
World 4: Ova 6: Different Events 6

Everything below is Canon, even if it looks silly xd.



The Hero was in the most peaceful mood eating his meal, while the Nun had finished talking to the Hero's friend, though it was more of a warning, the friend and the children would watch from afar from the Church, they all had in their hands everything that would be needed to cure someone on the verge of death, and would just wait for it to be over.


The nun lashed out with her words of what she thought, and finally revealed her true intentions. The Hero out of surprise dropped his plates, his face was of unbelievable shock never seen before.

『What is this religion! What's this about Christ? Jesus! God!!! Faith, Christianity!!! All of that you can all go to your mother's shell, eat shit all of you!!!! Since I was a little girl I did everything the Church said, I was raised in a religious orphanage, I prayed, I prayed....suplicaba.....pedía....y what good did that do!!!! That whole life is bullshit!!!! The only thing I regret is having given my life to Christ. What did I get out of it? Nothing, food was scarce, we didn't have much money, we survived on offerings and donations....and even so, even though we were in extreme situations, we still.....mis friends, superiors, the people I considered my family.....did what little I had to others!!!! You're kidding me!!! They were capable of suffering hell in their own flesh in order to help others, even if it was just a grain of rice!!!!! They are sick people who don't think about themselves at all! Being extremely good is horrible! !!!! Religion doesn't help you, faith doesn't help you, being charitable leads to suffering!!! they were all sick....sick of Christianity.....and like all sickness led to their death, the people I knew, with whom I grew up, who gave me a home....died just like that for what they loved most...Christ doesn't save, he only delays your suffering and sorrow!!! Until you finally fall and realize the truth...』-『When I was little I walked and walked, I just wanted to get away from what made me fall, but I went back to the beginning anyway...some priests found me and gave me support, their smiles.....their joys..... their meals...they filled me up....they filled me up even though I didn't want to!!! they made me kneel to pray....the masses...their kindness.....they claim to be the closest to God...if that's how they are.....God is the worst being that exists....how...how could they do that to a little girl.... why』-She began to remember falling to the ground, her face reflecting trauma and crying-『When I grew up, no matter how determined I was to leave, my past haunted me, so I decided, I became a nun and I would survive on what I was taught, it was all I could do.....but then I found myself in this village and saw these abandoned children, afraid, trembling. ...with the innocence and hope that I had already lost.... I decided to help them, seeing them reminded me of those good times where I didn't notice the truth, but just like me, I filled them, I filled them all, each one of them received the blessing that I have been giving all along my path...if following Christ led me to fall to the lowest, then doing the opposite will save me! Hero, your God is the worst thing that ever existed in this world, that is if he existed!!! I will rape you and be closer to salt----』

POMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! Quickly the nun felt a strong pain in her stomach, the Hero gave her a strong blow, his countenance was of pure hatred towards this one, the pain was so great that the nun spit out a large amount of blood.

『It's already started...』

The friend watched from the church, and prevented the children from going to help the nun. The Hero without further ado grabbed her hair, anyone could feel pity and would make other decisions in this case by listening to her, but the Hero is not an ordinary person, holding her hair, he started to hit her all over her body again and again, only the sound of the blows could be heard, it seems he stopped, he let go, the nun was bloody and exhaling like never before, she was crying without further ado.

『*sigh*...What did you say about Christ the King?』

The Hero was addressing her, his countenance changed from one of hatred to a much more compassionate one, the nun was wiping her tears, depending on what her answer was, would depend on what her future held. The nun clenched her fists on the ground, and turned to look at the Hero in frustration.

『That..... THAT DOESN'T EXIST!!!!!!』-Strongly with her last strength the Nun shouted with all her might-.


POMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!Newly returning to his countenance of complete rage, the Hero gave a big knee to the Nun, the Nun flew away, the Hero without hesitation took to the skies little by little.

『I said it before and I will say it again, you can insult me, you can insult my family, friends and my wife, but I will not forgive anyone who messes with Christ, I am sorry for everything that happened to you, but it cannot be solved in any other way, you are already broken, your sins go further than I ever saw』-The Hero from his clenched fist came out a white glow, as it continued to rise-『I will not allow anyone to doubt the faith of Christ the King, because if not. ...I'M GOING TO FUCK HIMRRR!!!!!!!!!!』

The Hero launched a ball of light that he has been gathering, quickly this takes a large size that was heading to the Nun, where she could stop and the only thing she saw was how this attack was coming towards her, without any explanation or logic, that nun could retain the attack of the Hero, or maybe it was from the power of the AntiChrist that he got for everything he lived, but it was not enough, the power was slowly dragging him and his strength was leaving him.

『I recognize you, you gave the best of you, you read the bible and for that I admire you, you went through several churches, you were so catholic, everyone raped you, I hope you are reborn this time as a good nun, I will be waiting for you to pray, I will also continue, I will continue going to my communions and eating the hosts, I will guide you, I will be with you so that you have a good life, if you don't want to believe in Christ, please believe in me, I will carry all your sins. See you later 』

The Hero finished with his prayer, he made more force where the Nun could no longer, this was enveloped with white light and gradually disappeared and disintegrated, the energy sphere did not do any damage, the surrounding forest were not affected, after a few minutes the sphere disappeared fading into the sky.

The friend came out of the Church together with the children, the Hero was slowly descending from the sky, he was limp and his white hair in some areas turned black. The friend quickly ran to his friend to help him.

『That was very tiring, using that power consumed a lot of energy, it's the first time I used it, so I don't know how long it will take me to recover, but now you can be calm, don't worry, I'll look for you, and show you how beautiful the world is *smiles*』.

The Hero happily looked at the sky, and satisfied, the friend appeared in front of him.

『Don't you think you overdid it? I didn't imagine you would do such a thing, it didn't do me any good to prepare first aid 』

The friend dropped the medicines he was holding, the Hero was in his friend's arms while smiling.

After what happened, these could not just leave, since the Nun, the person who took care of these children is no longer there, without hesitation the Hero decided that they come with them, they are the children that the Nun saved and took care of even after breaking, they are important to her, and now they are important to the Hero.

『Sometimes I don't know if you are good or bad, or your decisions are too extreme, but well, we have to get these children to a safe place, they can't go on our mission, how about we go back to our hometown? 』

The friend suggested a proposal that the Hero would quickly accept. The children gathered where the Hero would speak highly.

『Well children, it may be sudden, but could you come with us? Now that your caretaker is gone, it's my job to watch over you, and also..... sorry, after what I did for sure many hate me』.

『...We already knew that Sister Mari was bad, we knew it when she gave us the blessing..... but even so, she took care of us and always looked after us first, she didn't do anything wrong, the world and destiny wanted to treat her and become like that.... but now you will take care of her, you said it yourself, she will be reincarnated, right? 』

One of the children decided to speak for everyone and speak his mind, listening, the Hero was surprised and quickly smiled.

『Yes they are smart, well, then, would you help me save her?』

The Hero extended his hand amicably, the children were happy and quickly all accepted, the friend would still help when the time comes, those who noticed the Nun, in Mari, those who really love her, will help her and give her another way so that she will no longer suffer again, all would share her sin and all together would deliver her.


On their way back to the hometown of the Hero and the Friend, they bought a much bigger carriage so that all the children could fit without any problem, although it would be better if the Hero used his skills to get there faster, but he used it all in the act of giving another chance to that person, but do not worry, when his hair turns completely white again, he will be fully recovered, passing through a forest a little far from the city, the Hero with the friend maneuvered the carriage.

But they did not realize that from behind, a man riding a horse was approaching quickly, he would give them a surprise especially for the Hero, the horse's footsteps were approaching, right now, the Hero was like any normal soldier, a strong enemy, such as a demon or other being would give them trouble, that's why they would also go to the hometown, so that the Hero would recover without any problem.

That mysterious man reached them, putting himself in front of the Hero's horses, stopping their journey, that man had a cloak and a moustache like a count, he looked up, staring at the Hero. The children were puzzled as to why they stopped and began to look around, the man got off his horse and slowly approached.

"『Are you the Hero? You went through the city so fast, let me give you something that will take your breath away!

Quickly something sharp came out of the pocket of the man with a mustache, and quickly ran swiftly towards the Hero, the Hero quickly covered his face with his hands, but after a few seconds he felt nothing.

『Why are you acting like this? It's just a letter』

The friend commented calmly, the Hero opening his eyes saw how the man with a mustache was bowing down showing him very respectfully handing him a letter.

『Sorry for the inconvenience, but he has a letter for you *smiles*』-He was simply a messenger, after handing him the letter he happily walked away with his horse-『Have a safe journey Young Hero』.

They continued their way to a free meadow, they would take the opportunity to eat, the friend is an expert, he could make a good and tasty meal in situations like this, he asked the children to collect near the place whatever they find edible, if you put the friend on an island , for sure the first thing that disappears is the island before the friend.

『Ten, here is your portion』.

The friend was giving his plate to the Hero, where the Hero first said thank you and later put the plate aside, the Hero was still sitting in the meadow.

『Hey, it is an offense to me that you put my food aside....』

『Sorry, but this letter.....this letter is from my wife! I haven't seen her since I left on my trip, I wonder how she is, I'm always thinking about her, I love her very much, although I say I love Christ more, she.....makes my heart beat....』-The Hero was blushing and his way of speaking was soft-.

『Well then, as we are returning you will be able to see her, and what are you waiting for, open the letter quickly I am curious too』-The Friend incited the Hero to open it-.

After a few games between these, The Hero decides to open the letter, what it said this was practically like any other to summarize, that he misses him a lot and that he wants to see him and that he is always praying for him so that everything goes well and returns safe and sound, he told him what he has been doing these times, but above all what most impact, and the man with a mustache said, that it would leave him breathless.

The Hero after reading it, his hands were shaking, his open mouth also trembling, the friend read it and was also shocked by what the letter said, the Hero looked at this one and shouted at the top of his lungs.

『...I'm.....VOYING TO BE PADREEEE!!!!!!!!』

The Hero was really happy about what the letter said, it didn't take him long to express his joy, his eyes were shining, his heart was glowing, all he could feel right now to the Hero was pure joy. But the friend was confused and somewhat sorrowful.

『I can't believe it, I'm going to be a father! we have to hurry back to the city! even though it's on the other side of the world, but it doesn't matter! I'm able to split the sea if it's the case, I'm going to be a father.....Siiiiiiii!!!!!』

"Please, can you give me the letter?

The friend asked hesitantly, the Hero cheerfully gave in, the friend began to read carefully what the letter said, while the Hero made an attempt to feast.

『Hey, but it says here that she is just 5 months pregnant and the date on this letter is from recently』-The friend said-.

『Yes, don't you think it's amazing? do you think we'll make it in time? I'd like to see the birth of my child』.

『But we....since we left the city, we are going with our mission...we are traveling around the world...for 4 years now....』

The friend said what he thought at last to the Hero, the Hero stopped from his feast, the friend had a pity gesture to his friend, but the friend smiled without any more.

『Yes, that's why I say it's unbelievable, the Holy Spirit blessed us! Like there is no God! Then miracles like this wouldn't happen! Christianity 1 Science 0 *grin*』-The Hero continued to party with his joy-『Kids! You're not going to believe it! But I'm going to be a father! Yeah!!!』

The Hero went to the children to also infect them with his joy, everything was laughter and immeasurable joy, but the friend looked at the scene with sorrow and only thought to himself whether he was too silly or too innocent.


After a long time, they were finally able to return to their hometown, the people received the Hero with glory and affection, the people would also help with everything possible to the children that he brought so that they could live peacefully, the Hero after leaving everything ready, his smile did not leave his face, he kept his joy for all this time, he ran as if he were a child to see his Christmas present, with that hope in his eyes, each step brought him closer, he arrived at a house where this without further ado enters , well, after all it is his house, the first thing he heard was the fright of his wife, the same girl he knew when this was little.

『AAAAAA!!!!! Fuiii....eres you, don't give those scares!!! I see that you cut your hair, good that you came, we need money』

Said the wife, the Hero quickly and without hesitation went to hug his wife, the wife was confused, the Hero was extremely happy that even tears came out of his eyes.

『I missed you so much, really, I love you, I love you so much』-The Hero showed affection to his wife-.

The woman was confused and quickly pushed the Hero aside, the Hero just smiled, quickly cries were heard, the Hero was happy, he walked slowly while shedding tears, they were the cries of his son, he was in a cradle, the Hero was happy, he took the baby in his arms and showed affection, in all this trembling he was always crying.

『Son, it's my son, I'm your father, I'm sorry for not being there when you were born, but now I will take advantage of all the time to be with you, I love you so much son, I love you....』

Hero started to cry because of how happy he was, the baby who was sleeping woke up and the first thing he saw was Hero, the baby with his little hand grabbed Hero's nose, the baby was smiling and also very happy, Hero likewise was.

"Well, then, let's baptize you!

The Hero carried the child in his arms, the mother quickly refused and chased around the child, the baby while he was laughing and smiling, the door opened where the friend was at the entrance.

『Be calm, I won't do anything to him, I'll just baptize him, I bet you haven't done it, typical of you hahaha』-The Hero looked at his wife and this one radiated confidence of a loving father-.

『So this is your baby, let me see--------』-The friend after seeing the baby was speechless-『Hey, are you really happy?』

『Eh? Of course I am! He's my son, flesh of my flesh, of course I'm happy, I'm going to give him all the love of me and Christ』-The Hero lifted the baby into the air, where he was happy-.

『But....fíjate well, look well at your wife, and now look well at you, she is tanned, and you since you were chosen, your skin and everything became pale, but your baby is.....completely black』.

The friend without further said to him in his words, a footsteps approached, apparently someone close to the Hero's family was, this man introduced himself, but what stood out the most for short accounts....era black.

『Hello, wow, with you are the Hero, nice to meet you, that's your son, right? you don't mind if in a few days I come to play with him right?』-The guy introduced himself.

『Yes, with pleasure, the more the merrier, by the way, who are you?』-The Hero was in doubt-.

His wife came out of the house and attached herself to this guy.

『He's just the bread delivery boy, he's always brought me bread morning and night, he's helped me in hard times, it's been such a relief to meet him』.

『Seriously? then I must thank you, please ask for whatever you want, what you did while I was gone must be great deeds *smile*』.

The Hero was cheerful, they continued to chat amicably, where the friend, he stepped back where he met the children, he thought about all this.

『*sigh*I really don't know how far you can go, your reasoning always impresses me, a good friend's job is to make you notice how bad it is』.

They finished talking, the Hero was leaving with his wife to do the christening, while the guy was leaving to continue his work, where he was quickly stopped by the friend's arm and the children ended up surrounding him.

『Maybe they got away with it, they took too much advantage of my friend's idiocy, and I can't tolerate that, but right now we'll make him open his eyes, tell me what do you prefer, tell him the truth or let us solve it my way, which do you think is worse?』-The Friend grabbed the guy by the neck and started to squeeze him- 』.

『All right, all right, I'll tell him I'll tell him, just don't do anything to me 』.

The guy started begging, where the friend quickly sounded him out, the whole group, the kids would lock the guy up and the friend would put the guy in his place.

『I see you chose the worst option...』-The friend whispered where he couldn't hear the guy properly-』.

And this will be the last we hear of the crazy and wacky adventures of Hero and his friend, it seems that fate as you may have already realized from the guy is the ------- let's pray and pray for our good friend Hero, he deserved to have this done to him? Tricking someone too innocent or foolish is the worst thing you can do, but after all, he is the, he is the Hero?

And I will end this with a phrase that came to my mind recently: Anything in excess is harmful, even faith.




P͇a͇s͇e͇o͇ ͇p͇o͇r͇ ͇e͇l͇ ͇O͇t͇r͇o͇ ͇M͇u͇n͇d͇o͇

On the other side of the portal was another world, they already knew of its existence and many even happened to live in this one, after all their work, it was necessary not to say obligatory, to have a moment of relaxation. The portal appeared in an alley, by the magic of these no one else noticed it, they walked in amazement at what would await them.

『Incredible! This is the other world!!!』

Sora shouted at the top of his lungs, he was in the center of a big city, there were lights, lanes in the middle of the street, buildings completely different from his own, people were wearing strange clothes for them, a lot of people were walking back and forth, the city still had life as if it was daytime, they were in the Taisho Era.

The Anomenos family their first impressions were of amazement and curiosity, each one wanted to explore this place and discover new sensations, they didn't come to provoke anything, they are from another world and can't get into conflicts with this one, they just came to have a good time, obviously they hid their horns and tails, but anyway people looked at them strangely, it was because of their dress of these.

『Quickly! Let's adapt to this world』

King led the whole family, they hid with magic, they explored and analyzed the people and their clothes, although some already in this era it was normal to wear terno, pants because of the western fashion, the whole Family decided to wear the kimonos or yukatas, they wore what is most used and traditional, for sure you already have an image of how the clothing is.


Sora was ready as well as the whole family, each one was dressed in the traditional clothes of the era, both very elegant and each one was still curious about the attire.

『Shi shi shi shi, I look like a princess, although it's not something annoying?』

Mira noticed this, the others were also starting to move.

『It's a common outfit, it must be like this for a reason, people do their things in such a nice city, let's go at once and help!』-Lami was excited- 『Lami was excited-『Looking like a princess, I'm not a princess, but I'm a princess.

『Calm down, we came here to have fun, always wanting to help others』-Dux calmed his brother down to relax-.

『(He looks so cute in that suit, it makes his manhood stand out even more, I want to say it, I want to say it!)』(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)

Arnna was looking at Dux with sparkling eyes, she was blushing and wanting to talk to him.

『You look great in that outfit Sora, black definitely suits you, very nice』-Dux without hesitation turned to Sora who since a while has been watching and fixing the places-.

"Really? Thank you very much... and you don't look bad, but how elegant my dear』 (・◡ु' )-Sora expressed herself freely-『And you guys are no slouches either, look at you father, now you do radiate being a man』

『Eh? So what was all this time.... 』 ( ′~‵)-King quickly hesitated-.

『Look she looks even cuter than she already is, makes me want to hug you hahaha』 ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ.

Without further ado Sora rushed to hug Mira affectionately, where Mira was also happy and smiling.

『Wuaaa....incredible Arnna! you look too tender too! no, that's not the word, you look more feminine, you radiate innocence and a desire to protect, if you choose me I would give everything to protect your smile』 (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵˂̵)و-Sora was addressing her sister-.

『Thank you, but I don't think so, I'd rather like to be like you....』-Arnna was hiding her blushing face-

『Seriously? Well I would like to be like you』-(=^_^=)Sora was caressing Arnna's head-『If only you were more confident you would be cooler than you already are, but relax, I really like you as you are now, but if you want to improve, please let me know, I'll support you with everything』.

Sora was retreating and taking the lead, while Arnna was happily looking at her sister blushing.

『(I can't hate someone who is very good to me...)』

Sora raised his fist to the sky and loudly shouted.

『Well, let's make the most of our walk here! Let's have fun!』-Sora shouted.

『Let's play!』-At her side appeared Lami with the same eagerness as Sora-.

It was as if they were connected both of them and started talking at the same time without fail.

『『Let's eat! Let's spend ourselves! Let's enjoy our achievements to the fullest! Taking your time for nothing is bad!!!』』 So this day, even though it is night, we will remember our journey fondly!!!』』

『Already shut up!!! Don't be rude, for God's sake....』

A person from this world called their attention to both of them, the brothers who have been shouting became alert.

『『We're sorry!!_....('・ 』』ヾ)ノ"『『We'll have a good time...』』

The other siblings and King laughed at what just happened, while Sora and Lami also laughed at what happened, but this is not anda, nothing will stop the family from having the time of their lives and having a good memory of this world.

As their guts already rang, they went first to look for a place to eat, they could go to one of these fancy places, but the first thing they saw was a ramen stall by the street, so without further ado they ordered these, the dish was served, where surprises were not expected.

『Ohhh, but .....pero.....but how tasty it looks!!』-King couldn't stand it and ended up screaming-.

"『But I don't see any cutlery, they only gave us these sticks, how much do you eat with this? what can you grab with this?

Sips were heard, everyone's gaze was fixed on Sora, who in a few seconds figured out how to use these sticks.

『!!!But how yummy!!!』-Her reaction was just like her father's-.

Sora gave them the directions on how to eat with the chopsticks, noticing it they noticed that it was easy and it was just a matter of getting used to it, some already with ease, others with difficulty, they were able to take their first bite of this dish, everyone's reaction was too synchronized.

『『『『『¡¡¡¡!!!!! But how tasty!!!!!』』』』』


And in a few minutes they finished it all, and again synchronized they asked again for another round, while the owner was proud and without further ado served them another one.

"You're not from here, are you?

"That's right, we are tourists』-Dux replied.

『I see, well then I hope you will continue to have a good time until you retire, you could go to the city center, there are many things to see like theaters, there are also dances and if you can afford it, demonstration of a samurai combat』.

『Samurai? what is that?』-Dux continued to be confused.

『In short, they are guys with thin swords, they are called katanas, they are good fighters and their swordplay is really amazing』.

Hearing that Dux, quickly got curious and wanted at all costs to go see that before leaving, the family finished eating, now it was only time to pay, first they showed gold, but the owner quickly refused them, they showed him money from their world but he quickly refused, they needed to get money from this world for many things, a problem that has been easily solved by Sora's skills.

They went again to the center, where they saw that there was what seems to be iron on the floor, they stepped aside as something was coming, it was a railroad, the Family seeing it was curious what this was and wanted to get on, they didn't know where it would take them, they just wanted to get on, they wondered if it worked with magic or something like that.

『They are using science, they use their knowledge to create things and make them work with their own ingenuity, they see the world differently, for example, electricity for us is something dangerous and only useful for combat, but they got a way for it to benefit them in many aspects and help them, the other world is really fantastic』.

Sora commented while they were traveling inside the railroad, but of these small ones that travel around the city, I don't remember what they are called xd. Luckily I left them near a theater, they paid their respective tickets and arrived just for the performance, here they could know much more about the culture and traditions of this world , or well, in this part of the world, also with some little traditional dances and with the respective music.

For the whole family it was a marvel what they were watching. At the end it seems that someone has been too much influenced.

『Incredible! These are very interesting stories! Let's buy books! I want to know more about this world!』

Mira was excited, putting together the stories of this world and that of her world , her mind would be filled with great imaginations and adventures, but it was too much so that she seemed to be ahead of the time. They went through many more things, discovering good things as well as bad. Sounds of swords clashing could be heard, it was a demonstration of a samurai, the family stayed to watch the show, but more fixedly watched Dux.

The guy moved his weapon in an elegant and agile way at the same time, he had power and his skill and strength were great. He conveyed confidence, pride, bravery and respect, Dux would take it for a new teaching in his handling of his sword.

I may have been quick, the truth is that although I searched I did not find what were the entertainments of this era xd. That's all that came to my mind, and if there is more, well, I did a bad research, and you have every right to make fun of me, for sure the family did much more things than what I told here in summary. But one thing is for sure, they liked that world mostly inhabited by humans too much, and if there is another opportunity they want to go to other places and explore more, at least they could take advantage of this small opening they had in their work.




P͇o͇r͇ ͇q͇q͇u͇e͇?͇

In the Frozen Mountains, the dragon couple were sitting in the snow, they had just had a fight that left them somewhat tired.

"『Hey, tell me why』-Amelia turned to Minos-『Why do you care about me?

The dragoness without fear or hesitation told the dragon, he was looking expressionless, but he was intrigued since time this to Amelia, how he went from hate to what could be considered love, here does not work the phrase "those who hate each other love each other".

Why this dragon who only thought about killing, now has someone he cares about, it's not like Amelia tried to empathize with him and treat him well, on the contrary, she was aware of what he did to her, and the hatred she had for him, then, why?

『Why?...good question....I've also been wondering why』-『Every time I see you I want to have a fight with you, and that makes me happy, it amuses me, I dream of the day I can defeat you, make you bite the dust and make you see that you are insignificant to me, but...at the same time no..... if you had tried to empathize and treat me with affection or love from the beginning, surely my hatred towards you would have grown much more. But, instead you let me know my place, what I was and what a fool I was, and still I went to you.... it's very strange...but I felt, that for the first time someone in the world, cared....even though you were tired ,you still fought with me, even though you were fed up ,you still fought with me, even though you didn't want to anymore, you still kept hitting me anyway....¡!!!! That's your way of sympathizing with others?』

『Of course not, if I did that I would be just like you, you are a special case, so I took special measures』-Amelia answered without further ado-.

『¿¿?? Special? I'm special to you?

『Yes, you currently are』.

『...There it is again.....I feel like my body is hot, like it wants to explode from something I don't know...since when....I started to feel this, but that's all, you did something and you never gave up, you taught me many more things, you made me understand that you are not just a piece of meat and that you have life, you made me understand what you felt and I answered it.....is this what they call love?』

The place went silent briefly, but Amelia already had her answer.

『Who knows, I just wanted to let you know your place, the rest doesn't matter』.

『I see, you think the same way, feelings are hard to understand..... I promise you one thing, I won't let you get hurt, I won't let anyone hurt you, not even me..... well, yes and no..... I won't kill you, I just want to get over you, and let you see what I have become, if it's you, I will be extremely happy』.

Minos said without further ado to Amelia, who again she was confused.

『Listening to you talk is too confusing, you change your mind quickly.....additionally you already said that』.

『Every word changes its meaning to what you mean, I just want to give you to understand that, I'll get over you』.

Amelia understood, her expression changed to one of surprise, the snow was still blowing in this cold place, without them expecting it, and with the events that happened, they didn't think they would care much and their ways of thinking would change radically. It is undoubtedly the strangest, most confusing relationship I have ever made and will never make.

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