
Case of the Shimura Family (2)

"Change of hair color... is not that common, and that quickly?" The HPSC said, Takeshi eyed All Might, he had been silent for a long time now. Probably welling up in some sort of guilt, so he decided to say why he thought of this if it could help a bit.

"My daughter manifested her quirk recently..." Takeshi said, garnering the attention of everyone in the room "It's a mutation type that made her entire body be made of rubber..." He paused before he concluded with "Including her hair"

Hamada remained silent while scribbling down the new information, using his quirk numerous times while holding his head out of the headache for overusing his quirk before saying.

"That's definitely weird, but if we consider that Tenko did not deviate from standard mold and that he was a late bloomer at the age of 5, it would make for something plausible..." He said before calming down and staring at Takeshi "it would solve who did it and why there was no culprit... but" he hesitated.

"The flaw in that theory would be, with the degree of destruction seen, it required Tenko to purposefully killed most of his family" Hamada said with a trembling voice.

"Not entirely impossible" Kenji said, he understood that Hamada's quirk points often to the ugly side of people and society, making his mental health a bit precarious. If not for the more normal Takeshi, he probably would end up being a villain with such a quirk.

"At the end of the day, we came up with more questions than answer" Takeshi said, mocking his own theory.

As the members of the conference started closing down talks, All might and the other heroes asked questions about why they were never brought up and we're reminded that there was no connection between them to Nana that the police force knew of. They simply left the conference room with the news that they did not like.

"Today was a long day..." Takeshi muttered as he walked away from the police department.

"HELLO YOUNG TAKESHI" All Might slide towards him as he stopped to be beside him, speaking in a boisterous voice seeming more forced than normal.

"Can I help you with anything All Might?" Takeshi said putting his hand on the pockets of his trenchcoat.

"I-I want to give thanks to you... for pushing the case to include us in its conclusion" All Might sincerely say, he was preoccupied with the meeting that he almost forgot to thank the man who stubbornly wanted him to know the fate of his mentor's family.

"I'll take it, but I only did what I thought was right, nothing more nothing less" Takeshi stated, he thought that All Might, as a holder of power unknown to him, would be grateful to know of this case as soon as he knew that All Might was related.

"I actually came here for another thing" All Might be rubbing the back of his neck with his hand "h-how do you know about..." he asked shyly.

Takeshi took out a copy of the photo of Nana and gave it to All Might before explaining

"When we found who was in the picture, Hamada used his quirk to know everything about this person, eventually landing to Nana, and subsequently you" He said as sighed and pointed at him

Before All Might could speak Takeshi continued "We managed to find that Nana's quirk was a bit weird, eventually landing in a theory without flaws. You somehow inheriting her quirk"

"H-how?" All Might answered in shock that someone discovered his secret.

"A lot of investigation, seeing rumors about inheritance, and a lot of effort. Once we knew that you had a connection with the case Takeshi pushed for your integration into the project" Hamada said as he walked up to Takeshi.

All Might by this point was baffled at the pair of Police officers who discovered a lot about him and even helped him, he understood that he would be blind to such tragedy if these people didn't put their all into their job. He smiled in gratitude before saying with a lot more life.

"THANKS! I'll remember your hard work in the future" All Might laughed loudly "but could you keep One for All a secret?" All Might whispered in his ear, having to bend his back a bit to be at eye level.

"That's the name of your quirk? of course, don't worry about it!" Hamada said as Takeshi nodded.

"ALRIGHT THEN, have my thanks again! I owe you a favor" All Might said as he patted both their backs, Hamada almost fell face first while Takeshi didn't even flinch.

"Your presence alone makes my work easier, don't worry too much" Hamada said as he watched himself.

"But don't overwork yourself, that's dangerous. Believe me, I speak from experience" Takeshi added.

All Might smiled widely at these two cops, they were unusually determined to do the right things, as he said goodbye to them he walked away in a flashy way. Takeshi and Hamada sighed as the stress that they were building up finally made them collapse on their seats in the car.

"What a day huh?" Hamda said he was so stressed out that he wanted to take a day off right now.

"I wonder if we made a difference by bringing All Might" Takeshi said out loud, he was the one pushing for it since he knew of the relationship between Nana and All Might, yet he didn't know if he actually made a difference by pursuing this case to its bitter end. He still felt somewhat guilty for the kid he left to fend for himself.

After his shift, Takeshi went back home without hesitation, the day has taken a toll on him so he didn't want to take any detours with Hamda for today, he did promise him to go drinking with him tomorrow for all the literal headaches he made hamada go trough unintentionally trough all 5 years od this case.

"I'm home" he opened the door while leaving his trenchcoat on the coat hanger.

"Welcome home~" He heard his wife receive him, it seemed that she was busy cooking food, he did go home early because of the reunion. While he was thinking two arms reached out around him, and like a rocket, his daughter propelled halfway across the room.

"Welcome, dad!" Tomomi said as she looked at him with a wide smile, her face being so elastic made her usual smile en larger and more innocent, he simply returned the hug and commented.

"You're very happy today" Takeshi said, she always happy and looking a the world in wonder, but today she smiled a bit more wide than usual.

"I made a new move and want to show you!" She said as he put her on the floor.

"Alright, let me get changed and see what you got" he said with a slight smile and patted her head.

"Un!" She let herself be patted and let her dad move to change.

Takeshi wasn't sure if his actions changed anything at all, maybe it was better to not let All MIght know, it would trouble him less and the case was already decently hidden thanks to the HPSC, he also didn't gain anything out of this case except his second missed case. As he sighed he remembered the smile of his daughter and he himself smiled, he wondered if that was what All Might's smile inspired in people.

[She surely can make a change in this world]

"Tomomi" he said as his daughter did some warm-up... by stretching.

"Yes?" She paused as she looked at him.

"If want to help someone, you should do it so that you have no regrets" He wanted his daughter to not have regrets of any kind.

"Of course Dad! I will be a hero who helps anyone who needs it" She said after a second of thinking, Takeshi smiled at the thought of what type of hero his daughter would become.

[Well, she will have my support no matter what]

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