
Chapter 116: President's family

For Seiya's next task, he was walking on the street to meet the person tasked by Aisu. Seiya was excited to meet this person since he was a man from the anime Seiya used to watch.

However, there was just one problem.

"Just when will that woman learn to write a damn address properly…? Sh*t, I should have taken my bike with me."

Seiya frowned as the location's address was so gibberish that even his top-level intelligence failed to understand the words written. He could only understand the name of the flat and its number.

After searching on laid-back Goggle of this world, Seiya found several locations with the name of that flat name, but even the closest one was far.

Although he could get there with the help of Flash Steps, he wasn't in the mood to use them for his daily life, but it's not like there was a choice since it would be late when he reached the spot.

He was about to leave when he found a blond-haired youth searching for something in the bushes near the park.

'What a Deja Vu? But lucky me.'

Seiya smirked as he found just the right person.

"Oh hey Seiya, what are you doing at this hour?" Miyuki Shirogane also noticed Seiya's presence and asked with a smile even though Miyuki was drenched in sweat.

(AN: Previously, Miyuki addressed Seiya with an honorific, but I decided to remove it since it felt awkward.)

"I think you should consider your health first. Man, you are drenched in sweat."

Miyuki laughed a little before finally giving up on his depression. "I… lost a 1000 yen bill."

Miyuki then explained that he was going to the general market to buy some groceries for dinner when his wallet slipped from his pocket. Although he recovered the wallet, the bill wasn't in it.

Seeing Miyuki's problem, Seiya decided to help with the search since it would get late. Miyuki was reluctant to trouble Seiya, but as an intelligent man, he would instead search for the lost money than try to refuse Seiya's offer of help.

As Seiya searched, he took out a 1000 yen bill from his Inventory. He didn't know how long it would take to find a piece of paper, but Seiya didn't want to waste any time.

"Hey, Miyuki. I found the bill."

"Oh, thanks, Seiya. You are a big help."

Seiya smiled and generously gave the bill to Miyuki, glad that Miyuki accepted the bill that Seiya had passed from his pocket.

"By the way, where are you going? Sorry, I took a lot of your time." Miyuki asked, followed by an apology.

"Nah, it was nothing. But if you want to help, can you tell me where 1433 Street, Flat Chunni, is located? You might know this person that I want to meet. He is called Koyasu Shirogane" Seiya smirked.

(AN: Papa Shirogane is never referred by his first time, so I have forged his name. Koyasu is also the name of his voice actor.)

"Really? He is my father, but why do you want to meet him?"

"I will tell you later since you need to get groceries fast. It is getting late."

"Oh, right! Wait, here I will be back." Miyuki said and ran to the grocery store near him.

Seiya exhaled a smile and shook his head. Miyuki Shirogane was as kind as in the anime, but the only exception was that he wasn't student council president as in the anime. He didn't know who his school's president was or if there was even one.

Soon Miyuki came back, carrying a bag of groceries.

"Here, take this 500 yen bill. I will pay you rest when I get back home." Miyuki said, handing Seiya the money.

Seiya smiled and accepted the money. He had to admit that Miyuki was quite sharp.

Miyuki then asked Seiya to come along on his bike since the location was a little far away. Seiya was reluctant to sit behind a dude, but he agreed since he didn't want to refuse Miyuki's goodwill.

'This is going in the wrong direction.' Seiya shook his head as he saw Miyuki's back while sitting on the backbench of the bicycle.

Did he just steal Kaguya's spotlight?

Soon the pair arrived at the two-story building. It was a series of cheap apartments where only single or poor people lived.

It was Seiya's first time visiting these kinds of apartments since he had never been poor, and neither did the people he had met. But of course, he didn't comment on it since he didn't want to make Miyuki look down.

As Miyuki knocked on the door, it flung open, and a girl came into their sight.

"Onii-chan, you…" The girl spoke but froze when her eyes fell on another person beside Miyuki.

She was a cute petite girl with waist-length white hair and blue eyes, just like Miyuki. However, what stole Seiya's breath away was her clothing. She only had a towel around her body.

Seiya coughed, waking the girl from her stupor, and averted his eyes.


She ran off.

"Haha… she is my sister Kei Shirogane. Sorry for her behavior…."

"It's okay. I don't mind." Seiya smiled.

Seiya wanted to meet Kei adequately since he liked that character from the anime, but after seeing her in a towel, Seiya didn't think he could have a proper conversation with the cute girl. Though it was a tempting view, Seiya wasn't interested in undeveloped little girls. If the person were a woman like Kirisu sensei or Mamako, Seiya would have saved it in his memory.

After hearing noises like a disaster struck in Shirogane residence and waiting for a few minutes, the door again opened, revealing the same girl, but this time, she was wearing a white frock and a frilly hairband with a pearly hair accessory.

Miyuki smiled before introducing the friend he had brought for the first time.

"Please come inside." Kei was beet red, but she smiled and greeted Seiya to come inside her home.

It was a small apartment with two-room. The living room was attached to the kitchen and bathroom, while the other room was their private room shared between the siblings.

"P-please have some water…." Kei came with a glass of water, shaking nervously.

Seiya only smiled. He didn't know what to say. He had seen many situations, like accidentally catching a girl naked in anime but witnessing in real life was not in Seiya's capacity to handle.

First, she was Seiya's friend Miyuki's little sister, and relatively young for a playboy like Seiya to handle. What's more, he was meeting her for the first time, so striking a warm and easy-going conversation would be hard.

"Oh, right. Kei, he is Seiya Kanie, a friend from school. He is here to meet father." Miyuki said while unpacking groceries.

"Ah, I am Kei Shirogane. I am sorry for shutting the door so abruptly earlier….!" Kei apologized with reddish cheeks, embarrassed in front of such a hot boy. And come to think of it, the person named Seiya resembled an internet celebrity famous for his brilliant voice.

"Super hand- I mean, I am Seiya Kanie, like your brother said. My bad for coming late too. Let's not pry much about that incident." Seiya smiled.

Kei smiled and nodded, sighing inwardly in relief that Seiya was a gentleman. He also averted his gaze when he first saw Kei in a towel while her trash of a brother kept staring at her. However, there was one thing that had been bothering her.

"By the way… I apologize for prying but are you AyiesONE by any chance?" Kei mustered up her courage and asked.

"Yes, I am. Guess my disguise has been uncovered." Seiya smiled. Although he was a little sensitive about his identity as an internet idol, he didn't mind that his friends knew him for such.

Kei froze in her position before slowly standing up and walking toward her brother.

"See, I told you that AyiesONE studies in my school and I know him. I mean, his name is just written backward. So you can share your fantasies- aaa wait!" Before Miyuki could complete his point, Kei dragged him to another room.

Seiya smiled, he didn't know what was going on, but drama would entertain him.

"You asshole onii-chan, why didn't you say that he is coming to our house…?!" Kei glared at Miyuki.

"How should I suppose to know? It was our old man who invited him here. I just happened to find him on my way." Miyuki answered.

"Tch. No wonder he was asking to clean the house. Hotpot wasn't the only reason." Kei clicked her tongue, cursing her father for not telling them about the arrival of a guest.

Today their father asked them to clean the house since they were having hotpot. Kei and Miyuki didn't understand at first but thank god, they obliged and cleaned the house, or Seiya had to see more of their embarrassing state.

Seiya was Kei's idol. The moment she first saw the handsome guy and heard his voice, Kei knew she was talking with her idol before confirming verbally.

If she had known that Seiya Kanie was coming, she would have cleaned the apartment like the dust never existed in this world and put some makeup on her face.

"What are you so worried about? It's not like he is interested in a 14 years old brat. He already has a girlfriend- no, I think they are two now." Miyuki smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Unknown to Seiya, his movements were like a trend in school, and as his rival in studies, Miyuki naturally knew how many girlfriends Seiya had since Isuzu Sento was in his class.

Kei went silent before she lifted her deathly glare toward her brother. "What did you say?"


As Seiya was waiting for the siblings, he heard a moan. He was worried if the siblings were okay when Miyuki came out of the room while rubbing his belly.

"You good, dude?" Seiya raised his brow and guessed what the blonde-haired boy had just gone through.

"Y-yeah…" Miyuki showed a fake smile while rubbing his belly.

After another minute, Kei also returned, and just as she was about to speak, the door swung open, and a middle-aged man entered.

He had short hair that was parted down the middle section. The most notable part was his eyes, which had a fierce expression similar to what Miyuki Shirogane had.

"Oh, the guest is here." The man said as he entered and hung his coat.

Seiya widened his eyes, freezing in his position, when he heard the man's voice.

"You must be Seiya Kanie-kun, right? I am…"

"Lord Dio…"

Seiya did not doubt that the blonde-haired man was THE legendary vampire!


I am making a new novel called 'The Entomancer System.'

I loved the Oberon design so I decided to make a novel. It has MHA and Overlord spice. Please give it a look.

For latest chapter and polls for upcoming characters, visit:

https://www.pat reon.com/J_Titan

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