
Chapter 210 - Dark sect (part 12)

"Although rooted in the sacrifice of life, the way of cultivation that the original dark sects have would be far more alluring for the average marital artist than the commonly used methods – and that is something that the people in charge of the Heavenly Star nation cannot allow themselves to happen. Our ways are far too efficient – the powerful martial artist that would be unable to be controlled would show up far too often for their liking. Sect leader here is one of the examples of that."

Rhodes took a deep breath and continued, moving his hand and presenting the slightly uneasy Chloe.

"...what I get from that is that the Heavenly Archer sect and the Star Pagoda would not refrain from doing some really messed up things to get rid of the sects like yours..."

Zoemi furrowed his brows, turning his head to the side as if he was listening to something.

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