
Starting a New Life

"Come on, push Heather! you can do it."

"AHHHH... is it done? ha ha." Asked Heather.

"Yes Heather, its done." Said Matthew.

"Mrs Liezel, congratulations its a boy!." Said the doctor.

"Oh let me see him."

"Yes but do be careful Mrs Liezel."

"Oh how precious he looks. Matthew dear, what should his name be?"

"Why don't you pick a name Heather. You are the one who had to carry him around for 9 months."

"How about John?."

"Yes dear it sounds like a great name!."


8 hours before


'Huh? where am I? I thought that I was going to get reincarnated?'. As John looked around he did not see, hear or smell anything. He was in a state of panic. 'Huh! what's happening?'. John wondered as he felt something squeezing him.

"Push Mrs Liezel. Push."

That is what John hear as he felt himself moving. After about 8 hours he finally saw light for what felt like years.


6 months later


"Come on John, wake up its 8am." Said Heather as she walked into her room. As she entered her room she could see John laying in his cot looking like he just woke up. If you looked around the room you would notice the distinct lack of decorations. It just had a queen size bed and an ensuite attached to it.


John's POV


'The past 6 months have been torture. I have had to deal with not being able to move or speak and until just recently, see properly. I have had to act cute so that my parents don't suspect anything either. Though during the past 6 months I haven't done nothing. I have learned a lot about the world and its history through the story books and conversations my mum and dad have had.'

'This world is known as Warped Prime. Why its name is that, I don't know but it continues from that. The world I now live in used to be very luscious and everyone was happy until one event happened that changed everything.'

'You see, over 1000 years ago, there were evil organisations who decided to join together and capture legendary Pokémon. They successfully captured about 5 but before they could capture anymore, the other legendary Pokémon attacked them. The legendary Pokémon led an army to attack them and wiped out all the evil organisations.'

'After they did that they decided that if humans were left as they were, this would keep on happening. So they did what they had to and they wiped most of the humans out and only left some in major cities due to the power contained in the cities.'

'Each city has 1 black-gold stage Pokémon trainer in it and many more gold, silver, copper, bronze and iron trainers under them. Each stage has 3 stages inside of it. High, Medium and Low.

'As you get stronger the requirements get stricter and stricter for each stage. For you to be on bronze, you have to at least have your whole Pokémon team on bronze stage and one at least near the peak of it. But if you want to become a black-gold stage trainer, you need at least all your Pokémon at medium/black-gold stage.'

'The stronger your Pokémon the more power you can hold within yourself. As your Pokémon level up, they share their energy with you and you can become stronger yourself and also live for longer. I once overheard mum and dad saying that Pr. Oak made another breakthrough with technology. That means that he is over 1 thousand years old.'

'Now that that's over with time to wake up.'

After Heather got John out of bed she changed his nappy and then took him to the table to have something to drink while she eats. After she finished eating she then takes him to the lounge room to play with him for 3 hours and then put him back to sleep.

After he wakes up they have lunch and she cleans the house while he plays by himself. after she was done cleaning she puts him to bed again. He wakes up then they have dinner and play time then he sleeps.

This is the cycle that repeats itself for 6 years.


6 years later


'The last few years have been so much better. I trained myself to walk and speak during my play times and within the first 8 months I was able to walk and speak a few sentences. At the moment I am laying down to meditate. After I started to train I noticed two energies inside my navel and brain. After hours of meditation I was finally able to move them albeit slowly.'

'After 5 years of constant physical exercise and mediation I have a lean body with no body fat but had enough muscle density to be able to lift up 20 kg's with one hand. Though I did not train with actual weights, as I did not want to affect my development, I am still happy with my results.'

'You might be wondering 'What about my cheats?' well I got a surprise for you. Though they took 4 years to learn how to handle them I am able to say that I have mastered the use of them. I am able to see anyone's status as long as they are not 1 level above me. I can go inside my space without getting sick and it has also expanded from my constant training from 500m² to 700m². As for what I have growing in it, I have been wondering around and putting plants that seem useful into it.'

'Time to show you what I have been doing in my space'

Hello everyone. I hope you are having a good day/night. I also hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have any suggestions on what pokemon John should have and even how the story should progress please leave them in the coments. Also if you find any grammer errors please leave them in the comments and I will fix them at a latter date.

Jonatan1165creators' thoughts
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