
Chapter 116: Isekai (Harmony Faction)

That little girl who slept in her bedroom, made slight movements with her limbs, her hands, feet and tail made weak movements. She is a member of the Anomenos Family, it seems that her lethargic sleep is about to end.

『.....That girl.....Look....』-King looked up-『It will soon be 100 years since she fell asleep, I'll say it again, let's not involve her in this whole thing, if she wakes up in this week, don't tell her anything, please』.

『Mira-nee-chan usually goes from quiet to extreme, it's okay King, my mouth will be a grave, I will also take care to tell others』(✿ヘᴥヘ).

『Although this whole thing I'd like to do it myself, but I can only stay here...』

King, the Demon King, happened to look at the Mythic Claws he was wearing, the one on the right was a blue colored claw, while the one on the left a red one, his expression was of a limited smile, again he turned to look at that person trapped in the crystal, his appearance, was similar if not the same as King. A short hair between black with white locks, his face too thin and young, and a casual but at the same time with faches.

『Now it won't be long....』-King put her hands on that crystal-『And tell me Arnna, did something happen on your trip?』

The blonde sister calmly and with kindness in her words, went on to tell.

『Eh?!!༼ꉺɷꉺ༽ No no no nothing....nothing happened hahahaha(*'∀`*) jijijijiji (ノ∀`♥)』-『(When I saw that first Dux-nii-chan arrived I thought I would tell her what happened. ....I thought I acted normal, inside my heart couldn't resist (*'∀`*))Now that I remember, besides an unwanted encounter. ..(-_-;) I saw some adventurers from different places going towards the same destination, or that's what I could see, I think the place they are heading to is a Human Nation, that's the only curious thing I saw』.

『Humans always so weird with their stuff』-King closed his eyes, an invisible wave came out of him- 『Well, we have things to do too, let's rest as best we can』(^▽^).


The brothers, Lami and Dux were still taking flight to go after the Ex-Phoenix bird and be able to save the human, Lami while following his brother Dux, this one had a lost look, better said, a lost mind, remembering what happened a short while ago.

"『Who are you?』『Who are you?』『Who are you?』『Who are you?

That word still kept haunting him during the trip, Lami couldn't help but remember what happened to him already many years ago, at that time, Lami was different from how he is today. He had the misfortune of running into a dark dragon more powerful than him, fear, hysteria, stress, agony, all flooded him, he doesn't remember very well who was the one who did this to him, he only remembers a shadowy dragon, among all the darkness he felt, he only remembers the dark silhouette of the Human Form of that dragon.

『(Why did I freeze back then...could he be that dragon?...but.....no.... my brothers said that dragon was dead..... that they themselves were dead.....)』-Lami was thinking those words several times-.

Dux, who turned to see how his brother was doing, asked him to see him with a downcast expression.

"Is something wrong, Lami? I see that you are pensive and a little bit down?』-Dux smiled to calm him down.

『Eh?....no.... it's nothing...we'd better hurry up.... after all this happened because of me』.

『Don't feel bad for involving us, your problems are our problems, my problems are our problems, that's how our family is, we will do everything to solve it in the best way』-Dux spoke calmly and kindly-『Just like if you feel happy, we will also be happy』^_^.

Dux's words, have touched the heart of Lami, who forgot for moments what he was thinking in order to dedicate a few words to his brother.

『Onii-chan.....that sounded very communist.....』

『Eh?....(◑○◑)What?.....ah!(^^;) You're right hahahaha』(⌒▽⌒)-Brother Dux was left in confused thought for a few moments, making tender expressions, as if he were a small child-.

They continued their journey in a quiet but at the same time amusing way for both of them.




It was already night, we were in the middle of the forest, we made a bonfire to be able to have how to warm ourselves, the sky was really clear, you could see the stars with total clarity, something difficult in a city, where the light prevents to see this wonder of nature.

『I didn't think I would sleep in the forest again (well yes, but I already said it)』-I was animated, looking at the flame of the bonfire-『Well *I click my fingers* It's time to eat』(⌒▽⌒).

We were all around the campfire, with Tohru handing out the food she had previously made for the trip, even though one of our members is in danger of her life, this little moment made as if that wasn't happening. Kobayashi herself did not make me feel that anxiety, she was calm, as if it was a simple excursion.

『Kobayashi-san, does it really not hurt you?』-Tohru asked her as she handed him his food.

『Tohru, I already said it many times, I don't feel anything, just the only change there is that from my chest, there are little glowing things coming out』 >^_^<<

The whole trip, Tohru has been asking the same question all the time, I guess it's only natural if you're worried, the anxiety Tohru is accumulating should disappear.

『Wooohhh!!! I don't know but, being in the middle of the forest, makes the food taste better』-Kobayashi yes, this didn't surprise him at all the current situation-.

『I haven't spent the night in the open air for a long time, it's like going back to the past』-Lucoa was also calm-.

『Not so much for me....I think I got used to living in a house....you have a warm place, food, a bed, maybe if I think about it, it would cost me a bit to go back to my old routine』-Elma was eating eagerly-『Rico!!』@^▽^@

At Elma's words, our gazes shifted to someone specific, yes Elma, a dragon that recently came to live in the other world due to strange events and already feels strange, how that dragon that knew the ease and luxuries that technology can bring you will feel.

『Not even dead will I return here』-Fafnir stopped his cutlery-『There's a lot I've met. There are still events in the game that I am now』-『Y.....stop looking at me!』

Quickly, our gazes turned because of Fafnir's threat, not that it scared us, let's just say we wanted to make them the scary ones.

Kanna who was already sleepy, seeing how she squinted her eyes and how her body swayed, made me want to help her, I moved on to my Lucario Form.

『Come, you can lie down, I'll protect you if I see danger』

With little strength, the little dragon looked at me and lay down on my lap, better comfort with my blue dog fur.

『M.....thanks.....』-With his last strength, Kanna spoke and didn't avoid falling asleep, I don't blame him, he was flying for the whole day-『I still don't believe this peaceful world, long ago it was a complete hell』.

『And you say that M-kun, but it's different now, all of us who live in this world, we all get along, except of course for some species that just want to destroy just because』-Lucoa turned to me-『I don't know what to say-『I don't know what to say-『I don't know what to say.

『Yes, you can't miss those guys』-I affirmed Lucoa's words as well-.

『Wait a minute, when you say we all get along, do you also mean with each other?』-Elma was addressing Lucoa-『So, Tohru and I get along?』.

We all found ourselves listening to the talk they were having.

『That's right』@^▽^@-Lucoa affirmed.

『Of course not!!!(-゚д゚-)』-『It's impossible for me to get along with Tohru, every time we met, we always fought 』〴⋋_⋌〵.

『With respect Lucoa, but as Elma said, there's no way I can get along with this cuckold, she's only good for eating this broad』 Σ(・口・)-Tohru came out to give his opinion-.

『(He seemed to be going gracefully, but at the end of his words he reverted to the Tohru I know ^_^;)』 -I was in my thoughts looking at the situation-.

『Cornuda?!』 (@_@;)-Elma didn't understand, but then she saw his antler on his forehead-『So you're a horned one too, on top of that you have more than me, you look like a moose or a deer 』 (*ʘᗩʘ*')

『(#゚Д゚) Well that would come to be better, it means I'm bigger and stronger, in other words, these horns tell me I'm stronger than you, how about that dragon』-Tohru was animated-( ̄^ ̄).

『(・・・)Wait....eh?....I think I missed....?huh?(@_@)』-The meaning changed quickly-『....Well, it's not quantity that matters but quality, and I'll prove it to you!!』(@_@.

Elma lunged at Tohru, who was calm, their horns clashing against each other, rather than dragons, it looked like a children's anime game with horns.-``д'-

『Yes, just like I said a little while ago』-Elma looked at the scene her friends were making with a smile.

Kobayashi was already getting sleepy too, he started swaying back and forth. Tohru saw this and quickly got rid of Elma, who the blue dragon by surprise, ended up falling face first to the ground.

『Kobayashi-san』-Tohru was able to hold her by the shoulders before she fell-.

The dragoness went to my side and sat on my side, Kobayashi couldn't take it anymore and ended up sleeping on Tohru's lap. Tohru's look at Kobayashi was one of pure smile and kindness. She could see how the glow was still coming from his chest, how he was still absorbing her energy. Tohru's look changed to a worried and discouraged one.

『Come on, we're going to make it, rest assured』-I said a few words to my friend.

『M.... how can you be so calm in a situation like this....』-Tohru declined her gaze-『Not only you, but the others, Kobayashi and Kanna too.... don't they know the danger we're in?.....』

Apparently he was outraged by our current behavior, of why we are so calm despite the situation we are in.

『It's simple isn't it? What's the use of worrying and anguishing?』- 『Maybe it's because I already lived similar situations, of someone being in danger and things like that, what I want to say is that don't worry, be confident that everything will be fine, if it's within our reach, we will take it, that's our current situation, and if it's not, we will do our best to take it anyway, do you understand, Tohru』.

While I was talking, I was caressing Kanna, who was already completely asleep, Tohru who didn't take her eyes off me, managed to understand my words. Her gesture changed to a positive one, to one that she always had since she came to this world.

『Within reach of our hands....』-Tohru looked at Kobayashi who was sleeping on her lap, her hand was slowly approaching his face to caress it-『But still...I want to give it even more...surpassing that reach....』

Tohru was close to caressing Kobayashi, her cheeks were red and her eyes glistening from nervousness and blushes. One touch, one touch is what happened for Tohru to stop, she turned to look what happened, M leaned on her shoulder, the human couldn't resist anymore and also fell asleep.

Tohru's breathing seemed to increase, more than she already felt, she avoided getting even more red and embarrassed than she already was. She was so nervous that she couldn't resist any longer and ended up lying on M's head, it wasn't hard at all, the fur and ears made it soft.

Lucoa, Fafnir and Elma had watched everything, the Ex-Goddess was as usual, with her eyes closed and that calm smile, Fafnir didn't care about this, so he simply ignored it, while Elma didn't avoid watching everything and not taking her eyes off the scene.

『¡¡!! (What is this?)』

Elma touched her chest, felt like a drum, stopped as she looked away, but when she looked again, the drum came back but this time more faintly. This was our group's first night, sleeping in the warmth of the campfire under the stars of a different yet familiar world.


After so much travel, we could finally reach the habitat of the Harmony Faction dragons, it was an extremely gigantic place, like their own nation, everything was white, well, characteristic in most to represent good. In the middle was a huge castle, place where is The Sovereign of Life.

『This is it』-Elma was happy to return to her native place-『I came back to my home』.

We too were amazed at how this place looked like, you could see the dragons of this Faction soaring through the skies.

"Huh? What's wrong Kuro-san?』-I asked because of something weird that happened-?

Fafnir got off Tohru's back.

『I don't want to go in there, it's creeping me out just looking at it.....』-『I'll stay near this forest』.

『All right, we'll come back later』.

I think it was something to expect from Fafnir, he's a full-fledged dark dragon, being in a place as pure and white as this would surely give him nausea and stress from being in a bright place. Or maybe because the other dragons would attack us, but I don't think so, we are accompanied by Elma and Lucoa, we are sure since we are going for a member of this faction and an Ex-Goddess, although I don't think that will help much.

As we entered through the habitat, I felt as if we had broken through an invisible barrier, the Harmony Faction dragons were confused, they looked on curiously, but quickly became happy.

『That's the way to go Elma-sama!!!』『Come on Elma-sama!!!』『You're the best Elma-sama!!!』『I love you Elma-sama!!!』

They started praising her for some reason, while others took the opportunity to say other kinds of things, now that I remember, Elma had the mission to bring back Tohru, I guess they will be congratulating her for accomplishing another difficult mission.

『Are they human?』『Hey, are they human?』『Why would Elma-sama bring humans back?』

They also wondered that when they saw Kobayashi and me. Simply because of their stares, I decided to take shelter by sinking my face into Kanna's fur.

We managed to enter the castle, it was a huge one, too huge, of course, this one is not made for humans, it has the perfect size for dragons, thanks to Elma, we were able to enter without any problem. We kept flying through the corridors of the castle, and from one moment to another, we were face to face with the Sovereign of Life, this one was on his throne, unlike Tohru's father, The Emperor of Death, this one was wearing white clothes, a thin cloak with holes, an armor on his body, and he was young, I thought he would be as old as Tohru's father. The Sovereign of Life was in his Human Form, his hair was short dark gray.

『At last I'm back Sovereign of Life, it's good to see you again』-Elma knelt down to greet him.

『Very well done, and I see you accomplished your mission, I expected no less from you Elma』-That sovereign spoke-『But .... why did you bring a girl, an Ex-Goddess and two humans?』

His attitude changed to one of imposing, to one confused and even doubtful of the situation. Elma went on to tell him what happened.

『I see, then , as Sovereign of Life, my duty is-----』-This was interrupted by someone-.

『We don't have to help a human from the other world, it's none of our business』-A dragoness in her Human Form appeared next to the sovereign, her long brown hair, glasses and with her magic book in hand, she was the typical assistant of every leader-.

『Hey Hyla. At what time did you appear(?_?).....(I was just going to impose as sovereign....(*'_ゝ`))』

『First of all, why are you coming with the daughter of the Emperor of Death to our empire, it seems as if you are friends, helping her in her troubles』-Hyla was strict, even more so than Elma-.

『Please, we can discuss about that later, the first thing now is to save Kobayashi-san, I just came to ask about the Ex-Phoenix bird to the Sovereign』-Elma was addressing Hyla-.

『Ya ya ya ya....calm down Hyla(*'ェ`*)』-The Sovereign was nervous-『Wait.....Ex-Phoenix?』ఠ_ఠ.

『Eh?!!』ಠ⌣ಠ Badly, Hyla answered the Sovereign with an ugly look-『Okay, you may get your information, but in exchange for the daughter of the Emperor of Death, catch her!』.

Hyla gave the order, quickly, the escort dragons she had, went quickly towards Tohru, the green dragon the first thing she did was to protect Kobayashi-san, before she pull out her claws and wings, Lucoa appeared with a blizzard of air.

『Don't be nervous Tohru』-Lucoa whispered to him-『Come on guys, not everything has to be like this, in terms of hierarchy, I still still hold a high position, you don't want the gods to be against them, do you? Let's talk it over and come to an agreement』

『Lucoa, the Ex-Goddess who was embo----』-Hyla was interrupted by Lucoa-

『AAAHHHH!!!!(ΩДΩ) Quiet please, don't say it with all this crowd hahaha(●'艸`)ヾ』

『Hyla-sama, this mission is even more important than the Emperor's daughter, as belonging to this Faction, I can't afford this, I have to remedy my mistake, I have to save that human's life, please, I need her for this trip, that human needs her』-Elma said with her head held high.

『...(But I can't pass this opportunity, this is the right thing too, besides.... I see that she has become close to Lucoa, to Kanna who is the exiled dragon and to 2 humans, and from before also to Tohru.... she hasn't done her job and couldn't solve the chaos of the other world...according to the law.... I already made a decision)』-Hyla seems to have already made up her mind-.

『We'll let you off this time, you can leave you, the Ex-Goddess, the little dragon and the 2 humans, but Tohru stays』-Hyla gave the order-『We'll give you the information, that's all we'll do, we won't get more involved, we won't risk more, and if you get to die, we won't support you, e said』-『And we'll destroy her soul stone』.

Just as Hyla said, the dragons went after Tohru so they could catch her, Lucoa was nervous but kept calm, making a fuss would make things worse, Tohru was hugging Kobayashi with all her might. Elma was worried and tried to talk to make her change her mind. Meanwhile I could do nothing, interrupting is not the best option. I was helpless, Kanna was clenching her fists, but I was stopping her to control herself.

I looked at the scene, she also clenched a lot and thought what was the best option.

『(....*tsch* I can't...I can't watch her being separated from the person she loves....I can't.....I can't!!!! Tohru!!)』


Before I move on to my God Form, before Tohru pulls out his wings and claws, a clap was heard throughout the castle. it was reassuring and all of us who heard it stood still. It was the Sovereign of Life who gave that loud clap.

『Leave her alone』-The Sovereign spoke-『That dragon really loves that human, I can't separate 2 beings that love each other, you can leave Tohru, that's how it was? I'll give you the information and you can leave as if nothing happened (not that it's something incredible either) 』.

Before we did anything foolish, The Sovereign stepped in. The dragons took heed and walked away leaving Tohru free. I felt relieved, we were saved from one by that Sovereign.

"Hey! But we can't do this, I forgave Elma for breaking the laws, but we can't just let Tohru go, where's your sense of order?

『Hyla!!』-The Sovereign raised his voice, Hyla froze-『You are new, right? Actually the Harmony Faction and the Chaos Faction are getting along well, we only gave the order to bring Tohru back to this world, do you know who asked us to do so? The Emperor of Death, at no time did he say, catch her, imprison her, kill her』-The Sovereign commanded respect before the new assistant he has-『We all make mistakes, you will gradually do very well in this job』 >^_^<<

『....Sorry Sovereign.... I didn't know...from now on I will do my job well so that it won't happen again』

『*sigh*Just don't take it all seriously, no one likes strict, nagging, serious and all the time annoying people in their life, take it easy, yes?』

The Sovereign with calm and warm words addressed his new companion, that dragoness, Hyla, was amazed at who her Sovereign was, she did not avoid blushing slightly because of how from one moment to the next he commanded respect. After all this conflict, Hyla apologized to all of us, and the Sovereign of Life went on to tell us what he knew about Ex-Phoenix, or more or less ...

『In the case of Ex-Phoenix.....jajajajajaja.....(シ_ _)シ Sorry!!』

『Sovereign?!』 』 ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀

『I don't know how you heard that, but now that I remember, one day I was quietly walking around the habitad』 -While he was kneeling down, he went on to tell us.

---------------------------------RELATO DEL SOBERANO----------------------------------

The Sovereign, that day he was quietly strolling through the hanging gardens, he received a call from his mobile sphere.

『Ah! It's her(●'艸`)ヾ It's been a while since we've seen each other, maybe she wants to spend time with me꒰✩'ω`ૢ✩꒱ 』 -The Sovereign replied-『Hello love(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑).... Eh?-----What?-----(・・・)What do you want to break up with me?-----(・・・;)but--------pero------that I only spend it at work?-------love?------love?-----*hang up*...(@_@). NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! What is this that my little heart feels....wait....now that we've broken up....that means.....she's my.....nooooo Ex-Melix!!!! Ex-Melix!!! Ex-Melix!!! Ex-Melix!!!(ಥ﹏ಥ) She's not lost yet....se where she stays....se her location.....here I go Ex-Melix!!!(;﹏;)』

-------------------------------FIN OF THE SOVEREIGN'S STORY------------------------

『I felt someone walking by nearby, so it was Elma-chan who was』 (ノ'∀`*)

『.....Jjajajajajajajajajajaa as I was far away I heard she said Ex-Phoenix...jajajajajaja.....well, who's hungry?』 (^◇^)-Elma was nervous-.

『Stupid dragon!!! How can you trust information like that.....that wasn't even information.....it was just snooping!!! and even that you don't do well!』 -Tohru was angry at Elma, who was stretching her cheeks-(#゚Д゚).

『So we came here for nothing.....』 -I was totally confused, but the impression was different, The Sovereign of Life is a nice guy, he's a good leader-『Hey, and the thing from earlier, what's that about Soul Stone』 -I remembered he said that a while ago Hyla-『Hey, what's that about Soul Stone』.

『Ah, the Soul Stone, is practically our soul, from where all our power and magic is, all magical creatures possess it, and gods, in the case of humans, if they practice their magic, their soul takes the form of a fragment until it becomes a Soul Stone, the undead do not possess it, for the simple reason that they are dead, they use another kind of magic, these Soul Stones, depending on their value come to be sold by humans and other species』

『So the Soul Stone of a Dragon must be worth a lot, then why did you send to destroy it?』 -I asked Hyla.

『There is a possibility, not to say myth, that if you still have someone's Soul Stone, you can bring him back to life, even if his body is shattered to pieces, he will come back as if nothing happened, but it has a very huge cost of magic, and since no one possesses that much power, it could not be proven』.

『I see.....wow, look, a new thing I learn』.

I looked at my companions, of how they still kept fighting and stopping because of the confusion. We said goodbye to the Sovereign and Hyla, we were retreating to a nearby forest to meet Fafnir, he also said one more thing Hyla, not necessarily the Soul Stone is in the center, it can be in different parts, such as head, shoulder, foot, leg, arm, hand, hand, neck, stomach, butt and the ****.

When we arrived we met Fafnir who was surrounded by piles of skulls. He didn't want to say it, but he defended the forest from these invaders, the undead have no conscience or reasoning, they roam the world and attack anything they see, mostly they go alone, it is rare to see them in groups. Just as Hyla said, when I searched I didn't find their Soul Stones, I wanted to at least know what they look like, but for that I have to kill a magical creature or search their corpse, an idea I don't like at all.

『Okay, next stop, The Chaos Faction!』-Tohru opened a portal by stretching out his hand.

『Ohhhh!!!』-The Kuikku Portal』-I was excited to see it again-.

『With this we will reach the castle in one go』-Tohru was with a smile on his face-.

While Elma was completely shocked, confused, shocked( ̄■ ̄;)

『I had forgotten you had that!!!why didn't you use it before!!!! We would have saved ourselves the trip!!』-Elma was giving her commotion-.

『I can only use them in places I've been.....so don't complain(*・ε・*)』

Before we all laughed at how indignant Elma was, things could get better, we didn't get what we wanted, but maybe in the Chaos Faction we would get it, I wonder how Tohru will take this, after seeing her father again from that last time.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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