
46. Gwen 10. Part 1

Alternate Dimension - Gwen 10.

June 1, 2010.

I woke up abruptly and looked around. At that moment, I was lying on the bed, in grandfather's mobile home.

Looking at my hands, I noticed two things. First, my arms are smaller than they should be. It's like I'm 10 years old again. Second, there is nothing on my hands. The right one doesn't have the Omnitrix, the left one doesn't have Morgana's bracelet or my Tattoo of Luck.

I got out of bed and walked over to look in the mirror. In the mirror, I saw myself, but ten years old. And I was dressed in the clothes of the original Ben, consisting of a black and white T-shirt and green pants.

Never wore this.

Well, at least it has its own appearance. The body is also mine. Since, it is trained in the same way as it was in my 10 years.

First I decided to test my other abilities. Concentrating, I tried to pull the bottle of water with my telekinesis. But nothing happened. Supervision didn't work either.

Without despair, I tried to feel my Mana. And it worked.

Wuh. Thank God.

I thought I was completely powerless. Magic, by the way, hasn't changed at all. It is exactly as much as it was when I fell asleep yesterday. Both concentration and density also did not change.

To check, I even specially created several magical constructs in the form of different knives. Everything was the same as two days ago. They were just as sharp, dense, opaque and looked like real ones.

Straight from the heart. But the absence of Morgana upsets me wildly.

- Well, at least return Morgana. I can't do without her anymore. - I complained out loud.

And suddenly, a green portal appeared above my hand, from which my bracelet fell out.

- And the ring? It will be very useful to me too. - I said, and again from the portal that appeared, my spatial storage fell out, in the form of a ring.

- Thank you. - I said and put the bracelet on my right hand and the ring on my finger.

After checking the bracelet, I made sure that everything was in order with Morgana and I got full access to her again.

But there was nothing in the ring. Just empty space to store things.

- You won't return the sword, yes? - I asked into the void. After not receiving an answer within a minute, I realized that they would not return it.

- I hope my things will be returned to me when I get home. - I complained.

Well, nothing, the ring will help me a lot anyway.

If anyone does not understand what is happening, then I will explain.

At the moment, I am in an alternate dimension where history has taken a different path. Although more likely to go.

In the series, this episode was just for entertainment and was created by the authors to show what would happen if Gwen, not Ben, found the Omnitrix.

Of course, the authors could not do this with me, since this is the real world.

And judging by the way Morgana and the Ring were returned to me, I can easily understand who arranged all this.

Professor Paradox sent me here.

Professor Paradox is an incredibly powerful being that was once a human.

Due to one failed experiment, the Professor fell into the Event Horizon. It is a place where there is nothing, because nothing exists yet. Before the Big Bang. Before everything.

There he spent 100'000 years. During this time, he forgot his name, lost his mind, and gained enormous powers.

His ability is to control time and space. He can speed up and slow down time, travel through different realities and universes. Also, he is immortal.

Having gained his powers, he decided that he was bored, so he regained his sanity, called himself Professor Paradox and began to travel through realities.

Professor Paradox is Ben's ally, and therefore mine. When really needs help, he will always help and prompt the answer. Albeit in a different way.

He threw me into this reality, most likely to see how I would cope with this situation. He also took everything except magic.

It was lucky that he at least took pity on me and returned Morgana and my Inventory.

In fact, I'm not even angry or upset. Still, the Paradox is really almost omnipotent. These people always have their 'quirks'.

And, frankly, I want to see what happens if I get into this reality. Plus, there will be another chance to beat Vilgax. It's always nice.

Digging through my stuff, I found a clean black T-Shirt with a white print and navy blue shorts.

After changing into new clothes, I looked at myself in the mirror and was pleased with the result. That's better.

As I got off the bus, I saw a familiar gas station. As far as I remember, at the beginning of our journey, here we met some robbers. Well, yes. How could it be without them?

Just at that moment, an alarm sounded in the store and two masked men ran out of it. One was wearing a skull mask, the other was wearing a gorilla mask. In his hands one of them held a bag with the loot.

The one in the skull mask, when running away, caught Gwen's shoulder and she dropped her cocktail.

Gwen, by the way, was also 10 years old and she is dressed in clothes from the canon.

After making sure that no one was watching, I wasted no time, you never know what could happen, created two magic discs and threw them at the thieves.

The disks hit them right on the head. From the blow, they immediately lost consciousness and did not get up again. They will definitely have a concussion. Well, there was nothing to rob the poor seller. I hope they remember this lesson well.

While Gwen stared in shock at the knocked out robbers, I quickly returned to the RV.

I wasn't sure about this world. After all, despite the fact that I retained my appearance, I was dressed in Ben's clothes and I was again ten years old, not fifteen.

So, I decided, for the time being, not to shine with my magic and knowledge of the future. Also, I will not say that I am aware of grandfather's past.

After a couple of minutes, the robbers were taken away by the police, and Gwen and Grandpa returned to the bus. When Grandfather saw me, he smiled and asked:

- Ben, did you sleep well? And why did you change your clothes?

When I heard his words, I realized that I was right. They don't seem to see my true appearance. Okay, I'll have to be Ben, although I'm already Ben, after all, this is also my name, just a second name.

- I slept well, but I didn't have enough. Also had a nightmare. And I changed because I was sweating. I don't want to wear smelly clothes. - I quickly got my bearings and said.

- It's time for you to change clothes. - said Gwen, with a defiant smile.

Looks like Gwen here is the same as in canon. And she always fights with Ben. Good thing my Gwen isn't like that. At least with me.

Ignoring Gwen's words, the grandfather argued:

- Yes? And what happened?

- Some strange alien. He's tall, muscular, and has an octopus for a head. He called himself Vilgax. - I said.

Of course, I can't say anything, but it's easy to make hints.

Hearing Vilgax's name, Grandpa jerked the steering wheel and almost crashed into the car. Thank God he got it under control.

- Grandpa, be careful. - Gwen said.

- Sorry. So what did this alien tell you? - Max asked.

- He said he would come for us very soon. And that the Omnicrits, or something like that, would be his. - I said.

- Omnitrix. - Grandpa automatically corrected me.

- What? - I asked, making a fool of myself.

- Not. Not. Nothing. - Grandpa said quickly.

- Okay. I'll go to sleep then. Wake me up when we arrive. - I said and went to bed.

I need strength tonight.

Three hours later, Grandpa Max woke me up and said that we were there.

Finally waking up, I got off the bus and saw a familiar clearing. Already struck by nostalgia.

Although only a month has passed since the beginning of the journey, I have the feeling that more than one year has passed. Strange feeling.

Grandpa cooked his octopuses and we sat down to dinner. During dinner, I did not shine and quietly ate food. Gwen tried to hurt me with her comments, but I did not react.

Gwen and Grandpa noticed my behavior. Still, I sat quietly and calmly, which is not typical of the local Ben. So they decided that something happened. This is understandable without telepathy.

- Ben, is something wrong? - Grandpa asked.

- Are you angry with me for what I said? Don't be angry, I was just joking. You know I still love you. After all, you are my cousin. - Gwen said sympathetically.

- A? No. I'm not mad at you, Gwen. I just can't forget my dream about this Vilgax. I have never seen such dreams in my life. It was so real, it felt like it was not a dream, but a vision. Do not pay attention. - I said as I continued to acting.

Grandfather heard me, frowned and thought hard about something.

After dinner, I sat by the fire and roasted marshmallows. Half an hour later, Gwen felt like taking a walk and went into the woods.

Well, the first act begins.

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