
Chapter 209: Memories of Pequeños Part 3

The first day of classes of the year seemed to go well, with the inclusion of Albert to our class I had forgotten with it all the problems that were still present. I can't believe I had completely forgotten about Kanon, if at the beginning of that day I was so alert, I was scared and sweating, my heart was pounding many times and it would be like a bomb to hear Kanon enter through any of the 2 doors of the classroom. But I also realized something that day, that a person, even if they are a stranger, can make you happy with the few actions they do, even if it is not especially directed at you. Albert, again I promise you that this will be the best year of your life, even though it will be at the school stage.

It had already been a few weeks, since classes started, everyone could become close to Albert, since he was a boy that you did not have to worry if you could dislike him and if he dislikes you, let's say that Albert is within everyone's reach, is that a quality of being someone normal? maybe, but I am very happy for him, in a short time his number of friends has been growing more and more, that was what he wanted. Albert when he realized this, there were 2 kinds of reactions, first an expression of a cute smile, typical of Albert, but the second expression was a little more mischievous, as if he was up to something.

『Now that I have friends, I'm going to be able to prank him and have fun with them 』(`▽').

It seemed like he wanted to release that burden of playing pranks on his other classmates, and I think it's very normal, when must have been the last time he had a friend and they played pranks, games with each other. So let's say that in those few weeks that he was there, he was already well known not only by our class, but also by half of the school, many times he made jokes to his classmates by himself, but they were very simple, like sticking out his tongue, saying eat cake and those things. His pranks were very childish and even cute...in a sense, because even though Albert would play those pranks on them, he would quickly laugh and tell the truth, accompanied with words that make the person he was addressing feel better.

『I was joking, a friendly little joke, so I hope you don't get upset, I just can't resist it, it's really funny this, anyway, I hope you have a good day, ah! tomorrow I'll pay you back with something for having done this to you, it would eat my head off if I don't make it up to you with something, see you tomorrow』.

And he would withdraw waving his hand with a smile on his face, that's how he usually was when he made his innocent childish jokes, maybe it's because of the way he was, like a little kid exploring and experiencing for the first time his surroundings that he let his most childish emotions flow, that almost nobody, to say nobody, came to have a kind of grudge against Albert.


Although he did his own thing, he also spent his time with us, our group of friends made up of you-know-who, who had long had a name for our group.

"Well Albert, from now on you belong to our group Los Tira Papelitos, don't feel uncomfortable, we are all friends of each other, you could even say family, but to say family is already burned, especially by a bald guy who is not even funny anymore, but anyway! Welcome to our side』.

Brayan had made a meeting to welcome Albert to our group, the only one who applauded was uncle Potter, where Rojito to annoy him let out a sneaky comment.

『That's how I <cacho> your old idiot, take Mrs. take!!!!! hahahahahahahahah』

<Translator: Cacho has many meanings depending on what country you are in or how the word is used, this time the word "Cacho" refers to the sexual act, but said in a vulgar way, many think it is an obscene word>.

Rojito was laughing out loud by himself (ಡ艸ಡ) when he quickly heard a loud breathing on his neck, there Rojito became very tense and even pale. Uncle Potter was really annoyed by the words of Rojito, where he whispered in his ear.

『I'm going to take the shit out of you』.

It was practically a threat, and without further ado Potter went to his place as if nothing had happened, and Rojito without further ado remained silent, he got up with fear and trembling, he went to the door where before leaving he passed by Potter's side. POOMM! He gave a tremendous blow to the Potter's hair and ran away, Potter quickly reacted and got stuck with his seat that ended up falling to the floor, Albert who brought with him a stuffed animal made it sound just at the moment when he fell, implying that it was a cartoonish fall. We went on with our meeting where Albert was first amused, but quickly wondered if we are not going to stop Potter.

『It's not necessary, they're always going back and forth, Rojito has a mania for bothering Potter, but at the end of the day it's just a scare, the guy is not capable of hitting someone unless you take him out of his mind, he's very tolerant』.

Omar gave an explanation to Albert, so that he would be calmer for sure, but still Albert was worried if something happens to his friend, since Potter really looked very upset, Albert would ask for permission to go out where he would run into Jersey at the door.

『Eh! He wants to leave! Quick Jersey, catch him!!!』

Brayan noticed that Albert wanted to leave and seeing that Jersey just arrived he asked him for that favor, Jersey affirming with a firm hand on his forehead, took Albert on top of her, carrying the boy as if he was a sack of potatoes, and sat him down on a chair that was there.

『Ready!...And what did I stop him for?』

『Thank you very much Big Brother! But listen Albert, before you become an official member of our group, first you have to prove if you can get in, everyone here has completed difficult challenges, very difficult ones that one says "Hay mamita pero que difícil" if you really want to be part of us, you'll have to do it』

Brayan was raising his voice so that he could be heard attentively and firmly, he was more eager than usual, where Cliston upon hearing the words of his friend, wondered what challenge they had done, where Omar quickly told him that they better leave it at that, where to make him understand better, he showed him a bottle of a soft drink, where the Fatty already became suspicious of what they were up to.

Brayan continued with his speech to make Albert believe that there is such a thing, that's where Jersey realizes and before telling the truth, Brayan quickly shut his mouth. Albert was left thinking for a few seconds and should or should not do the challenge they would tell him, in the end it was like an internal struggle that he would end up accepting Brayan's words, where the latter let out a mischievous smile.

『Perfect!!! Then let's go quickly to where the pibas are!!』ꉂ ฅ૮( ๑'ꇴ'๑)აฅ。*゚✧

Everything had already been perfect, El Perro supported Brayan's idea, since he was also amused by the idea, since a long time ago these 2 wanted Albert's innocence and childishness to be destroyed at last. Seeing a chick like Albert made the ferocious animals like these two drool. They wanted them to be like them and what better way than to play a practical joke. Cliston understood this so he would see how far everything planned goes, if it happens just as they say, then he is going to have to intervene, he knows that Brayan and Omar are not really like that, that in the end they are the kind of people who repent before causing a bigger problem, but with someone new and innocent...hopefully their desire to take Albert's virginity, so to speak, won't be so strong to cause him bigger problems.

『There's a group of girls getting ready for the Sports Festival, they must be tired for sure, we'll give them a good drink hahaha』.

Brayan already had everything planned, Jersey was laughing as if she didn't know anything, but it's just a feint, since she's the one who watches her friends so they don't go overboard.


While they were planning all this, the chase of Potter and Rojito was still going on, they were running all over the school, running up stairs as well as taking big jumps to get down the stairs.

"I'm already getting tired...but I'm very agile, I play a lot of soccer and with that I gained stamina, compared to Uncle Potter who is a chubby little guy, hahaha.

Rojito was confident, but when he turned his head back, he realized that the guy was slowly catching up with him, and his expression was not friendly at all, it was like a hairy beast running around the school. Rojito was scared not only because they are about to catch up with him, but also because of the Potter's appearance that is very unkempt, with his shirt out, buttons unbuttoned and all.

『(AAHHH!!!! I need a miracle!!!! Please Bug! Save me from this!!!)』

Rojito turned around where he ran into someone who could help him so it wouldn't be the end of him....again. Uncle Potter as if he were a small bear, skidded masterfully so he could turn and not lose time. Where this one stopped, both his gaze and his action, he simply stood without moving a muscle. The one in front of Uncle Potter was a girl from a different class, Uncle Potter quickly blushed and looked away, but at the same time he wanted to look straight ahead.

The girl, unlike Uncle Potter, was tall, even for her age, and she was mostly starting to wear a ponytail as she was growing her hair long. Unlike the Potter who is small and chubby, plus bald xd, ah! and wears glasses too since he has blurred vision, but as we say to our good friend "Nice and chubby" like the penguins. Although it's not his best presentation let's say since he's a mess from the chase, plus the guy sweats a lot, he sweats but like a waterfall.

The Potter was trying to speak but his words weren't coming out, plus he was exhaling a lot and that also prevented him from speaking, when he realized that he wasn't very presentable, this one quickly turned around to see what he could do, he was trying to button up or put his shirt well under his pants, but he didn't know if it was a good way to act in front of the girl he likes.

『Weren't you the boy who has problems with his heart? you shouldn't demand too much of yourself or carry strong emotions like now, you're full of sweat and exhaling hard』.

The girl whose name was Dani turned to the Potter to advise him not to push himself too much. Uncle Potter since he was little has problems with his heart, he can't experience things that makes his heart speed up more than normal, because if it happens it can happen very serious consequences. So far nothing bad has happened, the only dangerous thing that happened to Potter is that he almost ran out of air, he can not run enough, he can not get big scares or surprises out of nowhere. We have to be careful that his heart is racing too fast, otherwise we could lose him. Although he has been undergoing treatment since he was little and can resist strong emotions a little more, before he couldn't even run until he sweated, he has gained a lot of stamina on his own. Uncle Potter is also a very expressive person, always when he laughs he makes us laugh too, at the beginning when we knew what was happening to him, we doubted whether to treat him with care or as we always did, in the end we decided to treat him as always, but mostly looking after his health.

Dani was worried about the guy, as Potter wanted to talk but couldn't, he could barely breathe and that would be a problem. Quickly Dani would go to Potter's side and grab his arm, to take him to the infirmary.

『I'll take you to the infirmary, so you don't have to worry anymore, and please, next time be more conscientious of his case, okay?』

Dani rather than giving him advice, more like she was scolding him, where the Potter was no longer blushing or nervous, rather he was annoyed with himself, he wanted his first words with the girl he likes, timing and all that to be more perfect. Not with him about to fall over, his clothes in an uproar and full of sweat. Potter was already calmer where he replied to her to take care of himself as much as possible.

『You see what happens if you try to chase me?』

Rojito appeared at the Potter's side and was starting to tease his friend, but quickly he too took the guy's other arm and was helping him walk.

『And I'm sorry..... sometimes I get excited and I forget that we must be careful, they are already normal to see you running that surely we all forgot, but we must be aware, maybe we will stop treating you like someone normal』.

Rojito was talking without hiding anything, although he felt ashamed to say those words, the Rojito like the Potter is small, plus he gets angry quickly and is always bothering who has more confidence, which would be the Potter uncle, plus Rojito is someone narcissistic? Since he's always combing his hair xd.

『Not that, please treat me like what I am, your friend, and Rojito, someday I'll catch you *smiles* and also thank you very much...』

In order not to make Rojito feel bad, Potter was trying to calm him down with those words, and that he doesn't want someone to be treated with intensive care, it's not so bad after all, that they can make jokes and laugh all together. That was what Potter wanted. Rojito upon hearing Potter's words, went on to pat him on the back while smiling, and when he finally understood the words of "thank you" Rojito looked at Dani and then looked at Potter in embarrassment.

『Ohhhhh, you see? I'm a machine, I'm even good at matching, damn, what a crack I am like El Bicho』.

Rojito boasted to himself that he was the best in the world, for helping his friend make the first move with the girl he likes, but they didn't expect that.

『Oh? He's your friend? He's so tiny like you that I didn't realize he was here, well then I can go, and you should also take a bath, you stink ahh.... a little bit?...』

Dani was retreating when she saw that Rojito was helping Potter to go to the infirmary, and that all this time she had been enduring the sweat not only of Potter but also of Rojito who was also sweating from the chase. Rojito was in shock, because he has been told that he smells bad, in general for Rojito it is as if he has been told that he is not presentable.

『Although it would have been better if you hadn't shown up..... I would have been able to spend more time with her and she was even taking care of me in the infirmary』

Potter unmotivated and with his head down commented on Rojito's bad maneuver in showing up.

『Don't get your hopes up either mate, it's one thing to act out of conscience and another to be genuinely worried, he only decided to take you because I was the only one at the time』.

Rojito at once brought the Potter back to reality and this made him even sadder, the strong emotion he had quickly disappeared with Rojito's words, he was telling him that he can go alone to the infirmary and not to worry, he can go back with the others. Rojito stayed thinking for a few seconds where he decided to stay with Uncle Potter until the end.


While the other group where Albert was, they were looking around where there might be a group of girls to which they could prank or rather Albert could prank them.

『AHHH!!!! Where are they when I look for them』

Brayan was already starting his spirits to decline when he couldn't find any group of girls around the place, at that he saw a group of boys from a rival classroom, who were apparently watching a program from their cell phone, and the cell phone was leaning against the window, while the kids were watching attentively what was happening on the cell phone.

Brayan stopped and an idea came to him, since he was inside the school while the group of kids was outside, Brayan who was inside the school approached the window and could see how he was struggling, the impulse of wanting to make the joke was getting stronger and without further ado he did it. He hit the window causing the impulse to make the cell phone that was leaning against the window fall from the outside.

『Run fast you motherfuckers!!!!』

Brayan quickly overtook us running at his top speed, we all quickly ran when we heard him, the only one who stood still not knowing what was going on was Albert, because when he looked back there was no one there, there was no reason to run away. While outside Jersey was able to get there in time and managed to catch the cell phone in his hands before it fell. He gave a sigh for the impossible mission he was able to accomplish.

We made it to the other end of the school where we went out to the patío, I was already exhaling and extremely tired, as even though it wasn't a long run, it was enough to leave me drained of strength.

『Aha! I finally found them!!!』

Brayan pointed firmly as he was finally able to find the group he wanted to disturb. Quickly Brayan made a call to Albert who was worried about Yashiro, quickly El Perro took us with him while giving Albert the bottle with that liquid.

"What about this?

"You don't know, you are very saintly, you remind me a lot of Duck at the beginning, this my dear friend, this is Pineapple Coke !!!!』

El Perro answered Albert's doubts, and Brayan told him that if he saw those girls that were practicing, that when they finished, he should go and offer them this Pineapple Coke, which they would surely accept since they all trust Albert. El Perro and Brayan were excited about the joke they finally wanted to make, because even though they had tried, they had never had their good deed accepted. Cliston who was listening was laughing covering his mouth.

『(What fools, even Albert must realize what these 2 are after, they even told him to his face, Pineapple Coke, surely he will refuse now)』

Albert stood there thinking for a few seconds, he even looked at the bottle where he then moved on to look at everyone, but especially Brayan and Omar.

『You guys...I see you weren't like I imagined you.....I feel like an idiot for having thought you were that kind of people....but now I get it.....you guys.....』

It's like Albert has gone into disturbing mode, he started talking as if he was judging the 2 guys here, as if he has finally figured out their true intentions, when I saw Albert act like that, I just commented in my mind that he really thinks we are in an anime. But as silly as Albert's words were, they seemed to gain strength, as Brayan and Omar began to sweat and even wonder if Albert wasn't as dumb as they thought he was.

『You guys.... really are good people *smiles* The test is to see if I can help others who need a hand, right? I'm sorry for thinking you're just troublemakers and keep bothering everyone, I'm really sorry, I'm glad I became close to you and see how you really are』( '∀`)『Yes you're good people』

It seems that Albert doesn't know what Pineapple Coke means and believe that it is a simple soft drink, when Cliston heard Albert's words, he was so surprised to see Albert fell round. He would quickly go to stop Albert, but out of nowhere, El Perro and Tilin covered his mouth and held him back.

『You go easy, don't worry about Fatty, we are giving him a hug because we love him very much』『And we use force to free him a little, he has really hard bones, this big guy』.

Brayan and Omar were trying with their words to calm Albert down, as he stopped when he saw that they had Fatty unable to do anything. While they were encouraging Albert to do so it seems that they finally finished training.

『Friends..... I promise you that I will make it a success, besides helping is something I don't hesitate to do, especially if he needs it, leave it to me, I will make sure he gets all our support in this gift, and again let me say it, I was wrong about you, I'll be right back』.

Albert was so happy that he already had his mind made up, while Cliston was still being clung to by Omar and Brayan, where in his mind he wondered where Jersey was, to stop them. But the bustle that the 2 were in, they quickly became silent, it was as I said before, their conscience was starting to eat away at them and thinking if they should still go far. But they were hesitating whether to stop him or not, Albert was already about to go down the stairs to the big court where the group was. Cliston had had enough and would stop them from doing so, he became serious and would stop being the friendly friend, now he would show what he was capable of. He was freeing himself from the clutches of Omar and Brayan, where they had no choice but to tickle him to calm him down.

Albert was about to go down the stairs with the Pineapple Coke in hand, meanwhile Potter and Rojito who were on the court looking for their friends, saw from afar that their friends were nearby, where they decided to go with them.

『I think you'd better not』.

Yashiro finally could act, and taking Albert by the shoulder, told him to stop, Albert didn't understand while still holding the Pineapple Coke in his hand, that's where finally conscience stopped them, both Brayan and Omar told him the truth.

The truth of the Pineapple Coke, that it was not a simple soft drink or soda, but someone's piss. When they told Albert that, he was shocked and went on to ask why someone would do that and even worse why they would force him to do that.

But still Albert wanted to check it, he uncorked the bottle and breathed the Coke, where nobody expected him to react that way, Albert was so disgusted that he threw the Pineapple Coke without thinking, we all saw how the bottle was in the air and how little by little, as if it was a slow motion, the liquid was coming out of the bottle, and would fall if or if in the group of girls who had just practiced.

All of us in our action would try to catch the bottle, but it would be an impossible act if we succeeded. And to top it off, in the group of girls is Dani, who met with her friends in order to be in shape for the upcoming event.

『(Wait? Isn't that the girl the Potter likes? She's growing her hair, if she knew she wouldn't have chosen them.....si she's falling and we're the ones responsible, we would ruin uncle Potter in front of the girl, we must stop it any way we can, for our friend's sake!!!!)』

Brayan was running towards the bottle that was in the air, we were all thinking the same thing for sure, that we don't want to lower the Potter's reputation, especially with that woman, if she knows that our group is responsible, she won't even want to know anything about the Potter, we had to stop him, at any cost. Cliston, who was already free, took a stone that was on the ground and without further ado threw it against the bottle, which fortunately was able to hit him. But the force was so much that I can't measure it because of the pressure, which made the liquid come out with more force and even worse, the bottle was spinning like crazy and if or if the Pineapple Coke would fall in front of the group of girls, in front of Dani.


We were all shocked by what we saw, we were all left with our mouths open for what we had witnessed, Uncle Potter who was coming towards us and saw that the Coke was going to fall in front of that group of girls, decided to act as a wall and as he is Fatty he could protect all the girls but especially Dani from that pineapple liquid falling on her.

The bottle finally fell to the ground, but it was empty, all the liquid was on top of the Potter, it may be humiliating, it may smell ugly and be worse than before, but he was able to protect the girl he likes with his body from an end that she could have been.

Quickly the group of girls became alert, they wondered if they were all right, if the soda fell on them, where suddenly they realized with the smell that it was not a soda, quickly one pointed towards us who were upstairs, saying that we are the culprits. At that he was finally able to get Jersey but this time he couldn't stop his friends' actions.

『I hope you didn't drop anything.....』

The Potter blurted out those words, he was addressing Dani who she was just nodding her head, quickly a person was heard complaining, it was Reddish who was next to the Potter and he was also smearing all over the Pineapple Coke.

『Guaaahhgggg, but that's disgusting, you owe me one Potter, did you really think that you alone could stop all the Coke? HA! That's two more you owe me this year 』

El Rojito was pissed in the same way, Dani's friends were leaving for sure to tell their teacher or the principal about what our group Los Tira Papelitos did, they were calling Dani to tell her testimony too, Dani was gathering her things where before leaving she said.

『Yeah you like to suck, but....ahhh thanks anyway 』

Without further ado he was leaving the court, while the Potter was left blushing, it was like he didn't care anymore that he is all full of urine, that he protected the girl he likes and that he said thank you was more than enough, now that he thinks about it he was able to talk to her 2 times in one day, that's already an accomplishment.

Albert quickly came downstairs and was apologizing, because if he hadn't reacted that way, none of this would have happened, but without hesitation, Potter with his pissy hand grabbed Albert's shoulder as he congratulated him.

『No.....thank you so much for pissing on me!!!! *smiles*』

Uncle Potter was happy, as I said before, it's hard to make the Potter upset and almost everything just like Albert takes it in a good way in the end if everything goes well. Albert ser laughed and commented to Yashiro if this is what he meant by his days are well crazy and weird, Yashiro affirmed to him that this is what his days will be like from now on.

『By the <chucha> guys, now if I don't think how to save you from this, why can't you be quiet even for a day!!!』

<Translator: Chucha has many meanings depending on the country and where it is used, mostly Chucha is to refer to the vagina, but also in many places it is like a kind of curse type "Joder, mierda, mierda, miercoles, demonios, coño" although Coño is also used to refer to the vagina. Chucha, in some countries of America (Ecuador, Panama) is the female sexual organ. In Colombia it is commonly called chocha. In Spain and other countries, coño. So the expression qué chucha or qué chuchas is equivalent to the more universal expression qué coño or qué coños>.

『Look who says it.....Please Big Brother, you get along with everyone, can you stop them from accusing us, my mother and I would be very grateful, especially me, please』.

『I'll see what I can do but no promises, if I make it, give me your ben 10 decks ahh!!!! And make it from the first ben 10 , what now is pure kk』.

『That ben 10? aafagagag...aahhhh....ok.....』

We made a deal with Jersey to see if she will save us from this one, mostly or almost always we depend on Jersey to save us from our shenanigans, but when she leads us, we do shenanigans too, but we don't involve third parties. Jersey seems to be motivated, I think it's because she's going to have our sledgehammers, but that doesn't matter, we'll challenge her and nothing that was a lie.

The students are crazy, they are preparing themselves physically since it was more than obvious, the Sports Festival is coming, where each class will give their best to show that their class is the best in the school. I remember that at the beginning I didn't participate much, but now I will try to do my best, just like last year. Besides it's also a test for me, since Kanon takes this very seriously, last year we didn't win and she blamed it on me, but this time I'll try to surprise her, and see if she'll finally stop bothering me once and for all.

『I'll be waiting for you Yashiro, don't disappoint me』.

The Third Yashiro Sports Festival will soon be about to happen, the first time I don't participate since I was just getting confident, the second year even though I had Menhera and Rino by my side, I fell for Kanon's words, but now I have Albert, now that I remember, Albert said he would show Kanon what we are capable of, let's do it buddy, now if I'm more confident than I was before.

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