
Ch 47 – Enhancements

After watching the final episode of the anime that the original Dahsoo use to watch, he went and opened up the virtual machine that Ai made for Glass and opened the game he used to play.

He played for around 40 minutes and decided that that is enough for now and went to go incongnito to watch pawn like how Dahsoo used to do.

He searches for around 10 minutes then watch the pawn for around 5 minutes and he was finally done.

"Its almost dinner time, I should make myself sad now" muttered by Dahsoo as he controlled his brain to make his body sad. His eyes started to get teary and red, his nose got stuffy and his body language indicates that he just finish crying for some time.

Then like clockwork, after 5 minutes, a knock on the door was heard as Hansoo's cute voice was heard outside the door.

"Its time to eat!" said by Hansoo.

"O- okay" said by Dahsoo with a raspy voice.

But Hansoo didn't seem to notice anything wrong as he went downstairs to go eat.

Dahsoo went and change his clothes to a hoodie and pants that covers his whole body and put on his glasses to cover his stuffy eyes.

He walks downstairs like he did not just cry and just did the normal things he use to do, but in a stiffer way that indicates that something was wrong.

He went and grab his food and put it on his plate as he and went and sat down on his chair with his shoulders slump down.

They went and ate in silence for a time until his mother couldn't take it anymore and spoke to him.

"Dahsoo, is there anything wrong?" ask by his mother with a concerned tone as Hansoo also look at him with a worried face.

"I- its nothing" said by Dahsoo as he look down to his food, avoiding his mother's and Hansoo's gaze.

"Come on hyung, I know there is something wrong" said by Hansoo as he ate his food.

"Fine, I got rejected" said by Dahsoo as Hansoo almost spurted out his drink.

"Ohohoho, I thought it was something serious. Don't worry Dahsoo, that's how life works" said by his mother as she laugh hard at what Dahsoo said.

"Hahaha, I didn't think you would actually confess hyung" said by Hansoo as he struggled to breath.

"Who was it hyung" ask by Hansoo in a curious voice as his mother also got interested.

"I- its Cha Haerin" said by Dahsoo as both Hansoo and his mother laugh harder.

"Guwahahaha, you wouldn't even get a chance of being friends with her, and you confess to her" said by Hansoo as he almost chokes on his food.

"You should just be smarter next time Dahsoo, now go and eat your food" said by their mother as they nodded and at their food. Particularly Dahsoo as he ate more than normal to offset his sadness.

After a while, they were finally finish eating as it was Dahsoo's turn to wash the dishes. He went to clean them up as he finally went back to his room.

"Ai, is the procedure possible" said by Dahsoo as he went and sat down on his chair in front of the computer.

[Yes sir, a 100% success rate] said by Ai in text form.

"Okay then, then go study on anything you can for now" said by Dahsoo as Ai digitally thumbs up.

Dahsoo went and lock the door shut as he took of all his clothes and got on his bed. He went and lied down and cleared his mind so he can focus on his brain.

He started to manipulate everything on his body in fine detail as he controlled his brain to change as he felt like his consciousness getting stranger by the second but he holds through as he modified his nerves, brain and everything.

After a while, he could be seen not breathing at all as he maximize his body to the upmost limit in terms of the biological human body as he use all of his concentration on his brain.

And finally after a while, he finally finish what he was doing to his brain.

"Finally, its finish" muttered by Dahsoo as his perception of reality drastically change, as if he became… better.

'Finally, I have a brain that can process things like a super computer, photographic memory, a subconscious mind that is like my very own computer but in brain form, and much more that will just make everything easier' thought by Dahsoo as he saw everything move so slowly with his enhance mind and eyes.

He saw random things pop up when he focuses on stuff like a system would do when you observe objects. He can see the data of the objects he knows about like he can see the weight of his table but not its atomic elements.

"Ai, how long did it take" said by Dahsoo as he put on his clothes.

[3 hours sir] said by Ai in the specific pitch that humans can't hear.

"What's your progress on knowledge gathering and your size" said by Dahsoo as he put on his pants.

[Know 90% percent of languages on the internet, know most stuff about the biology of humans, can predict around a day into the future when it comes to trading and (random stuff). That is all sir. My size was originally 326 terabytes but I optimized my code and now its 32.6 terabytes and I am now much more efficient than before] said by Ai as it showed him its optimizations and more.

"Good, try and make your own coding language optimized for yourself next and then just try to make yourself at least twice as good. After that, we can start expanding my influence. Then with enough money, we can start expanding your body and increase your learning capability capabilities. Go find a good location in Seoul where it is near Seoul High and here, but also a place where not that many people live. And preferably having a basement so we can hide your body underground" said by Dahsoo as a thumbs up appeared on the monitor as Ai started to optimize themselves again while looking up places in Seoul that fits Dahsoo's needs at a rapid pace as tens or even hundreds of tabs were opened and closed in rapid succession.

(January 11, 2022 - 48th day of writing)

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