
Chapter 230: Pastime 8

L͇e͇a͇l͇t͇a͇d͇ ͇2͇

Since the Rottweiler was adopted, he still could not believe it or maybe yes, for him since he was born, he thought only to serve or be the pet of the first human who raised him, maybe it is his instinct, but more came from him, since he was little he decided to swear loyalty to the human who treat him with affection, he will give him his loyalty until the end of his days, he would be his friend eternally and support him in everything possible.

That first impression he had since he met his first human, who took care of him and his siblings the first months, he showed him and that was his first impression of this race that takes care of them, so he just wants to return the favor but at a much higher level, it is born from the heart to fulfill that goal until the end, although his personality is not the best that fits for it.

The first days since he arrived to this new home with his now new owner, that when he was in the store he saw him almost every day and it was already formed that a closer relationship would appear in the future. He never let go of the idea that maybe one day this little girl in the dress would be the next one to take care of him.

When she came home from school, the first thing Damisela did was to check on her dog, and she was always pleased to see him waiting for her at the entrance, always sitting without barking or making any other gesture. In her words, it was like seeing an adult in a child's body.

『Awwww, you're so cute! hahaha』-『But, don't you get tired waiting in the same place...I couldn't bear to sit still for a few minutes』(゚ペ)?

『That's why at school you're the one who gets the most attention, if your parents find out you have reds, uhhhh what's going to happen』Σ( ̄□ ̄lll).

『That's the key Mr.Chochi, you must never find out』 (≖ლ≖๑ )フ

『And if they call your parents directly....』 (`_')ゞ

『Well, then I'll tell him that you egged me on 』 (」・ω・)」

『But what are you saying!!!! piece of brat!!!!』 Σ(;・益・;;;;)!!!!

There was a conversation again against Damisela and Mr.Chochi, it is funny to see this as she literally herself is fighting against herself, the Rottweiler seeing this, always tends to turn his eyes because he didn't understand what was going on. Quickly the girl covered the stuffed animal's mouth, while she took the Rottweiler in her arms and carried it to her room.

『I have many things to tell you my gentleman! You know this day----------』

She closed herself in her room and chatted with her canine friend about what happened to her this day, also this was very peculiar of her, that when she arrived the first thing is to tell how she did in her school, the dynamic and funny way, surely because she is trying hard not to be bored, that she even forced her expressions, made her very showy again. When she finished telling what happened to her, it was time to do homework, the girl was responsible, I think she was for more to say, so when it was time to study for an exam or do homework, she concentrated more on it than her surroundings, it is the time where now she has to be more serious than everyone, but if we talk about seriousness, it seems that competition came to her.

『...Hey.....oye...hey.....ah!!!! You are more serious than me! Good there my gentleman! NO! Wrong there my gentleman! I'm supposed to make you more liberal, so is that a yes or a no??? Wait for it! I just lost focus on what I was doing, is that good or bad for what I'm looking for? Hahahahaha you just sit there and with that you've already scrambled my whole brain, you're a machine my gentleman』(>_・ )

Damisela, all by herself made a mess with something small, to get so many things out of a simple action or out of nothing, would that be an advantage or a disadvantage? it depends on how one sees it and needs it, Damisela was having a good time and that smile was more and more present, something that although she didn't express it

Rottweiler was happy that with what he does, he makes his new owner happy.

When they went out to the yard, the normal image of a girl and her pet is that both are playing, among all the fun there is, but the only fun here was only the girl, since the Rottweiler as you might have imagined, yes, he was serious now sitting on the grass. The girl was thinking of a way to have fun with the canine, since she thought maybe he didn't want to run. So all at once, she set up the Tea set, setting up chairs, table, the meals, and of course, the Rottweiler and Mr.Chochi so they could eat together.

『Here you go my gentleman, herbal tea extracted from the mountains of the ocean, here』.

And as if they were rolling, Damisela began to give life to her home, as it was mostly or always. So the days went by, Damisela was trying hard to make her pet friend happy, the ideas were so many that she used them all, but by using them with such speed and thinking about them, they ended quickly and little by little she ran out of ideas. Rather than de-stressing by having a pet, it brought her a lot of weight, sometimes even stressing her by not achieving any change. And this is what the Rottweiler felt, as in the first days his owner was full of life, but little by little the energy he had was fading, it is normal, if there is no result of something in which you put a lot of effort, sooner or later you will turn around and not turn your eyes again.

This was the thought of the little puppy who already had his weeks here, he already knew how was the home and the routine of this family, the parents left early, without leaving food for the whole day in the refrigerator, his owner, Damisela went to school where sometimes she also took Mr.Chochi, so at the end of the day, he was mostly alone, waiting for his owner to come back.

This was starting to bother the canine, since it was not supposed to be like that, he came to give life to this home that was already more than dead, now Damisela was trying to cheer him up, it was like she was taking away part of his life and he was keeping him to do absolutely nothing. It bothered him not to be able to fulfill his role that he had set for himself, that of being a support for his human or the humans. The canine after thinking about it a lot, decided that he must change his personality, if he continues to be serious this home will end up dead with all its inhabitants.

『(When Damsel comes, I will bark at her, but only bark? The other dogs in the store were jumping, wagging their paw, and making different movements to cheer up the humans, I think I should do the same thing)』

The canine Rottweiler was starting to take his first steps, he would now be the one to take the first step for fun, but every move he made, every paw lift, the jumps, he seemed to be a robot, he was not born to do all that affection, he felt obliged to do it for the sake of the other, but if that was what it took to make his owner happy, then he would not mind having to do it every day. Again the Rottweiler was sitting at the entrance, waiting for his owner to come back to put into practice at last what he thought *tick* He heard how the door was being opened, quickly the Rottweiler who was waiting for the movement, was getting ready to act like any dog that is happy to see his owner, he was thinking about doing it or not doing it, if it will be good or bad, maybe it will be embarrassing, many things were happening to him so that he would not do it. He was going to give a bark but this one stopped when he heard a sob.

『*smile*You're still there, you're a good boy, could you sit still for a while longer?』

The girl Damisela said without further ado as she looked at her pet, you could hear how her voice was not the same, as if she was hiding a pain, she was hiding that she had cried as she was returning home, the girl slowly went to her room, it was strange, she always left in a swift manner, taking her pet by the arms and also....

『(Where is Mr.Chochi?)』

The canine was wondering when he saw that she was not in her owner's arms, Damisela without more was like shattered, that she had no strength for anything, she only wanted to sink in her bed and wait for a miracle to happen, that moment where you wish that the bad thing that happened to us or we have done, will be solved out of nowhere, but no, such a thing will never happen, nobody is so good to grant us a whim in that way.

The Rottweiler was worried about his owner and what could have happened, he felt that she was wrong and that he as her friend, should be able to help her, but how, this is where the cheerful and funny canine makes his owner forget the bad things with his antics and insistences, but he is not that kind of pet. As he thought about what he could do, his body moved on its own, he walked to his owner's room and saw her lying on the bed with her eyes closed giving her the beginnings of crying for a while longer.

What happened next can not be easily described, the little girl remembered to feed her pet, fill his bowl, and also to clean up the little mess at home, she had to get up and open her eyes not voluntarily, but so that things do not get worse. But what she saw when she opened her eyes, was her pet, who climbed up helping himself with other small furniture, the Rottweiler was on top of her bed, in front of her face, and again with his paw he touched the girl's nose, licking her tears again.

『(I know I'm not the best one to comfort, but ..... please let me be with you in your sadness)』

The canine said to himself in his thoughts, ending by bumping his forehead against the little girl's forehead, this simple gesture of the canine towards his owner, made the little girl's eyes sparkle, and she smiled through her dried tears that the canine was able to wipe away. Again, the Rottweiler made a strange gesture because of the salty tears. The girl smiled with joy because she didn't expect that serious dog to be the one to cheer her up on this day. Things calmed down after a few minutes and the girl would go on to tell what happened.

『The truth is, they took Mr.Chochi away from me *smiles* 』 』.

It was too obvious what had happened and was happening, Damisela was telling her canine friend that since a long time ago, her school had called her attention for always going to school in an extravagant way and not respecting the uniform they have, they gave her many warnings to come with the uniform of her school, but she always did what she wanted and came with her dress just like a damsel. And it was not the only thing she brought to school, but also her teddy Mr. Chochi, with whom she would talk even in the middle of class with him, causing more commotion among the school. She may have been applied, accomplish homework and be among the highest numbers in the school, but they can't turn a blind eye to all the extra behavior she has, otherwise this may become a chain, that if they allow it to her just because she is good, the other students would also start doing the same.

『They called my attention several times, I counted them, they gave me a total of 5 months where I could go with my dress, but it seems that the day has come, they took Mr.Chochi away from me for not complying with what they said, I am sad and angry? of course I am, but what can I do, it's my fault for doing what I want, it would be very hard face to complain when they gave me more than enough time and putting up with me, so if I want to get Mr.Chochi back *sigh* I will have...to be myself *smiles*』』.

The reasons were more than clear, there was nothing else to do in front of this problem that she put herself, and she takes it as just because that's what it is, besides at the moment they took it away, she asked not to call her parents, that they don't have time to fix their problems, that she herself will do it and everything will already be different from what it was before. With that promise between the teachers and Damisela, they would return her stuffed animal if she improves in the time that was given, after counting, the girl passed to be her duties, she also cooked so much for her and the canine, but at the time of serving the food, she realized that she had served one dish too many, that dish was for her stuffed animal.

『Right, that's gone, hahaha..... I'm also terrible, I spend extra food on someone who doesn't eat』-『But having him, it made me feel safer』.

He went on to also eat what he had served for his stuffed animal, where the canine didn't know what he could do to make his owner can be better, he thought to himself several times, that if there would be a way for things to get better. It seems that here was a big change since they took away Mr.Chochi and no longer wearing the dress, the damsel-like hairstyle, now she dressed and looked like any girl of her age, the first day she finally no longer went as she always usually does, she looked at herself in the mirror and tried to flatter herself.

『These clothes are nice, they fit me well, right? With this I will belong to your group, I hope it will suit me well, right my gentleman?

The Rottweiler gave a bark to give her acceptance to her owner, where she smiled and it was time to return, it is not known what happened this day when she finally went as someone normal to her school, again as usual, the little Rottweiler waited at the entrance for her to return, when finally the girl came back, it seems that she did well, she was not sad or down, maybe at the beginning she had doubts about how she would look in general, but no, there was nothing to worry about.

『I'm fine my knight, why would I be sad, to finally be like the others *smiles* 』.

They went on to play both, and as they did so, the little girl would tell her pet about how this day went, and every now and then you could hear and repeat the word "normal". The days passed and passed where she had to go as a person who is in her place has to go, now if she completes 100% of the standards of a student, good grades, good uniform and good behavior, everything is going well, and what would be wrong with that? Nothing, it does not have to have anything wrong, that is defined by the person in the situation, it is her final decision. But quickly from how well everything was going, her grades began to drop, from how dynamic and energetic she was, she became more and more a shy girl who lost the confidence of her surroundings. Before when her friends would tell her to go out or eat together for school, she would eagerly accept it, but this time she would reject them again and again, even if she could she would avoid the teachers, either if she met them or if she got to ask them anything.

『I'm fine, it's just not the best time』-『My grades....I'll put more effort into it, I'll bounce back and everything will be fine again』-『I'm sorry, can I go to the bathroom? I really need to go』『I'm also wearing the same uniform....I feel like I don't stand out like before, don't tell me that in this place I'll be empty too.....』

Of course she was not well, little by little she was starting to decline and there was a very strong downturn in her whole being as a person. She felt uncomfortable now at her school, something that had not happened before until now, it was killing her the many things she wanted to say and blurt out, but if she does it again she will be scolded and she doesn't want that, having to keep to herself and be as she is she didn't like it at all. As she was getting ready to go to school, she always looked at her dress that was hanging on the wall, and thought many times about putting it back on and going as she always was at the time, but if she does that she won't get her teddy back and maybe the sanctions will be much more serious.

And the Rottweiler knows perfectly well that something bad is happening with his owner, he did not think that taking away a few insignificant things like his way of dressing or what he always wears, would affect him so much, maybe what one is not worth anything, for the other is worth a treasure, each one gives the value to each object, whether emotional or commercial. The Rottweiler understood in these almost 2 months that happened that the one he sees now is the real Damsel, a girl with fear, with fear to take to all place infinite emptiness that he felt, it is complicated for him to be able to act in a liberal way as mostly he is, since he is not in his role, yes, to fulfill what he wants he created a role for himself, Another character where she can do everything she wants without thinking about the rest, and it helped her, since she improved in many positive aspects more than negative ones, she did not feel sure of herself, so with the dress and the teddy, she gained confidence in being able to be that person who can make friends with everyone and do what is proposed to her.

If she hadn't been with the stuffed animal and the dress at the time her family proposed the idea of the mascot, she would never have had it, she would never have faced her mother. She would never have improved her grades and be much more sociable than what her family wanted from the beginning, that she would be able to perform in front of others and not be left behind, the character of the dress plus the help of the stuffed animal gave her enough courage to accomplish what was proposed to her, she used the drastic measure of imagination, a normal thing for any child, now that she does not have it, she is becoming her true self, which does not please her so much, since she likes her character more than I think she likes herself.

With all this the Rottweiler decided to do a simple thing, if the problem is that, then we have to recover it, without Damisela noticing, the Rottweiler got into the backpack to go to school and see what was going on there and recover the stuffed animal. The canine in the middle of going to the classroom, moved his paws to escape from the backpack, which he did and now he was inside the school. With his sense of smell he would look for where the stuffed animal could be, his logic was that if his owner recovers the stuffed animal, everything will be as before, maybe it is better not to continue being that character and that she gets better, but she is still a child, it will help her to define him and help him in his problem later. The goal at the end of the Rottweiler will be, that she takes value of that character that her owner created for her to use it one day, it is the best care and growth that she can give him.

The canine was looking but did not realize that there were students in the hallway watching him, when the children shouted that there was a dog and went to pet him, the Rottweiler did something he did not think to do, having to run at full speed, if Damisela did not want to harm his parents, he does not want to harm her, the canine ran almost all over the school, although he is a puppy, well not so puppy, he implied that his breed was very resistant, leaving several children behind.

The smell of the stuffed animal took him to the principal's office, which is where he was, luckily the principal had just left and the canine took advantage of this to sneak in, he looked up and noticed that the stuffed animal was on top of one of the desks of the place, he could not reach it because of the height, at this moment the Rottweiler would have liked to be a cat, since they can jump several times its height, but this dog can climb up to a small piece of furniture at the drop of a hat. Luckily the stuffed animal was in the corner of the desk, perhaps the director was using it as a decoration to make his workplace look more fun. There wasn't much to do, pushing it impossible, knocking over the desk less so, he wasn't strong enough. As he searched he saw that there was a window covered with blinds that reached the floor to keep out the sun, in that he thought about how to get more strength, enough to make it fall, in that he remembered his brother who insisted on playing, how he made force and by a bad move, this was pulled by himself with force, maybe he could do the same but with the fabric of the blind.

So he took the fabric with his little mouth and began to pull it as much as he could, and when he was near the desk, he began to pull harder, accumulating it all in one place, his plan was to make it fly backwards, he pulled and pulled where he saw the right moment to let it go. POMM!!! He gave a back and head lunge product of his plan to the desk, it hurt his head that even left him stunned, pom, but it was not time to faint, the stuffed animal. Mr.Chochi fell on top of him.

Now he only had to look for its owner to be able to give her the stuffed animal and see how things improve, he searched with his sense of smell while he dragged the stuffed animal with his bite, at the end again in his Damsel room, he raised his hand to be able to go to the bathroom, he did not like the environment if he could not be his character. The Rottweiler was still looking for his owner, where he heard footsteps thanks to his ears, he had to hurry as a teacher is coming, the footsteps were becoming more and more present that the dog finally seems to realize that he is in a danger.

The teacher who was passing by the place passed by without any problem, and continued on his way, when the dog realized, he was in the arms of his owner Damisela, without wasting time, the dog began to bark, but quickly the girl told him not to bark and even covered his mouth, quickly understood the Rottweiler who stopped soon after.

『I don't understand how you got here and also got Mr.Chochi back, you really are ..... a funny dog *smiles* 』

It had been a long time since the little girl Damisela had smiled like that, it was a smile of gratitude towards her pet, since she knows that he was the one who recovered her stuffed animal, that he was worried about her and wanted to help her in any way he could. That's what the canine thought, that everything is now solved, that her owner will be her usual self again and she will be able to improve both emotionally and personally. The manager was coming back with some bread with melon, it seems that he bought several.

『Mr. Director! Please take it, you seem to have lost it』.

Damisela took the opportunity to see the director to give him the stuffed animal that the canine tried so hard to recover, when he saw that he didn't avoid being confused and turned to look at his owner, where he whispered to her to forgive him. The director was confused since he did not know why the stuffed animal was not in his office, while he thought that perhaps the culprit was the girl.

"Or maybe he is so bored that he decided to go for a walk? Right Director?』

A subtle sentence to joke about the situation, the director thanked her for returning the stuffed animal, and for being sincere she gave her one of the many melon breads she had. While they were returning, the little girl did not know what to do now that her friend is here, she thought so much but so much that in the end she only came to one conclusion.

『Thanks, I never really thought that you would do something that wasn't very you, you practically became a spy hahaha, I regained some confidence thanks to you, and you made me gain points permanently, I already know what I'm going to do, this will be a big step for you as well as for me』.

Joyfully the girl Damisela ran through the passages together with her friend in her arms, seeing how the puppy did something incredible for her, gave her enough confidence to no longer have that attitude and start to really improve, although she still needs company to do so, but a breakthrough is a breakthrough.

『Professor!!!! and classmates!!!! Meet my gentleman! He is the little buddy who has been supporting me these last times!!!! He worried about this bad that he came with me without me noticing, please could he stay with us until the exit? Don't worry if he makes a mess, he is very serious and tidy, right buddy? *smiles*』

The Rottweiler barked to give an answer, where Damisela did not avoid getting excited and went on to hug him and give him affection that she has not given him for so long, the teacher did not know what to say since it was very sudden but the students were curious, that without wasting time when they saw a little animal, they quickly went running for him.

"Hey, that's the dog we saw in the passageway! How cute he looks』 『When you were talking about a gentleman I thought you meant a boy』.

The children gathered around Damisela and the Rottweiler, the compliments and all the affection given to them was totally natural, the girl was happy about this, both from her for being able to talk and behave this way being just like her, and for her friend finally showing himself to more people. The canine was even if he didn't say anything, happy, this feeling of pleasing others, of wanting to protect and take care of them, and also to support them, pleased him a lot. The teacher called the attention of the students not to make a mess, where without wasting time, Damisela placed her knight on top of her teacher's desk, while stroking his head.

『He will always be attentive teacher, so don't worry』.

With a thumbs up, Damisela was going to her seat, but this time it was no longer like the down days she had, but now she looked like she was glowing more to say one thing, and it was because she felt safe having her canine friend with her, who for this day she would lean on. The teacher was in doubt, but then she saw how the dog as a posture sitting up and staring at all the students.

『Certainly, it is very calm and serious your pet, Ahane Nori』.

Said the name of the girl Damisela who was embarrassed at first, but then smiled in an embarrassed manner towards all her classmates. This without thinking about it was a great day for them and a big step for both of them, as they were able to grow up in a strange way, Nori gradually gained more confidence in herself without having to resort to the character of Damisela, while the canine became much more liberal and loose with everything around her.

Two years passed and the canine, from the small he was, became much more serious than before, but this time he did not show himself so much, what he could not do as a puppy, now he did it, he ran from here to there, if something happened he tried to help however he could, he protected his family, which at this time, the parents who were not sure of that canine, marveled at how serious and funny he was, he was so serious and fun to be with, They were amazed at how serious and funny he was at the same time, that he made the best decisions at the right time, it was very incredible to them about this dog, in the end the home in this time that passed, of what had no life, it took its time that yes, but in the end he could fulfill the work that his brothers or any other dog would not take him much time, to bring life to a home, but in his own way. But what the canine and Nori did not know was that this would be the last year in which they would be separated.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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