
Chapter 107: Improvised Night

"Ah! of course, it's only a few days before Christmas, I'm losing track of time hahahaha』'・ᴗ・`.

I was on my way back to Kobayashi's apartment, passing by a stream.

『With what Christmas....when was it that I arrived here? I don't remember, these dates make me feel nostalgic for some reason』

Christmases past come to mind, of how these were, when I was in elementary school, Christmases were common, I always spent them with my family, ah wait, now that I remember, after family time, came time with friend, Menhera and Rino would come to pick me up late at night, the 3 of us lived together in our neighborhood, our houses were next to each other, it was like this the order, on the left was my house, in the middle was Menhera's house and on the right was Rino's house. Rino jumped from his room to Menhera's house, and together, from Menhera's room they jumped to mine, which was next to him, the distance that separated us was quite big, but with a simple jump they could reach him, even though they were the same age as me, They were much stronger than me, and with bites on the waist, they woke me up, while I was panicking, they laughed, they did it every holiday, we played with the snow, we walked, we explored and at the end, we climbed to the sanctuary on the top of a hill to see the sunrise. It made me feel good to be next to them, I thought.

『(You guys sure have no qualms, when was it that the days changed....)』-『Wow, I still can't believe I remember it just like that, the memorable moments they say are the most remembered ones !!!!! So that must be why I remember my entire childhood and early high school--------....』

An ugly memory came to my mind, it was when I entered high school, the day of the opening ceremony , everything seemed normal, the 3 of us together again, but ------ had to show up again. I still remember that moment, clear as water, his words, his attitude that seemed grotesque to me, he took advantage of every situation to bother, he got in where he was not called, his way of speaking ....., every thing he did he thought it was fun and it was okay, the way he addressed others was okay, he got angry easily if you did not respond as he wanted, and to top it off his jokes were bad ..... for him, the only right thing was himself, everything about him was right, he was the person I hated most in all my student life. If Menhera and Rino hadn't intervened to help me....that event marked me.

『....I hope I never see you again』-I kept walking with my eyes down-『Because I remembered something I didn't want to.....』

Because I didn't keep my eyes straight ahead, I bumped into someone, I took a few steps back.

『I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at the braking....Why did I feel a bounce when I collided?』(・・).

Looking up I saw who it was.

『Hello M-kun, sorry, I was in my thoughts too』.

It was Lucoa, the ex-goddess I had bumped into.

『It won't be because you always bring your eyes closed.....(I still don't understand these people, how can they be so normal if you have your eyes closed, it will be an ability you have when you close your eyes, maybe I can see even better if I do it, I'll try)』(・∧-)ゞ

『I've been looking for a gift for Shouta and his family, you know, Christmas is coming and.....Eh?』

M step to close his eyes, and walked very confidently, Lucoa didn't understand what the boy was doing.

『(....But what a scam, I can't see anything, although I prefer this to seeing Lucoa, I say this with all due respect to his being , of course('へ'))』

I was walking confidently along the sidewalk, but already soon after it was gone, I had my hands in front of me as if trying to guide me by touching something.

『(Ahhh....must I look stupid, besides....why am I doing this? No, why am I still doing this...I'd better stop since there's a riach-------)』

The boy fell hopelessly into the stream, Lucoa was bowing his head because of what was happening.(๑-́ω-̀)?

The boy was completely wet, still doubt why he did all this.

『Are you okay M-kun? You acted strangely』

Still with my eyes closed I looked up, my goal was to be able to see Lucoa's face. I lifted up the hair covering my eyes, and opened them. Lucoa was still confused, he didn't understand.

『Oh! If I could, then it might be true』 (゚ペ)


『And tell me, what were you doing around here』

『Well, this is the way to Shouta's house』-『As Christmas is coming, I've been looking for a gift for him and his family, but in the end I couldn't make up my mind, and before I knew it, it was already dark』.

I nodded my head yes.

『As his family are wizards, it's hard to get something good, whatever I suggested before, they can get it easily, they were good to me all this time..... I want to take this event to thank them, it's only a few days away so I'm in danger』.

We were on a balcony, Lucoa was telling me what was happening to him, a sneeze and my body shaking interrupted his words.

『I see you have your problems too, it's starting to get cold』-『I know, Shouta's house is nearby, why don't you come with me』.

『Eh?....no *achu* I have to go back home, Kanna-chan is waiting for me, and besides , it's my turn to make dinner today....*achu*』

『I can't leave a child like this, I'll take you before you catch a cold, the gods always have to look out for others, leave everything to me』٩(^ᴗ^)۶

『I'm not a child *achu*』

『To my eyes, you're still a child』.

My body trembled even more, the draft worsening my situation. Lucoa had already made up his mind, and moved to carry me in his arms.

"Huh? No! I told you no! (* ̄□ ̄*; Let go of me, it would be fine for anyone else to carry me, but not my greatest enemy!.....*achu* ('ヘ`;)』-I already had red cheeks, and my look was downcast-.

『You see, you throw your tantrums, you're still a child, besides I'm to blame for you acting that way and getting wet, well, charge』(^▽^).

Lucoa happened to run straight to Shouta's house, she decided to help me when she saw that I had a little problem, I didn't think about it before, but yes she is a good person and acts according to her morals, it's not the first thing you think when you have her in front.....Besides the only thing I like about this is....

As Lucoa ran, her breasts bounced, and touched M's body.

『(I would have preferred to be carried on top of her...*buagg*('*`))』


『Shouta-kun, we're here』

『Welcome...Wait, I shouldn't welcome a Succubus』. (¤﹏¤)

We were standing in the enters inside Shouta's house.

『You're still at it Shouta-chan?』-『-though I think you should have been a succubus instead of a dragon *achu* ah...』(ーー;)

『M-san, welcome...wait, what are you doing here M-san, and why are you all wet?(๏д๏)』-The boy's belated reaction was making itself present-.

『Because of me M-kun ended up wet, so I brought him in so he wouldn't catch a cold』-The goddess was taking off her footwear-『Is the shower ready Shouta-kun? Please let M be the first to use it』.

『Yes, sure, please follow me M-san』.

Lucoa was stretching his hands and his whole body.

『I haven't carried someone for a long time, if I don't exercise my muscles will wear out』.

Shouta didn't avoid looking sideways, he is a little boy and he is curious around him, I understand that, I was the same, I look at Lucoa and the boy hit a loud scream (;Ⅲ□Ⅲ;) He quickly ran away from the place, his face was flushed and full of embarrassment.

『And now what happened? I haven't done anything yet 』( ・ὢ・・ )-Lucoa didn't understand why the boy ran away from the place-.

I also looked out of the corner of my eye to find out what it was that so frightened the little rag. I soon found out why. hahahahaha.....(-"-;A

Since my clothes were all wet, I was wet, Lucoa carried me, and her breasts bumped into me, you know what I'm trying to say the kid saw, don't you?

『I see you're not doing it on purpose, but it seems like you are 』-(-.-;)-『Are you sure you weren't created just to give fanservice?』

Lucoa tilted his head as he didn't know how to answer my question.(๑-́ω-̀)?

『That kid saw more than he should at his young age, I'm sure of it.....(-"-;A....*achu*』-『Although I'm also not one to say...』*world memories 2* (・・;)


I was already in the bathtub, the hot water quickly made me feel better.

『A gift.....then it was my turn to strain myself』


I was coming out of the bathroom, as my clothes are wet, I borrowed a polo shirt and pants they had around, I was drying my head with the towel. I was looking to let them know that I had already left, in the living room I found Shouta's parents, who had already returned from work.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to use your bathroom, you saved me from a』

With their hands they told me that it was nothing, that even a friend of their son will always be welcome. They told me if I was the boy who travels between worlds, and I replied yes, of which I was the one who asked him for the favor of improving the portal spell. I also said yes. With their hand they called Shouta, who was watching from afar, they told him many things, they talked among themselves. Shouta stood in the middle of the room. He said the words of the spell with some extra words, the portal appeared in the middle of the room, in front of it a magic circle appeared.

『This is what I'm wearing so far』.

His father came closer to see him, it was as if he was showing him the progress he made. The father watched carefully, the portal disappeared and Shouta started to feel faint. His progress was little by little, as every time he cast the spell to see his progress, he lost his strength. I switched to my Lucario Form to heal him. Shouta was resting on his mother's lap, Lucoa was caressing his head, and his father approached me and explained. That the spell of the portal to travel between worlds is already complete, that it can not be improved more, it is a very advanced spell that is already at its limit, or so it should be, Shouta, somehow is managing to improve it, even a little, his father was happy to see the progress of his son, He said he was proud of his son and his family, that if he continues like this, he could be one of the best magicians, he ended our conversation by telling me to wait for his work to be completed, he will be able to impress me. He can intervene and help the progress to be faster, but it is a challenge that his son took, and that achievement should belong to him alone.

『Yes, I will wait for your son's work, I know he will not disappoint』-『(His father leaves me that is somewhat disturbing and somehow intimidating, I feel I should not become his enemy)』.

I think there is no one better in this, than Shouta, his help and effort will always be in my way.

『Ready M-kun, you can stay over』-Lucoa was addressing me-.

『Yes, thank you....wait what?!!』( ̄■ ̄;)

『Didn't I tell you to leave everything to me? I already called Kobayashi-san telling him that you'll be spending the night here, it's already dinner time too』

With my confusion and somewhat elated, I suppressed it not knowing what to answer.

『You have no choice M-kun』-With his smiling look, I finish his words-.

Since, I have no other choice, I cannot refuse this hospitable and good family, and all this happened because I played the fool and ended up falling into the creek. I helped the mother to cook dinner, cooking with her is like cooking with your mother, that's how it will feel if I cook with my mother..... I would like to do it one day. Lucoa wanted to help, but more than that it only complicated things. He would somehow end up in embarrassing situations.

『How come you end up like this.....』Σ(`・ω・Ⅲ).

I happened to laugh Lucoa at his awkwardness, I too, for some reason I was laughing. We all had dinner together that night, in the place I thought least, I felt that air of family that I hadn't for a long time. It was so normal that they made me feel like I was home for a few seconds.


I would sleep in a room they had free, it was in case they received visitors and they stayed, like now. The bed was big, too big, can easily fit 3 or 4 people. After a long time, I can sleep in a bed, I felt happy. I lay down and before I slept, I said the following.

『It would be perfect, sleeping with someone accompanied, it would be nostalgic at this time..... 』

Late at night, I felt that someone was hugging me, I felt a small hand on my stomach, I squinted my eyes, something white collided with my face, I still didn't understand what was happening, suddenly, that white thing left my face, as well as the hands that hugged me. As I gradually became more awake, I noticed it, I could tell what was going on in this room.

『(Why....why...but what an end to the day this is!!!』

Lucoa and Shouta were next to me, both sleeping peacefully.

『(Why did this happen!!!, it was nice the day, really, it looked great, why ruin it with this!!!! I don't have any problem with Shouta, I think he's cute, but Lucoa.... I can't handle those mothers!!!!! I feel like I'm going to be crushed to death!!!.....I have to get out of here.....*buag...*)』

The symptoms of having such webads sleeping with me were coming on, out of nowhere I had a while before the worst happened.

『(Now, that they let me loose, it's my time!)』

An arm fell on my neck, blocking my way. It was Lucoa's arm. Never mind, I can escape if I sneak underneath, I slithered like a caterpillar, slowly but surely.

『(It's a little, little while, I'm about to get out)』.

Noticing it, I saw someone grabbed my arm, it was Shouta who squeezed tighter, the blanket covered my body, I was halfway to the bed.

『(Shouta-chan, please let go of me, now is not the time)』

When I wanted to turn my gaze, my face collided with soft things, you were those fucking mothers of Lucoa. *buag..* ( ̄x ̄;) The vomit became stronger, time was running out. Without further ado I decided to tickle Shouta, he started to laugh and in his carelessness I was able to move my arm away, Shouta was looking for something to grab, where did he find something better than that skinny arm and pure bone, the fucking weona wafers daughters of their mothers of Lucoa. I was about to get out of bed, but the thrill of laughter was still in Shouta who with a leg movement managed to hit my noble parts. I resisted the pain like a man, and finally I could get out of that bed.

My legs were trembling, with one hand I covered my treasure, while with the other hand I was in my mouth, resisting not to vomit yet.

I was coming out of the bathroom, I avoided a catastrophe, I never thought that getting out of a bed would be so complicated. I assumed that they being in my bed, their rooms of them will be free and empty, for which I went to see them, but I didn't count that they were locked.....(・・・;)

I went back to the room, where Shouta and Lucoa were sleeping together, I took out my pillow, and for revenge, I also took the blanket with which they covered themselves. I went down to the living room and in front of me was an armchair.

『.....Old friend....I'm back...』(-∧-;)

I settled in and without any qualms I went back to the old one, they say you can't escape your past, I wonder if this is what they mean?

In the room where I left those 2, Shouta was the first to feel the cold, with his hands he searched for the blanket and stuck even closer to Lucoa, where he found the warmth he was looking for.


『You went!!!』(゜ロ゜)-He was in shock-.

『That's right』-Lucoa affirmed-『I heard while passing near your room that you wanted to sleep with company, and since I know you like Shouta I brought him to you at night with my magic, and since I like Shouta I also went』.

I was at a loss for words before her, she did it to help me, and as many say, it's the thought that counts. Somehow we could say that she is a generous goddess and looks out for others.....oh, Ex-goddess, it suits her better that.

Quickly in the early morning hours, I returned to Kobayashi's apartment, found Kobayashi at the door ready to leave for work.

『Ah, M-kun, how did it go at Shouta's house』-Kobayashi was addressing me-.

『M, a really good anime happened last night』-Kanna was happy-.

『It was a magical girl anime, Kanna liked it so much that she started to do the same poses that were shown』-Tohru finished counting-.

I was silent looking at the ground, again, a tear was falling from my eyes.

『I see....』

Quickly, to cheer myself up, I slapped my cheeks with my palms.

『Good! Now I'm active! Leave the housework to me, no, better leave everything to me!』

The 3 girls were confused, but cheerfully replied.

『We're counting on you』




The date had arrived and I didn't have what I needed for what I wanted. I stepped forward.

『Well, it's my time to strive!』

With a fist bump, with encouragement and effort to the fullest, I had in front of me, a spa salon. Place where I would get what I want.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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