
Chapter 305: Acel


Mornings seem to follow a kind of pattern, or at least that's how I feel, normally I am an early riser as I had gotten used to it, for Tomeo resting too much was not allowed, so by force I had to get up from one of the many beds I was in, it was not a long time, but I thank those beds that really some of them were very comfortable. Here it was not the same, they got up at about 8 am, you could hear how the old lady rang a hand bell to wake up each room of the children, quickly the footsteps of these same by the corridors, I will not lie that they made me wake up halfway, I still felt the obligation to get up even though I was a little sleepy, but comparing that I used to wake up at 5 am and now I wake up at 8 am, those 3 more hours of sleep I really appreciate it, I didn't hear the bell near my room, I always heard it far away, but it doesn't matter, I still went out as if I was called too.

『That night of class with Mikel, mmmm, although it seemed that I was paying attention, the truth is that I understood little, or rather to manage to remind me is becoming difficult, when I feel so comfortable, I change the subject to make the situation fun, or at least that's what I did with my friends, maybe』.

That night of first study, Mikel was teaching him and relating at the same time the history of the most important countries or civilizations of Europe, Cliston at the beginning became very interested, about the conquest and those things, but as he felt so good and seeing that the atmosphere was less heavy with Tomeo, he did not avoid talking about different things and when he least imagined it, Cliston was talking and relating nonsense things.

『The conquest, that reminds me that once Rojito hit the Potter, he was going to hit him back but Rojito hid in the women's bathroom, he did it several times that even the asshole said that he can't pass to his lands because of fearful and lack of hairs xd』

『Hahaha shenanigans is everywhere without exception, and what does that have to do with what I just told you?』

『Eh? Well, that the ....and then the other ....and that they invaded ....the bathroom?』

The truth at that moment I had forgotten what Mikel had taught me, I could even tell from his face that he would see that this would be harder than he thought it would be. But going back to the morning, I was leaving my room with much more energy, yes it is important to sleep your 8 hours at least, my room is not far from Mikel's, so always when I go through the passage, I see his door, the truth I have never seen him leave when the bell rings, I can't hear anything either, he is up already? is he helping with breakfast? or he went to do his work, the truth I still don't know, but whatever he is doing, I hope he is late, I want to go back to rest a little more if it is possible.

The daily thing in the dining room was to meet everyone at the agreed time, it has its schedule pasted on the wall at the entrance of the dining room, I had not noticed this detail before, but there are many annotations pasted by the orphanage with the languages spoken here, there are both annotations written in French, Italian, German, Dutch, I guess that being an orphanage, the children come from these places and the children come from these places, the children come from these places and they do this so that they get to be guided in a way, although I also do not rule out that they are children of this country, as if it was clear to me that in Belgium several languages are spoken, and since my arrival they have included in these annotations the Japanese, the truth I did not expect it, but it is a detail that I am very grateful, these days that I am spending if that served me not to be so lost in the orphanage.

『And to all this? Where is Mikel? I thought he was serving the food』

I was standing in line to receive the food, when it was my turn I did not avoid saying that thinking that Mikel would be here, but the old lady who was serving the food, hearing my confused tone, who looked as if looking for someone and especially because I said Mikel, seemed to understand me and explain to me.

『Des questions pour Mikel ? Il doit être dans sa chambre en train de regarder les rapports qui lui sont parvenus』.

The first thing that came to my mind is "Old lady, I don't understand what you are telling me" but I guess she answered my doubts I had, anyway I thanked her again bowing my head as a sign of thanks, there was no exchange of words or mimics, I was just retiring to eat while the old lady was with a smile serving the food of others, seeing her how despite her age she was helping in the orphanage, I couldn't help thinking that I would like to get to do the same when that time comes.

『(It reminded me of Mama Lucha)』

What the old lady meant is that Mikel every morning from very early in the morning this one gets to the orphanage all the reports of the previous day, whether new problems arose, or problems that were managed to be solved, he found out about the current political situation in different places in Europe, if there was a new accident or a situation that needs more attention for the future, what things the politicians are doing or what they are getting into, important people, etc, etc, etc. I didn't know it, but Mikel wakes up at 4 am to sit in his seat, put the pile of sheets that came to him and start reading them one by one. It was normal that when Mikel went down to the dining room, nobody could be found, since he went down at 9 am, only to find that the old lady was still in the kitchen waiting for the moment to give Mikel his meal.

Afterwards the daily routine continued normally, as if it was something that was repeated, after we both had breakfast, again we went to the EU Headquarters for Mikel to do his work, I see that he always asks the secretariat the same or with variations, as I hear him repeat the same thing every day, And you have to go back to that meeting room of countries, where few countries were present, but those few were those who supported Mikel as Leader of Europe and he had their approval, because in these years he managed to solve their problems and bring a balance, but it is more a vote of denial than approval. I realized that I could not do much, when I arrived at the place Mikel was telling me to introduce myself or tell something that happened to me, a story or something of my daily life, the truth I did not understand what this is for, anyway they will not understand me, but Mikel was sure of his decision that he even tapped me on my back.

『Go ahead Giovane Cliston 』

The first time he asked me I didn't avoid looking at him confused, but, how do you want me to talk to them, if they are not going to understand me anyway, I stood in the middle of everything while the countries looked at me, the truth I will not deny it, I got nervous and even my hands started to sweat, I wanted to get down from there but I was already here, so I just continued.

『And thanks to that the E.F. teacher confiscated our soccer ball.... from one moment to the next we found ourselves giving Rojito a hard time for the idiotic thing he did....(no wait, it wasn't like that, it was the truck that! ahhh)』

I couldn't tell it as I would have liked, when I finished I turned to look at Mikel all upset for what I did, where he in a friendly way told me that I can go down, the reaction of the audience was nothing, I only think that out of kindness they said thank you and left without further ado, I think they were not even interested in what I said, I didn't express myself as I would have liked, I didn't have courage, I didn't do any mime, I wasn't calm or relaxed at that moment, I didn't even know what gesture to make or where to look, it was just like reading something that was in my mind and that was it, more than reading it was like trying to remember something that I knew very well what it was like, but I just couldn't do it.

『You're going to get better, you'll do it again some other time』

『Is this going to happen again? Please Mikel, I just don't want to talk among so many people...』

『This seemed like a lot of people to you...but non, you need to know how to express yourself well in person with people』.

In there I realized that Mikel wants to teach me public speaking, but in his style that goes more with me, which is me talking about my experiences normally, but talking about my personal things or things that I find funny to other people that I know nothing about, I find it a little offensive that they will think, it is very difficult to be yourself with strangers, or is it because of this room? yes, this room when I put myself in the center I feel that I am the fixed point of all, ahhh!!!! I'm blaming it on someone else, I wonder how all those people who can be themselves in front of a big crowd who only notice them.

Also another thing that became daily was after HQ, going for a walk around the city, again Mikel was making me take a tour all over the place, which now I know he was previously a tour guide, so I feel like I'm getting quality information, osea. I didn't know that the author of Tintin or the author of The Smurfs were born in this city, I think these are my favorite streets or routes that I could come back just to look again and again at these walls. Wey! there are facades where it is drawn as if it were a cartoon of a comic book! I was simply amazed with my mouth open when I saw such a jewel.

『In total there are 3 Comic book routes, one would be in the city center, another would be in the Sablon/Marolles neighborhood and the third in Laeken/Heysel neighborhoods, there are more comic book facades but these do not belong to these routes, so you know, you are in for a little taste of these great stories that were read in great and everywhere in the world』.

I think it's in these moments where I pay more attention to Mikel than anything else, but really seeing this kind of art makes me remember a lot to the mangas that are in my native country, I know they are not the same, one is western and one is eastern, but we are in Europe, so also european? But what the hell did I just say .... I should study more to stop saying idiocies, but anyway I'm very happy that the art of drawing and history is still very present and marked in all parts of the world.

『Mikel could you do me a favor? could you buy me a Tintin comic? I think Mama Lucha has them but right now I can't go or say send them to me, so....if you can....』

『*smile*Of course you can Giovane Cliston, you learn more when you are really interested, then our next stop will be the Comic Museum, you can buy souvenirs for your family and friends』

I really couldn't stop smiling, being with Mikel is much more fun and interesting, but not to lose the habit again, I took out my phone and took pictures of these streets and keep them there, but again I told myself that this would be more fun and I would have liked not to be the only one enjoying these new experiences, kindly Mikel offered again to take pictures of me along with these comics.

The days as they are I am not complaining, I literally feel like I am on vacation, in the afternoons Mikel was training me again in the art of Savate fighting, it was also normal to see that some children came to the yard to watch or to train together, these days he focused only on my legs, I don't know whether to feel grateful or ask him to leave me as I was, I think I fell into his trap since I innocently sat with my legs stretched out on the grass, from one moment to another Mikel had called the children and they started to play with me, from one moment to another I already found that these same ones were stretching my legs, I felt that something was going to break.

『Dass Kinder, unterschreibt, aber mit mehr Kraft』

I think he told them to do it harder as I could feel how they started to pull harder, if you want to stretch my legs to make them more flexible, I think there is a machine for that, or at least I saw it in a program in my country, this I see it much more cacero and even cavernicola.

『You think this is not the appropriate method? I see that the futuristic vision is blinding you, there is nothing better than training with what you have! This way you can overcome yourself, those machines just make your life easier, if you really want to be someone better Giovane Cliston, you have to suffer it as well as our history!!!』

『AHHH!!!!! MY BONES!!!!! MY PILIN SHIT!!!!!!』

Crack!!! I heard something crack in my crotch, at that moment I fell passed out from all the tension my body was doing not to be opened, I couldn't see or hear anything. But when I heard such a sound Mikel ordered to stop, and that was it for now, that night my legs were shaking, I felt like a pressure or I don't know how to say it, but I felt my crotch throbbing but not in the way everyone thinks, I feel that tomorrow when I wake up I will not be able to walk, but not that to be flexible in the legs you have to do it little by little, I don't know, the butterfly or jump like a frog, these guys wanted to break my legs, but the days before they made me jog and relax my muscles. ...although I think you understand, they are not masters of the art, they just learned it and that's it, this is not what they do. So I was so pissed off that the next day I waited for Mikel to come down at 9 am in the dining room, I'm not one for revenge, but I feel that if I don't complain he's going to keep treating me like his mule.

『Hey Mikel! If your method is so good, then I want you to show me that you can do it! Be contorted like that little girl in the exorcist』

I was complaining when Mikel was receiving his breakfast from the old lady, I think she always does the same thing, another habit in this household. To my complaints, the first thing Mikel did is that he looked up, in one go he put the plate on my forehead again, I see he is very mocking this guy.


But...what do you want me to observe if I'm looking up and the plate is covering my view, this again reminds me of when my friends and I tease Reddy or Potter, I really don't mind this kind of teasing, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone it's fine, but right now I want to see if it really can, so I lower the plate to my hands to look straight ahead.

『Eh? And Mikel?』

He was nowhere to be found, I only managed to look at the little old lady who made the religious symbol of the fingers, you know, the name of the father, son and holy spirit. I didn't understand this until I heard a voice in Italian, I turned to find out what it was, and when I least imagined it, Mikel was all contorted as I told him, but he was really here all right from here to there, I don't know how to say it, but the circus people get stupid with Mikel.

『Ahh!!!! But it wasn't for you to take it so literally!!!!』 (((╹д╹;)))『But now that I see it, he sure is a great talent』

『Do you want to reach this level too?』

『No no no, I just want to extirpate myself, not get the chamuco』 (;~〓~).

The first thing that happened was to scare me, but then seeing Mikel so normal, it calmed me down and I opined that he really was a great talent, to be able to do that at his age no doubt I think it's even impossible, I was rather glad not to throw the plate, at that I was telling Mikel to eat before his plate gets cold, but Mikel didn't do anything, he stayed in his same place.

『I think this time if I overdid it, I did it to want to surprise you and show off, but now I can't get out of this, besides if I don't do it carefully my bones, muscles or tendons may break...could you help me Giovane Cliston? I can also ask you for help Vie?』

I didn't expect that, although I think it had to have some consequences, I didn't avoid asking him why if he knew the consequences, I had to do that, it was hard and slow work to untie him from his own body, but at least I learned something else, the old lady who always stops at the Orphanage, her name is Vie. The European names are simple but very beautiful. This day it seems that I don't have to go to the Headquarters, that's how days are from time to time, you go to the Headquarters or just don't, so what do I do at this moment? I would like to go by myself to explore or even do the first task I set myself, to bring some peace or change the world, but, what can I do if I am not an act for the problem? All this politics is taken care of by Mikel and someone who knows nothing and can even be a nuisance, because again I feel like I am in the way and these days that have passed, I feel that I am not fulfilling my main task, I like this touring, doing the training and studying, but...is it ok to move so far away from my actual purpose? I'm fulfilling personal goals, but with someone else's goal, I'm not doing anything.

『So, where do you want to go this time Giovane Cliston?』

I was more than a week with all this new habit and thoughts, that I think the time came to feel guilty, when Mikel was proposing me again to enjoy the place, this time I said no, even Mikel expected that sooner or later I would say that, but it was sooner than later.

『Not this time Mikel, I feel I have to do something for others, if I go out now I feel I won't enjoy it completely』.

『But if there is nothing wrong with this, why are you blaming your personal growth as if it were something wrong? haven't you learned anything in this short time you have been here? I mean don't neglect yourself, everything has its moment, if the moment tells you not to do anything, then nothing can be done, if the moment tells you that it is time to act, then you will do it, it is as simple as that, everything has its moment Giovane Cliston』

『Mmmm, that logic has a lot of mistakes if you think about it further Mikel』

『No, life itself tells you, what path to take, what decision to make, what lesson and learning to take, the only thing life doesn't tell you is what will become of you by tomorrow, everything has its moment, it can't be predicted』-『Enjoy your moment of tranquility, who knows if this will be the last』.

Before their conversation could be heard as some children who were at the window, shouted with apparent reason, this not only caught the attention of Cliston and Mikel, but the other children who passed the word and quickly descended from the upper floors to the main entrance. Quickly you could see how Vie Vie was at the entrance, the children came down and were very animated, happy about this, I still do not understand why, so I also looked out the window to see what all this movement was, when I looked there was a person wearing a hat and dressed in an elegant way, although that dress I saw little with people, he looks more traditional, I could not see his face well, but the shadow that appeared of him, it was totally dark.

『Today I was coming Acel, you see what I mean Giovane Cliston with the moment, I will take the opportunity to talk to him, you also go down to meet him and observe him well』.

Mikel seems to know him, I don't know why, but it seems that this person with Mikel has a relationship with or at least kinship, or well, the only quick comparison I saw is that both Mikel and Acel dress in a way as their customs say. As we arrived at the entrance, I could see how the children were just as happy and smiling, playful and cheerful as Mikel came. But Acel was carrying the children in his arms, as if making use of his strength for those present.

『C'est bien que tu sois venu Acel, je dois te dire quelque chose qui m'est arrivé』『Non! tu ferais mieux de m'écouter, tu verras l'autre jour』『Lass uns gehen, Accel, lade mich auch』『Er hat uns Geschenke mitgebracht! Vielen Dank, Accel』

They said to each other with so much joy that I think it surpasses that time with Mikel, Acel had brought a big bag with him, quickly the curious children went to look at it, they realized that there were lots of things, but most of all there were gifts in them, I wondered if we are in a festive season for this moment, but everything gives to indicate that he bought all this just to make the children happy.

『Good to see you again Acel, I'm glad that whenever you come, you always bring more life to this home than it already is』.

『Mikel, you're still here...I see Headquarters still has you imprisoned here, how about taking me as a guest, I know I'm not that important, but a voice always helps』.

Mikel and Acel shook hands, I see that they are very good friends, I didn't understand what I said but I see that they support each other, or at least with a clear purpose, to help and support the orphanage, I was just standing there, but quickly Acel would notice my presence, he kept staring at me that as my family taught me or at least I learned here, instead of bowing, I offered him my hand as a greeting.

『He is Cliston, he is currently helping me with my work, so he will be here for a while』.

『Oh, it's Cliston? The Hero of the world?! Magnifique!!! but really getting to see you, let alone meet you, is a great surprise!!!! It's okay to shake your hand? you're not going to crush it for me, are you?』

『Huh? I can understand you? Huh? How?』

This was an incredible surprise, not only for Acel who seems to admire Cliston a lot, but also for Fatty, since there was another person who spoke his language and could understand him, the children were jumping and running around the place, where Acel was happy, he quickly told Vie to take care of the children, the adults have to talk.

『Please Vie can you take care of the children? The sack of gifts I'm taking it with me, for someone who does her best, to manage to have this moment, it would be a waste not to take advantage of it *smiles*』.

At the moment of lifting the sack, quickly the children started complaining that since they are not going to give her the gifts yet, Acel was apologizing while saying that the one who listens to Vie, will even get double the gifts, quickly Vie was making a call where the children excited about the prize, were going to keep such the word. We headed to the Orphanage director's office, but she was not in today, she had gone out to do her business.

『One wanting to help and the boss is out, bon , I'll still be there until she comes back, we'd better take advantage of this time we have to be able to talk』.

『I really ask you again thank you very much Acel, if it wasn't for you and what you contribute to the orphanage, with your donations and funding, really thank you, although I still don't understand why the director refuses to accept my help, the other day I talked to her but she is still just as stubborn』

『Receiving direct help from the Leader of Europe must make her feel bad, she won't want the evil tongues to find out and talk, what one struggles with as an adult is to not misunderstand certain actions』.

They seem to get along well, but seriously this seems very good to me, the simple fact that there is another person with whom I understand and speak my language, makes me happy for some reason, it's like "good! one more person! I'm not alone" you know, you express yourself better when you feel in company and normality. My first doubt before his words, was that it seems that Acel knows that Mikel is the leader of Europe, but, isn't that information that you have to keep it secret...but, already Mikel goes out to the streets always with the uniform, so I guess he doesn't even try to hide what position he has.

『Also don't worry Mikel, those who need help will always have my support, both the neighbors in the neighborhood and especially the children, I do this because I also know what it feels like to be in someone's care and consider another place as your home, start from scratch, a new life, I thank my religion for everything it has given me, I just do what I should do to follow the faithful and devout path』-『You have to try to change that mentality that is still present』.

To those last words of Acel I did not stop to ask him if he was religious, where the answer was obviously yes, also these days of study, I realized that Europe is very faithful and devoted to the holy church or the catholic, after all they are the ones who expanded this religion to other continents, in the story that Mikel was telling me, truly the Europeans had very strong beliefs to what they believed, in my country it is the same, but I think we do not reach the degree of how they are. If I am not mistaken here in Europe is the Vatican, which I also did not know that it was considered a country, these data or details are the ones that I really believe I will never forget.

『And what brings you to this city or rather to this Cliston district?』

『Well, nothing special, I would say it's because of work more than anything, although I have little work, this time I've only been going for walks, training and studying, I don't feel like I'm doing anything for others』.

『Don't tell me he's being held prisoner here too? Come on Mikel, you can't put someone else in your sack, I already told you a thousand times that you are the Leader of Europe, you are just as important as other figures, why the negativity of other people stop you? if you want to go out, then go out, help other people in danger, yes, that politics is solved by talking, but you have to take actions, for sure there are many problems that need your presence, that must be why many reject you because you are not able to measure up』.

I could quickly notice Acel's annoyance towards Mikel, it seems that this was repeated several times in the past, Acel encouraged him to leave here and go to help other places, and the truth is that I think the same, there are problems that need you to be there, even if you are not there, you will not get the result you would have liked, you are able to change something that was about to happen, that I understood well, Mikel has the power of speech and if he sets his mind to it he is strong, he is able to solve all the problems since he knows how to do it, he is even able to read the other person, I still don't understand why they are keeping him here, I couldn't but I also decided to speak.

『Exactly Mikel, important people are always here and there and have little time, that you have time and use it for you is fine with me, I do not deny it, but don't you feel guilt or at least that thought of "I'm doing what I should do" Personally in my missions if I had not been there, Maybe that's why Tomeo is always present in every mission, because it is necessary for it to be solved as you want, I know you have the perfect method for the problems that Mikel has, but without your presence it will not go as you want, and that of waiting for the moment, I still think it is wrong』.

Cliston spoke hard and clear, he let well what he has been thinking these days of stay with Mikel, where the latter by the words of his friend Acel and Cliston, where Mikel always takes into account the words and opinion of the people, since it was the same way he was held here, right now the same thing was happening, it was already spoken, there was more vote against him and his philosophy that he learned, but Mikel knows that you always have to stand straight especially if you are given the against in something that you believe the right thing to do.

『That same thing I would like to do too, but if that is the majority of the countries vote, there is little I can do, their opinion I don't take them simply, no matter if it is a country or a neighbor, their word counts and is worth a lot, just giving your opinion and implying your side, I more than anything because of the position I have is what I should take more into account, If I break that rule I may even be removed from the position of Leader of Europe, the EU is the one who takes relevance here for the position, I got it on the recommendation of the former leader, if I make the other countries turn against me, at my age, I refuse to go to an asylum. The other leaders of the world earned the respect of their people by their actions and achievements, I am far from that, cause even more trouble, what are you if you don't have the support of who you fight for, I can't risk losing that moment that was given to me, so sorry guys, but I also want to help to the best of my abilities』

『To the best of your abilities you say Mikel.... but seriously we are being discriminated against just because we were orphans....』

This doesn't seem to have a solution either, Acel wanted his friend to go do what he has to do, but Mikel is afraid of losing that power to help people, it seems to be a very delicate situation than I thought, but now that they have been talking about people's opinion and word, I have to give Mikel favor, people themselves have the power to change people, to influence them their thoughts, at this moment I wonder what is going on in my country.

『(I wonder how my friends and family are doing)』.

This thing of being able to communicate only with my family is very closed, I would also like to talk to my friends and have them tell me their version of them, I want to be able to listen to their silly but meaningful opinion again, I am also someone who seeks the opinion of others to do what needs to be done.

『But Cliston doesn't have that limitation, does it?』

『What do you mean, Acel?』

『Well, that he is staying because you are here, but I guess he is not held by popular vote or denial, Cliston is alien to the EU, if he wants to go to another country, if he sees there is a problem there, then let him just go, with his speed he will get to those countries in a few hours, you what do you say Cliston』

『Well that's what he did before, he would go from country to country to solve the problems, here also I would like to do the same, after all helping is what I want to do』

『Magnifique! You see Mikel!!! why you also withhold your winning token, imagine just this, that Cliston solves the problems under your guidance, that would change the opinion of the countries they have of you, they would see that if you can handle it, besides I'm sure there are several countries that want nothing to do with you, but with Cliston yes, show them that you can give them what they want with your words and guidance!!!!! Rub their faces in their faces that you always had the solution and they were wrong!!!』

Acel had proposed something interesting, he was really hooked on this, Mikel still thought about it but at Acel's insistence and seeing that he can even take advantage of it. Mikel this one would smile and finally give a solution to his problem.

『I see that I was blind for this time, but thank you for waking me up, just as many of the countries take advantage of the political gaps that exist, then I will do the same, I am already motivated, I focused all this time on solving the problem of others that I did not see mine, I did not see that I had it in front of me, Giovane Cliston, with you now if we will make the EU back to what it was before, could you give me your help for this purpose? I promise to try hard』.

Mikel had already made up his mind, he was ready to use everything in his favor, as he always said, the time had come, Mikel showed him his hand as a sign of a deal, where Cliston without hesitation gave him his hand, thus closing this help that will make the countries of Europe see Mikel and of course Cliston with different eyes. The idea in summary is that Cliston travels to the countries where there are problems but always with the guidance and communication with Mikel, who will tell him where he has to go, what to do and what kind of solution he has to give, in these problems that are more political than more. Cliston was excited as was Mikel that they will finally be able to do what they were holding back so much, to be able to help with the purpose of the startup.

『So, shall we celebrate with drinks?』

『I don't think so Acel, Cliston doesn't drink alcohol』

『I don't drink for now, but when I get old enough I'll start drinking, I feel like I'm going to like it xd』

『But not that the....』

『Leave it Acel, he didn't realize it but he already previously drank alcohol』

『Seriously? bon, then let me use a trick, they always fall for these good kids』-『What a pity, then let me take something out of the bag, this drink was going to be for the headmistress but since she's not here and for the occasion, you have to take it』.

From one moment to the next the 3 men were with glasses pouring the drink, which Cliston didn't know, but it was a gin that was being served, on top of that it was a flavored one, Cliston saw the color and how he started to get suspicious because of this, but quickly the 3 men were toasting clinking the drinks, but Cliston was looking at his glass, the drink had a transparent light pink color, Acel told him that it was simple local wine, he even told him to smell it, Cliston knows how to recognize the smell of alcohol so he did it, and when he least expected it, he could smell not so much alcohol, but more herbs, this convinced him but still with doubts he decided to take a sip. Seeing how Acel and Mikel looked at the situation as if not believing that he had really fallen for it.

『Eh! This is good, have another drink, yes! It's refreshing *smiles*』('∀'=)

Cliston was already taking another drink from his glass and it seems that if he really liked it, apparently this was a triumph for the adults, since they were able to fool Cliston, for those who do not know, The Gin, there is both old and young, where the one Cliston just took was the old one, this recipe has more malt wine and more juniper, it tastes sweeter, it is distinguished by its caramel color and high alcohol content. I don't know the exact alcohol content, but looking for the normal Gin it has between 40º and 47º, while the strongest one has 77% alcohol, so I wouldn't know exactly, at least for my part, which one Cliston drank. Ah no, I looked it up, yes, Cliston drank the 40º - 47º. No wonder he liked the drink, then it wasn't the old one, but the young one he drank it from, I think Mikel better teach Cliston that there are drinks with this kind of trap xd. And from one moment to another, Cliston was more smiling than usual.

『Hey Don Ramon, I like your friend the light-eyed black guy』 ヽ('ω`○)ノ.+゚*。:゚+.

Where as both Mikel and Acel did not avoid looking at Cliston for saying such a comment, there is nothing wrong with it really, but there are places in the world where it is even offensive to say certain things or do certain things to such people. Acel smiled at this for the comment.

『We earned that for our cheating, I see it as fair』.

『Don Ramon said to me, so I'm not as old as I thought, what a relief』.

The 3 adults were going to have a good time with the company of a good drink, yes, when Cliston gets into confidence is when he loses the least embarrassment.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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