
Chapter 83: Silent Angel

"Death is simply a long line till death and you never knew when you are next in line."


A young deaf girl was silently sitting in the hospital waiting area with bandages wrapped around her ears. Because of bullying, she lost her hearing aids as well as her ears were also damaged, which resulted in her becoming clinically deaf.

Her mother was talking with the receptionist if they could provide the hearing aids at a discounted price since those cost millions of yen.

However, the innocent girl could only see the troubled expression on her mother's face without knowing the reason.

It was then a boy with brown hair approached her and gave her a box. It was brand new hearing aids.

The boy didn't talk as if he was already aware of her problem so he just left it with a note.

[I won this at a charity competition so I don't need it. Accept these hearing aids or just throw them away if you don't want.]

The girl was confused but as soon as she raised her head to thank the boy, he was no longer there. With a soft smile, she accepted the gift given to her by a kind person.


Seiya, Shiro, and Kise were walking along the street while chatting.

"Man, you have already moved out?!" Kise asked with a light of appreciation in his eyes.

Seiya just revealed the news for him moving out to them. Both of them were surprised as well as happy for their friend.

Seiya smirked and nodded. How can he not brag about his new house when he is a narcissist?

"Well, it is good for you." Shiro smiled and congratulated Seiya.

He knew that Seiya's family was rich but not to that extent. Since Seiya inherited the property from his mother, Shiro didn't pry to ask further and also stopped Kise to ask the same. Shiro knew that Seiya had a complicated relationship with his mother so it wouldn't be wise to talk about his past.

Seiya tried to invite both for dinner but both declined. Kise had an important warm-up match with another school while Shiro also used the same reason for being busy. Well, the real reason was Seiya's girlfriend who would surely be living with him so they didn't want to face that goddess of mischief.

"So is it Seirin High?" Seiya asked.

"Yeah, I went there yesterday. They have some good talents. In addition to Kurokocchi, they have a red-haired boy named, Taiga Kagami." Kise said.

So the plot was following.

"Hmm, don't underestimate him. Make sure to play like you are playing against one of generation of miracles."

"That guy has that kind of potential?"

No, it is called plot armor.

"Yes, that guy has the same if not, more potential than your friend Aomine. That guy learns fast when he faces strong competitors so make sure to play stow at the start and then strike hard at the end."

"Got it, Aniki." Kise nodded.

Seiya was now part of the basketball club but he only visits just to give pointers to them. His skills were already on par with international players so he doesn't need to practice with them.

"Hmm, I think you should also learn some kind of secret sign language to communicate in the match," Seiya said.

"Ah, I didn't think about it. It is a great idea!" Kise rubbed his chin and nodded.

"You know sign language?" Shiro asked Kise.

"Yeah, look,"

Kise then clapped his hands, showed two fingers, then an okay sign, and raised his hand to look somewhere.

"Your underwear is showing." Seiya smiled as he was able to decipher the legendary hand signs.


Kise and Seiya then shared some bonding handshakes.

"Why did I even ask…?" Shiro sighed and then bid farewell as he had to take a different route to pick up his sister.

Kise also left when his house arrived.

Now that Seiya was alone, he thought about leaving too but then he saw the book that he borrowed from the library.

It was a romance novel that he has read half so he was thinking about completing it before leaving for his home.

He wanted to find somewhere calm so he walked a little more and arrived at a calm pound. It was a quiet neighborhood divided by a small lake and connected with a bridge.

Then a gust of wind stroked his face as his eyes fell on a girl standing on the bridge.

She had a petite build with chest-length, dusty pinkish-brown wavy hair that has bangs reaching the bridge of her nose and brown eyes. She was also wearing a school uniform.

Seiya widened his eyes as he realized the identity of this girl. She had so simple look yet so pure that just a single glance could heal anyone's heart.

He smiled and walked towards her.

He walked behind her and flicked his hair, "Oh hello, my lady~."


Let alone speaking with him, she didn't even glance at him and continued to feed the fishes on the pound.

Seiya then coughed and silently tapped the girl's shoulder.

"Yeep!' The girl snapped with a soft yelped

Even her small cry was cute. ≧◡≦

"Ah, ha, I am sorry, my lady. I was just passing by and saw you feeding fishes….!" Seiya tried to speak but the girl tilted her head with confusion.

Seiya didn't have any topic as to why he approached her and on other hand, the girl started to panic and started to take out her notebook.

[I am sorry but I can't hear or speak.] She wrote with a troubled face.

It was then Seiya smiled and made a couple of hand signs.

{No need to apologize. I was just curious about you.}

The girl widened her eyes and then she also made some hand signs.

{Do you know hand sign language?}


"Aw…" The girl produced a soft cry and beamed a smile.

'Too strong, too strong!!' The smile was bright enough that could wash his sins away.

It was then awkward silence took place between them.

Seiya always prepared reasons to start a conversation with others or his pride won't allow him to speak on his own.

It was then girl snapped and wrote something on her notepad and showed it to Seiya.

"Meeen naaam!" The girl squealed.

"Your name?" Seiya asked and read her name.

[Nishimiya Shōko.]

That's right guys, the person standing in front of Seiya was the most wholesome and adorable angel in the whole anime verse, Shoko Nishimiya. She was the main heroine of the billion, no, trillion-dollar movie, Silent Voice.

He didn't pay much attention when he encountered Miyako but after seeing Shoko, Seiya now confirmed that characters from Silent Voice also exist here.

Silent Voice was his favorite movie in his previous life. He had seen this movie like 10 times and all 10 times, he cried like a baby.

Seiya was so shocked that he wanted to jump with joy when he saw this angelic girl. He thought he remembered her from somewhere but he didn't know where.

She then raised her notebook with rosy cheeks for Seiya to write his name.

Seiya smiled and thought about how to write his name.

Seiya, the most badass and definition of perfection, the prince of beauty and reincarnation of Romaaa, Kanie!!


[Seiya Kanie. You can call me Seiya.] He wrote.

Shoko took a deep breath and nodded with a smile, "Um~."

"Ugh!" Again, her smile pierced his heart.

Again, awkward silence.

{Then I will get going.} Seiya smiled and was about to walk away when he heard Shoko squeal again.


Seiya turned around and saw Shoko with rosy cheeks.

{Can I be your friend?}

Seiya smiled and nodded.

{Of course.}

{I come here every Tuesday.}

{Then we will meet again.}

Shoko nodded. She then blushed and run away from there. Later she would be rolling on her bed with a beat red face from the excitement and happiness that she felt today but it would be a later part of the story.

Seiya smiled and shook his head.

"Truly, she is a silent angel. Well… not today I guess."

She talked a lot with him.


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