
Brianna finally gets king Liam to make love to her

King Liam began walking towards Brianna's pillows. 

Brianna immediately got up and stood in his way. 

" Liam wait right there ! " She screamed, becoming very nervous. Liam stopped, staring down at her in utter suprise. 

There was no way she was going to allow him get to the pillow, for those were the documents he was talking about. She had searched relentlessly for them for hours, as Jayden had properly given awareness on how she could find the document, only for Liam to get her caught the same day ? " No way " Brianna thought within herself.

She had successfully stolen them and in her head she was sure that no one had seen her go in and come out of the chambers, then she just came into her personal room, and dropped the documents on the bed and slightly used her pillows to cover them up. She wondered the maid that had then seen her, she knew she was in some kind of trouble. " Or could it be Red ? " She wondered yet again.

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