
The Lair

The entire room was decorated in flashy gold decorations and had a lot of pictures of various ancient treasures on the wall.

Freya's mind went to the various information that she had read over the years as she gazed at the assortments in the room.

Flashy Gold decorations, pictures of treasures and the Saphire Chandelier that hung above the ceiling…

She knew what kind of a person that she was going to meet.

Someone extravagant…or maybe someone with a Dragon Bloodline. It couldn't be a dragon itself. Those were creatures who loved to dwell in their own Realms and sleep on their treasures without doing anything. They are likely to see the Mortal World as just a unworthy existence that should not be acknowledged.

Seeing as the Academy was for those with powers, it was definitely going to be the Dragon Bloodline.

Her heart shivered in excitement as she thought of that. Someone with a Dragon Bloodline! That was just too good!

Freya's brows twitched as she thought about it further. Though she was knowledgeable, she was not powerful. How would she deal with someone with a dragon Bloodline? Would she be killed immediately?

Though her reason said that it was the most likely end to her, Freya instinctively knew that things were different. That she was most likely safer that she ever was anywhere else.

"Come on in," William's voice broke her thought process.

Her warm brown eyes looked up at him and then looked towards the place that the man was pointing at.

"What is that?" She asked him.

"Nothing much," he said with a shrug. "Just a precausion."

"It registers your Presence so that if something happens during this time, the officials would know who were all in the area at that time," Titus said.

William pouted. "Now that was rude. I did not want her to find out about that."

"Too bad," Titus said to him with a sneer.

William sighed dramatically. "Oh No! His highness has sneered at me! What shall I do? Where shall I go? Do I have any dignity left? I should kill myself for this dishonour."

Titus glared at the man. "I can help you in that regard if you want to meet the maker sooner!"

Freya let out a sigh. Why was Titus so high-strung again?

"Titus," she called him, "It is fine."

"How is it fine?" he asked her. "That man is hiding crucial informations from you!"

Freya frowned. "Yes bu-"

"Come on then," William said, gesturing her forwards. "The principal is waiting for us."

Freya walked further into the room.

There was a flash of light and the room changed.


[Host has crossed the Red Array into the Level 20 Dungeon called ?, the abode of ? You are not qualified to participate in the ? and so, the Space is turned into a Grey Zone.]

She frowned. 'What is a Grey Zone?'

[Areas where you are safe so long as you do not offend the NPCs of the dungeon are called as Grey Zones. Please make sure not to make enemies with the ?]

Freya felt irritated. 'If you hide it by using a Question Mark, then how am I supposed to know who I should not offend? What kind of silly description is this anyway? And do you have a name or something?'

The system remained silent. It was too busy assimilating the Data of the world that it had landed in and so did not have the time to acknowledge the questions of its host. No matter how relevant they seemed.

At that moment, William turned towards her with a complicated gaze.

"What is it?" she asked him.

"Nothing," he said, his voice sober for the first time since she had met him. It made her cautious though she was not sure what she should be cautious about.

The things in the room started to ripple like they were images that were seen on still water that was suddenly disturbed by some greater force. Freya was familiar with this effect. It meant there was an area effect that she had no access to before.

A long table made of silver came into her view. It was decorated with diamonds and special stones and was engraved with runic fractions- a skill that enchanted objects to perform various tasks. Freya guessed that the illusion was created by the table at that moment.

Beside the long table was a large bag filled with gold coins. A lean man with handsome features and salt and pepper hair laid his hands on the bag, his calm and warm blue eyes looking at William.

"My dear Billy," the man said, his voice calm and aloof. The expression on William's face twisted at the nickname that the man used to call him. "Sorry, I forgot that you did not like me to call you that again-"

"200 years," William said through gritted teeth. "One would think that the Principal of St Vlad would have better memory."

"Yes, one would think that…wouldn't they."

William huffed out a chuckle. "Let me introduce you! She is Freya, a wonderful and talented magic user that Andrew recommended."

Freya blinked. What was this man saying…

The expression of the Principal changed to a more subtle one. "Andrew's?"

William smirked. "That is right. Andrew's."

"But…I heard that Andrew had recommended Yanli Grover this year?" Tressa said in protest. "I am not saying that Miss Wang is not a capable person…I am just saying that Andrew's representative was supposed to be a Grade A teacher with special training. I am not sure if Miss Wang is that capable."

"Isn't it obvious," a raspy voice said from above their heads.

Freya blinked. That was the voice of the person that called them into the room.

The two humans looked up.

Freya shrunk in fright and Titus stood in front of her, holding onto a sword.

On the ceiling a shriveled corpse laid upside down, its bloodshot protruding eyes staring at the humans with hunger in its eyes. Blue-black veins were visible along the creature's neck and hands. It drooled as it stared at the only humans in the room.

"Such delicious Teachers," the Corpse said with a hissy laugh. "St Vlad is very happy."

"Good to know," William said to the creature and turned to Freya. "This is the founder of our school, Vladimir Anglica."

Freya stared at the creature in awe and horror.

"A Revenant…" Freya whispered.

"Do you like it, human?" the creature asked her with a nasally laugh.

A Revenant was a creature that would return to life after it was dead by various means. The one in front of her had the specific traces of necromancy which was the blue-black veins on its neck.

"He did this to himself," the Principal said with a disdain in his voice. "The man decided to insult a Necromancer. What do you expect?"

The Corpse hissed at the man and then laughed again.

There was flash of light and the sound that the Revenant made became muted.

Freya blinked and looked at Tressa who let out a snort. "Annoying. Now then…William…we need to have a few words with you."

"sure," the vampire said, a savy smile on his lips.

"Without the extra ears," Tressa emphasized.

"We will wait outside," Freya suggested immediately after hearing that.

"Perfect," Tressa said with a sweet smile. "You are a very sensible girl."

"There is no need for that," William said to Freya.

Tressa glared at William. "Please step outside, Ms Wang."

The girl looked between the two in confusion. One was the person who gave her this opportunity to have a job and the other was a top gear teacher and hopefully, her future colleague. Though she was not aware of much about the elite works like teaching, she was sure the work ethics were the same. If she dared to make enemies with a powerful person who had more authority than her she would loose her place soon enough.

"There is no need to be so dramatic, Tressa," William said to her. He turned to the principal. "Don't you have a muting barrier attached to the table? Use that."

"Sure," the Principal said to him with a shrug. He was enjoying the confrontation as a peanut gallery but in the end he was professional.

The barrier was raised with a flash of white light.

Tressa huffed and went towards the table.

William followed her in a more calmer pace.

Titus tapped Freya's shoulder.

She looked at him.

"Let us sit over there," he said, pointing towards the sofa by the window.

"Is it okay to sit there without asking for permission?" she asked him.

"It's fine."

He took her hand and pulled her towards it.

He was the first to sit and seeing that the officials had not reacted to it except to look at them briefly, she followed suit.

They fell into silence as they stared at the three people who were muttering to each other. Tressa seemed to be scolding William.

Titus took out a book from somewhere and started to read it. He handed her a second book.

She looked at the title briefly. 'How to Write a Theory for Mastery."

Freya frowned. Why would she need this information?

She looked at Titus who had already fallen deep into the contents of the book and stared at the one in her hand. She tried to read it a few times and then gave up. She just stared at the place that the teachers were still discussing.

'Do you have a name?' she finally asked the System when she saw that the officials were going to keep discussing things for a longer time. She was bored and she did need to know more details about the system. This was a good time to ask them.

Here is the chapter that was long overdue. I kept editing this and kept changing things. Sorry. Thank you for the few people who are still sticking around. This is especially for you guys.

Anji_Kingcreators' thoughts
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