
Chapter Seven: Training and the first day of U.A

After the fight, Jefferey and Izuku caught up to the boy who helped them destroy the monster. They wanted to thank him, but he said no. He had a rough time already.The boy memorized Jefferey. The boy asked, "Are you Jefferey?" Jefferey said, "Yes. Who are you?" The boy de-transformed into one of jeffrey's old friend from elementary school. His name was Roger. Roger and Jefferey were happy when they saw each other. Izuku asked, "You know him, Jeff?" "Yes, We're friends. We have been friends since elementary" said Jeff. Roger introduced himself to Izuku. "I'm Roger, nice to meet you! What's your name?" Roger asked. "Nice to meet you too! I'm Izuku, people mostly call me Deku," said Izuku. "Hey, I got an idea! I know we just met Izuku, but how about you and Jefferey and I become a team?" Roger asked. "I like that idea!" Izuku said. "I like that idea too!" said

Jefferey. So after they left, they talked as they walked home together that night. "Good Night" said Izuku. "Good Night" Said Jefferey and Roger. "Alright man. I'll see you tomorrow." said Jefferey. "Alright man. Good night," said Roger. The next day, the three friends went to Roger's secret training grounds. All three had training dummies that were placed in front of them. Roger then showed Izuku and Jeffery his quirk and transformed into his Kamen Rider Build base form (there are many different forms when being a Kamen Rider). Roger demonstrated his finisher, The Rider Kick. Izuku and Jefferey are surprised about the way Roger transformed. "Do y'all want to practice?" asked Roger. "Yeah. Of course" said Izuku. "Same here," said Jeffery. Jeffrey decided to ask Roger to spar instead of practicing on the dummies. "I want to properly gauge my skills against you," said Jeff. Roger turning his head In surprise said "Are you sure you want to go up against me, I'm pretty sure I'm stronger than you" Jefferey, slightly annoyed by the comment, insisted on sparring with him. So, they practice their power on each other. But first, Roger had to switch to his GorillaMond (Gorilla Diamond) form. When they practiced, Izuku felt a bit worried. "What if they get hurt? What if we get in trouble?'' he thought. About 20 minutes later, Jefferey and Roger had stopped and de-transformed "You have good power." said Roger. "You too," said Jefferey.  The next day when the boys got to class Aizawa told them and the rest of the class to head down to the training area and get changed into their gym clothes as they were going to be tested on their physical capabilities. As the class then heads down to get changed they all reconverge back at the training grounds where they see Aizawa waiting for them holding a ball next to a circle that was painted on the ground. "Alright, line up in your placement order according to your entrance exam score. When you are done let me know," said Aizawa. Everyone gets in order after 5 minutes. "Ok, Katsuki Bakugou, you are up first," said Aizawa. "HA! Expected from the next number 1!" boasted Bakugou. "Just get in the damn circle and throw the ball with your quirk." said Aizawa. "Oh! This looks like fun!" said Mina. "Oh? You think this is fun? Ok, well whoever scores last is getting expelled…" said Aizawa. "WHAT!?" said the class except Momo, Shoto, Bakugou and Izuku. After the test. "AHH! I don't wanna be expelled!!" yelled Mineta. "Nobody is getting expelled.." said Aizawa. "WAIT WHAT?" yelled the class except Momo, Shoto, Bakugou and Izuku. "You guys didn't know?" asked Momo. "Know what?" asked the class except Momo, Shoto, Bakugou and Izuku. "It was just a ruse to make you try your hardest!" said Aizawa with a weird smile. The class groaned as they all went back inside to change back and get their stuff to leave.

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