
10. What Happened, and What Happens Now

Auroura's POV

"NO" I sat up with a jolt arms flailing about, my eyes adjusted quickly as my head still felt foggy and heavy. I was in my room, how did I get here Peter and I were just at the Motel knocking on the neighboring rooms door.

"She's awake," I could hear my sister Lola yelling in the hall. Then she bust into the room and ran to the bed. "Don't be mad ok, we have everything under control." Lola hugged me tightly, but the lack of confidence in her supposedly confidant statement had me a bit worried, but I still was unsure of what was happening.

I held Lola by the shoulders and looked at her face, she had been crying and she looked so tied. I still needed answers, but then something hit me, "Peter! where is he?" I said in a panic.

"Well he is still sleeping." Lola said quietly.

"What happened? How did we end up at home?" I asked still very unsure but very relieved that Peter was home as well.

"Well," Lola started but seemed unsure of how to express the story.

Just then Uncle Ryan and Eve came in "Here," Uncle Ryan handed me a glass, "Have some water, I'll explain." He told Lola in a quiet yet firm voice

I sat and sipped on my water as Uncle Ryan explained that Ken's biological family are actually keepers of sorts as well and that they were the ones who had sedated Matt, but according to them it was necessary.

"How could it be a necessity? He was almost dead." I yelled remembering Matt's limp body in that Motel bathroom.

"The thing is the horsemen need each other, there lives are intertwined and so when Matt ran off in his emotional state his powers became uncontrollable. You were gone but because of his overemotional state Ken's powers also became uncontrolled." Uncle Ryan was trying to lay it all out for me in a calm manner.

"So where are they now?" I asked still distressed despite Uncle Ryan trying his best to calm me down.

"Matt is still in bed we are trying to get close enough to him to sedate him and free Ella. Once Lola figured out what was going on she also sedated Ken, and now he is resting in their room with Peter."

"So how did we get home? Why is Peter sedated, he was fine?" This is a lot of information to process and I'm sure I have more valid questions somewhere in my mind but at the moment I can't think.

"Ken's family sedated the two of you then contacted Lola and brought you home. Don't be too upset, Peter was the only one not out of control yet but with his powers it would be hard to get close if something went wrong." Eve finally spoke up I could tell in her voice she had been quite upset that her sons were both in this state but she still tried to be calm about it.

"What do we need to do to fix them? We can't just have them sedated forever." Finally a constructive question came from me.

"We have to find Plague." Lola stated but with apprehension in her voice. Then she stood from the bed and walked out of the room.

I quickly threw my blankets off to follow Lola, I followed her without saying a word as she grabbed green candles from the kitchen and a piece of chalk from the living room, finally she started outside and I broke my silence. "What are you doing?" I had been trying to figure it out since I started following her and best I could tell she was preparing to do a spell.

"What does it look like? I'm searching for Plague. You can help if you want." Lola had a sharpness to her voice that I can't remember ever hearing before, I followed along, I will defiantly be helping.

Everything was set I walked around triple checking the placement of everything. Ken's Grandfather had told me the best way to find Plague, and as I stared at the candles and chalk symbols I could only hope this could work. Aurora's strength will help boost this spell; I just hope she remembers it.

"Ok, are you ready to begin." I touched Aurora's arm lightly she looked at me and with a soft smile she nodded.

Lola's POV

Everything was set I walked around triple checking the placement of everything. Ken's Grandfather had told me the best way to find Plague, and as I stared at the candles and chalk symbols I could only hope this could work. Aurora's strength will help boost this spell; I just hope she remembers it.

"Ok, are you ready to begin." I touched Aurora's arm lightly she looked at me and with a soft smile she nodded.

We each started lighting candles as we begin to say the words to the spell. I was nerves because even though I could say all the words I had to memorize them and teach them to Aurora like a song because I don't really know what I'm saying or even what language its in. But as our voices start to harmonize and we get more candles lit I can feel a power. I look over to Aurora to see if she can feel it too but she seems to not feel it her movements and voice the same as before.

I have gotten all of the candles lit on my side and Aurora is lighting her last one, just as its lit a gust of wind hits us swooping upward and extinguishing all the candles then Aurora's phone rings.

"I told you to turn your phone off." I scolded her.

"I did, I thought I left it inside too." Aurora looked confused

"Answer it." I told her waving my hand in disbelief, this is really important and it is so carless of her to have her phone.

"Hello.....were.....we can be there in an hour, just wait there, ok see you soon." Aurora finished on the phone.

" It was Cassie and Conner, they think they found a horseman and we need to go meet them now." Aurora spit out the information quickly and grabbed my wrist dragging me inside. "Ok we need more sedatives just in case Plague gets out of control." Aurora dashed around the house grabbing things never letting go of my wrist until we were finally at the car. She got in the driver's seat and started the car. I just stood still where Aurora had left me, I do not want to go see Cassie and Conner.

I thought back to the last time we met them and their family. Cassie and Conner are twins and are part of another keeper family, along with their older brothers Aaron and Nick they also have both their mother and father they are a great family and very highly respected in our circles, you know keepers Angles, Demons, the whole thing they are "the it" family. When Aurora and my parent first died we first went to their house I was 6 at the time and Conner was 9 I followed him everywhere. As a little girl who lost her parents he was strong and comforting. As the years went on we still got to see them from time to time and every time I wanted to stay near Conner more and more.

"Get in the car!" Aurora yelled at me snapping me back to reality.

I hurried and got in the car, Aurora was already backing out of the drive way before I even had my seatbelt on. "I don't know if I can do this." I said quietly

"Come on that was over a year ago, and now you found Ken, let's just focus on saving the guys and Ella, then we will look cooler, right." Even she didn't sound convinced

That family always looked down on us and until last year I hadn't realized it, maybe I was too focused on Conner and thought everything he did was great, but when I told him how I felt about him I found out just how much our family was looked down upon.

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