
Team -1

Itsuki has his own goals and Ryujin, Akira has their own plans for Itsuki. But time being they just need to follow each other for their plans.

Trio was their own thoughts when they heard someone is doing argument. when the direction of voice Boruto and some kid from Kumogakure are arguing about some method.

Itsuki " they are just idiot who are thinking they are batter."

Akira" yes , they look pretty weak especially team -7"

Itsuki " it's not like they are weak on of them is stronger than both of you "

Ryujin " are you talking Sarada ?"

Itsuki " no it's not Sarada but Mitsuki "

Akira " that wierd kid who is always with Boruto"

Itsuki " infact not both of you but many of the Jonin don't come closer to him in terms of steanth"

Ryujin's eyes lit up " is he stronger than you...????"

Itsuki " although he is strongest from Anyone in exam but he is far weaker than me if I seriously fight with anybody he will die even don't get time to blink his eyes. in konoha expect one person no one is match for me "

Akira nodded he guessed that person might be Hokage him self because they knew Itsuki's strength reach beyond anyone.

Akira " so why are you saying he is stronger than anyone in Chunnin exam "

Itsuki" because he is related to Orichimaru .. he is son of famous traitor Orichimaru...."

Akira and Ryujin nodded now their is no dought that Mitsuki is strange and had more strength after all he is releted to sannin.

Boruto and Kumo kid still arguing but middle of them someone come and stop them.

He was son of Kazekage shinki Just like gara he can also use Megnet release . Unlike gara he has perfect control of it . that's why he made coat out of it and wear it all the time.

Itsuki don't sit anymore and it almost time left the the resturant.

Akira " Itsuki it seems like you are current they is second exam place 20 km away from Vanue A"

Itsuki " thought so .. You both knew what to do situation like this "

Akira and Ryujin nodded their heads.


Everyone who are going to give Chunnin exam gather at Vanue A .

Some of them are nervous , Some of them exited , some are sceared about exam.

Almost everyone had information about every teams. expect for team -1 of Konoha. They don't have any teacher who can provide them this kind of information.

Everyone is judging other team as for Itsuki's team -1 no one is paying attention to them . Their team had not done any notable mission expect for last one . But in the mission they do nothing in the last their mission become B- rank mission.

On the stage two person arrive . Shikamaru Nara and Sai Anbu commander of Konoha.

seeing them Everyone gather in lines .

Sai " so everyone is here " he looked that everyone is ready .

Sai " so let me explain the first outline of exam .....it's a true or false quiz "

Everyone started talking about what true of false . why there is such thing in Chunnin exam.

Sai " you have to go Vanue B 20 km away from here " and he started stopwatch and counties " there are many traps in the way if you don't able to make in the time you will be disqualified "

Shinki team saw that stopwatch is already started they run away. looks like they get it.

Team -7 also run after them.

Slowly slowly everyone realise and they run away without hearing what Sai is gonna say.

Sai " why everyone is going I don't even Complate explaining "

Shikamaru " your explanation is alos trap you know"

Sai and Shikamaru talking about new generation .Team -1 never run from that Place unlike other but they don't even realise.

Itsuki " Sensei but we are here you can tell us everything you need to explain. "

Seeing one team is still there not only Sai and Shikamaru other kage also shocked. are they idiot or something ? they still don't get it ?

Shikamaru " you know you are going to eliminate in this round of you don't arrive there "

Akira " But we want to hear instructions. "

Ryujin " how can we go Just like that "

Sai smile " you see only 1 minutes Left if you don't arrive there in time I dought you will be eliminated and that's what I am doing wasting your time "

Itsuki " I see you are only wasting our time I thought something is important that's why we are still here "

Sai " but now you can't do anything because time is already up "

Team -1 smile and look at sai.

Ryujin " why do you think Sensei we will loose Just like that"

Three of them turn into Crows and disapere from Vanue A.

Shikamaru " what was that...?"

Not even they but other Kage watching them also shocked long ago they had forgot that this technique used by certain person who was alos strongest person thay bring clamity on certain clan.

Emperor of Genjutsu Uchiha Itachi. that technique was as perfect as Itachi.

Sai " I think I know them they are team -1 ..."

Sai made bird from his scroll and left the Vanue.

Shikamaru " I think this year compilation is bit high"


When Shikamaru and Sai arrive at Vanue B team -1 was already there.

Itsuki " I thought you guys Will come in time you both are but late you know "

Akira " yes I thought your pretty good at taking exam but I never thought you will give us enough time to find this place "

Ryujin nodded.

Sai " you guys are first who come here "

Itsuki " we never left this place when everyone gather at Vanue A we were already here at Vanue B so technically yes we are first who come here "

Shikamaru and Sai little impressed from their intelligence and Information gathering after all that's team -1 for you . they should have to best in information gethering and they did their work pretty Good.

In some time half of the original participate arrive at Vanue B . Itsuki thought still there are so many teams .

Sai " now let's Start quize if you think answer is current or wrong Choose one Place from both of them. out line is if you are wrong you can will turn black.

and question is....

Moon is day , mountains are rivers and flowers are nectar.

if you think password is current Choose any places . and your time starts now "

Akira " what do you think "

Itsuki smile " juts wait go for any answer they both are wrong there is no such a thing .."

Ryujin " you mean ..."

Itsuki " when they will announce the current answer use that instantly. ".

Both of them nodded and stand in false answer.

Sai " and answer is...."

The place they are standing disapere and everyone start falling.

Itsuki had given instructions them and as the answer announced trio launch Crow clone and come up . they don't even fall.

Itsuki " looks like we pass Sensei "

Akira " we will come tomorrow at second stage "

Ryujin " we will find the second location our own "

Itsuki " yes we have many others thing to do besides listen to your boring lacture who waste others time "

Trio turn into Crows and left without giving sai and Shikamaru chance to speak.

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