
Chapter 254: First Step

P͇r͇i͇m͇e͇r͇ ͇P͇a͇s͇o͇

In the end the case of the possible murderer came to nothing, after finishing the check that was done in the hospital, by the part of the adults, they took measures in this regard so that a similar situation does not happen again, they put more security in every corner of the hospital, to enter, both visitors and workers, were now reviewed in its entirety so that there is nothing suspicious or dangerous, In the case of the wounded or sick, after treating them, they were also checked carefully, since there are several ways of how the murderer that I mostly suspect can leak out, but as far as I understand, that should not happen anymore, it was years ago and very little heard of someone who did bad things.

On our side of the children, Raku returned from the ventilation ducts to tell us everything he had heard, the murderer was not found and the answers they came up with were too obvious, it could be someone external, of course, the eyes is too rare that there is not something, but that the suspect could be a student, that made me feel uneasy and even afraid, he did not make noise when making any movement, as he had it calculated and studied, he was an expert on this subject. I spoke with Taki in private to get more details, he said that it could have been someone from elementary school or even high school, since the size, build and everything, gave me to understand that it was like that. Taki also commented that she transmitted a kind of strange feeling, like danger but at the same time serenity, like she was dangerous but she avoided doing it, that reminded me of something interesting that Omar told me years ago, when we were having lunch alone and talking about banalities, then Menhera appeared to ask us some questions, it was all normal, Menhera as always all tender and cute, but the Dog looked a little shy or even afraid, I could notice how he avoided eye contact, something very rare since this dog, among friends is always very direct, it was strange to me that he does not want to look at Menhera, so I let out the typical.

『Nooooo Dog, don't tell me what!!!! Pucha, although I still don't think you have a chance xd』(*「・ω・)ン?

『It's not that, with Menhera no way, I want to live freely, not be a <pisado> de la chucha』-『I know her for the most part, I prefer to leave that role to Pato, he can resist it』

<Translator: In Peruvian slang, Pisado would come to mean that one person is dominated by another, especially their partner>.

It made me thankful how the Dog reacted that way, yes, I wouldn't like to be with Menhera either, as a friend she is very cool, as well as Jersey and Konomi, but for something else without a doubt I prefer to stay away from her. Menhera had already withdrawn, and luckily could not hear the words of the Dog, in that is like everything tense that had the Dog, with a sigh everything relaxed, and already more serious this would tell me the truth.

『It's not that I think badly of her, I like her and all, but since that Sports Festival, that she looked at me that way, it's like I felt her anger or complete reproach, sometimes I think that I must have imagined it for sure, since she looks calm when she's with Yashiro and Rino, and that's mostly how she is, but... I can't help but feel some uneasiness when she now addresses me, I have to watch my words to get out alive, although I'm very mouthy, you told me several times, no big head???? *smiles*』 (.「'-ω・)ン?

In there it's easy, one when you are already close friends with another person, you can understand when he is in teasing mode and when he is in serious mode, I just just tapped his shoulder and nodded with him.

『I understand you bro, women are scary, so, let's survive together in this world』 <|^□^ |/.

『Bro....』 ∑('△`○)

Then soon after, Jersey came over who was looking for us to play everything together, and just seeing her, we thought that it can't be that hard to live in this world. Leaving behind things without relevance, Omar commented that he felt uneasy when Menhera addressed him, the truth I do not feel anything of what my friend says, but if I noticed many times especially when he was protecting Yashiro, a feeling that tells you "stay away" more he did it with Kanon since he bothered the Duck a lot, I do not think the murderer is Menhera, right?

But....eh?....no.....what is happening to me.....this is the first thing I do after returning a few months later to my world?.....What kind of friend am I that suspects her friends, first Lys and now Menhera, if I go on, I think I will end up suspecting them even more, and that is impossible, I know they can't be, yes, for sure it is another person with mental problems, for sure, eh? ...now I'm insulting someone else saying that he has a disorder..... Why do I think about these things, what's wrong with me, if I was still a child, I wouldn't even have thought about it, even though I look young, I see that my mind has changed and I can notice it. I no longer think about just playing like Raku or Jomei do.... wait? Raku? Jomei? if I want to feel like a kid again, even for a while, I think the best thing to do is to join them, all of us, Los Tira Papelitos are to follow the others, that was something that characterized us, so, please let me be with you for a while, I will try not to be a pain in the ass.

So before closing the killer thing and being able to take personal goals again, I would decide to investigate and surf the internet as they say those who make informative videos and news, surf the internet xd, internet users xd, cybernauts, what things do the news say xdxdxdxd. Cliston at this moment is avoiding laughing at such nonsense :v.

Through my phone, I would look for news that happened years ago, about 5-6 years, although it was little, less than a year let's say he did his misdeeds between that time, a person who did bad things or at least not like that, although we and other people labeled him as a murderer, in reality he did not kill anyone, not at least at the beginning, since there were reports and calls, that a person attacked another suddenly, leaving him injured but not killing him, he also made suspicious movements and maneuvers, leaving messages that no one understood in various corners of the city, it was well what I said before, a person with mental disorders, since it was not known what he would do or when he would appear, but in the end this person was caught when he committed a murder to a family home, the scene was horrible, as the corpses were lying on the floor, and with the own blood, the murderer was writing something on the wall "NA".

At the moment the officers caught him and took him prisoner and gave him a big sentence, when it was known who he was, nobody knew him, just as we thought, he was a complete stranger, he was a very old man, for sure that was what played against him and when they investigated him more, they noticed that he had a very ambiguous and old habit, cataloging good what is now bad. But anyway, when they caught the man he was wounded, they saved him, but as he was already very old, surely he is only years away from dying, as far as I'm concerned, it's okay, being an old man is not an impediment for him to receive such a sentence, although it is very sad how he could have ended up like that, how he could have killed his own family, the name of the old murderer was Nakagawa Yuudai, and the nickname we all gave him was Na, because it is the last thing he wrote before he was caught.

So he can't be, Na is still trapped, but it is very possible that another one like him appeared, but this time we won't get involved, just as we didn't get involved before, because it doesn't concern us, the police will take care of that, but of course, if I find him, I have the duty or better said, the obligation to stop him.


As I said before, it is because I could not take advantage of my youth as I wanted, while that parasite controlled me, it is like that prevented me from advancing in my time, I literally could not do anything and it was very helpless to see how another used your life for their own purposes, I know what awaits you when you get older, it is certainly something that everyone is afraid of, what I'm afraid of more than anything, I'm still not sure what I want to do, to make an effort in my studies is normal, but after that I'm not sure, well, that will come with the passing of time, maybe, what I do have in mind now is to recover what I had lost, and those are my days as a little boy, although I'm not a little boy at all *smiles*.

It gives me a lot of fun to see how every morning, still some interviewers wait since the morning to know more about this case, that although they try to hide it, they always end up passing the word somehow, it was something to be expected, with this is no joke, but with the strict security that there is now, it's funny how by the insistence and stubbornness of the press, they are thrown out by the security, it even looks like a cartoon.

As always, in the mornings I am visited by my family, I know they have no obligation to come to see me, although that is wrong because I am their son and I see that they care a lot, but I am out of danger, my little arm can at least make slight movements, they may be working which is what mostly have priority, but they take their time for me, it is something I am used to, but it will not become something annoying at all.

But I already have more than set my goal for today, there's not much I can do, it's just resting my arm and that's it, otherwise I can do what I want, I wonder if that's what those little kids think, although I don't think they'll think about it so much to act.

『Well, I'd better make even a little progress before I retreat』.

Cliston from what he was lying on his bed, he would go on to get up to start what he had planned, he always has a little doubt before this, since he doesn't know how to achieve it or how to even start or try, it's something like he doesn't know how to say it, it just happens and when he least expects it, he had already had a new friend, that's how it worked when he entered primary school and met the Tira Papelitos, that he would also become a member, but because of his insecurity, this one would try what he did unconsciously, to become friends.

But we got off to a bad start, as his nurse, who had already come for his check-up, stopped him at the door, blocking his way. With a playful attitude for thwarting Fatty's plans, she would enter the scene.

『What did you want to run away with again? I heard that days ago you ran away from your room to listen to certain adult topics』╭<<◕°ω°◕>>╮╮

Cliston listening to her, he doesn't know how he knows what she sneaked out of to hear about the auditorium, he doesn't even know if she is really referring to that, Cliston as on his part, this one is hard to hide lies and always ends up telling the truth, telling the truth would be fine, since that is what really happened, but in his mind happened something that always characterizes little kids, and that is that they always tell lies to get their way, if his goal is to be like them, then he has to act like them, let's see if his goal is stronger than his person.

『But what's wrong with it? I'm supposed to be an adult, at least in mind of course, no, nono nono, I'm not an adult, I'm a child, adult, child, child, adultchild, huh? wait, what? I guess it didn't go well as I wanted *smiles* 』(;^◇^;)ゝ

Cliston in the end couldn't against his person, he ended up rolling up on himself that he would end up revealing everything, again Cliston would say his mythical phrase "pucha" while adjusting his glasses, and the nurse was amused by the simple fact of accompanying him.

『Easy, in the end also the patients have the right to know, if not they will be wondering why the security increased so much these days, it is uncomfortable that those guards check my bag and check my whole body, but anyway (.「'-ω・)ン I am not your mom to scold you for having disobeyed me, but I would like you to take conscience』

『Uff, what a relief』 (-ω-ゞ

『Eh?』 (-ิ_-ิ)?

After chatting some more, the nurse would retire to also check on other patients under her care. But that last moment of relief that Cliston gave at the end, it made him think of what if he was scolded for if he did something wrong, just the thought that Fatty might do something wrong and get scolded, it was impossible, impossible...but if he is going to do something wrong now, Cliston is the type of person who doesn't look like what his actions do.

Cliston was all quiet still lying on his bed, looking out the window at the outside, and after a few minutes had passed since his nurse left, from the tranquility he was transmitting, he quickly became all pendejo, he got up from his bed as if he had no time, he put some clothes on over himself to go a little warmer, and carefully opened the door to see his surroundings, he was still suspicious that his nurse might be around, but since there was no one, he was all safe to go look for the kids.

『(This running away, it's fun, I feel like such a jopputo)』(*'∀`*).

But when he opened the door, his search was over before it started, a wheelchair passed in front of him at high speed without stopping, Cliston didn't expect this he slowly turned his head, and as expected, it was Raku and Jomei, like the last time they did this they liked it so much, now they mostly do it to go from one place to another with fun included, although fun only for Raku, since Jomei was from pissing his pants.

『But!!!! PARA!!!!! Little girl chamaca chiquita!!!!! You're going too fast!!!!』(「⊙Д⊙)「

『Seriously you are afraid of speed? don't you think it's contradictory of you to say that? pu pu pu pu pu pu pu I see that someone is just barking but not biting』<( ̄︶ ̄)>.

They were going and reaching a great speed between the hospital passages, in tears was screaming Jomei, he really looked very scared, at that Raku stared at him for a few seconds, for sure he thought if he should stop, but his fun would not stop, as a nurse came out of one of the rooms because of the commotion, she was complaining while chasing the children.



Jomei's comment in order to save his life, angered Raku, who this one had a dark countenance, but instead of grabbing more speed, he happened to stop slowly that this even surprised Jomei, the boy who was shitting himself with fear, would be relieved to notice that he had finally stopped, He would try to get away from Raku trying to make his wheelchair move, but Raku was tightening his grip on the handles so that he would not move even a millimeter, but the nurse was already close to catching them and for sure, Raku would take all the blame, Jomei was glad that the little girl would finally get what she deserved.

『Ha! Now from this one you're not saved, cross-eyed girl, I'll stop her for the time being nurse!!!!! THAT!!! You're going down little princess hahahaahahah』

Jomei was happy that they finally for sure scold Raku, since always, everything that happens is because of this girl that everything goes wrong, the boy so that Raku won't leave, he grabbed her hands that were on the handle, while he was teasing that he will finally get away with it, he even said that this was all part of his plan.

Jomei was mocking while squeezing harder Raku's hands, in that between his laughter, Raku little by little and slowly, would raise his gaze to look directly at Jomei, where this at first instant was frightened, since the look of Raku, could say that it was anything but friendly, the boy noticed how Raku's hands were shaking, as they wanted to break free, in that still the boy was mocking more.

『No!!! you don't scare me!!!! They will catch you they will catch you they will catch you they will catch you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha』 (。ò ∀ ó。).

But at that of what was staring at him while he kept laughing, the boy thought he would be safe since he completely immobilized him, but then he realized that he is still an idiot too. Raku stretched his head back, thus taking a boost and preparing for what was coming, Jomei realized before what the girl was about to do.

POMMMMMMM!!!!!! Without holding back, Raku would hit Jomei's forehead with her forehead without any control, thus leaving Jomei unconscious for a few moments, but in that, perhaps the force that the girl did was too much, since she also began to stagger, and to touch her head, but something fell before due to the force, and it was her eye patch, quickly Raku would make strength to not fall, and bent down to take her eye patch, while with one hand she covered her eye, but for being too long using her strength to walk with the chair and now because of the headbutt, this left her without strength, besides not wearing the patch made her insecure, that with her other eye her sight failed her, Raku tried to take her patch, but only with her hand she touched the floor, she saw how her surroundings were spinning, again she would try to take her patch, but this failed every time, the insecurity and nerves that someone could see the state of her eye, made her health condition worse, she began to breathe harder and her pulse became more agitated.

『(Where is he where is he where is he where is he...donetest setson tsondoihts .....Onii-chan.....please....help me.....I'm still scared)』

Raku was desperately looking for her patch but to no avail, as the wheelchair ended up crushing the patch that fell off, Raku, while remembering her brother who was her only family who stayed together with her until the end, but now for x circumstances he is no more, Raku was still looking for him, she even threw herself on the floor to look for him, it was strange, everything was boring until she ran into Jomei in the passages, and then she had fun going from one place to another with him, but now because of her selfishness, she is paying with one of the things that hurts her the most, that they see her weakness as it is.

Until at one point Raku stopped and started crying, silently, she had curled into a ball on the floor while saying this is the worst, Jomei was still regaining consciousness, there was no one who could help her, but at that.

『Oh look!!! He came to visit, what's that? A cake with legs?』

Cliston had appeared, at the moment he heard the voice, Raku looked up because of the curiosity he had, at that moment Cliston put the patch on his face, the girl's tears seemed to have finally stopped. In there was Cliston, but seeing that Raku did not react, since she was still crying but without reaction, this as the adult minded that he is, he would do what is done to calm a child, and that was stroking her head.

『🎵 Dango dango dango dango dango dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku 🎵Dango dango dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku 🎵 Yancha na yaki dango🎵 Yasashi an dango🎵 Sukoshi yume mi tachina🎵 Tsukimi dango 🎵 Ushimashi cona dango🎵 Yotsuko coshi dango (That's the first thing I remembered)』

In there Raku would instantly remember his brother, that because of his vision that he was recovering, he could see his silhouette, but when he already recovered the stability of his health and vision, he saw that it was Cliston, who was acting like someone older. At that Jomei recovered from the headbutt, when he turned to look to the side, he saw the scene of both children, he didn't know why Raku was crying, he would try to walk with his wheelchair to see what happened, but the sound of crushing something warned him, and when he saw him, he realized he did something wrong that he was speechless.

『You sing weba weba wanker, there are songs that only look good when certain people sing it, you're not qualified for this, and besides I'm not sleepy, and besides I'm not a boy, I'm a magic girl, a mahou shoujo! Always ready for every problem, you can stop petting me, you don't gain anything from it』.

Cliston who was still stroking her head, stopped when he heard her complaint, but Cliston was happy, even if he had been somehow, again rejected by Raku, having helped her while she needed it the most and without the help of transforming, it was really a good thing for him. In there came the nurse who came to scold Raku, but at that Cliston would intervene to bring the gravity down even a little.

『Come on, there are more peaceful solutions, you know how children are, they have no compassion with their actions, but yes it was wrong of her to have done what she wants, but I think that's a quality, and she is also playful, that, she seeks to have fun with others and that's why she takes them, they are not good, but not bad either, you could say she is in the middle??? she is just a child, you can let it go for this time, yes?』

Cliston was bad at improvising even when it came to helping someone, the nurse stared at him all confused and not quite understanding his words.

『I don't know where you are going with your words, do you know how many times we let her mischief go unnoticed? I see that she didn't spare the child when she was adopted by Dr.2-Ban, she does what she wants and when she wants, I won't scold her, but I will treat her health condition, she really dropped her patch right? and the one she has on now is』.

『I put that one on him, I took it out of his pocket since I figured he would have one there 』

『His pocket..... I hope you didn't steal anything young lady』.

At that Raku was avoiding the look with the nurse as it was too obvious that she is stealing things the little girl from the hospital itself, the nurse was getting herself carrying Raku in her arms to make a check on her health, and maybe a little complaint to her and Dr.2-Ban. But Raku was still remembering what happened before, at the moment when Cliston appeared to put a patch on her and try to calm her down while singing Dango's song.

Raku couldn't help but remember all the times when she lived together with her brother in his house, eating the same snack while they watched a Mahou Shoujo together, and at bedtime, her brother would always sing her that song or when she felt bad. The funny and peaceful moments he spent with his brother, will always be memorable.

『(Why did you have to sing just that song)』.

Raku held tightly to the nurse, who, seeing that she was sentimental, did not avoid smiling and being more careful with the girl. Returning to Cliston and Raku, the chubby boy told himself in his mind that he heard that song from his grandmother, Mama Lucha, who used to sing it to him from time to time in order to relax.

When he turned to see Jomei, he was in shock for what he just did, he unconsciously at the moment of receiving Raku's headbutt, with the slight movement of collapsing, he moved his wheelchair thus crushing the eye patch that fell off Raku, he looked very depressed since he knows the importance of this.

『I think this time I don't have any excuses to make....I did something really bad today』.

Jomei settled back in his chair as he slowly walked down the passages while rubbing his forehead, but at that Cliston knows that he feels bad too that he decides to join him.

『Thank you very much young man, for fixing my mistake』.

This was very strange to Cliston, since hearing how even Jomei's way of talking changed, the that Jomei would explain to him why the importance of this and that of the patch, it is too obvious that Raku has a disease but it is not known what it is yet, but so far there is no abnormality other than the eye, which has it visco, but for some reason she is living in the hospital, her home is the hospital despite how the nurse said it, she is Dr.2-Ban's adopted daughter. Everyone knows the importance of that patch, as long as she wears it she will be completely healthy and safe, but if for some reason she loses it, her condition would worsen seriously, she had studies done here, unfortunately due to carelessness she came to that conclusion, this disease seems more emotional than physical, Dr.2-Ban, in his spare time he looks for a way to find a way to cure her. Ban, in his spare time looking for a way to help her, finding a medicine for her special condition, we all got to know about her condition that many of us overlook her antics, because if she is having fun, that means she is fine, but that same thing led her to be treated well at the beginning, because the disease is emotional, anything negative that is done to her, she can act ugly, when I went to the hospital for my legs, they told me about her, and that if I came across her, At first I tried, but in the end I got fed up with telling her all those things that you saw, but the strange thing is that nothing happened, she was like nothing, so many times I thought it was a lie about her emotional state, and it was an excuse for everyone to treat her well, even I knew about the patch, I was curious to remove it many times, but in the end I regretted it, today is the first time I see her like that, so I did not like at all to discover it by my own action.

『The thing about crushing her patch, I don't think I'll forget it for a long time』-『But if she hadn't given me that headbutt, this wouldn't have happened, it's also her fault for not knowing how to measure herself, that one-eyed girl is very conceited 』.

Jomei was walking with his chair not very sure of his words, he didn't feel hatred or rejection, but he did feel guilty for what he did, even if it was indirectly. Cliston, hearing this more directly and knowing the truth, felt compassion for the little girl and understood why she was behaving as she did. At that they stopped when they saw a person enter a specific room, Cliston could recognize who it was that caught his attention.

『Yashiro's sister』.

Maya was entering the room, it was seen that she was carrying a bag with many things, such as food, some games to hang out, in there again Jomei would talk, saying that person every 2 days comes to visit the person who is hospitalized, he only knows that he spends many hours talking with her, even the whole afternoon he stays with her to then leave and return, as he has just been hospitalized here, he does not know more in detail. While inside the room where Maya entered, she was taking out the shopping she did to eat together with her friend.

『I bought you your favorite food Fatty *smiles* 』-『This cop thing is a weba the truth』-『They released a new song our favorite band!!!! Let's listen to it together』-『Also buy your medicines, and some board games like cards』-『Right! I also brought clothes to try on for us!!! Do you think they'll be upset if we do it here? Since mothers, let's have a catwalk』.

Maya and her friend were somehow having fun in a place where technically they shouldn't be, but as much as Jomei and Cliston were spying on them from outside, at that Cliston thought that many of the people we know, come to frequent here, it's certainly a sad sight to see someone who you hold dear, suffer. Cliston was thinking about Raku and came up with the first thing everyone thought.

『Then I'll be kinder to her』

『Uy no』

At that moment they heard the voice of Raku, who was behind the children, it seems that he already finished what he had to do with the nurse, first he looked at Jomei and after a few seconds he turned his gaze to tell him fool, the boy instead of counterattacking as he always does, this time he accepted it with more than enough.

『And you wanker boy, until when are you going to behave like the good boy, seeing you how you want me to like you gives me a lot of guacala fuchi, I already tell you that you won't get anything like that, not all of us are easy to fall for good deeds, some of us prefer things like being deposited in our bank account for example』 ¯_〳 -̀ or -́ 〵_/¯

Raku had returned and was already like before, it seems that even though he has taken the first step Cliston to get Raku to like him, he still has a lot more to do to gain her trust and learn from her and Jomei.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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