
Am I useless?

An hour before Shiki dies against Jackson

Kuina POV

"Gather now! He is strong, we don't stand a chance against him in a 1 on 1 fight!"

Hearing Sabo's warning everyone readied their weapons and focused on the gorilla with stern expressions.

We haven't fought together before so a formation is out of the question but it should be enough to stay somewhat close to each other and abuse our numbers.

Meanwhile the gorilla just looked at us, completely unimpressed, as if we were a chore instead of an enemy.

Being looked down upon by a henchman, even if it's the henchman of that monster, naturally didn't feel good.

'Ill show you!'

Tightening the grip on my sword while looking him in the eyes and reaffirming my conviction made my battle intent soar.

'Get it together Kuina. I am going to become the strongest swordsman even if I am born a woman! How could I lose against a gorilla of all opponents. I even bested my father in a duel! ( even though it was quite close)'

Our eyes met and he… he smirked?!

In the next instant the gorilla vanished from his position.

"From above!"

Listening to Sabo and looking up, I saw him with both his arms raised above his head, falling in my direction.

'Good! Since you see me as easy pray com and try to get me!'

The others around me all distances themself.

It doesn't matter if he is super fast when he is in the air and he jumped high enough for me to clearly track his falling path.

Reading my sword as the next set of movements I would perform appeared in my mind, a strange excitement filled my body.

'Whit his arms so wide above his head, his sides are unguarded. Pierce his right side before he lands and cut it open while you move forward to dodge his fall attack.'

Before we clashed, someone grabbed me from the side and pulled me a few meters away.


Just as curse words were about to be thrown a loud crashing sound caught my attention. Looking back there was a deep pit in the ground where the gorilla landed.


A shiver ran down my spine.

'Dodge my knee! I nearly got blasted apart!'

"Get your head out of your ass! I told you that 1 on 1 confrontations are out of question!"

So it was Sabo who saved me.

"Thanks I'll be…! Sabo, behi…!"

Even before I could warn him, he turned around with his pipe held in his hands.

The gorilla already appeared behind Sabo and swung his fist, which he could only awkwardly block with his pipe.


He was sent flying while coughing blood! I wanted to rush to his side but my path was blocked by my opponent.

'Damn it!'

Deciding that it was best to put some kind of restrictions on him somehow, I aimed at his eyes with a stab attack but he caught my sword with his hand!

A little bit of blood could be seen dripping down the blade proving its sharpness but it wouldn't move neither forward nor backward no matter what.

He looked mockingly at me as he raised his right arm. I had to let go of the sword but at this distance dodging would be impossible.


Even though the range and speed is extremely lacking compared to Sabo and Jackson, it can be very useful in these situations.


The gorilla was about to rush at me again when shot were heard. They managed to hit him but the bullets didn't do much but stagger him a bit.

Distancing myself from him while I have the chance to, I look over at Wolf and the others. They were all carrying a load of thinks, probably the mentioned weapons.

'You actually left to get weapons?!'

"Girl don't look at me like that! We need these!"

"Fine! Whatever!"

Penguin was rushing at the gorilla with a metallic spear. Even the spear shaft was made out of some metal, with some kind of wires sticking out here and there.

He seemed to have pressed a button causing the spear tip to rotate at a high speed. On top of that, judging by the red glow the tip seems to be heating up.

It the end it proved to be useless as the gorilla grabbed the spear by its shaft putting Penguin in the same situation as me before.

Wolf covered him with his sniper, and Bepo and Shachi attacked from behind, the later using a katana. Dodging the bullets that were going for his head, he turned around and kicked Shachi away before anyone could help. He was caught by Bepo by instead of stopping Shachi they were both sent flying.

Meanwhile I went for my sword, that he dropped after his attack on me failed. Time was of essence since we definitely need to somehow attack him together but that was easier said than done.

Scarlet gorila went for Wolf, who proofed to be quite the sniper as well as a nuisance to him. The old man couldn't dodge causing him to be lifted by the neck.

As he struggled the other three rushed towards him but someone helped him before they reached Wolf.

"Room! Shambles!"

"What the hell?!"

A strange space spread out after Law reached near them. Before I realized he disappeared and a sniper appeared in his place.

'! That sniper…'

The sniper was Wolf's! Looking over I saw Law… he cut the arm holding wolf. Not like cutting into it but cut it off!


I felt how strong the gorilla was and he was even somewhat resistant to the bullets. Maybe because of his fur or something but that's not important now.

This is a chance since he just lost an arm.

'hmm? But why isn't it bleeding?'

The gorilla started to focus Law after he lost his arm and instantly attacked him but all he hit was the sniper that once more appeared in his place.

'What is this? How is he doing that?!'

I rushed with Bepo, Penguin and Shachi, to take advantage of the gorillas surprise and slight stupor!

He turned towards us, while Law used the moment to switch positions with the sniper which was lying behind the gorilla again.

Just as I thought that maybe we finally won, the gorilla counterattacked Law.

'Does he know haki?!'

That was my first though but if so, the first surprise attack shouldn't have worked on him, going by what Jackson told me about it.

'Than maybe his animalistic instincts? Doesn't matter! Just focus on cutting it down!'

"Law!!" x3

The three cried out when Law's arm got broken in one hit after blocking an attack. Before we reached them, the gorilla grabbed him and smashed his head in the ground savagely.

Then he turned towards us, who were rushing at him. Shachi and Penguin attacked from the sides with their weapons while Bepo jumped to attack his head. I was lunging at him, planning to pierce his throat but we all forgot one very important thing.

Just because he didn't dodge till now, since he didn't see us as a threat doesn't mean he will continue to stand still when attacked!


He rushed forward taking us by surprise and just when he was about to swing his fist a figure appeared above him.

As if sensing that something was wrong the gorilla immediately turned around, trying to grab the figure.


It was Sabo but he didn't look good. Both his arms were hanging down limply in Stange angles and his face looked as if he just vomited a bucket full of blood.

When the gorilla almost reached him during his dive towards him, Sabo dodged the arm by using geppo.

He had difficulties keeping his balance when stepping on the air and would usually fall after 10 - 20 steps but it was enough for a dodge like this!

The gorilla, with only one arm was exposed to a counter since his grab completely missed so he either retreated or tanked what was about to come.

Of course we didn't let him retreat! Penguin and me together with Bepo and Shachi tripped the gorilla who instinctively tried to step back. It's like we had the same idea at the same time!

Sabo used the chance to follow up with another geppo before he attacked.


Unlike what it was supposed to do his attack didn't fly out but it reached up till a meter from him so it was enough.

Using Rankyaku he cut across his face and blinded him!



"Well done!"

"Eat that!"

"Step back!!!"

Sabo stepped back and we followed his example the very same second but I still got caught. That bastard grabbed my leg as he was falling!

'Why me?! You can't even see so why me?!'

The others rushed to help me while I tried to attack to free myself but I was just raised by my leg and smashed into the ground.




I don't know how often before he tossed me away and attacking the others.

At first I felt an extreme pain, it felt like I could tell which bone he broke with every swing but then the pain became less and less until I didn't feel anything.

I blacked out for a moment and when I came back to my senses I saw the others lying around bloody and broken like me. The gorilla was standing there surrounded by bodies.

He was repeatedly stepping on someone. It was Sabo.

'Stop it…'

'Stop it… pls'

I wanted to move and do something… anything.

'Don't… don't kill him'

Being unable to move and feel your body while watching your friend getting brutalized. But the one thing I did feel was something clogging in my throat and my chest feeling… tight.

Different from the pain when I was smashed around. It was less intense but far harder to bear.




'Why? Why can't I stand up and fight him? How can we lose here?… are we this weak without Jackson?'

Many such pathetic thoughts swirled in my mind until


A loud sound cought my attention. Dust was rising up a few meters besides the gorilla. Soon the dust settled and I caught a glimpse of Jackson.

'Jackson! Thank goodness he won! He can bea…!'

At first I was delighted to see him. I thought that he can now beat that gorilla and save Sabo but I was rendered speechless… or rather mindless when I saw his condition.

It was like a bucket of cold waster splashing in my face and waking me up. His left leg seemed to be broken and his body was full of cuts, his face included. Especially bad was a cut going across his left eye and one almost disconnecting his shoulder from his body.

'Why… did I just hope to fight for us… even he is in just a bad condition as us… why do I feel so useless…'

"You are extremely lucky that they are tenecious and didn't die yet."

Jackson said to the gorilla after taking a look around. His face seemed unlike how he usually looks… he looked like a demon.

Not only the colour in his eyes, it was like the colors all around us lost their shine… literally it was as if something dull covered everything.


For some reason scarlet gorilla started to shiver… it got worse with every step Jackson took towards him. For some reason he appeared to be… gigantic… just absolute, even in his current condition.

Scarlet gorilla seemed to have been corners to much as, even without eyes it sprung forward attacking. Or at least it tried. The moment he took a step forward he fell right next to his leg, head first, then the body.

He was dead just like that…

Seeing this made me feel complicated. Someone we all struggled to death to injure was like a bug in front of Jackson but even he was beaten to such a degree.

'Can we really follow him?'

Were my last thoughts before I blacked out again.

(AN: hi everyone. I found it quite challenging to write a group fight from only one persons perspective so if you have points and tips for improvement you're welcome to share it with me. I'll try to write some fights in 3rd P. POV then compare them. As always I hope to improve with your help while you hopefully enjoy reading it.

On an off note, does anyone play the game 'One Piece treasure cruise' if you are some high level pro player feel free to tell me how tf to beat things like 10 star lvl 40 and above kizuna clash bosses. Thx)

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