
Chapter 292: Sakai Asa

S͇a͇k͇a͇i͇ ͇A͇s͇a͇a͇

Tanaka Kenji today also had to make home visits in order to solve the case, this one as a civilian was going to the next address he was due, you could see him reading his notes that he managed to write down with the previous visit he made, he was trying to look for something that might be useful to him, but when he remembers it nothing comes to his mind.

『Enseriously who sends me from going from one place to another, but I guess it's my own fault for wanting to check both cases personally』.

Kenji just went from one far away home to another far away thing, he was reading his notes again and can't make sense of the things he managed to hear when he was in that home, now that he thinks about it, he doesn't want to sound like an insult, but meeting that little family he felt very strange and weird. It was in the morning when he went to that home, when he knocked on the door he thought that the parents or someone adult would open the door, but it was the opposite, who opened the door was a little girl, the same girl who was involved in the attack and he managed to see with his own eyes.

『A stranger, they told me that when I see a stranger I shouldn't pay attention to them, and if they appear in the house, it's because they want to do bad things to me』-『Find out, I decide from whom I receive affection』.

That little girl was alarmed at the sight of Kenji, who quickly got on guard, she surely wanted to intimidate him, but because of the pajamas she was wearing that looked more like a disguise, she didn't convey the threat she wanted. Quickly Kenji would try to calm her down so she wouldn't feel threatened.

『It's not that, although I congratulate you for doubting me, always don't give strangers confidence, I introduce myself, I'm Tanaka Kenji, a police officer, here is my ID』.

Kenji calmly this one showed his officer ID, where that little girl looked at him for a few seconds, and then slowly undoing his fighting pose, there was a deep silence in those seconds, that even Kenji already felt uncomfortable, as he was waiting for an answer from the girl, but in that Yushi would speak or rather, he would turn around to close the door.

『Eh! Wait, I'm here to get your testimony of the Big Tree attack, you were involved in everything that happened, you would help me by telling your version of the events』.

Kenji would tell her at the last minute before she closes the door, he really didn't expect that this girl would ignore him as if nothing, at that that girl would look up and sideways, as if she was lost because she just woke up.

『With that I wanted that, you should have said it from the beginning, if you don't tell me what you want I can't get to take you into account, you can go into the living room, although I remember that we already received a similar visit a few days ago, but.....』 ε-('・`)

That girl was so sleepy that she could not finish her words, Kenji although uncomfortable with the situation because he was waiting for the girl's answer, he would finally go to the house to make his investigation as it should. But he would ask where the girl's parents were, it would be better if they also knew about it, but quickly the little girl would answer.

『Mom is upstairs, but she is sleeping and doesn't like to be woken up, she was very busy lately since she had a lot of work, and daddy, he is still not back from the trip he took, but according to what I heard from mom he would be coming back 2 years from now』 (๑ᵕ⌓ᵕ̤).

Yes, he was so sleepy that he was even staggering just walking, though Kenji wonders if it was really early, it's 9 am and so many, by this time most should be awake, but apparently not for this family. Kenji was suspicious of that girl anyway, but now that he saw another face of her, this one didn't help but smile at how normal she looked.

『(And to think that this is the same girl that I managed to see in the attack, at home she looks like an ordinary girl, although that makes me more doubtful about how she knows how to fight like that)』.

Yushi, Kenji was at Yushi's home making the visit just as he said, he was also happy to see that the family atmosphere looked like a normal one, he was looking sideways at the house, as this can tell a lot about the place, everything seemed to be in place, but Yushi would interrupt him in his analysis.

『Don't go around looking and smiling, otherwise I will draw a conclusion that he wants to do bad things to me, my sister always tells me that I should be careful of perverts, and if I manage to see one, I shouldn't hesitate to attack』.

At Yushi's words, Kenji would quickly deny it because he would never do that to a little girl like she is, but with this little bit he just realized, that Yushi is one of the people who is very suspicious of strangers, but he doesn't see it wrong, he already said it, better to be suspicious than to trust at first. Arriving at the living room, they both sat on the couch, Kenji was asking himself questions in his mind, that better this would be dealt with the parents, but if you can't, there is no need to force, besides that his target is Yushi, maybe he just wanted the girl to feel better having someone she trusts, a relative to be able to talk calmer.

『I was forgetting, do you want me to serve you tea...although it's high in the kitchen so I don't think I can.....』

『Don't worry, I'm fine like this, I see that I'm uncomfortable here a lot, so I'll ask you quick questions, please answer with complete sincerity』

『Sincerity? to be sincere is to say what you really think, isn't it? sincerity...I see, I'll do my best Mr. officer』.

Quickly Kenji was already analyzing it, that Yushi noticed that word already gives a lot to say, from here many conclusions and paths can be drawn, perhaps Yushi can't tell the truth or he doesn't know what it meant, that he will try his best? Kenji was already writing down in his little notebook what he found most interesting, where he feels that he will get a lot of information from here.

『I want to start with your condition first, how do you feel after experiencing what happened』.


『Normal? if I may give my opinion, I believe that for a little girl like you, that event must have at least left some aftereffects or trauma』.

『No, for me it was something normal, there was nothing to highlight that day, that day? I think there would be something to highlight that day, I heard about a special person who promised me that he would make me smile no matter what, that would be what makes me remember that day』.

『....That's okay (looks like he had a date that day, I guess he wants to remember only the good things instead of everything he had to go through)』

Kenji was writing down key words that later he could get more analysis with the next questions, but now that Yushi said about smiling, now that he sees her closely, it seems that she is little inexpressive, even by her way of hiding it seems to be, that tuft that covers one of her eyes, that can be insecurity? But if so she wouldn't have been able to do everything she did in the mall, Kenji was trying to link the loose ends but right now he can't, he would better move on to other questions, in these minutes that passed he would first try to find out if Yushi was okay, he is an officer, so the welfare of others is important, then he would follow questions concerning the facts, of things that motivated him to get to act as he did that day, or why he knows so much about fights if he doesn't look like it.

『You talk as if you were there officer Kenji, did you even get to look at me?』

Yushi she would also give the counter, with a look a little more serious leaving aside the dream, stared at Kenji who would apologize for not having said from the beginning that he was present and that he could observe everything taking pictures as well as short videos, in there Yushi was alarmed for a second, asking a little scared.

『Do you have proof of that day?』

『Yes, they're at the agency right now being analyzed further』-『Why did you become interested? Do you know anything about it?』

『What? No, it's not that, it's just that I'm impressed that if you were there, you could have helped people, but if you took pictures it really does change a lot of things』.

At the end of this small conversation, Yushi felt somewhat uncomfortable and uneasy, this was quickly pursued by Kenji, who quickly drew conclusions that it is more concern for her than anything else, maybe she wants it to be a secret that she can do such things, people care about her image, Kenji would calm her down by commenting that he does not plan to share those proofs of her with his agency, that he would first take the analysis personally, but if it becomes necessary or until he is asked to, he will have no choice but to do his duty. If his goal was to calm Yushi down, well he didn't succeed, now the little girl was noticeably worried that there is material of her that could be used at any time.

『Please, I beg you.... don't go showing that evidence to anyone....I just want....to be able to have a simple normal life....with mom and dad together....as a happy family....if they find out that I do those things I....I....couldn't bear it if more people find out』.

What is this, now Yushi was weak and confused, quite the opposite of before, and this is not the first time we see something like this with Yushi, when she talked together with Ozuru that same day, she was also confused and even crying, the topics that have to do with what she does, is one of the most sensitive that Yushi can get to hear, everything related to her, makes him want to tremble with fear and he just want to seek help. Kenji didn't understand what was going on, but now this girl was sad, afraid, to calm her down now if he promised her that really, even if his colonels force him, he won't show anyone else how Yushi really is.

『You calm down, no one else is going to know about this, after all if you have sequels....but I will keep it hidden, but on one condition, I want you to tell me what's really wrong with you, I need to know so I can help you』.

Kenji could not take it anymore, sometimes he has that personal moral feeling of wanting to help others, especially if it is about helpless people like Yushi, he also has a family that he managed to form recently, maybe that's why he is more prone to be more sentimental with issues related to it. He already knows and deduced that Yushi has something to hide, that way of fighting with others and that personality at the beginning of not appearing anything, as if he were someone normal. But since he told her to answer honestly, this may be a cry for help.

『(There were already many cases where parents force to do cruel things to their children, and these out of fear do not speak, even because of the way they were raised they feel that what they live is the right thing, Yushi right now I feel that she is asking me for help, she is being honest with me, if you tell me everything that is going on here, I will help you without hesitation, please tell me the truth)』

Kenji was nervous and sweating waiting for Yushi's answer, he doesn't want it to be another one of those cases of mistreatment and obligations, but everything hints that yes, the mother is sleeping and the father won't be back for 2 years, it's too suspicious all this now that Kenji thinks about it, if necessary he would like to be able to see the mother and face her doubts to be clear about the ideas. But at that Yushi would finally speak, he would blurt out something that Kenji didn't expect.

『I will accept but on one condition, that the truth is never known, because if someone finds out.... I feel that everything I have.... will have to disappear』.

That's what Kenji said to himself as he listened to Yushi, he quickly tried to decipher what he meant by that, like never know the truth, the truth about what? about her? about her family? or about something even worse than what they want to hide. For some reason Kenji was already swallowing saliva, he came here to look for clues as to who is the culprit of the attack, but in the end he would end up finding a case of family abuse to the children, he clenched his fists to finally understand a case like this, this goes beyond theft or things that happen outside, wait! If all this time nothing was happening outside, that doesn't mean it's the same inside, what more things have happened in homes while we lived in a disque country of peace, in them was also being born an invisible evil....Kenji with all the deductions he was making, his head was starting to hurt, but he would quickly hear a different voice in the room.

『Hey!!! Don't make my little sister cry!!!! Pinche madre todos los wachupanclos son iguales!!!! Ya ya Yushi, your big sister already came to comfort you, it's over, that asshole won't say anything bad to you, I hope you didn't lay a hand on him, I taught him not to be trusting with strangers, I will take care of his chastity forever and if someone dares to defile my sister!!!!! First he will have to deal with me, and I see very well everywhere』(*Φ皿Φ*).

Lys had appeared to protect and take care of her little sister, who Yushi upon seeing her, hugged her very tightly, as if she was getting herself together after something bad had happened. Kenji was very confused, not because her sister came to help her, but because he tried to analyze everything Lys said, but just looking for coherence to her words, it blew his mind, but if you think about it more calmly, it seemed that the mother cat was protecting her offspring. After minutes of trying to convince Lys that Kenji did nothing wrong, there seemed to be no end to it, since every time Kenji wanted to clarify things, the older sister always silenced her.

『I don't-----』

『Callese』 (=ΦÅΦ=).

『But I want to say that ----』

『Call yourself ocico』 (=ΦÅΦ=)

『That I didn't make your sister cry!!!------』

『Te lo ocico pendejo. I hate anyone who makes my little sister cry, right now you're on my blacklist, one more and you're going to meet san nicolao』(*Φ皿Φ*)

Kenji couldn't take it anymore, and it's not that his patience is the best either, but he has to keep his composure with the civilians, after all, if he can be considered that he made Yushi cry for asking him those questions, after 15 min, he finally managed to clarify what was happening, but today he will remember that he was never made to shut up so many times, not even when he was training to be an officer did this happen to him, but what became strange to him was how Lys' expression suddenly changed.

『Ya calm down we, relax your balls, I was just playing, I just wanted to shut up an officer at least once in my life, Hehehehehe how easy it is, my next goal may be to shut up the president, and bring me a buffet because I'm already hungry, MOM!!!!! Wake up and prepare dinner!!!! I'm coming daughter, wait for me to change, you don't want them to see me naked, do you? You just go downstairs old lady, I don't care about you, I don't care about you, that's not my problem, the only one I care about is my little sister Yushi!!!! We'll be there through thick and thin always』 ଲ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)ଲ

He just made a little mimic Lys, if before he already didn't understand what was going on Kenji, now much less with what Lys did, but for a moment Kenji looked outside the room, for sure waiting for the mother to come down, but it seems that Lys already calmed down and was finally acting normal.

『I'm sorry for my acting earlier, it's just that it's the only way I can escape from the reality we live in, I think mom won't come down, I know this is selfish, but hopefully she'll never wake up that witch *smiles* I was the first one to be born, so I did many things, many but many, that's why I want Yushi not to pass and now she's my support, I want the best for her, to get a smile out of her if possible, sorry if you see me acting silly or weird, but it's the only thing I can do』

Yushi seemed to talk normal and calm, the change of personality was too abrupt that Kenji had little time to analyze it, but seeing how Lys' expression changed to a more calm and even worried one, with the explanation she could tell him, now he already has more than clear that these sisters are not normal, that all the blame is on those who raised him. Lys would kindly ask him if they have more questions to ask, where Kenji quickly felt that he has to take this case as soon as possible, so after a few short questions he would leave.

『But nothing about how much our measurements are, those are our secrets (●ↀωↀ●), although the truth is they are no big deal, those lemons can only be liked by fucking lolicon fucks, buag!!! I wish those people would die, aajajaja I still can't believe what we went through....those days you were beautiful』 -『But wait!!! I like Yushi!!! That makes me one of them???? AHAHGUHS I'm running out of air!!!!! He's dying asterisk he's dying there help me *leave this world xd*』

The way to jump from topic to topic was a simple thing for Lys, these last questions wanted to make them as simple as possible, but since Lys came, few questions could be taken seriously by the personality that she acquired, Kenji does not know if she does it on purpose or if it is really so, but recently he saw how that sister Lys was in reality, just as he could see how Yushi really was, both in their different ways try to avoid and not see the reality in which they live. Finally the questions were over, that now the tired one was Kenji but quickly Lys would appear face to face to tell him.

『I still hold out for another official round Kenji』 ◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤

『No...I have to visit other homes...I think I'll give one more and give my report....but thanks for your input truthfully.....although I don't know what I'm going to get out of here.....』

『*smile* Hehehehe We'll always be willing to help the law』 ヽ(ΦωΦヽ).

Kenji was already retreating from the home that ended up in a completely different way than he thinks, he feels his head is about to explode, just having spent little time with Lys, made him say himself that he can't stand the youth now if everyone is like her. Kenji would pass by to look at the stairs leading to the second floor before leaving, where Lys would quickly hand him a candy before leaving.

『As my little sister couldn't offer you tea, please take this candy with you, it's good for prostrata and migraine as I understand, there, how I would like to stick my finger up someone's ass AH!!!! Yes I already did !!!! How good it felt jahaha』 (=ↀωↀ=)

『Yes you are a very dirty person in that respect』.

Kenji the only thing he was able to take out with his deductions was the personality and references that Lys made when she speaks, where this one after finishing listening to him, would go on to laugh as if accepting what she is. Kenji before retiring this one would address seriously and as if assuring that he will promise.

『I will investigate your case, but I promise that I will help you to get out of the problem you have, I just ask for time, until next time』.

Kenji was leaving the home at last, looking at the time he can't believe he took 2 hours to ask all the questions, but he thinks he took longer in the time since Lys came. The latter watched as the officer left and closed the doors of her home, she had in front of her Yushi who was still in her pajamas disguise, this one was with her usual expression, neither sad nor happy, where with a smile Lys, extended her hand to her little sister to tell her.

『Come Yushi, we have to go with mom upstairs, most likely she is very angry for everything we did』. -『I'm asking you just to hang in there』....』

Hiding her sadness for the fate they will have, Yushi was with a downcast face, wondering in her mind if it was right to have been honest with the officer, of if it was right to have made him understand her case somehow, what awaits her upstairs with her mother, who had long since woken up, for sure won't be any fun or good at all.


But returning again to what we were doing, Kenji looked at his notes and the truth is that he understood very little, there was very little to rescue about the investigation, but now it is clear that he found a case of family abuse, if he can investigate further on his own, he can help a family to get out of hell, at least for the daughters who are having a hard time. Kenji while checking, he managed to see that next to him passed a mother with her baby in her arms, this made him feel relieved, as he needed to see something nice to be able to fulfill this other visit, it would be too much bad luck and even a horrible coincidence that in this home he visits, he also finds another case of family abuse.

『(Here it is, I finally arrived, I have to get back to my senses, the only thing that runs through my mind are the dirty jokes of that girl, ahh.... just thinking about her makes my head hurt, I'm going to take an aspirin and finish this).』

When knocking on the door of this home, it took a while for someone to open the door, he even had to knock again since it seems that no one would be there, Kenji thought that maybe the whole family had gone for a walk, but quickly at last the door was opened, finding an adult man already entering at a more advanced age. This one would introduce himself bluntly.

『Good morning, Officer Tanaka Kenji, police, you are Asa...Asa...don't tell me you forgot your last name again...really my colleagues...ah no! here you are, Sakai Asa, you were involved in the bombing known as the Big Tree Madness, please help me by giving your statements about it』.

Everything seemed normal until here, Kenji was already analyzing the man in front of him, but he didn't understand why he was badly injured and with bandages on his face, it's as if he had just been beaten up, because of the above, now Kenji suspects that he encountered another case of family abuse, but this time to the father.

『Sakai?....Excuse me....I think you got confused....Sakai....it's not my last name』

But from his deductions, Asa had finally spoken, he had answered him with something he didn't see coming, like his last name isn't Sakai...but that's the last name his data was under and the one they took from him when they did the analysis on the day of the attack. Now that Kenji sees him better, that man in front of him, he looked very sweaty, as if with fear and worry, Kenji quickly felt very suspicious of him, since of all the homes he has visited, this is the first time that someone is so nervous with his arrival.

『I am not surnamed Sakai.... so you have no need to be here anymore...please be excused....』

『I'm sorry, but this is urgent, it's just going to be a few questions and then I'll retire, I need your cooperation to gather all the information, or you plan to refuse a law officer, right?』


Na who was sniffing at Asa's sides, was talking to him about the situation, he is right, if he refuses, Kenji will start to have his eyes on him, while Asa scared wondered how he had already made a mistake from the beginning, but why, why did he say such a thing, if his last name is Sakai, he is Sakai Asa, it is his family name, why would he deny such a fact. Asa with a low look would accept that Kenji would pass, who would give the respective permissions to enter.

『(Well, I don't like to intimidate but it is necessary, but I have many doubts from once I saw him, why is he beaten, why is he afraid, why does he stop me looking sideways all the time, why did I negotiate his last name, if I didn't manage to get anything before, something tells me that here in this home, I will be able to get more than I need)』

Kenji would do the first thing he always does, he analyzed the home with his eyes, in the little he managed to look at while walking to the living room, were the decorations and portraits, the framed photos of Asa's family, here he could learn that he has a family and a son, this made Kenji even more doubtful, if this guy, imagining if he is a possible suspect, would he really be involved of the bombing...besides he looks very weak and little without insulting, when he reached the living room, bluntly Kenji would ask the questions.

『Sorry but I'm in doubt, why is he so beaten up? was there a fight or something like that?』

『Eh?...this...ahh...I was planning to tell you that it's because I fell down the stairs.... but the truth is....』

Asa told him about why he ended up beaten, Kenji with his light sigh was apologizing to him for not being there when he needed him, at that Asa quickly refused, telling him that he earned this himself, if he hadn't intervened it wouldn't have ended up like this.

『No, I rather appreciate it, a lot of teenagers lately are going around rebelliously breaking various laws, but wanting to do it on a public train....*tsch* in one go would have called their parents, don't they know how one would feel』.

『I'm sorry for my sudden action....but I couldn't help but act after seeing the boy's expression....I felt it was something I shouldn't have seen....not now....I just...to imagine that my son would have seen something like that....makes me afraid....』

Here they seem to agree with something, both being parents of small infants, they managed to sympathize with each other, they commented that it was something they would not have let happen, Kenji replied that if he had been there with his little boy, he would have first pulled his son aside and without hesitation called them to attention, but also Kenji said that it was too sudden to go and hit him out of nowhere, but he understands that he must have felt a huge anger.

『You are alone? where is your wife and child?』

『They went for a walk, they always go for a walk after lunch 』

『(It must have been the person who walked past me)』.

But Kenji found it better this way, seeing no one at home and only being with the father, who was the one who was present at the attack, he feels that he can speak with total sincerity without having to keep anything, being adults they have a wider range of conversation than others. But Kenji believed that there were only 2 of them there, there were 3 in reality counting Na, who was happily observing the words that his counterpart Asa would say in order to get out of it. The first question was related to whether the attack left sequels or some traumas to Asa, this is always the first thing to ask, the state of the person to know what questions to say later.

『Apart from how beaten up you are, you have dark circles under your eyes and the look you wear as....esta at home and you have every right to how you look, but I feel that rather than relaxing in your home, you look very neglected』

『Yes, as you said officer, for weeks now I have not been able to sleep....and if I manage to fall asleep, I always start to remember what happened that day....the screams and all the chaos generated by the same people....it was no longer only when I sleep....but also in my days....I could not concentrate at work. ...and now because of me I gave more work to the company....I try to forget it with other things....but I just can't....it's as if someone comes and reminds me how pathetic I was that day and in my whole life.....I wish I hadn't been that day at the mall....I didn't want to see that from people...』


Asa counted with fear, he was always with his eyes down while he didn't avoid touching his head, the only tone in which he doesn't want to mention that day, made his whole body tremble, seeing an adult in that state, for Kenji was something normal in his work, but this one especially more than giving sadness, it gives pity in many ways.

『I'm sorry for the question if I made him remember that day, I'll try not to relate to what happened, although it's going to be very difficult...』

『No, don't worry about me, I want to be of use too, if it will help to be closer to the truth』.

Asa would take strength to be able to answer everything that the officer needs, at this moment if he really wants to be able to be useful in whatever is necessary, he wants with all his strength that all this hell that he is living, this goal that he set for himself, he wants it to come to an end, the questions went on and on, but it was not possible to collide with the personal or concerning the subject, since well, that is what he wants to get to look for. Asa was telling him how was his experience in everything that happened, but even it already seemed to be too cruel to ask about that, since it only makes him remember ugly things to Asa, this was not going to a good way, Asa was getting upset that at any moment it seemed that he would start to cry, but, this is what Kenji needs, when a person is cornered and without escape, is when he asks for help and tells the whole truth, Kenji knew very well what he was doing, he does not like it but he must do it.

『Please now answer this question Sakai, do you have any relation with what happened?』

He asked a key question Kenji, he has very weak Asa that can get to confuse this question, with relation he can refer if he was the victim or if he was involved in all this, Asa was shaking, he felt all his body hurt, he needed his family to be able to be calm again, right now there is only one officer around, someone from the law, just the person he made suffer that day, now he himself is asking him the questions.


『Yes...I was connected with the bombing.....』

!!!!! Quickly Kenji managed to hear what he wanted to hear, this now if he was getting even more serious than he was, he could be in front, no...he is in front of the possible involved in the Midori no Happa bombing, while on the other hand, Na was fluttering with anger around Asa, telling him that it is a trap, that it led him to be sadder to be more vulnerable to questions.


Na was very upset, you could tell how he was yelling at Asa without holding back, but even if he wants to do something now, he can't, Asa right now is going through such bad things in his mind that he couldn't talk to anyone else, now that this policeman came and from his questions, it was obvious that this would be who he will be to tell everything to, if he offers his help, he would surely accept it.

『I personally was preparing everything for that day....I really didn't think it was going to end like this....I told him that I would only be there for a while....to observe how it was going....but the truth was that I just wanted to go home....but when I realized, everything had already started.....I was witnessing what he had done』.

Kenji listened attentively, put down his little notebook and stared at Asa, who this one kept talking more and more, but for every word he said, more and more he seemed to be the suspect, no, more he seemed to be the one who planned all this.

『At the end of it all....I didn't even know what my name was....and I just blurted out that my name was Na....the truth....I'm very sorry for what I did.....』


『And tell me Sakai, what did you do?』

The 3 had their objectives clear, as well as several problems happening at the same time, Asa who was repenting and telling everything, Na who wanted this to stop in anger and Kenji who was getting closer to the truth, this last question is key, if he manages to confess Asa that he is the culprit, everything will be over, both for Kenji and Asa, because if they manage to discover it, Na plans to end Kenji's life.

『I went drinking with friends....』



Was what Asa said at the end, this confused both Kenji and Na, that Na was about to possess Asa to kill the officer, but now he thinks it was good that he waited until the end. But Kenji was confused, he was trying to remember the things Asa said, but how come he went to drink with his friends? Kenji quickly told him to explain to him what exactly happened that day.

『Well, we had agreed to have a reunion of friends in a bar in the mall, I was the one who organized the reunion because one of my friends asked me to go.... because I am good at organizing dates and events, but since I had work, I just said I would go for a while to say hello.... besides they always like to drink at any time of the day....when I said it got out of control is because they drank too much and became aggravated....that's why they asked me to go, since they need at least one to take care of the others....and when I least realized it, we were already caught up in everything that had happened 』

Asa just told a story that he himself just made up, this Na step to look at him sideways with doubts if he will end up believing him the officer, but Kenji doesn't seem to believe it all at once, so he would keep insisting.

『And by that, do you mean related to the bombing?』

『Yes....I had some...but I'm not very good at holding alcohol....but my friends insisted me....』

『And that's why you didn't remember your name....』

『But I can't forget what happened in the bombing....even drunk I can still remember how those people behaved....it was too traumatic.....』

『Ya.....suppose that could happen....』

It was something that doesn't quite add up for Kenji, because even if it seems to make sense, it's not hard to think that it could have been something made up at the moment to make himself look innocent, but if so, why would he talk as if he was the guilty one, it just doesn't make sense, a joke? no....Asa doesn't look like a person who makes jokes, especially in that state he is in, Kenji still thinks that everything he said, if it is related to the attack, if he looks deeper he may come to find something that will give him a conclusion to this.

『Although I'm glad my family is out....I don't want them to see me in this state....I don't know what they would do....if they would get to see how much of a loser I am and how weak I am....I don't want to make the same mistake of not being able to be someone for them....』

Kenji listened to him, but he didn't avoid looking around, that to look deeper, maybe there is something in this house that will give him more clues that Asa could be the culprit, because now the most suspicious person besides Nanase Kaori, is this family man who is afraid of the world and everything.

『I know it's sudden and all, but I'm going to search your home from head to toe, I'm really sorry, but right now you are the one I suspect the most right now, if you refuse to give me permission, I will conclude the case and you will have to come with me to the official agency』.

『....(What!!!...why would I do that....and if I find out....I will be lost....my secret....will be remembered....) Yes...you can check whatever you want, I give you permission』.

Asa had no choice but to accept Kenji's proposal, since his story earlier did not end up convincing him, rather it was the bombshell that made him now start rummaging through his home, Kenji would quickly check the living room first, where Asa did not take his eyes off him, this was also fixed by Kenji, since always the one who hides something, tends to look at what he is hiding to make sure and nerves to discover it. As Kenji looked around the room, the only thing he could see were the family mementos of the married couple, as well as some photos, in there Kenji would blurt out a question.

『Do you love your family very much?』

『Yes!!!....They are what I cherish the most in my life....』

『Well you better not lose them today』.

Rather than a question, that last was a threat, as if telling him that if he finds anything, even a small suspicion that he's guilty, he's going to have to say goodbye to the life he's been having and forging so far. Passing now to the entrance of the house, Asa did his best to get up from the armchair and follow Kenji behind his back, this was good for Kenji, since this way it will be easier to discover which place there are hidden things and which others are not. At the entrance there was nothing special, it was an ordinary one, rather it would be rare that there is something here very compromising.

Moving on now to the kitchen, there might be something related to what happened from the attack, when he looked at the kitchen, Kenji could not help but relate it to the crazy man with the knife, the only mortal victim of the whole attack, even in here there were memories of his family in the refrigerator, as well as a list of what things to do with his son when he grows up, this every time made Kenji bring out more doubts than he could solve.


Na had appeared to talk to Asa, he was suggesting him to kill Kenji, now that he is turning his back to him, but Asa did nothing, he just looked worriedly as the officer did his job, but it seems that Na's insistence was working, as Asa was clenching his fist, it is not known if it is helplessness or anger, but Kenji to this was looking at him sideways, as his deduction led him to the following.

『(If he attacks me now then he is the culprit, I am watching out if he makes any move, at the slightest he comes near I will turn around to stop him, you better stay there still if you don't want to receive more blows, Sakai Asa)』.

Opening the refrigerator, there was nothing but everything it had to contain, there was nothing unusual, after a few minutes he had finished checking the kitchen, without the 2 of them doing anything suspicious, it seems that before going to the second floor where the bedrooms are left, it's time to check the bathroom located on the second floor, here he did not take long, since there was not much to check either, now going to the second floor, when giving the first step, quickly Asa had stopped him with his hand, holding his clothes.

『Please.... don't do it....』

This with much fear, Kenji to this failed to understand anything, the purpose of hiding something, is exactly that, hide it, literally just told him that there is something upstairs that wants to keep it secret, Kenji made strength to break free, and without saying anything this would climb up the stairs.


Na was worried about how this will turn out, but Asa was frustrated, he wanted to do something, but unlike Na, he is not able to take the initiative, especially if it is about doing good as he wants, the first room Kenji entered was a visiting one, although it should look simple, it looked very comfortable and arranged, it had the necessary, but why they needed it, some relative most likely, he went to check this bedroom, but he could not find anything strange.

『Ah...this is our son's room...we've already prepared it when he's older....』

The next room they entered, it had a child theme, but not like for a baby, but more like someone who goes to the garden, this room was already prepared for when the baby grows up, you could also notice the crib where for sure for the baby, but when he grows up and learns to walk, he will have this whole room to himself with all the things he likes.

『Isn't it a little early for this?』

『That's what my wife said....but I already wanted it to be ready.... the desire ended up winning me over....』

Kenji stayed a few minutes observing the room, he could not believe the dedication that was taken here, he was asking who decorated this room, where Asa would raise his hand saying that it was him, Kenji for some reason is not surprised, since he can find details so personal and perfect, that someone outside the family could not come to understand, without hesitation now if he checked that room, and for the first time this asked not to find anything strange in the room, at the end this would say that.

『I still think the same thing, you love your family very much, Sakai Asa』.

Hearing that for Asa, made him even sadder, now he touched the last room, the room of Asa and his wife, it was as if everything had been here, if there was something hidden, he didn't want to sully it in his home, but he would do it anyway by hiding it in his room, the last room, Kenji was sure that there was something hidden here, and again the one who confirmed it was Asa.

『Please.....have mercy.....I beg you.....do not enter the room....』-『My family....I don't want to lose it....』

He held it this time no longer with force the shoulder, if not rather it was a weak touch, rather it was becoming a support for his arm, Asa began to cry so that they would not discover his secret that he has kept there, he himself knows what he has there, it has brought him much fear and suffering since he kept it, having it in his hands and staring at it, makes him think many times how he ended up like this.

『Sakai Asa, I'm not the one to blame for you losing your family, you simply made a mistake 』.

Kenji became serious at the topic, putting aside his personal thoughts and issues, if he has to do his job, he has to do it, but it wouldn't be wrong to say that he doesn't feel bad about this, having to undo such a loving family like this, it doesn't sit well with him at all. Kenji would be about to find out, Sakai Asa's secret.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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