
Chapter 260: Influence of Words

I͇n͇f͇l͇u͇e͇n͇c͇i͇a͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇l͇a͇s͇͇ ͇P͇a͇l͇a͇b͇r͇a͇s͇

Cliston, at this moment was crying, he felt guilty, ignorant, an insensitive, while he spent several days without connection with his surroundings, only caring about having a good time with what he had, he didn't think that the world overnight could be against you. And the worst thing is that it was not directly to you, if not that other people who had nothing to do, also suffered from the consequences of your actions, your words, get to that scale by answering a few simple questions and try to open up as you are, gave this result, had he known, he would have preferred to lie and so no one harm, but for him, lying is something that is not his, he finds it very difficult.

『Is there a way to change this....』

He looked at the ground all sad, that aura or atmosphere that he transmitted of quality and even conformity, was no longer there, he was just a boy who just saw reality as it is, he no longer only saw himself or his most loved ones, if not he was thinking about everyone, what they say, what they think, what they are doing or what they would do. Thinking about so many things and having to do so many things, having to take into account every little person in this world.....simply was something I couldn't.

『(I.....can't cope with all this....simply don't want to do it.....)』

He was wrapped up in his mind, a rare thing since he almost never stops to think about his subconscious for long, he was the opposite of someone who talks to himself to give a clear answer and the best one, his way of thinking will always have been "well, it sounds good to me, let's do it" because he took into account only the people around him, that's it, that was it, knowing him so well, it was easy for them to agree.

『It's nice to see you again, Chiba Tomeo』.

The Father of the family who just arrived home, was in the room of the younger brother Jiro, it could be said that the family was reunited and complete, for the one who does not remember who Chiba Tomeo was, he is the leader of one of the largest Secret Organizations in the world, its purpose is to guard the peace in this part of the world, all of Asia let's say, it is in his hands that there is no chaos that can cause fear and destruction. This already intervened Cliston before, they had a talk where they could reach a conclusion, that they would keep an eye on him so that he would not cause any havoc. Something that he has ended up doing, provoking people's anger in a way that even they didn't see coming.

『Words sure are a double-edged sword, aren't they, little Cliston』.

Cliston at Tomeo's words, just nodded his head, he had already heard the conversation while he was climbing up to see what was going on, that's why the meaningless comment earlier, a joke he made in order to sympathize, but don't be a joke to him after all.

『You guys know each other already? Finally something I don't gossip about』.

Hiroto was confused but cheerful at the same time, where here we learn that Chiba Tomeo tells that he is a Pharmaceutical worker who has relations with Dr. 2-Ban Hospital. That he devotes his time to help people in a scientific way, with medicinal products, to see to their safety and health.

With that he has his real job in secret, with a position as he has, it is the safest and most obvious, to keep his family safe and he can give himself family time with his children.

『Could you please retire children? I want to talk to the boy alone』.


Tomeo wanted to talk alone with Cliston to give a solution to this, but at his good request, Jiro flatly refused, this child admirer of superheroes, felt that Cliston was going to become one, to see how someone becomes a hero, to witness it with your own eyes, was like a dream fulfilled for the little brother, and the father understood it.

『I know son, but I really need to be alone with him, because, I want to be the first one to get his autograph 』.

『His autoque???? I don't know what that is, but I want to be the first of the first because being the first means you're the first of something and that's cool!!!!』

Jiro had no intention of withdrawing, in fact, he was so happy that he threw himself to Cliston to admire him closely, there was nothing special, just a boy with bandages on his arm and glasses on, he was a normal person, but with the simple fact that he had someone to call a superhero, to have in front of him that he was going to become one for the first time in this world with powers, it was an emotion impossible to describe. In the face of the boy's excitement, again Cliston with his words was going to discourage him.

『You're very funny kid, you look at me as if I were someone important, but the truth is that I prefer -------』

Quickly Tomeo would interrupt before Cliston could finish what he was going to say, commenting that in the room he had brought a superhero costume that he had to use for the children's visit that he always makes them personally once a month. This was more than enough to send Jiro to the room, and this to be able to try on the superhero costume, although it was too big for him, the child was little interested, he just wanted to feel what it was like to be a real hero, and within seconds you could hear how the child played at being one, while saying heroic phrases and movements invented by himself.

『Hiroto, could you go with him so he doesn't break anything? I'd really appreciate it』.

『And so you also get rid of me, well played father, well!!!! Get ready little Hero, that the villain has just risen!!!!! That he still doesn't forget that you ate his sweets!!!!』

At the beginning he didn't feel like it, as Hiroto wanted to be present in this conversation, he felt that his opinion counted for this kind of things, as his father already came, for sure he will try to influence him in some way, it doesn't feel right to him, but it's not wrong either, none of the 2 options is wrong or would leave Cliston in a bad light according to Hiroto, But he feels and knows that one of those 2, is the one that will bring more turmoil in his life.

『Don't forget what I told you Cliston, just don't feel obligated』

It was the last thing Hiroto said before closing the door and let both of them have privacy in their conversation they have, Cliston would first be curious about the lie that Tomeo just told, about working in a pharmacy and doing that kind of jobs, to which the adult commented to him that it was not a lie or much less a joke.

『I already found out everything, the strange thing wouldn't it be to know what's going on with all the fuss people make, don't you think? have you already thought about what solution to give to all this problem, little Cliston』

『That's what I'm thinking about, but finding a solution where it satisfies everyone...it's getting harder and harder.... I don't know why I feel like this kind of problem will haunt me for quite a while』.

You could still feel the doubts and uncertainty through Cliston's mind, you could tell just in his words and in his attitude, he was fidgeting his fingers restlessly not knowing what to do. But the Mustachio from the beginning, he already had more than anything else the answer.

『Our first measure of containment we had, was that you do not make use of your powers to safeguard the safety of all, we thought you would not be seen as a threat if you showed that you were not a danger, but by not using them, we only caused the indignation of the people, why do people take it that way....I do not understand it....in part we are responsible since you did what we said, I congratulate you for complying with our rules, but it will no longer be so』.

Before Tomeo's words that he did so far very well on Cliston's behalf, he commented that in this short time he was here, before being admitted to the hospital, he did his normal life, he was flying from here to her, that was true, but he only did it if he noticed he was going to be late somewhere, he preferred to take the bus or just walk, when he noticed that something bad was going to happen, like a small theft or a child who scraped his knee, he had already witnessed it, being there, having and knowing that he could help, he just did it and that's it. He didn't feel compelled to act, let's just say it was the moment and that's it. Yes, it felt nice in his words to have people recognize his good deed, but that's all, he wasn't looking for more, like recognition or getting along with everyone.

Since he was hit with the stone and was hospitalized, and from there he felt that his life was taking a turn that he did not realize, he was still normal, I was hospitalized, they broke my arm, but, nothing happens, there he met Jomei and Raku, and the first time he saw them, he wanted to support them, he saw them, he saw them, he wanted to support them, he wanted to support them, he saw them, he could not ignore them, but he was not going to go deeper with the children, as the days went by and it was with them that he ran into the most and with whom he spent the most time, he simply wanted to get along with the little ones, to become their friends. He still remembers Raku's words.

『Don't try to be friends with everyone』.

This struck Cliston very much, as that was never his goal, nor did he even think about it, he just wanted, that the people he spends his time with, consider him their friend. He told Tomeo more about what was going through his mind, the Bigoton understood every word the young man said to him, he for his job, is already used to look for the best solution to solve a problem, a solution that calms the crowds and crowds, instead of the small masses, his job in these circumstances, was to take the option that would bring the most benefit and tranquility, even if not everyone agrees, this also includes himself as well as others.

"『I want to ask you something first, you are not good at looking at your surroundings, are you?』

『Eh? Someone is spying on us?』

Hearing the answer, Tomeo simply passed on laughing and with a few taps on Cliston's back, commented to him that even though he is older than him, he still still has the mentality of an inexperienced youth. Perhaps because of his giggling from the Bigoton, this to Cliston brought him a bit of reassurance telling him that it is true.

『We have to clear your name no matter what, if people tell you that you don't do anything for them, simply now you have to make them shut their mouths, they go around complaining that you don't do anything, so it's time for you to start moving, I don't agree with giving people what they want, but there are rare cases where this solves a lot of things, the world is crying out for just one thing since you arrived, and that is for you to become a Hero, someone they can trust, that they can feel confident that someone will come to help them, in the age we live in, beliefs are still strong, that will not change, but for someone physical to show up, someone who can actually do what they believe in, someone who can do what they believe in, But the appearance of someone physical, who can really do what their beliefs believe, has brought them an enlightenment, that the world can finally be changed, also by luck or misfortune, you have the title of God in your name, this was going to happen sooner or later, you just had the bad luck, to be the first in the world to know, if we are going to make this a reality, don't adjust to anyone, keep your conviction and show that you are not what others think, show them that you are you and that's how you do things, the world is full of idiots and the worst thing is that they are the first ones to make this kind of moves, you have to shut them up and show them finally that a SuperHero! !! Just born!!!! WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!』

Tomeo just gave his solution, there was so much logic and coherent thoughts in these, he looked for the best solution to appease the crowds, he put his cold and calculating mind for this, but as I said, he is a superhero fan, having in front of him what he always wanted as a kid and admired as a kid, he couldn't help but put together the right and professional solution, with his feelings and love he felt as a child, so much was his attachment to them that he wanted his children to have the same admiration, that's why he wanted to be in a Secret Organization, that's why he trained so much to be able to join one as soon as he found out they existed.

Being a policeman was his first choice, catching thieves and safeguarding businesses, but .... in his country, peace reigned, and if there were robberies, they were only thefts of purses or wallets, they were good deeds, of course, but they were not worthy or he did not feel they were at the height of what a true Hero would do.

Having started as an employee of the Secret Organization, he set a clear goal, to have the highest position of all, he wanted to be the best hero there is and that everyone recognizes his work. First he had to work as a guard, he took more hours to take care of his job and demonstrate with small achievements that he was serious, then he was promoted to internal jobs, but he refused and said he wanted the action and the outside, so he was given jobs of information delivery and collection of these, which, surprisingly, he did wonderfully. He amazed his colleagues and that made him very happy, more and more, he took more and more difficult jobs, even doing infiltration jobs to dangerous places, jobs that he saw in his favorite series, import, narcos, drugs, assassinations, mafia, other organizations that sought evil, finally he knew the dark side that few know in the world, and he is very into it, every achievement and recognition, was to become a hero.

While his desire to become what he wanted to be as a child was being fulfilled by his own effort, also his personal life was improving, getting a family, but there he just realized, that telling these things to people outside of work, was dangerous, telling these achievements to the world, would only make evil eyes look at him, and from there it would no longer be fun if his work included for example, his family.

His dream of telling the world "Look at me I am a Hero" would only bring him complications, in the middle of those thoughts, Tomeo was in the middle of a mission in the deserts of Asia, stopping a group of terrorists, he had not realized that they implanted a bomb in the building, this for his act of how much it would harm people if it explodes, he did not hesitate to want to defuse it, the result. BOOMMM!!!!!! The bomb ended up exploding right in front of him, he managed to survive thanks to his equipment and his partner who managed to help him, but to save him he died, that person was his partner. In the end he was able to survive, but when he recovered he noticed that he lost many things, his body no longer responded as before, now he was a single father and had to take care of 2 children, the difficult thing here was having to invent a lie for his eldest son, Hiroto was told that his mother was killed by a hit and run while traveling on business, and that his father survived the accident. This made Tomeo impotent, for having to hide the truth from his children, but it was for his own safety, if anything happened to them, he would never forgive himself.

In the end, seeing that his body no longer responded as before, he took the offer he was given, that of working as an intern, so for his experience and achievements, he became the new leader and head of the Secret Organization that safeguards the world.

He always thinks that if he had become a hero at the time of the operation, this would never have happened. Now, some time later, seeing that there really is a boy, with unimaginable qualities, but who does not recognize that he is a Hero, has rekindled the flame that was never extinguished from Tomeo.

『What do you say!!! Do you agree to become a Hero and solve the problem???!?!!!』

『If I become one like you say, it will really all stop....』

『I assure you it will!!!! The Secret Organization, me, will be giving you jobs where you will be able to show that you are not a threat and on top of that you will get recognition from the public, from the world!!!!! Besides that we will also take care of charity events and so on to make your image as pure and good as possible, you only have, to become a Hero, it's a good solution for me apparently, after all, we only ask you to use your powers and already』.

Cliston was thinking about it seriously, while Tomeo was more than excited about what was going on here, he wouldn't let go of this opportunity now that it finally arrived.

Fatty was thinking about whether or not to take the offer, for him it was more than clear that he did not want to take it, being the center of attention was never his thing, being the one who takes the credit for something, neither, he prefers to be the one who contributes and help than to be the one who is in front of everything. But at the same time he thought of all the problems he caused by thinking that way, if this continues like this, maybe things will get worse, he did not talk to his school friends nor did he see his family, he already knows very well why, but to think that his mother already sounded with that tone, to see her in person and see that she is no longer the same, it made him more afraid that this progresses like this.

『I...don't accept....』

『Eh? what did you say?』

Cliston whispered his answer that could hardly have been heard, where Tomeo commented that he couldn't hear well, that he doesn't hear like before after an accident he had, Cliston became more nervous, he clenched his fists while sweating, he thought that there is really no other way to solve all this.

『I want to think about it for a while, if I can』.

It seems that he doesn't know what he wants right now, Tomeo already stopped his mood, but he still had in mind about being a Hero, he was telling Cliston to take it easy, that he can wait for the answer until he has decided, when Tomeo was already leaving the room, he was going to play with his son Jiro in the living room, he looked very happy, but quickly, as if he had been pending, Hiroto was going up to the room, while he already got an idea and found out what had happened upstairs.

『I hope my father didn't tell you anything weird, although I know he did but I hope he didn't influence you so much, oh no....it seems that if....what do I do....you also witnessed it, even better than me, come on, tell me what to do!!!!』

Hiroto was saying turning to the camera looking for an answer to the problem he had, Cliston was sinking his lips in his mouth, as a sign that he doesn't know what to do. Looking at Hiroto and listening to him, Cliston was telling him that it was time to retire, that now if he should leave.

『I hope you are not a person who does what you are told to do, if you are clear about what you want to do, just do it, there is no need to listen to others, listening to their opinions and suggestions is fine, but what you think is the most important thing, it is your life and your decision after all』.

『That I know, but anyway, thanks for the advice Hiroto-san, you are a very reliable person according to me, I hope to have more chances to talk and play with you』

『Of course!!! I'm always there!!! Although I'm always overshadowed by our Brother, I already heard many times that I'm a cheap copy of Jersey-chan....but anyway that doesn't discourage me, you can also count on Ishi and Fuji, even if it doesn't seem like it, they're also messed up, but they're good people』.

Fatty was already going to leave the house, he raised the window, he quickly felt the light blinding his eyes, he didn't feel any noise or noise in the distance, he even asked Hiroto if he heard anything, where he said no. Confirmed this, Cliston would be about to leave. But at that, he noticed that they were not alone, he turned slowly to look at the visitor, Jiro was with the superhero suit, it was too big for him, but he did not care, he was very happy, he did not say anything, just with his face full of joy, a smile, his eyes sparkling with admiration, he just looked at Cliston at the window. Even when he passed his God Form in front of the boy, Jiro happened to be surprised and smiling even more, it looked like his jaw was going to break from having his mouth open so much, and even with all the effort the boy was making, he just said.


This word, to Cliston made him happy that he gave a smile to Jiro, and finally he would fly to his home, when he arrived at his home, to his new home, this just arrived he learns that he will start living here from now on, that the previous one suffered from many attacks that literally could no longer be lived, right now, they left the house uninhabitable because of all the abuses he suffered. That thanks to his father, they managed to contact some agents who kindly offered them transportation and the possibility of moving to another house to be safe. Hearing that, it is evident who was the one who intervened, but just as he thought, when he got home, the attitude, appearance, and even mentality of his mother, was not the same.

『I TOLD YOU TO BE HERE AT 2PM!!!! LOOK WHAT TIME IT IS!!!! aren't you afraid of what people might do???? wait.... don't tell me you were late because people were chasing you..... noo...no..... please god no.... they didn't do anything to you???? are you ok???? why are you worrying me like this??..... THAT'S IT!!! From now on I want you to call me every 2 hours and tell me what you are doing, I want you here at home until this time!!!! if you are going to go somewhere, first you have to tell me, if you get into any trouble....we will try to solve them all....as a family....so.....don't do anything that can hurt us more.....I beg you son....no more.....please.....』

Yes, his mother from Cliston, Mother Nimura was not the same, now it could be said that she will be very aware of her son, his surroundings and what he does or they do, she has become a person that it will take her a long time to trust others again. Seeing his mother, Cliston only became sad, the house was still full of boxes, the little they had arranged, they were furniture, but it was obvious that they suffered attacks since they were damaged, it was the little they could rescue from their original house. Cliston could not stand the damage he was receiving, that he spent crying hugging his mother, telling her to forgive him.

『I'm sorry, I'm so sorry mother....yo.... I..... won't do it again』

『Son....my Cliston....why....is this happening to us.....』

Cliston and his mother, started to cry hugging each other, the father did not resist this and went on to hug his family, Mom Lucha was the one who stood strong, and stroked Cliston's head, while telling him that if he can help him to accommodate things, that they could not continue because they were worried about him. Cliston tearfully said that he would take care of everything.

That night, they could only finish furnishing their beds so that they can rest, his mother Nimura, kissed him goodnight, before she always checked the window, opened it to see if there was not something strange in the streets, but now, she does not even want to be near one, with fear she looked out of the corner of her eye lifting the curtain a little, while Cliston told her not to make an effort and that she should rest.

『I'm going to ask your father to put bars on the windows, or at least on your room and mine, good night son, tomorrow we have to exert ourselves』.

Yes, she was no longer the same loving and confident mother she had before, that night Cliston was trying to sleep, but nothing else he couldn't, looking at the ceiling, it was like looking anywhere in his room, there was nothing, nothing to look at, only boxes that tomorrow he will have to help in furnishing everything.

『(Becoming a Hero....nose.....I don't feel like being one.... but I know that's the only way to fix this, I hope my mom is the only one like this, I'm not saying it out of malice, I'm just saying, if more people suffered the same change.... me....)』

Cliston covered himself with the sheets of his bed, he was really trying to put his mind blank or think of something funny to finally fall asleep, but in his mind a lot of things were going on that it was impossible to fall asleep, for sure he will be like this for many days until he makes a decision or until his body forces him to sleep because of exhaustion.

『(The best thing will be to first try to look for a solution myself, I know there is a way for this to change, with my small contribution I know it is possible, from tomorrow I will have to start looking for answers, but since I am not good at thinking by myself, I would like to seek the opinion of others, I already heard Hiroto's, tomorrow I will go with)』

After a few things that happened this morning, Cliston had already arrived at the house of who he was looking for, it is made him that his opinion of this person can change a lot, since he was always seen that he is into this, plus his way of thinking is different from other person he knows, he is very liberal so to speak, listen to the opinion of someone who takes more into account his own, does what he thinks, not afraid to say it or do it, even if it brings problems or criticism to these people, it is the best to hear what he thinks about all this. Cliston rang the doorbell of the house, and who came out to receive him was.

『Hello Yushi-san, oh? hahaha you're in your pajamas? I guess I went out early to pick them up』.

Yushi came out wearing his pajamas and even a sleeping cap, you could tell he was still sleepy, as he was rubbing his eyes, they were having a short conversation these 2, until a loud sound was heard inside the house, and when we saw, it was Lys who was rubbing her head.

『Who is coming to pick us up at this hour? don't you know that my brain still won't turn on?! Donta the bold one who dared to make me fall down the stairs!!!eh!!!!』

Lys was with her hair down demanding the one who made her fall, seeing Cliston, she for some reason became very happy and even smiling, it seems she has thought of what to do herself too.

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