
Airin Senju

It's been few weeks since Konoha invasion happen plus someone steal the most important and forbidden thing from Konoha The scroll of seals.

Itsuki had written down almost every Jutsu from Scroll of seals. Itsuki is planning to put his written copy back to Hokage office and keep the original one for him.

As mantion Tobirama was genius at making ninjutsu the scroll of seals contain extremely powerful ninjutsu that can't master by normal person even Hashirama or Naruto can't perform that Jutsu and Itsuki was sure if someone master that Jutsu even he will have headache.

That's why he want to return Only that Jutsu which will never harmful to him , yes he don't fear any reincarnation Jutsu becuse he is pretty sure he can fight them without problem and if it will getting worse than he can just teleport or escape somewhere beyond their reach .

It's been few weeks since ancident and judging from the behaviour of Ryujin , Akira he was certain that they have told someone about his secret although they need no longer him but he want someone who can do all side work and maybe help him in future.

Itsuki had no faith in someone because he knows their are many people who knew his secret.

who knows maybe konoha high level also know.


Today is Itsuki's appointment in Hospital as usual Sakura will do some test on his blood she will give him some medicine and nothing more.

When Itsuki arrive at Shakira's office he saw someone is already Inside.

Itsuki don't thought much and knock door.

Sakura " yes , come in ."

Itsuki open the door and saw a 14-15 year old girl already sitting there.

She was wearing white and pink combination Kunoichi dress . her hair was slightly black and brown . she looked at Itsuki with her brown eyes.

She had Perfect white face. Her Golder ratio should be perfect 100% without dought. Itsuki can feel something was different about her body then Anyone he know . her body can be used as a perfect vassle ..yes , her Body can be perfect vassle for any Otutsuki even batter than Boruto or Kawaki ... Itsuki don't know but he felt even someone will give her Karma mark she will servive. plus curves of her body it's like Itsuki fall in love at first sight.

Itsuki look at her she was wearing Konoha headband it means she was from Village , but why Itsuki don't know about her. because she was hottest girl ever Itsuki had seen . why he don't see her earlier back then he was in academy...

All matter aside Itsuki look at Sakura at confusion .

Sakura seems to understand and she said " Itsuki she is Airin Senju Relative of Tsunade sama and Airin he is Itsuki .."

Itsuki " Just Itsuki nothing more Senju sama "

Itsuki thought no wonder she looks different from other she was mamber of Senju...wait does that mean Tsunade was not last mamber of Senju caln...

Airin said nothing she just nodded and get up .she was little smaller than 170 cm tall Itsuki , maybe she was 167-168 tall ...wait why was Itsuki suddenly thinking about all this stuff.

Airin leave the office. Sakura and Itsuki now alone in office.

Itsuki " I thought Tsunade sama was last mamber of Senju clan I never thought this possibility that there might be other Clan Mambers "

Sakura smile sadly " Airins mother and Tsunade sama were cousin and she was married a civilian you probably don't know but , unknown Ground attack on her village causing death of her father she somehow managed to escape from village . later Tsunade sama some how found her and brought her in village 3 year's ago "

Itsuki " what about her mother "

Sakura " Her mother had same deaseas as you she died long ago her Father raising her alone . When she arrives in konoha and become Konoha nin but what can say fate is cruel. One year ago we discover that she also has same blood deaseas as her mother and you "

Itsuki was counfused " so where was she during the year ?"

Sakura " she was with Tsunade sama during the time . Tsunade sama also finding the cure of both of your deaseas "

Itsuki " I see ! how much time she have ?"

Sakura " just like you she also has four to five years then...."

Itsuki " I understand ! how old is she now ? "

Sakura " she is 15 ..."

Itsuki smrink " I see ..."

Sakura done Itsuki's check up .

Itsuki get up and said " one Last question .. do you know her adress..."

Sakura " why you ask ?"

Itsuki " just curious .. where she lives can you tell me ?"

Sakura " ....why suddenly you ask for her adress"

Itsuki " you will know later .... by the way don't you want to Sarada happy..?"

Sakura " why do you mean?"

Itsuki " you know Sarada has...and one day I will die without anyone's notice that day i don't want to be anyone sad....maybe she will even more sad and become like Tsunade sama ....so you understand right.... Airin and I both don't have much time to live and we Both can understand each other's pain...."

Sakura " you mean you are gonna... so what with Sarada ?"

Itsuki " it's just attraction not anything else... Just like you attract someone but it's not love or anything just pure attraction....That happen both of us Sarada and me we both attract to each other later I understand that's not love or anything...you understand what I mean..."

Sakura nodded and give address to Itsuki .

Itsuki leave Sarada in daze.

Sakura mummered " ..... I think that is also good for Sarada ...."


Itsuki Left Hospital with smile on his face .

Itsuki " the first thing is complete I found the comrade Airin Senju ... you will never able to escape from me.... finally I found someone who will help me and follow me without any question just I have to get the permission from Hokage and everything will be under my control.."


Itsuki arrive at Hokage office .

ninja who was outside Hoakge office said wait for some time someone is already Inside.

When some time Later Hokage office door open Airin was the person who was meeting Hokage.

Itsuki smile at her. Airin saw Itsuki smiling she ignore Itsuki like dust in corner.

Itsuki " yeah that the attitude.."

Itsuki enter Hokage office and greet Naruto.

Naruto " what brings you here Itsuki?"

Itsuki " Hokage sama I am here to request something..

Naruto " what is it? if I can help you I will."

Itsuki smile " Hokage sama I want to ask about Aurin .."

Naruto " Ohh ! that poor girl.."

Itsuki " I want to know about her team . which is her team..."

Naruto " you see because of special circumstances she was not any team begin with and I am thinking put her in team 7..."

Itsuki " that's what I want to ask you Hokage sama

could you please put her with me ..."

Naruto "????"....."

Itsuki " you see Hokage sama I want to leave team-1 "

Naruto " why?"

Itsuki " because I don't want drag them down ..they are already Chunnin and because of my illness I will drag them down in future "

Itsuki kneel in front of Naruto " please hokage sama it's my request "

Naruto was stunned because no one had requested something like this him before.

Naruto laugh in silent .. sure this kid is good he is sensible and understand what's good for other from the beginning he never ask for anything or complaint about anything no matter what happen to him or how hard day is but...

Naruto " I understand but Airin why you want her with you.."

Itsuki smile loos like his plan is going in right direction " because she and I are same be Both lost perents we don't have anything and we have same blood deaseas that will kill us in some years..... only I can understand her pain she maybe she will understand me."

Itsuki took deep breath " Hokage sama I don't have family and never I thought I will have one .. because of my illness ... But Airin is different .."

Naruto " ohh ! so that's what is ....I will try to put you in same team but..."

Itsuki " Thanks Hokage sama I don't need third mamber and jonin Sensei plus I will take full responsibility of Airin if something will happen to her I will give answers..."

Naruto " okay ! you may leave I will see something regarding her and notify you in two day.."

Itsuki nodded and left offices.

Naruto summon Anbu Ninja. He kneel front of Naruto.

Naruto " take the scroll and send to Tsunade sama and tell her I have found someone ..he will take good care of Airin she don't need to worry "

Naruto give scroll to Ninja.

Naruto had passed information regarding Itsuki to Tsunade , of course it contains only good things about Itsuki.

Why because no one know real motive of Itsuki and no one gonna tell Naruto about it....


Two days later Akira and Ryujin transfer special team of Anbu . that means until they Naruto don't retire them or they don't want to retire they will be Anbu Mambers.

Naruto put Airin and Itsuki in same team.

as usual Airin just look at Itsuki and said nothing.

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