
World 4: Ova 4: Different Events 4

Everything below is Canon, even if it looks silly xd.


͇V͇i͇s͇t͇a͇z͇o͇ ͇a͇l͇l͇ ͇M͇u͇n͇d͇o͇

It has been a long time since I was born and the first thing I remember is as if thousands of voices were talking to me, no one else could hear it, only me, a great multitude of beings that at the moment they saw me were shouting and celebrating, just because there I was, I could not stand it anymore, they made a lot of noise saying that I was the Demon King, all the time they repeated it with other words like, "I just felt that I could not be in that place for much longer, I was very afraid and several things came to my head as soon as I was born, without further ado I moved away from the place appearing in a forest that even I did not know, I just wanted to be in a quiet place and I was sent here, luckily, when I resisted the voices I heard disappeared. Everything was calm, there was a quiet and relaxing silence, when I realized, I did not have the appearance of an infant, rather a body ready for battle, a dress that I liked a lot, I had a small cloak, with only that made me happy, also in my hands I had a Claws, we were one the 2.

Right now I find myself taking a walk outside the forest, I always do this for a change of scenery..... and also to see how the world really is, no matter how many times I do it, I don't like being outside, the world is very sad, mostly almost everything is destruction, parts too dry, parts too flooded, parts too hungry, parts too chaotic, parts too conflictive.... I still don't understand all this, what should be done to change this, but it's not my fault, yes, it's not my fault, I have nothing to do with all this, I suppose I have the power... but I don't know where to start or what I have to do, the mission they gave me is to end the world, but for me just by looking at it, I see that it's already done, I don't feel like destroying it either.....prefer everything to be like the forest, a quiet place, where the few animals live in harmony and peace, to feel that I don't lack anything, to live quietly with a peaceful world.....

『No way, I will wait for someone to make this world a peaceful place, I don't plan to get into it, it's not my duty, I'm just a 0 years old kid!!!! What do they expect me to do!!! Those things I prefer to leave it to the adults *sigh* Every time I go out I always come back depressed, maybe because I turn a blind eye and prefer to live locked up, or because I do nothing but wait for someone to make things better, I feel like a useless person...*sigh* But I remember I'm just a kid and I get over it! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! A child with a grown up body.....I would have liked to know who my parents were, even if my mother's stomach burst and I killed her.....although I looked for my father and I can do it.....I don't think it's right to introduce myself like that....it's a real pity, I would have liked to have had a family.....』

That Demon King was flying through a desert, the scorching sun was beating hard and anyone who entered would die sooner or later, while flying the Demon King ran into something he saw, a man, a human who had been wandering in the desert for several days was walking, each step was heavy and without strength he fell to the hot sand, he was emaciated, thirsty, in the bones, torn clothes and hair crazy.

He struggled to stay alive and not to close his eyes, because if he did, he would never open them again. The Demon King appeared in front of him, that human with his hands was trying to grab his feet, the Demon King's look was depressing and with too much sorrow.

『Kill me....Ma ta me....please...I don't want to suffer anymore』-That man with the little strength was asking for an atrocity to the new acquaintance-『My organs are eating each other, I feel dry my bones.... feeling something with my skin.....I feel a big burn that I can't bear anymore.....my throat is bleeding.....my guts are twisting..... and my head is like spinning 10 thousand times...kill me.....please....please....』

That man was crying, although there were no tears because of the state he was in, he was crying with all his pain, this man was forced to escape from his native place by a fight of ferocious monsters, losing his close ones in the process, he took everything he could carry, and started to travel, but when he thought he was going to a city to be helped, everyone was destroyed, and from one moment to another all around him was a hot desert, he walked and walked, the provisions ran out and the only thing he wanted was to die.

The Demon King looked at him with sorrow and knelt down, he touched with his finger the bald head of the man who was already appearing, from the hands and feet, the man began to disappear in a black light that turned to ashes, it would be a quiet death without suffering, that human was happy and showed it with a smile, he did not care about anything, he lost everything and death was a salvation for him.

He continued to disappear until there was nothing left, the Demon King looked saddened and without further ado withdrew.

『Ahhh....Why did I have to run into that man....I was supposed to say I wouldn't get involved in these matters! But I feel better now! I know I said I'm not able to change the world, but at least I was able to save a life』

That man who disappeared in a black light and ashes, appeared in a peaceful city far away from the war, he was in the middle of the city with a good condition, he no longer felt any evil in his body, moreover he also appeared with a large sum of money and groceries, all for him to have another chance.

『Asking me to kill him, that's an offense to me, who do you think I am.....if you want to live just say so....¡¡!!!! I sense something in the forest or not? Well, let's go find out 』

The Demon King hurried much faster as he felt an unusual presence in the forest, that would be the first encounter with someone of his own kind and also the first woman he would see.




U͇n͇ ͇Pe͇q͇u͇e͇ñ͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇s͇e͇o͇.

M fell asleep in the snow, what did his companions and friends do while he was out of strength? well since there was no more danger and all the problems solved, also because of Kobayashi's curiosity and advantage, they wandered around this fantastic world for the rest of the time, they went to some quiet forests where they could relax and marvel at their landscapes and the nature of these, it has been a long time since Kobayashi does not go out to have something similar, so he had a lot of fun, they also went to that scary looking place, in the middle of a lake there was the tree of fruits that barked like a dog.

The dragons ate normally from this fruit because for them it was normal, but Kobayashi refused to even take a bite of this fruit that seemed to have life, but in the end he could take a bite and could taste the flavor of it, while the body of M was lying on the tree where he was still sleeping, Kanna grabbed a few fruits and sat next to the human, he left a few in M's lap while she ate her part.

They also visited several places, like ruins of ancient empires, they even went to Fafnir's castle which is supposed to be guarding, there were millions of treasures, gold scattered everywhere.

『Maybe I'll take some to trade and buy more games』.

He was thinking while staring at his thousands of treasures, at that moment Fafnir remembered again that this was where he tormented Lami and where he lost his emotions.

『I wish I had brought a phone or a camera, they would be nice pictures, though I couldn't show it to anyone』-Kobayashi regretted not having brought one-『I wish I had brought a phone or a camera.

『Don't worry Kobayashi-san! I'll bring you one right away!』

The green dragon happily stood, she created a portal and quickly passed through it, disappearing in the same way, Kobayashi was with a bead of sweat from the suddenness, she kept looking inside the castle marveling at the place. flash! A sudden light appeared, as Kobayashi turned around he noticed that Tohru was taking pictures of him with a camera from different angles and directions.

『Here she looks very cute Kobayashi-san, although here she also looks very cute, I'm going to print all of them poster size and put them in my room!!!』-ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ Tohru was extremely happy-.

『Oye....』(; ̄ー ̄A

『(๑-́ω-̀)Although I also have much better ones....huh....as, I will print them all!!』(▰∀◕)ノ

『Tohru!!』-Kobayashi couldn't stand it any longer and called the dragon's attention-.

"Like this! Here you go Kobayashi-san』

The dragon gave the camera to the human, where she quickly removed all the contents of it, most if not all, were photos of Kobayashi that Tohru took when she had the opportunity, and with this free the human began to take pictures of the place and her friends casually.

Although she also wanted to take the other places they were, but going back to them would take time, but no matter, with the Kuikku Portal they were there in a single blink and continued taking pictures of each of these, they also wanted to go to different cities, but the fact that they are dragons would not be welcome, but for everything there is a solution, so they went to a neutral city, where everyone is accepted, including dragons, although it's no use since in their human appearances everyone thinks they are human xd, but well, here they are. They visited all of these, they went to the markets and the main street, as their guts already rang they went to a local restaurant, to their Kobayashi's surprise, the meals looked normal and appetizing.

『The food looks good, compared to what you guys eat』-Kobayashi looked suspiciously at her friend-.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back』.

Tohru stood up, but didn't notice that a waitress was coming with a couple of beers, she bumped into this one where the drinks fell on top of what seems to be a real Dragonewt.

『I'm so sorry, the house is going to pay for everything that happened.....』-The waitress was apologizing-.

『.....OYE YOU!!!! Where do you think you're going!』-The dragonewt annoyed shouted at the causer-.

"Huh? Me?...to the bathroom hehehehehehe.....』-Tohru scratched his head and tried to escape the situation-.

『You're going to pay for everything you did! Let's go outside and settle it like adults!!!』

『Eh? I don't want to, right now I'm with Kobayashi-san, I need to make as many memories as possible, so if you want, you fight alone, and win alone』.

The dragonewt was too angry that he walked with all the anger to where Tohru was, he grabbed her clothes collar tightly and lifted her up without much effort.

『What do you think you're saying damn it!!!! I am a Dragonewt!!! Descendant of the dragons!!! If I want to right now I would kill you without any trouble, I won't let you escape from this-----』

The Dragonewt was left without what to say abruptly cutting off his words, he noticed that something was hanging under the skirt he was grabbing, it was a tail, the dragonewt began to sweat, and looked more fixedly, that girl he grabbed by the neck and lifted up, she had horns on her head, her look, her eyes were of a powerful being.

『(...The aura that transmits...this sudden fear...you're a.....)...You're a dragon.....』

Tohru was looking down, his countenance showed a shadow covering his eyes while giving off a sense of danger all over his body, the terrified dragonewt lowered Tohru without opposing.

『(But I can't.... I can't leave it like this.... my pride prevents me.....)』-The dragonewt was still trembling his arms-.

『I'm so sorry, my friend here is a fool, come on you too Tohru, apologize 』-Kobayashi appeared beside Tohru-.

『I'm sorry, it was my fault, I shouldn't have acted like a little girl』-The green dragon lowered her head in apology-.

『(What is this! this dragon paid attention to this human! Who is she! But I can't leave this like this, you can see that there's nothing special about it.... you'll pay for it!!!)』

The dragonewt suddenly launched a green colored spherical attack on Kobayashi, a power that only concentrated on the human, the place blew a strong wind from the attack, the other diners were frightened to see this, when the attack ended, the dragonewt kept shaking from what he was witnessing, he was left with nothing to say when he saw Kobayashi without any scratches.

『(What!!!! Impossible!!! How come nothing happened to him!!!)』

『Hey, did you want to attack the maid of this shop behind me? If I hadn't been there you would have hurt her a lot, I see that you need to be corrected.....』

At the moment of attacking the Dragonewt, a maid of the local was passing by behind Kobayashi with an order, and we all know how fanatic our favorite adult is about this, the maid fell to the ground with the whole order, Kobayashi was showing a very annoyed countenance and an angry aura, the Dragonewt was backing away in fear because of how imposing the human was.

『(But what happened...I didn't hold back with my attack, it must have destroyed the whole place and left a big mess.....This human simply by touch made it disappear....no...it's like...it's like it didn't just absorb.....I didn't have that strong aura before)』

He quickly felt an air of death from the other side , Tohru was looking frighteningly at the lizard this one.

『What did you want to do to Kobayashi-san? You're a dead man』

The dragonewt got really scared and turned to quickly escape the place, but he didn't know that he was completely trapped, on his back was Kanna, who also had a threatening countenance never seen before.

『Nobody attacks my mother』.

The dragonewt was crying to no more power that anyway he was able to escape and run away from the place, Tohru and Kanna would not leave this just like that and went after this lizard to let him know that with Kobayashi nobody messes with anyone, while the human was confused but quickly went to help the maid who luckily only has a few bruises, after helping her she sat with the others and just realized why nothing happened to her.

"What happened?

『It's because you have the blessing of the Ex-Phoenix 』-Lucoa decided to speak-『Remember we told you that it nullifies and cancels all kinds of magic no matter what it is? You won't receive any damage if it's coming from magic, few have this ability since as we said before, you also lose your ability to perform magic, or that was how I thought too, it seems like Kobayashi improved that ability, you may now have an infinite background』

While this was going on, at the table where they were eating, Fafnir was eating as normal without saying any words, Elma already had cheeks like a squirrel's , and as Iruru took advantage of Kanna leaving, she was spoon feeding from spoon to spoon to a still sleeping M who didn't know what was going on.

『So you don't want to eat huh? I see I have to get rough hahahaha』.

Iruru was having fun with a human who just wanted to rest.





King and Queen were sitting in a forest meadow that was in the middle of this desert, noticing King, he saw how the forest gradually spread more and more and took more place in this desert.

『Ohhh, so if it's true that you created it』

『HUH! So you can see that I'm not lying, although this leaves me without much strength 』.

King placed his hand on Queen's head, and a white energy began to glow from it, after a few seconds it was over and the change was noticeable.

『Eh? eh? eH?!!!! I feel better! It's IncrEiblE』

King looked again, he noticed that the forest again spread out much more and faster, it was gradually getting bigger at a faster time.

『Do it again for FavoR』

In a tender way, Queen with a smile and red cheeks, was showing King her head to recharge him again.

『But if I gave you energies to keep it, not to throw it away so fast....moreover what's that way you're talking about, it's like you're sprouting roosters or something』.

『Hahahaha sorry, I always try to hide it , but since I feel confident and at home now, it's not bad to let a few slip out, right?』

The dragon laughed while King closed his eyes in a way of not understanding this girl, and without further ado they continued with this routine, King reloaded him again and Queen spread the forest even more.

『And how did it go this time? was there any progress』-King would ask her friend-?

『No, not yet, the Harmony Faction, The King and The Sovereign of Life still don't agree to want to stop the war on our side, they come out with the excuse of , "They are the evil ones" "If we don't DeteN them who will" hahahaha , especially Kasper opposes, and in the Chaos Faction I tried to contact the Emperor of Death, he is a very understanding guy, but the dragons prevent me from doing so, as things go, it will take a long time, but one day I know it will happen, there will be peace in this world, like in this forest, don't you think so? 』

Queen was telling how it was these last few days for her to King, where he just listened to her and was not able to do something, he still didn't have the motives to do it.

『Don't worry, I support you』-King gave her friend a thumbs up.

『It would help more if you would act too, as the ReY DeMoNiO that you are you would influence a lot, that's it!!!! A ReY DeMoniO BueNo, how about it?』

『That sounded weird, don't say it like that again please』.

『Hahhaha okay *smiles*』

『Although.....I think it wouldn't be wrong the way you act and think, I feel, I want to and I can do it, but I just don't do it, I'm conformist at the moment and I like it, living here is fun, talking to you , playing with you is fun, I want to keep this, but I also want everyone else to enjoy it and at the same time not』 -King thought about it-『AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!⁽⁽◝(∗ '⃘ ꒫ '⃘⃘⃘ ∗)◜⁾⁾ But what am I saying! that's not who I am!!!! AAAAA!!!! (o≧▽゚)o Play, have fun!!! eat!!!! ahh!!! what is that?!! ah no , it's nothing, it's just a cockroach hahahaha---------- ⊙_ʘCockroach!!!!!!』

King saw in his hand a cockroach, where after a kind expression, this changed to a frightened one, and he started to move his arm wildly.

『Get off me.....Get off me!!!!』

He was able to get rid of the cockroach, but it ended up on Queen's forehead, where she found out, her expression changed to one of wanting to cry and tremble, her voice not coming out because of the fear she felt.

"There, don't make a move, a Demon King can't be afraid of a cockroach, yes, I'm stronger than you!

King summoned a flip-flop in order to smash the cockroach on Queen's head who was shaking all the time, but it's like the cockroach heard him and even understood that he got angry, "Eh? You are stronger than me".

The cockroach pulled out his wings and looked angry, and without further ado went to fight against the Demon King, in this tough fight and first fight that King had, the cockroach came out the winner and victorious was retreating from the place.

『But how merciful.... left me alive..... maybe I will make him heir to be the next Demon King』.

And so friends, that's how a cockroach became a Demon King and they lived happily ever after. xd , King couldn't take it anymore and fell defeated to the ground, where Queen quickly goes to help this one.

『Are you OK? But if it makes you feel any better, you were awesome! 』

At this, King laughed in a pleasant way for what happened, where Queen also laughed in a friendly way with this, later King would find his motive and can get down to work with his partner who will become someone closer than she already is.




P͇e͇l͇e͇e͇a͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇D͇r͇a͇g͇o͇n͇e͇s͇

Minos, now that he had become a guard of the Frozen Mountains, all his time was to kill these and prevent them from entering our world, but it was not as he imagined, it did not satisfy them, even though he can kill thousands of these it was not the same as what he did before, these feel nothing, they have no emotions, for a measure of his boredom and stress, Minos began to kill everyone who entered the Mountains, the screams, the suffering, the fear, the anger, the melancholy, this was what he wanted, to see people and not know how they would react was what he liked.

It was his moment of satisfaction and no one should enjoy it more than he did and no one should interrupt him.

『A baby??.....A baby??.....A BABY!!!????』

Minos screamed at the top of his lungs, just the fact that a newborn existed, that he had come across one made his blood boil like never before. It already ruined everything for him, his joy and enjoyment disappeared at the first cry, now everything was irritating.

『(Stop crying, stop crying!!!!! You disgust me!!!! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!!)』

Why does it bother him so much to see these babies, but if the answer is very clear, he will always be true to his words "He who is weak deserves to die" what is the weakest thing in this world? at what point are we all weak? Minos remembers that this one was also a baby and how much he hated himself for that, always crying, asking for help, wanting to be protected and loved, he is the symbol of the same weakness, he can't believe that once in his life he could be such a despicable and abominable thing, babies are so fragile that at the same touch they already start crying, it's irritating!!!! You don't know what they want, you give them something and then they get rid of them, they are beings that Minos hates them to no more power, for showing him and reflecting to him that he was once like that.

Minos gave his attack, POMM!!!! A snow screen was where this one rose, the storm calmed down and Amelia held the human baby in her arms, glaring hatefully at Minos.

『(To you if someone came to your aid, you are very lucky, but not with me)』.

In that electric explosion that he made to destroy and explode the carriage, the whole place was electrified, Minos concentrated the electricity in a single point, in that of the baby's body, where it began to vibrate inhumanly to end up exploding in front of his eyes.

『I'll kill you..... YOU'LL KILL YOU!!!!!』

Amelia lashed out screaming after telling him what she thought of him, Minos was happy that his face reflected it, and without further ado the fight of both dragons began, the reason why Amelia could not appear earlier to save or at least prevent Minos from doing these acts, was because just at that moment a large horde of Ice Demons appeared, and as Minos was not there she had to take care of everything and she was late.

In a fast way the fight had started, Amelia gave a strong jump where she buried herself in the snow and moved underneath it in a fast way. Minos showed with a smile his superiority.

『You're silly!!!! The same trick doesn't work twice!!!』

Minos changed his feet to claws, POMM!!!! This floor with such magnitude that white lightning came out of the floor abruptly, the snow quickly disappeared and Amelia flew away from Minos' attack, she saw that Minos was diving with her to catch her, the little girl put out her wings to prevent him from catching her.

Minos grinned, an electric current stopped Amelia and brought him closer to Minos,POMM!!!! Minos punched the little girl hard in the stomach, then hit her and brought her to the ground in a loud impact, Minos stomped on Amelia's head without holding back.

『I knew it, you can't compare with me』.

Minos noticed that something was touching his tail, when he saw it he saw that it was a kind of thin tail, where at the tip there was a kind of fluff, although it looks weak in a strong way he was able to throw it away.

Amelia appeared quickly in front of Minos, ready to give a strong blow, Minos smiled, the fist of the little one had stopped, what was stopping her was the blood that was spilled on her clothes, it took shape and curled on her arm, the electricity came out of the blood that was being controlled by Minos.

The dragon gave a strong blow where a spear of electricity hit Amelia for the second time, quickly there was a roar in the place, the storm disappeared and electric clouds formed in the place, Minos was wrapped in electricity, his hair bristled radiating a white light, in this state all his attacks become electric that no one would endure and would know death.

As he went all over the place, first to baffle Amelia and second to show off the power he has, the snow was burning as he went, POM!!!!! POM!!! POM!!! POM!!!! Amelia was quickly being beaten horribly all over her body, more electric attacks that burned even the clouds, in that battle the whole mountain or most of it was coursing through Minos' electricity.

『Answer me something brat, I know you were aware of what I was doing, so tell me, why didn't you stop me earlier!』-『Why didn't you show up earlier and fight me!!!! You would have saved many lives that I killed for my whim! Tell me, Why!』

Minos laughed as he made Amelia walk with his power, Amelia said nothing and only the sound of sparks, thunder and lightning could be heard.

『Fatal Fragment!!! Malicious Disaster!!!』

Minos switched to his Dragon Form where it was still wrapped in immense electricity and without further ado attacked to death Amelia who could not move for quite some time, a dragon wrapped in electricity gave a strong onslaught causing a huge explosion that looked like an electric bomb, all the mountains and even more electricity coursed through the air. In the snow already made Amelia who was not moving any muscles and standing there was Minos who was smiling gloriously and whimsically while laughing.

『Siiiii!!!!!! Ever since I saw you I wanted to do this to you!!!! Here you fucking whore!!!! That's what you deserve for pissing me off!!!! I'm stronger than you!!!, you should have learned your place long before and not from walking around being cocky!!!!!』

『Wow, even if you won't shut up, you leave me no choice but to beat you to silence』.

Amelia's voice was heard on the spot, she was standing up from the snow calmly and cleaning her clothes, she saw her cap and noticed that it was burnt and decided to throw it away, Minos for the first time could see the horns of it, it had 4 horns, 2 pointing up and the others pointing down, Minos was confused, as never before had anyone survived his most powerful attack , had he seen that state and lived to tell the tale, Minos clenched his fists and his veins were swelling again.

『Stop humiliating me like that!!!!』

『And by the way, I'm no whore....』

POMMM!!!!!!! Amelia in a fast way with her fist managed to hit Minos a strong punch in the stomach, he showed an incredible pain gesture, he backed up a few meters, he was staggering and confused, he fumbled a little and got more scared.

『What?..... what is this?...is this my blood?....』

Minos saw blood on his hand, where his gesture was puzzling.

『With me you knew what pain and bleeding is, well you are in luck, you will also know what true humiliation is, I will be your first time, so, I will be gentle 』.

Quickly Amelia appeared in front of Minos, but Minos had already seen him and was preparing for a punch, Amelia dodged it easily as if it was a child's play POMMM!!!!! He hit Minos' face with his small but powerful fist, but Minos resisted and did not let go, with his tail he tried to catch Amelia, who again dodged him easily and with one step he broke his tail!!!! POMM!!!! Minos resisted the pain, but before he could do anything, Amelia hit him hard in the neck, Minos was shot, he began to spit blood and it was difficult for him to breathe, he felt a strong pain in his throat.

Amelia appeared kicking Minos in the head without holding back POMM!!!! a cracking sound was heard, Minos could not breathe, his head was hit hard, he could practically do nothing, Amelia quickly went behind a big mountain of snow, she made a fine cut with her hands, a big piece of mountain fell without any more to Minos who could not think and react. POMMM!!!!!! A loud bang accompanied by a great wind came.

Amelia was calmly walking in the place of impact, TRUMM!!!!! A lightning bolt split the mountain where Minos came out of it badly wounded and with blood all over. His breathing was agitated.

『No.....this isn't happening....I can't lose....antes a piece of shit that's a whore!!!!!!』

『*tsch*!!!! That I'm pure fucking asshole!!!!』

Amelia appeared in the blink of an eye in front of Minos, with a slap she hit Minos' chest, a white light was in the moment, the next thing that happened is as if Amelia was playing with a ball, but a ball of flesh and bones, Minos was punched and kicked at a high speed by Amelia all over the Mountain, POMM!!!! This one ended up stamped in the snow as he finished.

Amelia was with a gesture that reflected nothing, Minos could no longer do anything, Amelia grabbed him by the hair so that she could look at him without any more.

『Answer my question, tell me, would you be happy, angry, sad, if you get to find that person stronger than you, there may be people stronger than me and yes there are, but ..... I am stronger than you and no one can deny that』.

Amelia was expressionless, it was as if she had done her job, Minos was at a loss for anything else to react.

『I know I said I would kill you, but I'm not going to let you go so easy, you deserve so much more for what you did, from now on I'm counting on you』.

『Why....why did I lose....yes I am strong....why did I lose...especially to you, we fought together and I thought I knew everything about you』

『Seriously do you think I would show how I really am to a stranger? Especially to a psychopath? Do you know why you didn't hurt me with that electric state of yours? Because I control electricity too』.

Amelia placed her hand on top of Minos, an electric current hit Minos,he was screaming in pain, Amelia was stirring Minos' blood all over his body.

『Also because I'm stronger than you of course *smiles* But also ..... I adapted to the place....』

Minos was surprised as never before, his wounds were frozen, ice crystals were forming around Amelia, and Amelia was calmly retreating.

『I didn't know we could do that....』-Before closing his eyes, Minos would clarify one thing-『I'll kill you...even if it took me a long time..... I'll kill you....』

Minos would point his arm at Amelia who was silently retreating from the place as the storm faded her, Minos could not stand it any longer and finally closed his eyes.

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