
Chapter 44: My Situation

It's not something new for me, I had already received kindness and affection from other people before, since I moved to our new home, leaving behind that life I really felt overwhelmed...it was strange, when you are surrounded by relatives everything is supposed to be good and right, yes...there were moments like that, especially with my grandmother, but I remember more tense and scary moments at the time. But my cousins made every joke and game they played, it really seemed like they were just taking advantage of me to have a good time...really if I think about it, I am a bit sensitive to this kind of things, although I have been and I think I still am a reserved boy, it is where actions as simple as the first impression end up hitting me so much, and then I see if it gets distorted with the passing of time but. ...Ahh...with that thought that I'm just a scared little boy who can't do anything on his own, is where I received the kindness of those who would become my friends for a long time, that right now I can say that they will always be with me no matter what the circumstances are. 

I am good at rejecting some things that are offered to me, when my cousins offered me something, well, normally even though it was not bad, I rejected it because...why did I do it? I suppose it was because I didn't want to? or I didn't want to be a bother? referring to myself of course. ...But anyway they didn't respect my decision and they dragged me into their games of children older than me...But with this new life, of course there was that feeling that they were taking me by the hand, but not dragging me because that's the way they wanted it. You could tell the difference between what they thought was right and what they thought was right for me, which took me a while to understand, and by the time I realised it, I had great friends around me.

If someone offers me their kindness being completely sincere, only looking for my well being, not seeing anything else apart from helping, wanting to give me a hand for my own good and even offering me to be calm and that everything will get better... How can I say no to all that... I feel that if I do it I will really be denying something that I would regret in the future, they are not offering me an object or a momentary hobby, they are really offering me their person and kindness...

I really am a person who falls easily into all this, in a place where I know that nothing bad will happen to me and I can live quietly at my own pace, with people who I know will accept me despite everything they see and hide...If I met such a person in my life...I would really like to share everything I have with such a person...I would really like to share everything I have with such a person...

『It's time for us to talk, you child who is not of this world...』

At that moment between my emotional weakness of the moment, of being about to make the decision to accept everyone's help and stay here...Quickly everything fell apart from one moment to the next, at that moment my whole body became tense and cold...I felt a tension that would not let my body free...it was as if all around me of how beautiful it was...was stained by the reality that I was ignoring and now it would give me a strong blow that....

『Uhm? What's wrong kid? You got tense all of a sudden, you're sweating a lot, did you get a fever from being exposed to the cold?』

Mr. Smith commented as she saw M looking a little different, the boy's expression said it all. I was really shocked and scared...that feeling of being forced to do something I don't want to do...was really coming through at that moment. At Smith's question, everyone noticed the same thing, they turned to look at M who was really in unbearable fear, his whole body was shaking, he was shaking as he had his hands trying to keep calm...it seems like something bad was happening to him....

『Is there something wrong with you M? You couldn't sleep well and you got a fever?...』

『M? So that's the boy's name, it's a weird name, you're really catching my attention M-chan, I'm really going to make you spill everything you know *smiles*』

Kurusu was the first to alert and ask about my state, first trying to approach me but just seeing my state was what stopped him from acting. But what made me more tense was Smith's words, that he's interested in me with the thought of finding out who I really am...how to say...it brought back some traumatic memories I experienced in my elementary school, from someone who also wanted me to show myself as I really was back then...

『You have a really cold body Master...』

『!!!!....That's right...it's really cold...quick girls!!! Mia-san heat up some water and make some tea! Mero-san can you go help him?』-『He won't stop shivering...we need something to open him up with, can someone bring a blanket or warm clothes for ------ 』

When Centorea took the initiative and touched M's forehead, who... was really very cold from one moment to the next, Kurusu was the next to touch not only his forehead, but also his hand that was exposed... To this they had to act fast, they didn't know why M got sick out of nowhere, if they were supposed to be treating him recently...But when Kurusu asked for something to warm him up, someone quickly took the lead in all this, Papi ended up appearing next to M and hugging him with his wings and feathers he had, while telling him....

『I'm going to warm you up M, you don't have to get upset, we won't do anything bad to you *smiles*』.

At this those present were somewhat surprised by Papi's actions, although it wasn't that strange either, this Harpy is more about acting on her own than thinking first. Where as she was hugging me with her warm feathers, she was relaxing me little by little, and my nerves were leaving me...how to say it...it reminded me of the same thing my friend Menhera did when I was in the same situation of falling apart with fear...Then I looked at Papi who...she calmly kept smiling at me while with her feathers she tried to caress my head to calm me down a little more...

『*laughs* You're like a little brother, I always wanted to know what it's like to be a big sister *happy* 』

.....Really I felt much calmer receiving his affection from Papi, how to say it, who transmitted me nothing but tranquility and innocence from him, I couldn't perceive anything else. I really felt satisfied at that moment and happy, although the only thing I didn't like was that last one...like what little brother? I don't think I want you to see me that way...but...is it me? Or is Daddy much taller than me?

『I didn't notice this the first time I saw you, taking away the scars on your hand, the way your arms look and for sure the rest of your body...were you involved in dangerous things kid? A fight or a crossfire? 』 

To this I could quickly notice how my hand that was exposed Smith quickly took it to see it, he lowered his dark glasses to look at it better, and with total confidence he touched not only my hand, but how my whole arm was...Quickly I forced him to leave me alone, and he only managed to look at it with fear, as if to say please get away from me...

『I see, I think I'm being too direct, sorry sorry sorry, I didn't think so much would be the consequences, my mistake *smiles*』

To this Smith was acting consciously about her actions, she knows very well what happens in every scene, not for nothing is she a leader of what seems to be an important organization, but there are moments where she acts even I could say not very professional, that she sticks out her tongue for her mistake with a smile on her face...In another circumstance it would make me tender but...I really see this woman as a danger for me....

『With it was Mr.Smith's fault, I thought that again M got scared at the sight of Rachnera, she kind of couldn't take it anymore and started to succumb 』

『Of course it wasn't me, I can easily distinguish when someone is scared and when someone feels in danger, they are totally different things, and it all seems that M...』

『Fear is related to terror and fright, you know very well what you are afraid of and you avoid it at all costs, but feeling danger, you know that something is coming for you and there is little you can do to escape, it is more related to anguish』.

Those who had just spoken were Centorea, Rachnera and finally Lala in that same order, where at the conclusion of this. Whatever M expresses or says at this moment, it is going to say a lot about him, now he is completely himself and not like yesterday when he was about to be defeated, at this Smith turned to look somewhat seriously at M, who the boy would rather be reassured by Papi than....

『I see, you're being very helpful M-chan and you didn't say anything until now *smiles* (It seems that what he went through left him traumatized in some part of his being, that way of reacting to someone who wants to know more about him and find out the truth...) But I'm also surprised that Lala-chan knows the difference between Fear and Danger』.

『Of course I do, otherwise how else would I make him a Shinigami in my spare time 』

『*smile* But I'd rather you calm down and relax M-chan, I don't want you to feel bad, that I'm attacking you or looking to upset you *smiles* Just as everything indicates that this is a serious case, I want to be as transparent as possible, everything I'm going to do and we're going to do, is to help you kid, so *cough* My name is Kuroko Smith, you can call me Mr. Smith or just Smith *smiles*. Smith or just Smith *smiles* so please M-chan, tell us everything that happened to you』.

It seems like he wants to start over and I could tell that...I could tell that he understands his mistake and tries to fix it, at least that made me feel a little better, I know a person who does what he wants and always thinks he did the right thing, even if most of the time it's his fault. ...I really hate that person...thinking you're the good guy when you're not at all...At this I was looking carefully at Smith, I felt a lot more relaxed thanks to Papi's help, where I...

『I will do my best not to worry them...』

When I replied clearly to the adult, it made her much happier and she now hopes that everything will go well. But even if they think that I might tell them the truth, I am a bit doubtful whether I will do it at the end of it all, the questions had started and I answered everything they asked me, although most of them were left unanswered or with a simple "I don't know...". Those empty questions left more doubts and made me even more questions, I really did everything possible to be calm and that nothing escapes me... Why am I taking this position? It is because I have experienced it before, to know many things out of the blue, for others this will make them doubt and think of you in negative ways. In the first World being my first time, I literally blurted out everything I knew without hiding anything, and the reactions were obvious, they either doubted me or thought I was a weird guy... I would also be opposed to someone who appears out of nowhere and quickly knows who I am and even gives out extra information. Already after seeing it better I realized where I am and in what world I am, I don't want to say the name, I feel that this would confuse them more, I don't want to cause problems and much less that these good people distrust me...It seems that the best thing to do is to let them and everyone keep the idea of what really happened to me...I don't really understand what they think, they are being very direct with me but they are not going to tell me what situation I am in...ahhh...this hiding pages is a bit annoying...

『I used to live with my family in a very quiet urban area...well, sometimes it felt like my friends were hiding things from me that I was better off not knowing...It was a place where I was having a good time and every day there were new things to do and to experience. ...but as time went by, it seemed that things were not going so well in my family, suddenly my parents separated and my older sister seemed to be getting into serious trouble...In the end I went with my mother to live in a rented flat. ...』-『Although things seemed to be getting better thanks to my mother's change...I also thought it was for the best...!!!!...*sad* 』-『One day I went out to run an errand for my mother, when suddenly she appeared, I felt a presence watching me. ...I was in danger I could tell, I tried to escape as much as I could back to my house...I couldn't ask for help...no one would believe it...And when I was crossing the street, a vehicle appeared at that moment that...』-『Then 2 years passed in total in that place I was, there I learned to...stand up for myself, where in the end after a fight, I had the opportunity to leave and now I find myself here that...It's not my home *cries* I knew it would be a long journey but...that's what hurts me the most...I don't know what happened to my family, if they are still there or they are gone...I just want...to go back home...』

I ended up telling what really ended up happening to me, although as you could see, I didn't end up saying clear things since I prefer them to be hidden. But it seems that the story I told them seemed to be enough, even though they themselves realised that I preferred to leave out many parts, especially Smith, who was attentive and when there were moments when I stopped to think or remember because of how difficult it was. He looked at me with a smile saying that I can continue, that for the moment it is not necessary if it is difficult for me to tell those parts.... When everything was over on my part, I knew that more questions would follow, but at least I could make clear something, that this is my real situation, since they will complement it with their ideas...

『Thank you very much M-chan, I'm going to keep asking you more questions, but let's leave it for later, you can go and rest on the first floor, if you have anything to ask us don't hesitate to tell us, we'll be here *smiles*』

Smith was thanking me for telling everything I know, where I really didn't have to feel bad, I literally told most of them that it's true...I was getting up and then I looked at Papi, who I could see a change in his face, he was trying to calm me down with his silly good attitude, but I could tell that he was really worried about me. I thanked everyone for their kindness and went to the first floor, took my clothes and left without further ado....

『I thought you were going to accompany him Papi, after all I see that you did end up worrying a lot about the boy』.

Mero spoke at that moment where he seemed to speak for everyone, where the crone was resolute in her gaze, where she answered without much thought that.

『I want to stay here, I want to know more about him and see what I can do for M *decided*』.

Those present were commenting on the situation, where Centorea and Rachnera also participated by adding what they knew. But in the end they all agreed on something, that these traffickers and bad people noticed this family when they saw that it was falling apart, they kidnapped the child and as M told it, he appeared in a place where he knew nothing, and in those 2 years he learned to defend himself...

『There is not only the trafficking of species for sexualisation, but there are also secret groups that kidnap species and humans for their own purposes, from a very young age they train them to be useful when battles occur or to be better prepared for more difficult and dangerous jobs』....

『That's right Lala-chan, those 3 Lizardman, I think they also come from that cave where they treat the lives of others as if they were anything for their well being...and worst of all is that as they grow up and years go by, those children both in the trafficking of sexualization and wars...they think it's a right life...*annoy*』

At that moment Smith, from what he was saying about it, from what he was trying to keep calm at all times, after making his way to the truth of what he had to face, could only end up clenching his hands so tightly that he even thundered at that very moment. Those present were left in silence by this, as it is a problem that although it is not taken much attention, it has always been and will always be present in this world, and since he arrived in his country, things became even more dangerous.

『Sorry Kurusu-chan, can you make me a coffee? I need to relax so I can continue ....*tired*』

Smith calmed down, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes because he was so tired. At this, the others who were present did not think they would encounter not only a traffic matter, but also that the boy had been involved in something as terrible as combat and dangerous work...

『He's just a poor kid...he's already giving me a lot of anger...if I find those guys, I don't care what happens to me, I want to give them a hard blow and make them understand that what they do is wrong!』

At that moment, Lamia Mia looked up to the first floor thinking about M, who, thinking that there are surely many cases like the boy's, would not bear it one of these days, what Mia wants most is that everyone lives happily as it should always be, that the people she cares about nothing bad happens to them, that nothing bad happens to Kurusu, nor to her, even to her friends who feel the same feeling towards Kurusu, that nothing happens to them...Now she is getting a feeling when she sees M and that....

『Throw some water on Mia, she's on fire 』

Lala at that moment spoke when she saw that Mia was spurting fire from her body, of course not literally, but that was what Mia was representing when she was upset about all of this. They quickly ended up pouring water on her, but not in the way they imagined, but Slime Suu ended up throwing herself on top of her and after calming down for a while, Mia ended up completely wet and slimy as well. I would stop by to see Suu to tell her....

『Less you're already controlling yourself Suu...』

『Shall I pass you a towel Mia-san? 』

『Thanks honey, but I'd better take a bath, right, it's better if little M takes a bath too, maybe that will make him feel better *smiles* 』

At this the Lamia went up to the first floor while she was thinking about helping M, but Kurusu asked himself a little question "Little M?.....". None of them understood, but Mia would also start to see M differently, as someone she should care for and protect from all the bad things that had happened and could be in the world from now on.

『He didn't tell us in much detail what his stay in that place was like for those two years, but it sure must have been hard, just look at him, besides the bruises and signs that he fought several times, the scars on his hands, that pessimistic attitude he has, and above all, he's too skinny, you can see his bones, he must not have eaten very well』.

Smith commented without further ado when he realised all that...Although I want to correct him on something, if it's true that I'm skinny and that you can see my bones, it's not for lack of food or protein, it's literally my body build *sigh* I hope that changes as I grow up, although something tells me that it won't...

『Then that explains her reaction to food even more, right Lala-san』

『Yes, it does 』

....What I tell them is that I do eat well...and the surprise was from the excitement of not seeing those foods for a long time that...ahh...that can also serve for what they think happened to me....

『And it's also a bit weird, when you asked him about his parents and sister's names, he answered them as if they were nothing』-『His father's name is Mori Makoto, his mother's name is Mori Nyoka, and his older sister is Mori Maya』.

『Mori? So M is called Mori M?』

Mero commented something important, and that would be M's relatives, who are the Mori Family, but Papi to this was confused, as then it would make sense wouldn't it? Of M being called Mori M, but quickly to this Rachnera gave the counter that it can't be like that.

『I doubt very much, M would be more like a nickname he gave himself or was given while he was being trained, his real name must be something else, and I don't think he's going to tell us』.

『I think it's better he doesn't say it Rachnera-chan, that would only cause more trouble for him and his relatives...that is if they're still alive...』

At this Smith took out of his briefcase some papers with information he was able to collect, and to Kurusu's surprise and having some experience in this by accompanying his friend, not to say that Smith gossips every chance he gets about his work. The amount of information gathered from M he had....

『Eh? so little? Normally when you investigate someone, you have a mountain of papers Smith-san...』

『I know, but this is all I could find out, which is nothing...last night I got M's fingerprint while he was sleeping, with that I had planned to find out about him, I spent all night and even early morning looking for something from him, a clue, something. ...but I didn't find anything...it was strange to me that there is no information about a person in the world, even if they try to hide him since his birth, it is impossible that there is no information...this is very strange...』

『Nothing???? Seriously????』

『If I play hide-and-seek with M, then he would always win...』

Centorea was surprised at this, while Papi reacted in the same way, the others were also confused at this, but even if they tried not to believe it, that was the truth, that there was nothing of M in the world. Not even his place of origin, his parents, any relatives, nothing... there was nothing of him, his home... his address... it really made Smith think what he said at the beginning, that M was not from this world...

『He told us the names of his family, but I still don't think I'll find anything on them, and at this point I'm between 2 options, either the kid is lying to us and hiding something very important, or it's really an extreme case of interspecies trafficking, if it's the second option, it must be a very special guy, the pillar of light I saw last night...I feel that's not his full strength...』

To this Smith really had doubts about M, from the beginning he was suspicious of M that he might be someone who is not, and this could be felt by M when he felt in danger, this further alerted Smith that his thinking is true, that the boy is not being completely truthful. 

『There is also a third option, though, and that is, that the boy really isn't from this world...』

When Smith said that, everyone really thought about it for a moment, I mean it's impossible for there not to be any information from M, especially from a large organisation like the one Smith works for...The atmosphere was getting tense, but in that...

『What are you saying Smith-san, those things don't happen, the one hallucinating now is you, that M is not from this world, you must be watching too many series, I don't want you to treat M's case as nonsense from your thinking Smith-san』

Kurusu commented seriously at that moment, he even left aside his characteristic circular look, he was really standing on the ground and it really bothered him that he treated M's case as an unthinkable hallucination. To this, Smith, seeing Kurusu serious, could only say...

『That's a joke Kurusu-chan, I didn't think you would take it seriously, I know very well that these cases are not a game, I do my best to put an end to this evil that grows even more, but seriously I made you upset, you looked very attractive, sorry *smiles*』.

Smith apologised as he always does, acknowledging his guilt and a transparent smile on his face. To this Kurusu would only call his attention not to do it again. But now with everything that happened and they have now, they know that they are facing a very important and special case, just remembering M's actions and his past...it's clear something....

『He's no ordinary kid, he's got a potential out of the ordinary, he's a unique Interspecies, even beyond what we know... We're rather lucky that he met us, we'll do our best to help him, what someone who had a hard time to become traumatised needs most is to live a peaceful life』-『It's obvious that he's hiding a lot of things from us, but forcing him to tell us is wrong, better when he's ready to tell us himself, I feel that making enemies with M-chan, would be the worst thing that could happen to us...』

Smith commented on all this in a decisive way, as everyone had drawn a quick conclusion, that M is a special Interspecies, that Pillar of Light and the strength it hides, goes far beyond what they saw, the species are strong and many retain great abilities from thousands of years before, not for nothing are they classed as monsters in this world. But the interspecies that is the result of 2 different species, would come to be special and unique cases, the power and abilities that come to have, really surpasses in many ways to the original species. 

They are really rare and it will be explained later on how the logic works in this world, but they really think that M, is a unique Interspecies, and if M thought he was going to have a quiet life, depending on what he does, maybe it can't be like that.

『Little M!!!! Let's go for a swim!!!!!! Eh???? You were talking to someone?』

Mia entered the room where M was staying, where she could find him not only seeming to be talking to someone, but also making some strange movements...this puzzled Mia somewhat, but more so M, who quickly didn't believe that someone would appear out of nowhere looking for him, in a pose somewhat....

『Are you making a final attack just in case?』

『Eh?...no...*red* I was just...well yeah, I was playing around a bit...*embarrassed*』

『What fun, I'm not going to make fun, Lala also does the same thing, she says weird things and poses in the same somewhat confusing way, I think you 2 can get along well *smiles*』

『Ahhh...yeah...(I've already been labeled as a weirdo...even though I am...)』

『Come on!!!!』

『¿¿?? Where to???? 』

『You probably haven't bathed for a while, so *smile* Let's bathe together』

『Bathe....WHATEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey hey hey hey!!!!!! Stop it!!!!!! I do wash it!!!!!!』 

From what I was quietly in my room having a conversation and playing, Mia appeared, who quickly took me by surprise, grabbed me by the hand and was quickly leading me to the bathroom to take a bath together...but seriously...I don't know if it's because of the logic of this world, it's not necessary that every now and then these scenes have to happen...I'm not ready!!!! Besides, I can already imagine, Rino is going to stop me from seeing something I want again!!! AHHH!!! There you are cursed!!!! Shuuu!! Shuuu!!!! Get away!!! Let me take the opportunity now!!!!

『ahaha no *smile*』 

『You're a son of a mama's boy!!!!!!!!!!!!』 

Looks like I'll get another chance to take advantage of the situation again....

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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