
Chapter 8

Bucky's POV

I was pacing in front of a white room, Steve watched me with concerned and the rest of the Avengers just relaxed into their chairs.

'Bucky, calm down.'

'HOW CAN I CALM DOWN!?' I yell at Steve, a couple of people that were walking by looked at us weirdly before they kept walking.

'If you don't stop pacing, Robocop, you'll make a track in front of the door.' I stroll over to Stark and grab him by the neck with my metal hand.

'If you make one more joke Stark, I will kill you, exactly the same way your parents died.' I snarl with venom in my voice.

'Barnes, let Stark go.' Fury commanded, I growl and drop Stark who was gasping for air. Surprisingly, he shut up.

A doctor came out of Naomi's room and I rush over to her.

'Is Naomi alright? What happened?'

'Everything's alright,' the doctor replies calmly, I sigh with relief. 'She just had a heart attack, but…'

'But?' I say with concern, this is going to be bad.

'Well, there was a 90% chance she would've died.'

'Okay, thanks doc. May we go in and see her?' She nods and leaves, we all enter and see Naomi with a smile on her face. I sit in the chair closest to her bed, she grabs my metal hand and holds it gently.

'Hey Naomi.' I say gently, she gives my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

'How are you feeling Miss Blackman?' Fury asks, she chuckles lightly.

'Oh, I'm fine, how are you guys?'

'Well, lets see. Scared to death, shocked, relieved, the list is endless.' Barton ticks off, Naomi looks at me.

'Do you have any news on Emberly?' I shake my head slowly, her grip on my hand gets tighter. 'You need to find her and get her back to normal.'

'That may be a bit difficult to do.' A new voice says, we all look to the door. It was Emberly!


We all pointed our weapons at her and her hands retreat to above her head. She was wearing a black hoodie, a black turtle neck that wasn't made of wool, blue jeans, white sneakers and black gloves on both of her hands.

'Chill! Chill! I'm not here to kill her.'

'And how do you propose we trust you?' Fury snaps, his gun was pointed at Ember's heart.

'Do a ch-'

'Wait—why aren't you speaking Russian?' I question.

'Because the other side knows Russian (soon to learn English) and they always carry tools and weapons.'

'Guys,' Naomi croaks. 'Trust her.' We all lower our weapons and allow her to enter.

'Can we be alone?' Naomi asks.

'Only if one of us stays in here.' Fury says stubbornly.

'I'll stay.' I volunteer, everybody leaves except Emberly and I.


Emberly Atlas POV

I'm sitting in a chair next to my 90-year-old best friend who's in a hospital bed, Naomi pulls my right glove off and holds my metal hand. The man across the other side of the bed from me leans back in his chair and lets go of Naomi's hand, I wrap my hands around Naomi's left hand.

'Can we have a selfie?' I nod and we take a photo with my phone.

'Naomi, I am so sorry.' I whisper, her kind amber eyes look into my eyes. 'I shouldn't have run into the forest, I should've gone back to your house and check if you were okay, I-'

'Em, it's okay.'

'It's not okay! You nearly died from a heart attack! You're lucky the man helped you.'

'His name is Bucky, and he's like you. Strict on the outside, soft on the inside. Em, how'd you find me?'

'I was watching the news and it said that you had a heart attack.' Naomi unwraps her hands from mine and begins stroking the lines on my metal hand, which honestly, it was calming me down.

'Naomi . . . why'd you spend your whole life looking for me?' I mutter.

'Because you're my best friend, I would do anything for you.'

'But you should've forgotten about me! You should've lived a life!' I exclaim.

'But hey, I completed my life goal. Seeing you again.' My eyes were stinging with tears, she stopped stroking my right hand and but her left hand to my cheek. 'I'll always be with you forever.'

I look at the heart rate monitor, I begin to panic.

'I can't lose you! Not again!' She wipes a tear that leaked from my eye, I know what she's going to say.

'I'm with you until the end of the line.' Our saying!

'No, no, no…' she begins closing her eyes.

'I'm with you until the end of the line, Ember.'



I catch her hand; I hold it tightly as I'm crying silently. I could feel Bucky's eyes watching me, I squeeze Naomi's hand gently before standing up, the monitor hit a long beep. I put my hood on and exit the room as the doctors' storm in, I stroll through the hospital until I reach outside.

'Are you okay?' I stop walking, a tear slid down my cheek, my hands became fists.

'No.' I say. 'I just lost the only person in the world who cared about me, the only person who actually trusted me!' I roar, I hear something flip open, I knew exactly what it was.

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