

It's been a week since Itsuki started academy yesterday Kei Sensei said that Today will there monthly physical Test .

Test will based on your speed ,reflex and stamina based Itsuki had watched anime and know how they will take test but it's really interesting to give test.

In past week all students provide training manual it contains how to train your physical strength and they will watch your week training.

Itsuki had never followed that manual instead of he was going to train shoilin style yes famous shaolin style training he remamber once he watch tv program about shaolin monks training he wanted to follow but after week he give up but now he has lot of time and energy he will train.

Itsuki can defated only by taijutsu so he need to train his body extreme level and that's what shaolin monks do they train them inside to outside there will power and strength both are far from normal human on earth.

When manual was given to them he throw it away and make training plan of shaolin style after this test he will train hard he had decided.


On the way of Academy Itsuki meet Akira and Ryujin three of them started walking at academy .

Akira " who do you think today will get first at test"

Ryujin " of course it will be me after all I am going to be Hokage "

Itsuki " of course Ryujin will come first from the bottom .."

Akira & Itsuki " HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA..."

Ryujin now not in good mood he wanted to show Both of them that he can do it..

near three of them one girl with purple hair passed three of them loo at her

Akira " wow look at her she is pretty "

Itsuki " yes , she is "

Ryujin " I will make her my girlfriend ...!"

Akira & Itsuki " HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.."

Ryujin had now red face he was really desperate to show them his abilities now.

Itsuki " hey guy you both go ahed I will come in some time "

Ryujin " where are your going "

Itsuki put his hand in Ryujin shoulder smile and said " I think I have an emergency Nature call you want to come with me and saw ..."

Ryujin " no thanks you are not beutiful girl that I want to see naked "

Ryujin & Akira both left Itsuki behind .

Itsuki watch his hand there was strange energy was implant on Ryujin Itsuki look in serious face and put that evil chakra into his dimensions he will use it later.


Itsuki arrived at the class -1 and open the door Itsuki saw all the Main cherecter of next generation even yellow hair brat is come today after week .

Itsuki " who is miss Sumire ? "

Sumire " me what's the matter "

Itsuki " Sensei had Summon you in Office imidetily he wanted talk about Test of your class "

Sumire nodded . Itsuki had tell the truth test of class -1 was yesterday and class - 2 test.

Itsuki and Sumire both walking on the way of Office. suddenly Itsuki push Sumire into one room and grab her throat and put her against wall.

Itsuki said with killings intent " next time you will put something like that on my friend you will dead do you understand ? "

Sumire bearly breathing from her eyes small trop of tears falling Sumire about to collapse Itsuki release her and look at her coldly .

Itsuki " Root it is yes you are also from family which belongs to root right "

Sumire was looking at Itsuki with hate , anger and fear.

Itsuki " it's not time yet you can act wait for perfect opportunity and then you do it "

Itsuki grab Sumire's hand and help to get up her.

Itsuki smile and said "now miss Sumire if I ever hear or ever you do something like that on class -2 students "

Itsuki made scary face and eyes and said " you will get punished I will give you punishment that you will beg me for death but death will never come to you you will regret why you born and why you come in my way "

Itsuki with kind smile " you please do whatever you wanted to your class students or other I will never reveal your secret after all my father was high level of root who also abanded by village "

Itsuki left the room alon Sumire who is trumbling in fear now on her face pure fear.

some time later she calm down and left room like nothing happened .


Itsuki come in class everyone was already there.

Ryujin " why you come late "

Itsuki " sorry , but you see I lost way "

Akira " now you two that Witch is coming silent or else she will.."

Ryujin and Itsuki nodded.

Homeroom satarted Kei " everyone is here let's go to training ground for your test you will compite with each other and from your marks your jonin Sensei will decide.

But of course class -1 has already selected jonin Sensei they will lead and as for your class also jonin Sensei is decided if you are able to graduate from academy someone from list will be your jonin Sensei "

Everyone is class nodded they act like they understand important of this topic.

Itsuki thought "what the hell is wrong with Konoha naturally class -1 will get the best and famous cherecter as their teachers but for use let's not talk about it right now "


All calss come on ground they are doing warm up for test.

Class -1 also present their because one student from their class was not available yesterday so they are taking his test today.

Of course he was Protagonist Uzumaki Boruto

his fitness is good I mean very good even in our class no one able to come closer to him in terms of speed .

Sumire was looking at Itsuki who is observing everything. when Itsuki look at her direction she turn away . Sumire was really sceared from Itsuki.

When Boruto end his test he come second and first was someone from his class . talking about him everyone left. only one person from class -1 stay to watch performance of class -2.

Girl with red glasses Uchiha Sarada Itsuki don't know why she stayed here to observe or looking how strong she is from other .

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