
Chapter 009: The Little Girl Appeals to My Taste

Yvette Foster, holding Chloe Stephens, instantly gave a cold glare. She gently patted Chloe's head and said, "If the Stephens family plotted and sent these creatures, I will not spare them."

Yvette's ice-cold words left Chloe slightly surprised.

The memories of her time in the Stephens family were not very clear, especially regarding the distant past.

From Yvette's tone, it's clear that the Stephens family had done this kind of thing before.

Chloe knew that Yvette appeared weak, but she could be tough when needed.

Like protecting her daughter, unfortunately, she would never know that the original Chloe had already died.

After experiencing school violence, the fact that Chloe could walk home normally, and Yvette timely inviting the best doctor over, still couldn't save her life.

Everything on the surface appeared normal, but it didn't mean there was no danger.

Before Yvette prepared to send the girl to the city hospital, she had arrived.

"Chloe, let's go home first," Yvette let go of Chloe, turned around, and prepared to inform the busy Bianca Hunter.

Oliver Gordon approached, "Chloe, thank you for before."

While everyone else was in panic, only Chloe stepped forward. Even if Oliver didn't like her, he had to come over and express his gratitude.

Chloe glanced at him, her eyes calm as a still lake, "Someone else saved you, it has nothing to do with me."

"Chloe, is this your mother? She's so beautiful!" Mason Sullivan followed, realizing the close similarity between the stunning Yvette and Chloe for the first time.

"You must be Chloe's classmates, thank you for taking care of Chloe at school! Are you all okay?"

Mason's face turned awkward; Although he hadn't bullied Chloe, he was not fond of her previous actions either.

"Thank you, Auntie. We're fine."

"That's good to hear. Chloe was scared today and won't stay long. Some other day, Auntie will treat you to dinner!" Yvette made an effort to build a good relationship with Chloe's classmates, so they could take care of her daughter at school in the future.


"Team Hawthorne, what kind of creature caused these injuries? Is there something more dangerous than these monsters? It's terrifying!"

"Team Hawthorne, several of them were torn into pieces of mutated meat. It seems as if something exploded, due to some pressure. Were these accidents caused by immature technology?"

One of the team members squatted down to clean up the mutated meat at the scene and picked up a chip from the mutated dog's body.

Len Hawthorne stood where Chloe had been previously, staring at the mess on the scene.

Ethan Coates frowned and came over, "We must find out who's behind all this. If we don't catch the root cause, similar incidents will happen again in the future."

Only two people were injured today, but who knows what would happen later.

"How are the two students?"

"A specialized medical team has already taken over to treat the venom. It should be okay. We've also dealt with the parents to avoid making the situation even worse." Ethan was overwhelmed.

If he had known this incident would be so troublesome, he wouldn't have followed Len Hawthorne.

Len sighed, "The plan has changed. We will stay in the mountain county for a few more days."

Ethan stared at him suspiciously, "Young Master Hawthorne, are you staying for that young girl? It's strange. With your fate, you dare to get involved with a young girl? Do you have a grudge against her?"

Len Hawthorne gave an evil smile, staring at Ethan.

Ethan felt his scalp tingle.

"Who gave my business card to the young girl without permission?"

Ethan awkwardly smiled, "I just wanted to tease her."

"Playing with her life? You dare to play."


His deep dark eyes slightly narrowed, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile, "At first sight, I found the young girl very appealing."

"Young Master Hawthorne, pardon my boldness, but are you sure that at first sight, it wasn't the young girl staring at Little Len?"

Len gave a playful gaze.

A sudden chill crept into Ethan's body, and he hurriedly shifted attention to another person, "Hey, you! Let me see the chip."


Before the mother and daughter could step inside their home, they see Wilbert Foster in a hurry, retrieving the medical insurance card from the house.

"Elder brother, what happened?"

"Old man fell down in the village today, he's in the hospital, fighting for his life."

Yvette remembers that Fred indeed mentioned today that he wanted to go back to the village to thank the God of Ancestors."

She quickly said, "We'll go together."

After taking a few steps, she turned back to Chloe Stephens and said, "Chloe, you've just been shocked, rest at home. Mom will go to the hospital with your uncle."

Fred is kind to Chloe, so Chloe should also go see what happened to him."

"I'll go with you all."

"Are you sure?" Yvette worried if she would be able to take care of her daughter at the hospital, and leaving her alone at home made her anxious as well."

Without saying a word, Chloe walked ahead of them.



The old madam and others were waiting nervously outside the operating room.

It was only when Fred brought the money and medical insurance card to pay for the surgery that he joined them.

Seeing Yvette arriving late, Old Madam Gibson was resentful, "The old man has always treated you and your daughter best, and you're nowhere to be found when he's in trouble."

Yvette felt a touch of sadness, not wanting to have a dispute with her family. "What's the condition of Dad? Was he conscious or unconscious when he was brought in?"

"The villagers brought him in and then left. As soon as we received the call, he was brought into the operation room. Half of the surgery fee was paid by the village chief. Wilbert, we'll have to give it back to the village later," said Yvonne Sullivan.

Wilbert Foster nodded, "The old man's health hasn't been very good, and now he's had a fall. I don't know if he'll make it."

"He's to blame. There was no need to go back to the village and made wishes. I think Foster's Spirit Hall is a scam." Megan looked at Chloe and sneered, "For you, the old man doesn't even care for his own life. I really don't understand what he's hoping for."

Chloe stood there expressionless while looking up at the lit operating room.

Yvonne looked at Yvette, "Yvette, I'm sure you know many capable doctors in the Stephens family. If the old man's surgery doesn't go well this time, we should be prepared."

Old Madam Gibson reacted, "That's right, contact them quickly."

Yvette was planning not to have any contact with the Stephens family anymore, and it would be extremely complicated to mobilize manpower in the county town anyway. With her ability, she couldn't touch any of the Stephens family's power at all.

"Hurry up and talk already!" Old madam was infuriated.

"Mother, with my status in the Stephens family, I can't even access this level of power. What can I do for you now?"

"You've been in the Stephens family for more than ten years, and you're not even as useful as a doorman. You've wasted your youth over these years. If I knew that you couldn't help even after entering the Stephens family, you should have married Director Lowe in Sheffield City back then."

"Mother, Director Lowe was already in his forties back then. You agreed with my decision to join the Stephens family, and now you're saying these words. Have you ever thought that I am your own daughter?" Yvette frowned, suppressing the anger in her heart.

Megan Gibson yelled angrily, "So now you're blaming your mother, huh? At that time, you were determined to date someone from the Stephens family, and we couldn't stop you. There was no other choice for us but to agree."

Back then, they didn't even know that Yvette was dating someone from the Sheffield City Stephens family. In order to marry her daughter to a rich man, Megan had locked Yvette in a room and starved her for days.

Someone came out of the operating room, and Wilbert Foster hurried up, saying, "Doctor."

"Are you the family of the injured person?"

"Yes, I am his eldest son. Doctor, how is my father?" How did the surgery finish so fast?

The doctor pulled down his mask, expressionless, "He fell on his brain, and there is damage to his internal organs as well. We've done our best."


Wilbert Foster's mind went blank for a moment.

Megan Gibson's eyes rolled back and she almost fainted.

Yvette's body stiffened, her face turned pale, and she slumped to the ground, completely disheartened.

The hospital corridor suddenly became oppressive and filled with an air of death.

The doctor, however, had long since become numb to it all.

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