
Chapter Five: New arrivals for the entrance exam

One week left until the exam, Jeffrey and Izuku are trained up for the entrance exam and not just physically they studied for a good duration of the 10 months but the exam will be nothing that they could have ever expected. And the day off the exam their trainers made sure to prepare them mentally because just because they trained hard doesn't guarantee that they will get into the school. As they nod in understanding and rush off to the school so that they aren't late, As they make their way in front of the school and into the hall where the written portion is being held they make it just in time as the hero Present Mic is explaining the test and how each portion of it works, another hero passes out the written test. After they finish that they prepare for the hero exam. As present mic explains this portion of the exam the competitors ready themselves as present mic yells go. They all rush through the gate as they are met with green robots of various sizes and points. Our dynamic duo are smooth sailing across some of these robots but there are some that challenge them. The 5 pointer robot equipped with rubber bullets and a tear gas blaster poses a challenge to Izuku,although he has greater physical strength and speed along with better control of one for all this robot uses tactics that counter skill based fighters. The tear gas makes it hard for him to focus and see but as he is about to be hit with another attack from the robot it's destroyed by a well timed explosion, as a familiar voice shouts out "Stay the hell out of my way Deku!!" as Izuku opened his tear filled eyes he saw the all so recognizable red eyed ash blonde Bakugou. Izuku rubbing his eyes thanks Bakugou as he runs off to fight another robot, At the same time Bakugou helped Izuku, Jefferey was blind sighted by a 15 pointer robot hitting him in the back and temporarily stuns him with tear gas and rubber bullets as he is down a boy runs in and destroys the robots bombarding him with attacks while yelling out "RIDER KICK". Jefferey thanks the boy and continues to go for points, a little while after the boys deem that they have enough points to get into u.a and decide to lay low until the test until they saw all the students running and screaming when they saw the massive zero pointer robot. The boys were about to run with the swarm of people but when they saw a short brunette girl trapped under scraps of a destroyed robot, she cried out for help in a panicked voice as she was in genuine danger. The test officials were about to deactivate the robot until they saw three figures moving at high speeds at the robot, Izuku, Jefferey, and Bakugo are moving in at top speeds to destroy the robot and save the girl. Izuku heard All Might's voice ringing in his ear when he said "When you have someone to save and you feel like you aren't powerful enough to save them you grit your teeth, plant your feet and cry out smash and you'll be able to save them". Izuku ran in at speeds he has never ran before as he gritted his teeth with a bright smile while running in to save the girl. As he throws the scrap metal off of the girl, he then picks her up and runs in the opposite direction of the zero pointer robot. He sets her down in a safe place as green electricity starts crackling off of his body and he runs back towards the zero pointer at blinding speeds. Back with Bakugou and Jeffrey, they rush in and hit the robot in all of its joint areas as they run up the robot they are focused on tearing it to pieces. As the robot grabs Bakugou, Jeffery, not focusing on anything but destroying the robot, begins to rush towards the robot's hand and begins to enhance gravity on the robot's entire arm until it gets torn off completely.  As this happens bakugou bursts out of the dismembered robot hand and grabs Jeffrey as they both rushed up to the robot's face, Jeffery and Bakugou use a unintentional combo move, Jeffery makes himself and Bakugou heavier and bakugou spins themselves around as they are cloaked in a massive cyclone of explosions. As they crash into the robots face Jeffery cries out "GRAVITY RUSH" at the same time Bakugou cries out "HOWITZER IMPACT" as all that was heard was the two boys saying "GRAVITY IMPACT" as the robot is hit with this move the entire head of it is torn to scrap metal as the rest of the body begins to explode as it falls to the ground. The two boys stunned at the feat they just pulled off begin to realize the situation they are in and begin to fall from the sky at rapid pace. Neither of them have enough strength to use their quirks to save themselves as they exhausted their energy against the robot, not to mention the injury they sustained from using such a large scale attack without the proper training of how to do so. Bakugou's left arm is completely scorched up and down with burns from his half of the attack and jeffery's right arm is completely broken from his half because his body wasn't ready to take that much damage and resistance from the attack.they fall from the sky helplessly until they are both caught midair before they hit the ground by All Might and Izuku with a exhausted and worried look on their face as they thought they weren't going to make it in time to catch both Jeffery and Bakugou.

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