
Chapter 250 - Was peace even an option with them? (part 2)

"...by the way... why didn't you bother to get rid of my copy before coming for me...?"

"...what do you...?"

Zoemi breathed out and asked curiously expecting what appeared to be an oversight on the armored girl's side to be a part of some strategy – but judging by her cautious voice brimming with nervous realization, that was not the case...


The armored girl finished her sentence with a panic slipping into her voice as someone suddenly grappled her from behind, lifting her up as if she weighed nothing.

*clang* *screee*

The girl tried to break free – unsuccessfully – in a desperate attempt she swung her hands and ended up hitting the black-haired boy's jaw with the blade, even dragging it alongside his exposed teeth.


For a moment, the armored girl froze in fear, actually expecting to have wounded the attendant – only to be greeted by the sight of the tip of her sword being shredded off because of the contact...

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