won't find him, he must stay free for three months. He won't master that quirk within that amount of time, he won't cause any trouble until then. He will be working on a project that must happen. He needs to be free. If not then I have to leave this world." Maddix said teleporting in front of Xero. "Have you ever heard of Kamui?" Xero asked as he lifted his headband. "Kamui Woods?" Maddix said as he was sucked into Xero's Kamui dimension "Weird that's what the last guy said before I put him in there. Oh speaking of him, I forgot he was in there." Xero said as he then went to look for All for One. "Well shit, I didn't even get to stay with Tsu for 3 months. Oh well Dad, i hope your world stays safe" Maddix says as he vanishes from the world completely. As Maddix appeared in the Kamui Dimension he looked around and saw a skeleton. He went over to a tall rock and climbed up onto it and sat down. A few minutes later he saw a familiar figure dressed in green appear. We cut over to Xero's PoV. Xero walks upstairs in the dorms and goes to a door and busts it down. "What the hell!! XERO!?" yelled Tsu. "Heya, I got a present for ya." said Xero. "That's what you busted the door down for?!" yelled Tsu. "Anyway, have you heard of Kamui?" asked Xero. "You mean Kamui Woods?" asked Tsu. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" said Xero as Tsu disappeared into the Kamui dimension. Back with Maddix in the Kamui dimension. Once the figure fully appeared he saw it was Tsu. He got confused then realized why she was there. "Tsu? Why are you here?" Maddix asked as he walked to her. "I don't know, Xero sent me to whatever this place is," Tsu said. "I just wanted to protect my world yet Xero can't even listen!" Maddix said as he sat down. "What do you mean by that?" Tsu asked, sitting next to Maddix. "A version of me that uses time magic made me see the set future. I asked others what it meant and they told me to enforce the timeline. If not, monsters will come that Xero can't fight because they are immune to authority. The monsters wipe out the world and restart it the moment I intervene first. That would be before I was used for the awakening drug. They will wipe my existence and I would have to live with the other me's who fell to  the same fate. It means i will lose you" Maddix said with blood tears in his eyes. "Why are your eyes bleeding!" Tsu said while trying to wipe them off. "It's a consequence of me using another's power for more than the time allowed. I am not able to save you unless you stop Xero from finding All for One. All for one must make two vials of a weaker version of all for one before he gets caught. I don't want to lose this world." Maddix said before he was pulled back from that dimension and away from that reality. Tsu came out as well in her world. At the same time Jeff was pulled and quickly spit out of a dimensional portal. "Jeff,are you still alive over there?" Roger said as he walked over to where Jeff was "Yeah,I just feel a bit weird,like something happened after i got my quirk stolen" Jeff said as he looks down at his hands as a bit of electricity crackles at his fingertips "Well yeah,you kinda did sacrifice your quirk and Maddix got in the way of the entire plan" Roger said as he sat down next to Jeff who was lying down on his back "Not just that,it's just quiet for the first time in months, in my head of course. But I think the Joker is gone,since I had full control over his power he faded into my subconscious and thus my quirk since my body needed to get used to the power he gave" Jeff said as he looked to the sky as it started raining. "Let's go home,it's been a long day" Roger said as he helped Jeff to his feet. We then cut to Xero as he finds All for One, But to Xero's surprise All for One is making vials of his own quirk with his blood "What in God's name are you doing?" Xero says as he walks towards All for One as he quickly caps the vials he made and teleports them across the planet "It was only enough for three full vials but that's more than enough" All for one thinks to himself as Xero snaps his fingers putting him in quirk nullifying handcuffs and a straight jacket "off to Tartarus you go" Xero says as he snaps his fingers teleporting him there. "I wonder how he got out?" Xero thinks to himself as he noticed Maddix and Tsu weren't in the Kamui dimension 'Well i'll just teleport them to the dorms "Xero thinks to himself as he snaps his fingers as they are teleported to the common area of the dormitory."Oh hey Jeff, good news All for One has been put behind bars and there is a possibility of you getting another quirk." Xero said as Jeff looked at him and chuckled a bit "I'm guessing you're gonna whip up something out of your endless tool box Xero" Jeff said as Jirou walked out of Jeff's room wearing one of his shirts "Babe!Are you hurt!" Jirou said as she saw Roger holding him up "some bruises here and there but i'm just exhausted is all, and is that my shirt?" Jeff says as Jirou throws her arm over jeff and takes him to his room "yeah,i missed you and your shirts are much bigger than mine" Jirou said as Jeff laughed as they went to bed. "Wait what do you mean getting a new quirk" Roger said as he saw Jeff get his quirk stolen. "Oh,he got sucked into another dimension where my female counterpart blessed him with another quirk, i have no idea what it does but it's electricity based,and since she likes to go a bit overboard he might be able to control storms like tempest wolf" Maddix said as Xero looked at him confused "Why?" Xero asked as Maddix tried to explain it "I have no power over her decisions.she rules her dimension and blesses as she sees fit,i'm only the time warden,speaking of which there's a person in class 1-B i need to talk to" Maddix says as he and Tsu are about to go to bed. Xero then grabs him by his shoulder "One more thing, The next time you choose to get in my way and interrupt my plans when i specifically told you not too,i will turn you into a peanut and feed you to an elephant, so as the ruler of this dimension or whatever you put my title as, Never Do It Again" Xero said as he then walked to his and Momo's room. "He is really terrifying when he wants to be *kero*" Tsu said as she walked to Maddix's room "Yeah" Maddix said as he and Tsu went to bed. Roger then sighed as he de-transformed from his super form to his regular self. "I'm going to sleep all day tomorrow, '' Roger said to himself as he entered the room to see Hagakure waiting for him. "I'm so tired," Roger said as he undressed in front of her and went to bed. "Good Lord in Heaven!" Hagakure thought to herself as this was the first time Roger undressed in front of her. "It's best I let him sleep so i'll go to sleep too" Hagakure thinks to herself as she goes to bed. 

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