

Shi Lang appeared in front of the bus, he was holding a body in his hands like a rag doll. The students inside the bus were shocked, they did not expect him to bring back a person. Shi Lang walked ahead and said, "OB-One, contact the authorities, find out who is gutsy enough to supply this place with guns and ammunition." 

OB-One acknowledged the command and said, "Yes, sir." 

The thugs back in the street were using old guns, as in gunpowder-propelled bullets. This ammunition was not manufactured by the companies anymore as they lacked a bit too much in comparison to the phasers. However, the phasers were classified as a controlled weapon, meaning, they could never be handed to a civilian for whatever reason it may be, even the soldiers off-duty were not allowed to carry a phaser handgun until they are ranked above major or were a part of the special unit that dealt with terrorism. 

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