
October 10

"What happened Cameron?" I asked again more concerned, I had never seen him this clingy and quiet before. Since he departed from the hug he only sat down whit his head leaned on his hands.

He took a deep breath and finally lifted his head and his gaze met mine for some fractions of seconds in which I caught a glimpse of how wrecked he was.

I could perceive the pain through his gaze, from the way he moved, slowly and frenetic at the same time.

"I couldn't sleep." He said finally when the silence was too loud to ache in the bottom of my soul.

"Can you sleep with me?" He asked, his voice penetrating internally in my bones. 

I nodded and he gave me some clothes to wear to go to sleep.

We lay on the bed, facing opposite directions afar from each other. Yet I never felt him closer than he was at that moment.

Because he decided to share his pain with me, whatever the pain was or whatever was the reason that caused it.

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